how to maintain your floor

How to maintain your floor Print All our floors are designed to be enjoyed. Technical innovation and surface treatments make them very easy to look after, but a little care and attention will keep them looking good and lasting longer. The finishing touches Once you’ve finished installing the floor it just needs a final clean before you start to move in the furniture. For vinyl that means a wipe with a damp cloth, warm water and a natural detergent. For laminate and wood just brush off any remaining dirt or dust and rub all over with a dry cloth to remove the last little bits. Then you’re ready to move in. A clean sweep For most of us there’s always a temptation to leave cleaning the floor until it really has to be done. But the longer everyday dirt and stains are left, the more ingrained they become. So quick regular cleaning is less work and more effective than a once-a-month blitz and it will keep your floors looking good and lasting longer. Vinyl Keep the floor in top condition by sweeping with a soft brush or vacuuming and regular cleaning with water and a neutral detergent. Laminate Vacuum or wipe with a dry mop. Ideally, you should wipe the floor all over every couple of weeks with a damp (not wet) mop sprayed with a laminate cleaning solution. Finish with a quick wipe with a dry mop or cloth. Wood A wipe with a buffing cloth or sweeping with a broom is all you need to keep the floor looking good. From time to time clean with a damp (never wet) cloth and one of our wide range of wood cleaning products. Our Bioclean is an excellent environmentally friendly option. Spot on Unlike some types of covering, such as carpet, the surface treatment on our floors prevents spots and stains. They won’t be spoiled if you drop drinks, food, paint etc., but even so it is always best to clean up as soon as possible. Use a dry cloth and the recommended cleaning agent. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions before using cleaning solutions and never spray them directly onto the floor. Wood scratches, gaps and cracks

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: How to maintain your floor

How to maintain your floor Print

All our floors are designed to be enjoyed. Technical innovation and surface treatments make them very easy to look after, but a little care and attention will keep them looking good and lasting longer.

The finishing touchesOnce you’ve finished installing the floor it just needs a final clean before you start to move in the furniture. For vinyl that means a wipe with a damp cloth, warm water and a natural detergent. For laminate and wood just brush off any remaining dirt or dust and rub all over with a dry cloth to remove the last little bits. Then you’re ready to move in.

A clean sweepFor most of us there’s always a temptation to leave cleaning the floor until it really has to be done. But the longer everyday dirt and stains are left, the more ingrained they become. So quick regular cleaning is less work and more effective than a once-a-month blitz and it will keep your floors looking good and lasting longer.VinylKeep the floor in top condition by sweeping with a soft brush or vacuuming and regular cleaning with water and a neutral detergent.LaminateVacuum or wipe with a dry mop. Ideally, you should wipe the floor all over every couple of weeks with a damp (not wet) mop sprayed with a laminate cleaning solution. Finish with a quick wipe with a dry mop or cloth.Wood A wipe with a buffing cloth or sweeping with a broom is all you need to keep the floor looking good. From time to time clean with a damp (never wet) cloth and one of our wide range of wood cleaning products. Our Bioclean is an excellent environmentally friendly option.

Spot onUnlike some types of covering, such as carpet, the surface treatment on our floors prevents spots and stains. They won’t be spoiled if you drop drinks, food, paint etc., but even so it is always best to clean up as soon as possible. Use a dry cloth and the recommended cleaning agent. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions before using cleaning solutions and never spray them directly onto the floor.Wood scratches, gaps and cracksAfter extended periods of wear, even the tough lacquers on our wood floors may start to show scratches. Tarkett Lacquer Refresher will rapidly bring a glow back to your floor.

A badly scratched floor can be made as good as new with light sanding and a new coat of lacquer.

If cracks or gaps appear they can be filled with Tarkett putty, or wax bars for larger gaps. These easy to apply products are available in a variety of colours to match the floor.

The right productsOf course, sometimes the floor will need a more thorough clean. You should only use

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the cleaning products specifically designed for vinyl, laminate and wood and always follow the instructions on the container. Most important, never drown the floor - use a damp cloth, mop or sponge, never a wet one.

Care and Maintenance

Protecting your investment is easy.

We have prepared this maintenance guide to help you protect your floors for years to


Caring for your APO floors

1. Sweep or vacuum your floor regularly to prevent the build-up of dust and grit from

outside that can scratch the floor.

2. Use natural fiber floor mats/ door mats at entranceways to protect against tract-in

dirt and grime due to sand and dust.

3. In moving furniture and equipment, don't push or pull them, rather lift them to

prevent scratches. To protect against indentation and scratching of finished tiles,

use protective devices such as casters, glides and furniture caps.

