how to increase your willpower and stick to resolutions

Willpower and Resolutions Harrison Kenyon Marketing

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Post on 15-May-2015



Self Improvement

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Your dreams are within your grasp but its going to take some work this presentation will show you how to stick to your resolutions and give you willpower of steel.


  • 1.Willpower and Resolutions Harrison Kenyon Marketing

2. Are you the type of person that has a lot of willpower to see a project through to its completion or do you feel that your willpower is lacking? While many people think that some people have more willpower than others this is not true. Everyone has the same amount of willpower, what is different is the way you choose to use your willpower. It is easy to blame your lack of willpower for the choices you make and for giving up. How many times have you heard someone say, "I just don't have the willpower to follow through?". Probably plenty of times. The real question is are you willing to apply that way of thinking to your own New Year's resolutions this year? Or are you willing to take more decisive action and make your resolutions become a reality? 3. To make your New Year's resolutions successful you must have the right mindset and know that you can actually achieve your resolution. This is one reason why it is so important to set resolutions that are attainable. Wanting to train for a marathon in a year may not be possible if the last time you exercised was 5 years or more ago. Instead you want to set a resolution that you can envision in your mind and actually see yourself doing by the end of the year. Mind you, no-one says your New Year's resolution has to take you the entire year. Your resolution may be to lose 10 pounds and this could be done in two or three months! Try sitting down, closing your eyes and seeing yourself and your resolution together. If you want to fit into those skinny jeans picture how you will look wearing them. Use this tactic each time you feel your motivation lacking as it can help you refocus and stay on track. You may also want to create a physical picture board as well, this is great for resolutions involving lifestyle changes. A picture or story board allows you to see how far you have come, instead of focusing on how far you still have to go. 4. Learning how to increase your willpower is going to be a huge step in helping you successfully reach your resolution this year. To do this you want to start learning to think in a more positive way. Try to look at the bright side of things instead of the downside. Another good way to improve your mindset is by using positive affirmations. Find ones that hold some kind of meaning for you and pin them up where you can read them on a daily basis. Also try to surround yourself with positive thinking people, this is a great tip as the positive mindset will eventually rub off on you. I am sure you have heard about how good things always seem to happen to successful people. You can easily become one of these people by rubbing shoulders with the right people. 5. Shifting your mindset is not going to happen overnight, it will take a little time and effort on your part to achieve. Just always remember that nothing is impossible if you truly want something to happen. Work at it and you will see the success and reap the rewards. Remember that goals quite often change over the course of time and you can adapt as necessary. Nothing is written in stone and as long as you get to where you want to be then that is great. At the end of the year you want to be able to feel proud that you stuck to your New Year's resolution and got something accomplished. If you want proof I can put money where my mouth is come and check out Harrison Kenyon Marketing Its what happened when I shifted my mindset and followed through my new years resolution 6. Shifting your mindset is not going to happen overnight, it will take a little time and effort on your part to achieve. Just always remember that nothing is impossible if you truly want something to happen. Work at it and you will see the success and reap the rewards. Remember that goals quite often change over the course of time and you can adapt as necessary. Nothing is written in stone and as long as you get to where you want to be then that is great. At the end of the year you want to be able to feel proud that you stuck to your New Year's resolution and got something accomplished. If you want proof I can put money where my mouth is come and check out Harrison Kenyon Marketing Its what happened when I shifted my mindset and followed through my new years resolution