how to market your dream dinners franchise to busy moms

How to Market your Dream Dinners Franchise to Busy Moms

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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How to Market your Dream Dinners Franchise to Busy Moms

How to Market your Dream Dinners Franchise to Busy Moms A recent study found that only 4 percent of American households fit into what we think of as the

classic, cookie-cutter American family: A working father, a stay-at-home mom and children under the age of 18 living under one roof. Times are changing, so shouldn’t our marketing change too?

With more and more moms choosing to enter the workforce to bring their families a second income, mothers are becoming busier than ever, yet women still make up 85 percent of a family’s purchasing decisions, The Wall Street Journal cited. Having the ability to successfully market to this target audience is crucial for all brands, but specifically for Dream Dinners franchisees. After all, this demographic makes up the majority of the Dream Dinners franchise customers.

Being able to cut through the clutter and reach these constantly on-the-go mothers can make or break a Dream Dinners franchisee’s business. All Dream Dinners franchisees get assistance with marketing from the franchisor, but going the extra mile and specifically targeting busy moms in your community can be the key to bringing in more of this key demographic to your Dream Dinners franchise location. Today, Dream Dinners franchise reviews how Dream Dinners franchisees can market to these busy moms to help drive their store’s traffic and profits.

1. Market where moms are

2. Make it short and sweet

3. Talk about efficiency

4. Use testimonials

4 Tips for Marketing to Busy Moms

Dream Dinners franchisees first should take a step back to determine where mothers in their community spend the majority of their time. Do they attend regular events such as PTA meetings, church services or soccer games? Do they flock to social networks or mommy blogs? Do they frequent certain stores over others? By determining the answers to these and other questions, franchisees will better be able to understand where they should be marketing. If mothers tend to be at social gatherings like PTA meetings, church services or soccer games, consider setting up a booth at the event. If they frequent social networks or mommy blogs, consider targeted advertising on these websites or creating a partnership. When franchisees target specific areas for their marketing efforts, they will set their marketing campaigns off better than targeting general areas.

1. Market Where Moms Are

All moms are busy – it comes with the territory – so they don’t have an excess amount of time to spend listening to your sell. Because of this, marketing and advertising materials directed at busy mothers should be simple. They should use easy-to-read with comprehensible words and sentences should be short and sweet - allowing mothers to take in the message easily. Dream Dinners franchisees should try and use a lot of visuals, especially of children or families, because this is what many mothers can easily relate to. Implementing this specific messaging can truly increase a business’ marketing effectiveness, in turn bringing in more of these busy mothers to your franchise location.

2. Make It Short and Sweet

When marking to busy mothers, Dream Dinners franchisees should focus on one main selling point over all: efficiency. After all, Dream Dinners does save families a lot of time while also helping to bring them around the dinner table – a win-win for mothers. If a mother were to visit a Dream Dinners to prepare 12 meals, she would likely end up spending less money and up to 20 hours less time compared to a mother who did all of the shopping, preparing, cooking and cleaning on her own. So, why wouldn’t you focus on this aspect of the franchise when marketing to busy mothers? Focusing on the time and money that busy mothers can save by using Dream Dinners is one of the strongest selling points.

3. Talk About Efficiency

You can hard sell all you want, but what mothers really are looking for is the ability to relate. Using testimonials in your marketing materials is a powerful way for busy mothers to connect and identify with other busy mothers who use the Dream Dinners service.

Most working mothers can probably relate to this testimonial: “I work full time, I have three kids and we all have really busy schedules. I just got really tired of having to plan our meals on top of it and put them together and see if I could get it done before the next soccer game. It was just a lot easier for me to be able to have something in the freezer and make it quickly,” Ann Herbig, Dream Dinners customer, said.

If you’re looking to use testimonials, ask your most frequent or loyal customers to fill out a quick survey about why they love Dream Dinners or even ask them in person. Utilizing these testimonials will help create a sense of identification when marketing to busy mothers, truly something they can relate to.

4. Use Testimonials

When contemplating the value of targeting busy mothers in your marketing materials, think of it this way: A busy mother isn’t just buying for herself; she’s also buying for her children, her husband, her children’s friends and more. That’s a lot of spending power that working moms hold, and reaching these mothers is crucial. Don’t forget to keep these four tips in mind when creating and implementing your store’s next marketing campaign.

1. Market where moms are

2. Make it short and sweet

3. Talk about efficiency

4. Use testimonials

Don’t Forget These 4 Tips!

Do you want to bring the Dream Dinners experience to a city near you? Check out the Dream Dinners franchise information page to see how you can purchase a Dream Dinners franchise for sale or bring a new franchise to your community.

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