how to grow & use organic stevia at home · sweetness (stevioside content) of the stevia plant...

Gardens With Purpose How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home LIGHT: Full Sun - but not hot noon Sun SOIL TYPE: Light, sandy, open, well drained soil pH RANGE: 5 to 7.2 PLANT TYPE: Annual SCIENTIFIC NAME: Stevia rebaudiana MATURE PLANT SIZE: 24 inches high KNOWN PESTS: N/A KNOWN DISEASES: Fungal Diseases If you enjoy gardening, Stevia can be a rewarding herb to grow at home. Stevia rebaudiana is a tender perennial, native to semi-humid subtropical environment. Wild Stevia plants occur on acid soils that are constantly moist, not wet, often near the edge of marshes or streams where the soil is sandy and well drained. Stevia doesn't like to dry out, Stevia can be a successful garden plant in most climates with the use of a few simple techniques. Raised beds or hills prevent "wet feet," while an organic mulch, deep pots and regular watering ensure a constant supply of moisture for the roots. How to Grow Stevia - A Guilt Free, Chemical Free Sweetener ! Growing and Caring for Sweet Leaf, or the Stevia plant Growing Stevia - How to take Stevia cuttings

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Page 1: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

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How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home

LIGHT: Full Sun - but not hot noon Sun


Light, sandy, open, well drained soil

pH RANGE: 5 to 7.2


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Stevia rebaudiana

MATURE PLANT SIZE: 24 inches high


KNOWN DISEASES: Fungal Diseases

If you enjoy gardening, Stevia can be a rewarding herb to grow at home. Stevia rebaudiana is a tender perennial, native to

semi-humid subtropical environment. Wild Stevia plants occur on acid soils that are constantly moist, not wet, often near

the edge of marshes or streams where the soil is sandy and well drained. Stevia doesn't like to dry out, Stevia can be a

successful garden plant in most climates with the use of a few simple techniques. Raised beds or hills prevent "wet feet,"

while an organic mulch, deep pots and regular watering ensure a constant supply of moisture for the roots.

How to Grow Stevia - A Guilt Free, Chemical Free Sweetener !

Growing and Caring for Sweet Leaf, or the Stevia plant

Growing Stevia - How to take Stevia cuttings

Page 2: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

Gardens With Purpose

Soil Preparation

Stevia prefers any well-drained sandy or loam. Incorporating organic matter is the best way to improve heavy, high clay

soils. A "green manure" crop the previous year such as leaves, manure, rye, or legumes can help to improve heavy soils.

Use only organic fertilizers or fertilizers with low nitrogen content. Excess nitrogen promotes growth but with poor flavor.

Raised beds are ideal for Stevia. A raised growing surface prevents standing water and reduces compaction. Beds should

be 3 to 4 feet wide and 4 to 6 inches high. If the weather is very hot and sunny at planting time, it's a good idea to place a

thin mulch of grass clipping around the plants to reduce moisture loss.

Germination Method

Growing stevia from seed normally has a very low germination success; sometimes only 10%, very difficult to germinate,

hence it is usually time-wasting to even try. Stevia grown from seed may or may not be sweet.

Propagation and Container Growing

It is best to propagate stevia plants from cuttings from a plant that has proven to be successful. Stevia stem cuttings

root easily without hormones, but only under long day conditions. A fluorescent shop or plant growth light both work well.

Leave the light on 14 to 16 hours per day, 5 to 9 inches above the cuttings. An automatic timer will make the job easier.

Cuttings should be misted several times per day until roots are well formed. After about a week, growth should be evident

if rooting was successful. After 3 to 4 weeks, transfer plants to larger pots (at least 3-4 inches in diameter) with standard

potting soil. Transplant these to the garden in another 2 to 4 weeks or keep as a container plant.

Plant Care

Always keep Stevia plants Moist (not wet) and cool with a minimum of 5 hours per day of sunshine. Do not let the plants

overheat on hot days or noon Sun.

Stevia should be planted in half sun and in a light, sandy, open, well drained soil with neutral pH. Adding extra Boron will

help keep the Stevioside level high. If soil could be mounded up into a raised bed, this would be even better. Apply a layer of

mulch, such as grass clippings, or bark mulch. This will help keep roots cool, preserve water, keeps the leave clean from soil

(prevents dirty taste in green powder) and hold down weeds. Avoid weeding around mature stevia plants as their brittle

Page 3: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

Gardens With Purpose

branches are easily broken. Avoid overwatering after transplanting and in winter as houseplant. Keep evenly moist during

summer heat. Drip or soaker hose are very effective for summer watering.

