how to make a business proposal

II. Description of the Plan Objectives of the project This business proposal seek to achieve the following: 1) To restore the quality of the Little theater to fully maximize its use. 2) To preserve its significance by renovating it. 3) To improve the service it is providing to the teachers, students, and others. Purpose of the project This project will encompass all the recent problems that students, professors, and event organizers that are facing in using the Little Theater of the University of the Philippines – Visayas (City Campus). The Little Theater can be improved in order to bring back its full functional services like: 1. Venue for events. The Little Theater has been used as a venue for shows in the past but through time its degradation minimizes this function. Through renovating we can make sure that it will serve its main purpose as a venue for shows, plays, and events like acquaintance parties and the like. 2. Functional room. Due to the lack of classrooms in the UPV City Campus, the Little Theater has been used as a functional room for holding PE classes and for holding examinations. But the Little Theater’s ventilation system causes the students to be uncomfortable and the lack of functional electric fans adds to the heat inside. Through this project we can restore a more enjoyable functional room and satisfying not only the students but the professors who are using the theater. Project Analysis

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Business Proposal.


II. Description of the PlanObjectives of the projectThis business proposal seek to achieve the following:1) To restore the quality of the Little theater to fully maximize its use.2) To preserve its significance by renovating it.3) To improve the service it is providing to the teachers, students, and others.Purpose of the projectThis project will encompass all the recent problems that students, professors, and event organizers that are facing in using the Little Theater of the University of the Philippines Visayas (City Campus). The Little Theater can be improved in order to bring back its full functional services like: 1. Venue for events. The Little Theater has been used as a venue for shows in the past but through time its degradation minimizes this function. Through renovating we can make sure that it will serve its main purpose as a venue for shows, plays, and events like acquaintance parties and the like.2. Functional room. Due to the lack of classrooms in the UPV City Campus, the Little Theater has been used as a functional room for holding PE classes and for holding examinations. But the Little Theaters ventilation system causes the students to be uncomfortable and the lack of functional electric fans adds to the heat inside. Through this project we can restore a more enjoyable functional room and satisfying not only the students but the professors who are using the theater.Project AnalysisThe future renovation of the Little Theater will focus on the improvement of the interior and exterior parts of the theater, specifically on its:a) Ceiling. A good theater should have proper structure in order for the sound around the theater to circulate properly. The current ceiling of the theater does not have this characteristic, so by renovation it will be achieved.b) Stage and Lights. Little Theaters stage and lights are not working properly now because it has degraded and it have not been used for a long time.c) Ventilation. By adding an air conditioning system and fixing the windows of the theater, we can secure that proper ventilation will be achieved.d) Acoustic design of walls. In order for the theater to be properly used, its acoustic design should be renovated.e) Flooring. By adding the proper design for the floor, the theater would function better because of the proper sound circulation it would have.f) Plumbing works. By fixing the plumbing system of the comfort rooms of the Little Theater, we can improve the safety of those who are using the comfort room by eliminating mosquitos that may cause diseases. g) Roofing. By providing proper design for a roof that is compatible for a theater that would improve its purpose.

As we could see, renovating the Little Theater to serve its functional purposes is achievable by repairing some of its distorted interior and exterior parts. Currently, the theater has many issues about its ventilation, lighting, and the loss of its main function to hold theatrical shows or serving as a venue for events. By renovating the theater, we can eliminate these current issues and experience the functions the theater was built for. In this regard, the group is strongly suggesting to renovate the Little Theater to serve students, professors, and others.

Funds Generation StrategyIn generating the funds that will be used for renovating the Little Theater, the group is suggesting to generate this funds from sponsorships from the alumni of the University. This plan would be effective because on a survey conducted by this group, more than 67% of the Alumni are willing to donate funds that will be used for renovating the theater and achieve its main purpose that it was originally designed for.It is easy to see that money would not be a problem in renovating the theater because the alumni of the university is more than willing to restore the theater in order to serve the current students, professors, and event organizers that are using the Little Theater.

Benefits of the Project: