how to lose weight fast with intermittent fasting and ... · how to lose weight fast with...

How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And Apple Cider Vinegar Have you ever gotten really sick? I mean sick sick...You know the kind where even looking at food makes you feel like running back to the bathroom to throw up again, with a flu type thing? ...and you couldn't eat for three days? I don't know about you, but when that happens, I start to lose weight. That's called intermittent fasting and it's the fastest

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Post on 02-Sep-2019




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Page 1: How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And ... · How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And Apple Cider Vinegar Have you ever gotten really sick? I mean sick

How To LoseWeight Fast With

IntermittentFasting And Apple

Cider Vinegar

Have you ever gotten really sick? I mean sick sick...You know the kind where even looking at food makes you feel like running back to the bathroom to throw up again, with a flu type thing? ...and you couldn't eat for three days? I don't know about you, but when that happens, I start to lose weight. That's called intermittent fasting and it's the fastest

Page 2: How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And ... · How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And Apple Cider Vinegar Have you ever gotten really sick? I mean sick

way to lose weight in a short amount of time safely.

Hi, my name is Pixie and I'll be your guide on this journey of teaching you how to use apple cider vinegar (ACV) and intermittent fasting combined, to lose weight fast. These are two of the most powerful methods of losing weight (not to mention having an array of health benefits!) so when you combine them you've got a powerful one-two punch in the guts to that weight. If you do it right ie follow the directionsfor goodness sake AND if it's your first time (especially) a friend with you.

Chapter 1 - Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Chapter 2 - Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Chapter 3 - Historical Use Of ACV & Intermittent Fasting

Chapter 4 - What Science Says About ACV & Intermittent Fasting

Chapter 5 - ACV & Intermittent Fasting For Fast Weight Loss

Chapter 6 - Side Effects

Chapter 7 - Other Uses For ACV


Page 3: How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And ... · How To Lose Weight Fast With Intermittent Fasting And Apple Cider Vinegar Have you ever gotten really sick? I mean sick

Chapter 1 - Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Health Benefits1. Weight loss - In 2005 a study was published in the American Diabetic Association Journal that found that ingesting vinegar with high-carb meals resulted in the study participants eating and/or drinking 200 to 275 fewer calories throughout the rest of the day.(REF1)

One Journal of Diabetes published a study that proved that ACV promotes weight loss. ACV goes a long way to reducing sugar cravings and detoxification is a side benefit. “...HbA1c significantly decreased by apple cider vinegar in diabetic group”(REF2)

ACV is extremely low in calories and sugar.

Keep reading because in chapter 5 I go into details of the weight loss synergistic effects of combining ACV with intermittent fasting!

2. Detox - When you use the very best ACV which is unfiltered, it is a liver and lymphatic tonic which helps in the detoxing process. It helps balance your body’s pH and regulates and stimulates lymphatic drainage,bowel motility and cardiovascularly.

3. Candida treatment - Throw back 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar three times each day as part of a candida cleanse.

4. Helps acid reflux and heartburn - These are usually imbalances of stomach pH and sometimes a lack of probiotics or enzymes. Apple cider vinegar is full of all probiotics and enzymes. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and drink it five minutes before meals to help get rid of acid reflux.

5. Balances Blood Sugar – There’s plenty of research that has proven theacetic acid found in apple cider vinegar can balance blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity and insulin responses in diabetic patients. Get the best benefits through ACV ingestion. Make sure to always use organic, raw apple cider vinegar when you have your 1 tablespoon in water before meals. 1 tablespoon in water before meals. You can even toss a little on your salad!

6. Allergy Reliever – Being supportive of lymphatic drainage, ACV helps break up mucous in your body, also supporting the immune system by clearing your sinuses. Using 2 tablespoons in a glass of water, drink three times daily for allergy relief.

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7. pH Regulator - The pungent odour of ACV is partly due to the acidic base, however it alkalises in the body. Weirdly (I still don't understand this process but it really does work that way!) Balancing your pH level is one of the best ways to avoid chronic illnesses taking hold of your body.

Skin & Beauty Benefits1. Hair Conditioner - I have been using only ACV as a hair conditioner fora few years now. It makes my hair very soft and also has the added benefit of the earthy aroma of apples. Remember waaay back when nearly all hair conditioners were apple scented? Ever wonder WHY? My thinking is that we used to use ACV in days gone by and the best way to get people to buy their hair conditioner products was to make them...APPLE SCENTED! Use ACV instead, for goodness sake. It has the added bonus of being free of chemical (and in many cases) carcinogenic loads on your head that are modern day hair conditioners.

2. Skin lightener/Pigment Fader – Rub a few drops of 50/50 ACV to water mix to any dark spots and over time you will notice a fading effect and an evening of skin tone in general.

3. Kills Toe and Skin Fungus - ACV is full of anti-bacterial and anti-fungalcompounds and this makes it a great natural remedy for skin and toenailfungal problems. Rub undiluted ACV on the affected areas two times daily. Bonus tip: Using a mixture of coconut oil and oregano oil is great for dealing with fungus.

4. Non-toxic Deodorant - Bad bacteria and yeast are the major causes ofbody odour. The armpit can stay damp and hot which makes it a paradise of a breading ground for stinky bacteria. Use a few drops of ACV on your fingers and run it into your armpit. This will help to kill yeast and neutralize odours, keeping you smelling delicious all day.

5. Teeth Whitener - A few drops of ACV rubbed into the teeth and let sit for a few minutes will help whiten teeth. Make sure to rinse your mouth after that.

There are so many more benefits to ingesting ACV on a daily basis that Ithink it should be called a super-food, seriously!