In general, Stevia should be treated as a vegetable crop. A consistent moisture supply is important for Stevia. Gently

irrigate once or twice everyday. Trickle irrigation is ideal, ensuring consistent moisture levels without wetting leaves.

Low nitrogen 10-10-12 foliar fertilizer or organic fertilizer may be applied as plant growth begins to accelerate. Excess

nitrogen causes tender growth and reduced leaf sweetness.

Pinching tips out regularly for the first month will result in a bushier plant.

Meticulous weed control (by hand) permits strong growth, which helps plants resist disease. Stevia stems are prone to

breakage during weeding or high winds.

Common Diseases

Stevia is usually the last plant insects will feed on, so pests are seldom a problem outdoors. Aphids, thrips, and whiteflies

can cause damage in heavily infested greenhouses.

Stevia plants are usually full grown before diseases appear. Stevia may be affected by two lesion-producing fungal diseases,

Septoria steviae and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Brandle et al., 1998). Dark brown lesions form on stems, near the soil line,

followed by wilting and eventual collapse of the plant. Humid, wet weather and standing water favor the development of

fungal diseases, making raised beds or hills a preventative measure. Additionally, avoid wetting leaves during irrigation.


Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day

lengths (Brandle et al., 1998). Harvest entire plant as flower buds appear. Once flowering has begun, the plant will no

longer produce any new leaves. Either cut the entire plant or clip the plants 6 inches from the ground so they can regrow.

Best time to harvest is in the morning, after dew has evaporated, this is the time the plants have the highest glycoside

/sugar content.

Use fresh leaves for tea or eat a few right off the plant. They taste great with mint leaves. Stems are less sweet, so toss

them on the compost pile. A food dehydrator on low heat (100 F to 110 F) will do an excellent job of drying the leaves.

Leaves are crisp, crumbly, and bright green when fully dry.

While whole leaves are great for making tea, it's easy to turn them into Green Stevia Powder with a kitchen blender, food

processor, or coffee grinder with metal blades.

Page 4: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

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Page 5: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

Gardens With Purpose

About Stevia

Stevia is the way the world will go. Stevia is a low-carb and low-sugar herbal sweetener with zero calories. It doesn’t have

any of the sugar content nor sucrose. Stevia powder is being sold expensively as US$16-US$20 per pound.

Leaves - raw or cooked has a very sweet flavour. Some reports say that stevia contains 'estevin' a substance that, weight

for weight, is 150 times sweeter than sugar. The dried leaves can be ground and used as a sweetener or soaked in water and

the liquid used in making preserves. The leaves can also be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The powdered leaves can also

be added to herb teas. The leaves are sometimes chewed by those wishing to reduce their sugar intake.

Page 6: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

Gardens With Purpose

Forms of Stevia Plant.

Stevia can be used in many forms. Right from fresh green leaves to the finest of its extract, it can be consumed as per

required sweetness. They are ...

♦ Fresh Green leaves

♦ Dried Leaves

♦ Liquid Concentrate

♦ Stevia Extracts


The fresh form of the herb is in its most natural and unrefined state. Fresh green stevia leaves plucked from the plant

when chewed, imparts a very sweet taste with a 'liquorice' lingering after-taste which remains for quite a while.


If more sweetness and flavor is required, it is necessary to dry and crush the leaves. It is to be made sure that the leaves

are rather 'de humidified' and not dried under direct sun light. In other words, the leaves have to remain green even when

dried. The best way is to keep it under shade of dry them under a blow of hot, dry air.

Dried leaves could be either blended with herbal tea, cinnamon and ginger or could be used by itself as a brew. It could also

be used in various food preparations such as sauces or added along with hot cereals.


Liquid concentrate of stevia could be made available in different concentrates ranging from Syrup to a concoction made out

of steeping the leaved in water. To make stevia syrup, the dried leaves (more effectively, its powder) is boiled in water and

then filtered to remove the residue.

Liquid concentrate could also be made by dissolving the white stevia extract in water to make a concentrate.


This is the primary form that is used as an industrial sweetener. The purest form of the extract is about 300 times

sweeter than sugar and therefore it needs to be used very judiciously.

The white powder is the resultant of extraction process whereby the glycosides are isolated to their degree of purity. The

tastes of the white extracts differ and entirely depend upon the degree of refinement and purity it achieves.

Although stevia is not considered an easy herb to grow, it has proved to be quite adaptable and capable of being cultivated

in our hot climate.

Page 7: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

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Stevia Medicinal Benefits

8 surprising health benefits of stevia you didn’t know about !

