how to make black walnut tincture ?


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Post on 24-Jul-2015



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Page 1: How to make black walnut tincture ?


Page 2: How to make black walnut tincture ?

Introduction Black Walnut Tincture

• Black Walnut is known for its many health benefits. Surprisingly, tincture of black walnut is equally beneficial for general health for many specific ailments. It can be used on children and even for some pet issues as well. This herbal mixture can be prepared at home and it’s easy to ensure you have a high quality product for your own use.

• Black walnut Tincture is easy to make at home with little effort and with some readily available ingredients. It takes a few hours to prepare the extract but it takes a week or longer to extract the its medicinal benefits. It needs to be aged in a dark cupboard.

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The ingredients you will require for making Make Black Walnut Tincture

You need to collect all these items in order to make quality Tincture of Black Walnut.

• A large stainless steel pot - ceramic,aluminum, plastic, enamel will not do

• A second stainless pot - this one does not have to be as large as the first one

• Vodka, an adequate quantity to cover the walnut hulls• Vitamin C capsules - optional• Glass bottles for final bottling – around 2-4oz size is best• Distilled or un-chlorinated water• Latex gloves• Cheesecloth• Stainless funnel – a plastic funnel will work but may be stained

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Method for making the Black Walnut Tincture

First Step:• Collect black walnuts. Be sure you have the right kind of walnuts. A

field guide can be a great help in distinguishing between the white walnut, or butternut and black walnut. You also only want to use the green walnuts. Walnuts that have gone black or soft are not suitable.

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Second Step:• Wash the walnuts carefully with clean filtered water. Then septets

the hulls from the nuts. You may want to wear the latex gloves for this part. I find hitting the nuts with something heavy to crush the flesh off the nut helps to get the meat off. This is a process better done outside.

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Third Step:

• Now put all the hulls in the pot and cover them with the alcohol. Be sure that no black walnut hulls are sticking out of the liquid. Optionally add on 1-teaspoon vitamin C. and cover it with lid. Now let this sit for a minimum of 7 days; any more than 28 days and its overkill.

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Fourth Step:

• Now that your tincture has steeped, let’s start bottling. You will need a funnel, latex gloves, another stainless pot and cheesecloth for this process process. Pour all the liquid into a new stainless steel pot, making sure it goes through several layers of cheesecloth.

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Fifth Step:

• Now place manageable quantities of the hulls in the cheese cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as you can. Repeat until you have squeezed the liquid from all the black walnut hulls. You may optionally add another tsp of vitamin C at this point. Now pour the liquid you have separated into your glass bottles. Your funnel will assist you with this.

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Sixth Step:

• This tincture will last for several years if unopened. You can help to prolong the life of the tincture after you have opened it by keeping it in a dark place. If you have an opened bottle that you won’t use for a while, you may want to place it in the freezer to extend the life a little longer.

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Health Benefits Of using of Black Walnut Tincture

• Research and study on the health benefits of black walnut extract has revealed the fact that its jug lone content is responsible for its anti-tumor property.

• Further study has revealed that jug lone content of this extract can destroy cells affected by gastric cancer and thus results in comfort of the stomach and intestine. Research on the tumor fighting powers of black walnut continues to be researched.

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