how to improve your writing

How to Improve Your Writing

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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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How to Improve Your Writing presentation


How to Improve Your Writing

• Lead with your main idea.As a general rule, state the main idea of a paragraph in the first sentence--the topic sentence.

• Vary the length of your sentences.In general, use short sentences to emphasize ideas. Use longer sentences to explain, define, or illustrate ideas.

• Put key words and ideas at the beginning or end of a sentence.Don't bury a main point in the middle of a long sentence.

• Read aloud when you revise.When revising, you may hear problems (of tone, emphasis, word choice, and syntax) that you can't see. So listen up!

Five-paragraph Essay

Introductory Paragraph

• C. Use specific examples to demonstrate your attitude toward any one of the following subjects:• 12. superstitions• 13. the best or worst movie of all time• 14. contemporary slang• 15. Facebook friendships• 16. your favorite (or least favorite) television program• 17. your favorite (or least favorite) commercial• 18. tattoos• 19. Twitter• 20. violence in video games• 21. body piercings• 22. changing gender roles• 23. PowerPoint presentations• 24. the most useful (or useless) invention• 25. online high school or college courses• 26. best or worst job (real or imagined)• 27. your favorite (or least favorite) actor, singer, or musician• 28. your favorite (or least favorite) fictional character

• D.Use specific examples to examine any one of the following subjects:• 29. a parent's greatest responsibilities• 30. fad diets• 31. male or female stereotypes in popular culture• 32. superstitions• 33. the best (or worst) song lyrics• 34. true leaders• 35. good manners• 36. the value of pets• 37. best (or worse) fashions• 38. true heroism• 39. churchgoers• 40. the different roles of a student

Argument Essay topics• 1. Is global climate change man-made? (Find Sources)2. Is the death penalty effective? (Find Sources)• 3. Is our election process fair? • 4. Do colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores? (Find Sources)• 5. Is torture ever acceptable? • 6. Should men get paternity leave from work? • 7. Is a lottery a good idea? • 8. Do we have a fair taxation system? • 9. Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? • 10. Is cheating out of control? • 11. Are we too dependent on computers? • 12. Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet? • 13. Should animals be used for research? • 14. Should cigarette smoking be banned? • 15. Are cell phones dangerous? • 16. Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? • 17. Are test scores a good indication of a school's competency? • 18. Do we have a throw-away society? • 19. Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago? • 20. Should companies market to children? • 21. Should the government have a say in our diets? • 22. Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy? • 23. Does access to condoms lead to irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior? • 24. Are actors and professional athletes paid too much? • 25. Are CEOs paid too much? • 26. Do violent video games cause behavior problems? • 27. Should creationism be taught in public schools? • 28. Are beauty pageants exploitive? • 29. Should English be the official language in the United States? • 30. Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels? • 31. When should parents let teens make their own decisions? • 33. Should the military be allowed to recruit at high schools? • 34. Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased? • 35. Does age matter in relationships? • 36. What age is appropriate for dating? • 37. Should gay couples be able to marry? • 38. Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school? • 39. Does boredom lead to trouble? • 40. Does participation in sports keep teens out of trouble? • 41. Is competition good? • 42. Does religion cause war? • 43. Should the government provide health care? • 44. Should girls ask boys out? • 45. Is fashion important? • 46. Are girls too mean to each other? • 47. Is homework harmful or helpful? • 48. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers? • 49. Is the cost of college too high? • 50. Is college admission too competitive?

Persuasion Essay topics• Droopy pants laws are unconstitutional.• Snow days are great for family quality time.• Too much money is a bad thing.• Teens should be required to take parenting classes.• High schools should offer specialized degrees in arts or sciences.• People should go to jail when they abandon their pets.• Kids should get paid for good grades.• Free speech should have limitations.• Kids should have less homework.• Magazine advertisements send unhealthy signals to young women.• We need more women in power.• Penmanship is important.• We should teach etiquette in schools.• Spam mail should be outlawed.• Puerto Rico should be a state.• Short hair is better than long hair.• Racial slurs should be illegal.• I'm old enough to babysit.• Recycling should be mandatory for everyone.• Gun ownership should be tightly controlled.• Children should be required to read more.• We shouldn't have to pay for Internet access.• All students should study abroad.• Yearly driving tests should be mandatory over a certain age.• Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.• Cell phones should never be used while driving.• All schools should implement bullying awareness programs.• Bullies should be kicked out of school.• Parents of bullies should have to pay a fine.• The school year should be longer.• School days should start later.• All students should wear uniforms.• Cigarettes should be more expensive.• Smokers should pay a health tax.• Child support dodgers should go to jail.• Students should be allowed to pray in school.• Teens should be able to choose their bedtime.• There should be a mandatory entrance exam for high school.• At least one parent should work from home.• People should carpool more.• We should allow pets in school.• I'm old enough to stay at home alone.• We should all grow our own vegetables.• MP3 music should be free.• Textbooks should be free.• Pregnant couples should receive parenting lessons.• We shouldn't use products made from animal skins.• Celebrities should have more privacy rights.• Boxing should have tighter rules.• We need better sex education in schools.• School tests are not effective.• We should all give back to our communities.• Every American should learn to speak Spanish.• Every American should learn to speak English.• Video games can be educational.• We need more holidays.• Aliens probably exist.• Beauty contests are bad for body image.• All students should study abroad.• Athletes are paid too much.• Kids should be able to vote.• We need a military draft.• Cheerleaders' costumes are too skimpy.• Kids should get paid for grades.• School should take place in the evenings.• Country life is better than city life.• City life is better than country life.• Life is better than it was 50 years ago.• Some health foods are really junk foods.• Some junk foods are really health foods.• We should return to horse and buggy transportation.• The Electoral College is outdated.• Medical testing on animals is immoral.• Safety is more important than privacy.• Single sex colleges provide a better education.• Books should never be banned.• Students should have an adult with them during the first year of driving.• Year round school is a bad idea.• Students should be allowed to leave school property for lunch.• Music lyrics promote violence.• We can change the world.• Skateboard helmets should be mandatory.• Cars should come with breathalyzers.• Kids under 15 shouldn't have Facebook pages.• SATs should be eliminated.• Teachers should be paid more.• Reincarnation is possible.• There should be one world currency.• We should provide food for the poor.• The government should impose household trash limits.• Spying is patriotic.• Children should be paid for doing chores.• We should populate the moon.• Letter grades should be replaced with pass or fail.• Every family should have a natural disaster survival plan.• Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age.• Dogs make better pets than cats.• Freedom of religion has limitations.• The moon is as important as the sun.• Psychic abilities are real.