Stevia is a wonder sweetener that can help your body in a number

By Pavitra Sampath | – Tue 28 Apr, 2015 10:01 PM IST

If you are a diabetic or are on a diet, sugar is possibly one of your worst enemies. And to satiate your sweet

cravings, you must have tried everything out there. But did you know that stevia can help your body in a

number of ways other than controlling your sugar levels and aiding in your weight loss goals? Here are eight

benefits of the wonder sweetener that you might not have known about.

#1 Lowers your blood sugar levels

Stevia is used as a substitute for sugar, especially for diabetics. It contains a compound called steviol

glycoside that is not absorbed by the body and cannot be broken down and hence, is flushed out directly. It

stabilizes your blood sugar by increasing insulin resistance, inhibits the absorption of glucose and promotes

the health of the pancreas.

Tip: Stevia tea is one of the best concoctions to keep one’s blood sugar under control. Just steep some stevia

leaves in warm water for about five to seven minutes. Drink this tea either hot or cold two to three times a


Warning: People with low blood sugar should avoid drinking stevia tea as it could lead to a drastic drop in

blood sugar levels.

#2 Controls high blood pressure

According to a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Biology and Technology stevia can lower the

blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. However, the results are seen over one to two years.

Hence, people who are more prone to the disease can it in their diet to prevent hypertension.

Tip: Drink a cup of stevia tea on a daily basis to maintain your blood pressure levels and lower your risk as


#3 Beats dandruff and acne

Being packed with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory compounds, stevia can help you to get

rid of acne and dandruff. Apart from this, it is used to repair dry and damaged hair.

Tip: For dandruff free hair, just add a few drops of stevia extract into your shampoo and use it regularly. In

case of acne, either make a paste of the leaves or apply the extract directly to the pimple and leave overnight.

The extract will dry out the pimple and more importantly will not leave a blemish. It is important to note that

one must use it regularly to see the desired results.

#4 Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

Stevia contains a compound called retinoic acid that thwarts the progression of wrinkles. It works by

inhibiting the breakdown of cells especially collagen and elastin. Moreover, it reduces sebum production and

even enhances the life span of cells.

Page 8: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

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Tip: To reap its skincare benefits, all you need to do is mix stevia extract in their regular face cream and use

it on a daily basis. Alternatively, you can apply the extract on your face every night and wash it off with cold

water after half an hour.

#5 Helps protect your teeth and gums

Gingivitis is an infection of the gums caused by bacteria. As stevia contains antibacterial and inflammatory

compounds, it prevents the colonization of bacteria in the mouth and around the gums. This in turn hinders

the formation of cavities and plaque that predominantly contributes to the onset of gingivitis.

Tip: Add few drops of stevia extract to your toothpaste or gargle regularly with the stevia mouthwash or

stevia tea. To make stevia mouthwash add two to three drops of stevia extract to a small cup of warm water

and gargle. Read about how to treat various oral problems like toothache, bad breath and yellow teeth at


#6 Reduces heartburn and indigestion

The presence of specific plant glycosides in stevia soothes an irritated stomach lining and thus, aids in the

treatment of indigestion and heartburn.

Tip: Drink a cup of warm stevia tea to deal with indigestion, whereas its cooled form combats heartburn.

#7 Aids in weight loss

Stevia is great for weight loss as it contains no calories and can be used a sweetener. You can use it in baked

and cooked products as the glycosides present in it, do not break down when cooked. An added advantage of

this leaf is that it has the capability of reducing your cravings for fatty foods.

Tip: In order to use stevia in everyday cooking, add the extract or the leaf to your daily diet to satiate your

cravings. Here are 8 healthy, protein-rich snacks to beat hunger pangs.

#8 Heals wounds faster

Stevia inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and thus, acts as a powerful natural aid to treat wounds and

minor skin infections. Naturopaths believe that it has the capability to reduce the pain associated with sores

and even treat athlete’s foot.

Tip: To treat athlete’s foot, soak your feet in warm water containing few drops of stevia extract. After

soaking them for about fifteen minutes, pat dry the area. Do this for about two weeks for desired results.

Stevia - Stevia is receiving much praise across the board in the sweetening world for having a low glycemic

index and for being calorie-free. This sweetener is 200 to 300 times

Although stevia provides numerous health benefits, there are few side-effects that have been reported. These

include bloating in the abdomen, lowered blood sugar in people already suffering from hypoglycaemia and

lowered blood pressure in people suffering from hypotension.

Hence, consult your doctor before trying it to avoid these health complications.

