how to kick-start an existing affiliate programme - anna checa, affiliate marketing managerof...

@annacheca #PMILDN How to Kick-Start an Existing Affiliate Programme

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Post on 24-Jun-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking

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Rewards in the affiliate channel are vast and growing, but companies will struggle to thrive in this particular area of marketing without putting in the necessary commitment. Much like a classic car, maintenance and constant improvement are key to success in the rapidly changing world of affiliate, where stragglers will only find themselves wishing they’d kept apace with the rest of their pack. Thankfully it is never too late to aim for better things. Anna’s presentation on revitalising an existing affiliate programme will detail how brands can overcome challenges in areas such as trust and profitability as they look to create a strategy for going forward.


  • 1. @annacheca#PMILDNHow to Kick-Start an Existing Affiliate Programme

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