4. Do not pour pails of water on your floor to clean it. Excessive water can cause

damage to your sub-floor and your floor is only as good as the sub-floor.

5. Close your curtains or blinds where extreme sunlight hits the floor. A combination

of heat and sunlight causes most home furnishings, including resilient floors, to

fade or discolor.

6. APO Floors offers excellent stain resistance, and most spills will wipe off quickly and

easily with a clean cloth. If the stain is stubborn use APO Power Clean with a dry

cloth or a bristle brush and wipe off any excess residue.

7. Avoid using soap based detergents, abrasive cleaners, paste, wax or solvent based

polishes. For long term maintenance, use the APO Power Floor Care Line.

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Resilient Floor Maintenance

Here are some simple things you can do to keep your APO Resilient Floor looking like


At least 5 days after installation is completed, scrub and strip the installed floor

covering with mild alkaline floor striping detergent; rinse thoroughly by mopping

with a wet mop so that it is left in a clean and neutral condition. Allow it to dry.

Apply APO Power Strip periodically to remove sealers and get rid of dirt and black

heel marks that immediate maintenance cannot remove.

Once every 2 months for heavy traffic, every 6 months for residential.

A good indicator if stripping is already required is if the polish is severely

worn-out and the gloss does not improve with further application of buff or


The use of a floor polisher and black stripping pads is required to easily

remove old polish and seal.

To prevent chemicals and stains from seeping into the floor, apply 2-3 coats of APO

Power Seal. Sealing is always done after Stripping.

Sweep, scrub, buff or finish the floor covering as frequently as necessary depending

on the amount of traffic. Regular polishing and buffing is necessary to provide the

desired gloss finish as required for your floor presentation standards. For best

results use APO Power Shine, Power Clean and Power Buff for this applications. For

buffing use red or white pad.

Strip, seal and shine is done once every two months or 6 months for residential or as

stated above.

Power clean is used only if there are areas that have stains or dirt. Unlike the power

strip which can remove seal and waxes power clean will not remove seal and

waxes so it is ideal to use to remove dirt or stains.

Power buff can be used daily or twice a week depends on how you want the flooring

to look or if they have time to use it daily. Usually it is placed in a spray bottle and

sprayed to the floor followed with a polisher with a red or white pad.

Knowing how to clean hardwood floors is very important. Gravel and dirt is the bane

of hardwood floors. Even fine dirt such as indoor plant soil can scratch and mark the

floor if not removed promptly. Hardwood floor care may be more work but if

someone in your household has allergies, then hardwood floors makes life much

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more breathable. Therefore, sweeping and dusting is a regular once a week routine,

or after any event that leaves dirt and grit behind.

Method 1 of 3: Taking care


1Avoid using regular household dusting and cleaning products. These products

will cause permanent damage. Use only products specifically designed for


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2Never use water to mop the floors. Water will definitely cause permanent damage.

You can use a damp cloth to wipe up spills but never pour water directly on the floor

to ‘mop’ the floor.

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4Never use wax on a floor with a urethane or other glossy finish.

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5Don’t drag furniture when moving it - use felt contacts under furniture legs to

prevent scratches and gouges.

Method 2 of 3: Protecting hardwood floors

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1Vacuum. This is preferable to sweeping because it allows the dirt and dust to be

pulled from between the boards. Use a vacuum with a bare floor attachment, not a

vacuum beater bar, which can damage the wood.

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2Use sheers or blinds to protect your floors from the discoloration caused by

direct sun rays.

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3Keep high-heeled shoes in good repair and avoid using stiletto heels or just

remember to always remove shoes at the front door. Keep a pair of slippers so

that you can easily walk from the front door to another room.

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4Keep nails and claws trimmed on pets.

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5Use cotton area rugs and mats in high traffic areas and sites of frequent

spills. Move the rugs frequently so that these areas of the floor remain the same

color as the exposed floor.

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6Rubber and vinyl mats and rugs trap water under them.

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7Clean up spills immediately with a paper towel or dry cloth. A damp cloth can

be used for sticky spills, but dry the spot immediately afterwards.

Method 3 of 3: Microfiber cleaning

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1Use a damp flat mop with a microfiber head to sweep up hair and dirt. Wring

the mop head out enough for the head to be barely damp. You do not want a lot of

water in the mop head.

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2Spray a clean microfiber mop head with orange glow floor cleaner.

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3Wash the floor with it.

For best results don't let the mop head get too dirty during the wash. Do about 6 or 7

strokes. Then check the mop head and rinse it out when it is filthy.

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4Respray the mop head each time you rinse the dirt out.