Disclaimer: This article is meant only for information. It is based on home remedies and does not condemn

or condone the use of stevia

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1 cup of white sugar = 1/4 teaspoon of refined Stevia.


Calories: ZERO Fats: ZERO

Cholesterol: ZERO Carbohydrates: ZERO

Sugars: ZERO Fiber: ZERO

Proteins: ZERO

Diabetes: Stevia can be part of a healthy diet for those who have diabetes. Stevia contains nutrients that help the body to

regulate the blood's glucose level. It also aids the pancreas. Stevia can also lower blood glucose levels by as much as 35%.

Stevia is thus a good natural substitute and is completely safe for diabetics to use.

Obese and Overweight Individuals: Stevia helps those who would like to lose weight. It lowers one's caloric intake and

reduces one's appetite for sweet foods.

Dental Care: Unrefined Stevia can be used as a natural bacteria killer, especially that bacteria that cause cavities and gum

problems, both of which are two of the most common problems related to diabetes.

Others: Several studies affirm Stevia's antibiotic properties, especially against e.Coli bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, and

Corynebacterium difteriae as well as against the Cándida Albicans fungus.


When Stevia gets to your pancreas; it does not raise your blood glucose levels. This not only makes it safe for diabetics,

but, given that Stevia does not contain any calories or carbohydrates, it is also good for diabetics as well.

Stevia is an excellent tool to help you lose weight. There are no negative side effects that can occur unlike other sugar

substitutes including aspartame.

If you make Stevia a regular part of your diet, you can also reduce your appetite and any sugar cravings or fatty foods. It

has been proven that Stevia helps digestion, lowers hypertension and without affecting blood pressure itself, shortens

flu and cold recovery times as well as helps stops alcohol and tobacco dependence. When Stevia is used in toothpaste or

mouthwash, it helps prevent cavities and tartar due to its antibacterial qualities.

Stevia has been used for more than 30 years in Japan. Stevia can be used as a natural sweetener when cooking or baking.

Children can now enjoy dessert without risking weight gain, cavities or becoming hyperactive.

Page 10: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

Gardens With Purpose

Stevia – A Sweet Beauty Enriching Ingredient!

Posted on July 23, 2012

Everyone who knows Stevia knows it for its amazing non hazardous sweetness which can be adapted in almost all the F&B

industries, pharmaceutical industries as well as in our daily lives. This characteristic of Stevia rather over shadows its other

benefits and therefore, very little is known about its other mystical abilities.

Stevia is a fantastic ingredient for skin and hair care products! It is proved to be about 3 times better moisturizing &

hydrating compared to Glycerin. As a matter of fact, for centuries, stevia has been used by the tribal natives of Paraguay

(the Gurani Indians) as an antiseptic and for treatments of various skin related ailments(see Stevia History). This

multifaceted herb carries some age old secrets that can revolutionize the Beauty – skin and hair care product industry.

Stevia Plant has antioxidant properties and enables smooth out fine line and wrinkles with regular use of it. Anti aging and

Anti wrinkle creams and therapies are the fastest growing verticals of the beauty product industry. With the current age

fast moving lifestyle, people are always on the lookout for products that would work and heal keeping their pace of life

style. Various new age products have been formulized, developed and are available in the market. We fall for their bait

either due to our mere faith in the Company promoting the products OR by getting hypnotized by their ever – so – effective

constant hammering publicity OR maybe out of no choice but to try…in this whole ruckus, we forget the ‘absolute and

guaranteed’ efficacy that nature provides in form of herbs and natural medicines. As a matter of fact, nature has

everything ‘thought about’ and in store for us. One if this is the miracle herb – Stevia.

Stevia raw leaf powder when used in form of a face pack results in visible difference in terms of tightening the skin of the

face, reducing fine lines and also reducing scars and pigmentation. It should be blended with Aloe Vera gel and rose water or

milk to form a paste and then kept applied over the face for about 20 minutes. Stevia also shows very positive results in

reducing pigmentation. Being anti bacterial, stevia is highly effective in healing skin blemishes and acne and also it acts as a

highly effective ingredient for anti dandruff shampoo & hair conditioners. As discussed above, being a good moisturizer, it

also nourishes the scalp if used in hair care products.

Stevia being medicinal in nature, it also acts as a natural preservative. With further research, it may be highly possible to

make products with stevia without having to add any further preservatives.

This article may sound too good to be true but, all these facts are indeed the facts. Welcome to the reality!

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Page 12: How To Grow & Use Organic Stevia at Home · Sweetness (Stevioside content) of the Stevia plant is greatest just before flowering, which is triggered by short day ... weight for weight,

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