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Chapter 2 - Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Firstly, what exactly IS intermittent fasting? It’s not a diet but a pattern of eating.

For many decades scientists have been exploring the age-old practice of reducing calories by skipping meals ie fasting.

Studies have shown that decreasing calorie consumption by 30 to 40 percent (regardless of how it’s achieved) can extend our life span by about a third or more. Plus, there’s a fair bit of data coming to light suggesting that limiting food intake may reduce the risk of many common ailments.

Some research suggests fasting may also increase the body’s responsiveness to insulin, which regulates blood sugar and helps control hunger ie when done regularly in a pattern of eating, it helps keep your bodys’ natural balance.

Intermittent fasting is a good way to keep your muscle mass onboard while getting that lean body you’ve always dreamed of.

With all that said, the main reason people try intermittent fasting is to lose fat. We'll talk about how intermittent fasting leads to fat loss in a moment.

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Perhaps most importantly, intermittent fasting is one of the simplest strategies we have for taking bad weight off while keeping good weight on because it requires just about the least amount of behaviour/routine changes. This is a very good thing because it gives intermittent fasting an excellent chance of being able to be incorporated into your life. But, at the same time, the benefits are enormous. Win win!

Intermittent fasting is much easier than dieting.

If you’re reading this, congratulations! ...because most people won’t even follow through this far in reading this document, let alone follow through on the routine shift.

I’m going to be brutally frank right now...The reason most diets fail isn’t because we switch back to the wrong foods again, it’s because we don’t actually follow through over the long term. It's not a nutrition problem, it's a behaviour change problem.

You may have been one of those people in the past, I know I was. Go you!

This is where intermittent fasting shines as a go-to fast weight loss strategy because it's remarkably easy to implement once you get over the (very modern) idea that you need to eat, eat, eat all the time.

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Chapter 3 - Historical Use Of ACV & Intermittent Fasting

ACV was first used as an a natural disinfectant (and still is today).

Vinegar and particularly fermented apple cider vinegar has been used throughout history to treat all kinds of ailments and also highly valued for its’ anti-fungal abilities, killing harmful bacteria and pathogens. History can trace the human use of ACV about 2000 years back. And I just bet it was used for millennia prior to that too!

Historical records show that apple juice has been fermented into vinegar since before 5000 BC. Through the ages, apple cider vinegar has been used to stimulate circulation, aid in the detoxification of the liver, to purify blood, cleanse lymph nodes, and improve immune system response. In fact, Hippocrates often prescribed it for coughs and colds, ‘...when mixed with a touch of honey’

Fasting has and is used from Buddism to Christianity to Islamic texts...all touting the awesome health benefits of fasting. You don’t needto go all out, just like anything else, start small and work your way up tolonger fasts.

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Chapter 4 - What Science Says About ACV & Intermittent Fasting

There was a study done with intermittent fasting on monkeys where the researchers restricted their calorie intake one day per week. And the results were very good for the older monkeys with regard to weight loss.

Research has shown that intermittent fasting 14 to 16 hours a day gives your body more than enough time to drain your glycogen stores and shift into that important fat-burning mode. Once your body shifts from burning sugar to burning fat as its primary fuel source, you will find this regime of eating very easy to maintain. Because fat is one of those slow-burning body fuels, you will not only have a more balanced energy supply, but you will also avoid the usual sugar highs and lows that come hand-in-hand with most diets.

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Chapter 5 - ACV & Intermittent Fasting For Quick Smart Weight Loss

As you’ve already seen, ACV and intermittent fasting, individually, are intense weight loss ‘specialists’ So why not combine them?!

Ok so the regular daily dose of ACV is one tablespoon, but like anything, work up to that amount if you haven’t tried it before. It’s a fairly begine substance, but like most things, can react on some people. Start by taking a teaspoon in a small glass of water and see how you feel. If you feel ok then later that day do it again. The next day, try one teaspoon three times that day. Stay at that dose for at least a few days then sneakup on one tablespoon a day, incrementally.

For the best weight loss effect, take your apple cider vinegar dose approximately 3 hours after you last eat. That gives food time to clear your system and an empty tummy for the ACV to do its’ good work.

Always, when using ACV on an empty tummy, dilute with water. No need to burn your tummy.’s quite ‘spicy’

And, I know you’ve heard this a million times, but, DO SOME EXERCISE! Just a Make that commitment to you. Then, tomorrow, make another little tiny commitment to yourself to do another 15-20min exercise. That’s all it takes. It adds up. I’m proof. Just do it, today.

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Chapter 6 - Side EffectsThis is an acid based solution so when using for teeth or anything else that may stain, use a diluted with water solution, don’t leave it on too long and always make sure to rinse off thoroughly.

Other than those couple of considerations, splash this stuff around to your hearts content. It’s delicious, good for you and safe.

Chapter 7 - Other Uses For ACV1. Natural Home Cleaner - The anti-bacterial properties of ACV make for an ideal household cleaning solution. Fill a spray bottle with 50 percent water and 50 percent ACV then spray windows and counters for cleaning.A 50/50 solution of ACV/water in a spray bottle works well for most household surfaces. 2. Soothe Sunburns - Add a cup of ACV to a lukewarm bath along with a splash of coconut oil. Add lavender essential for added soothing effect.3. Pet Flea Repellent - Again with the 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar together and water, using this to soak your precious canine or moggy in a tub. Do this on a daily basis for as long as it takes (up to a couple of weeks if the infestation is heavy)


I hope you’ve found this guide to losing weight fast with intermittent fasting and apple cider vinegar helpful and put what you’ve learned here today into practice or you’ll have wasted the last 15 minutes of your time. Don’t do that shit, for goodness sake!

Go, lose that weight and get your body back!
