how to play cadaver

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  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    Cadaver Game GuideLevel one

    The Caves lie beneath the castle and contain several distinct areas:the mines, the mortuary, the

    gaol, the crypts, the chapeland theKings tomb. A secret opening onto the marsh has allowed

    Karadoc to gain access unobserved. Karadoc starts in the old mine workings and is seeking the

    route up to the next level in the castle.

    Note: the symbol N means go north, E go east etc.

    1. First room: collect the pickaxe, coin and diary, N.

    2. Pull lever (unlocks north door), N.

    . !ollect sack o" stones (#eapon), $.

    %. &ill creature, collect charm, '.

    . !ollect runic stone, kill spider, N.

    . N, N.

    *. +ove sacks to reveal concealed reen em, collect reen em, kill #orm, '.

    -. , , ' into main cham/er.

    0. !ollect rope, kill #orm, , .

    1. !ollect key, return to start room.

    11. From start room , pull lever (unlocks main cham/er south door), open chest "or clue a/out theem /ehind the sacks (in case this #as missed earlier).

    12. eturn to main cham/er, kill3avoid #orm, '.

    1. 4hro# pickaxe at #all until it is lo# enouh to 5ump or demolished, '.

    1%. 'earch skeleton "or clue /ook, .

    1. 6uttons unlock door to 7raon room, com/ination: 1 % 2, le"t hand /utton e8uals 1. Players can

    discover this com/ination later. ven thouh they may ain access to the draon room no# they #illnot have the po#er to destroy it, .

    1. No# at point 9, N, $ into the #ell.

    1*. 4ake key hidden under /ones, /e#are o" the sea monster, .

    1-. $ into store, open chest, collect coin, chicken and /read, $, N into aol.

    10. !ollect coin on ta/le, use key in keyhole in #all to raise pit cover in !adaver store, read /ook,providin clue a/out ems and the pit, N into cadaver store.

    2. into cell , .

    21. into cell %, collect key, $.

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    22. eturn to point 9, .

    2. !ollect reen em, press /utton in #all to raise pit cover in cadaver store, read /ook providin cluea/out ems and the pit, N into cadaver store.

    2%. 7rop rope do#n hole, #alk across hole to "all into pit.

    2. pen rat to reveal key "or east door, collect other key on "loor and open chest, collect urn , .

    2. into small room, collect reen ems (you should no# have reen ems in your rucksack), returnto main pit room.

    2*. 4hro# all six ems into the lare pool, you should /e teleported. ;" you don

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    %2. !ollect the money and the other /a o" stones, return to common crypt.

    %. ' into luttons shrine, thro#3drop the 5oint o" meat onto the shrine to /e re#arded #ith a super "astpotion, collect potion, return to common crypt, $ into passae.

    %%. N into lesser crypt, under heap o" stones is runic stone (spell), ' and N aain to enter the priestscrypt, search the lare urn to reveal a charm and a #orm, collect the charm, ', ' into the #arriors crypt.

    %. 7rop old "unerary coin onto the tom/ o" &a=ah, collect potion ("ire shield, save this "or thedraon), N.

    %. $, ', collect key, N, N into the lords crypt, N (you have already seen these t#o rooms i" you cameout o" the pit usin the ems), cast a dispel trap spell on the chest, open chest, collect charm, collect


    %*. eturn to the "irst room o" the chapel, ' into the next part o" the chapel, kill or avoid /u, drop theurn o" Lord !arolus onto the altar o" Lord !arolus, collect spell (unkno#n and unusa/le until kno#n,

    then massacre @ save "or draon), ' via inner sanctum.

    %-. From the inner sanctum $ into the crematorium, place the urn o" anar the !hie" alchemist ontothe appropriate sla/, collect "lask o" /lood, return to inner sanctum.

    %0. 7rop "lask o" /lood on the hih altar, collect the key and spell (read maic), use the key in thekeyhole in the #est #all, $.

    . !ast dispel trap spell onto chest, open chest and collect the runic stone (read lanuae), N into theli/rary, collect the spell (map), return to the inner sanctum.

    1. 7rop the unkno#n spell that you "ind earlier and cast read maic upon it, this #ill allo# you to useit to kill the draon, ', $ into the puri"icatory.

    2. 7rop a "lask o" holy #ater into the /o#l, drink the /o#l, this #ill teleport you into a hiddentreasure cham/er, pull the lever, collect the re#ard, pull the lever, this #ill return you to the roomad5acent to the puri"icatory, repeat as many times as you have "lasks o" holy #ater (max ).

    . Aavin ot the massacre spell and the "ire shield potion, and the &ins cro#n you are "ullye8uipped to "ace the draon, return to the passae #ith the "our /uttons in a ro#, i" you

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    Cadaver Game GuideLevel t#o

    On entering level 2 !ou will have lost all ob"ects #rom !our rucksack that are not spells or

    potions $The idea o# this is to #ree space in !our rucksack%. This level is set in the ground #loor o#

    castle &ul#. 't(s background is that it was inhabited b! Carolus and his six captains : Axel

    )rokson Grimbold *agnar +elm and ,agnus. +ere the! discussed policies the rule o# the

    castle and magic matters.

    The aim o# this level is to #ind collect and return six transport stones created b! Carolus #or his

    captains an urn that must contain the ashes o# one o# the captains and an emerald to enable

    entr! to the #inal room....

    Things o# course are not that eas!.

    Note: the symbol N means go north, E go east etc.

    1) Nothin interestin. ,N

    2) pen the chest on the "loor and take the shot shield potion. Bump on the altar and open the stron/ox. (6e#are o" the "lames, or, i" you have the "ire shield potion "rom level 1, use that to protectyoursel"). Cet the shuriken and the #and (+assacre) ,N

    ) 4here are t#o Dpump creaturesD in here. 4heir shots are po#er"ul /ut inaccurate, use the shot shieldpotion i" needed, or shoot #ith the shuriken or maic missile spell "rom level 1. $hen dead, et thepotion ('tamina). , (ither exit).,' (4o chapel armoury)

    %) ('pikes appear) 4o remove the spikes, pull the level #hen 64A lihts are /lack. pen the chest,

    et the shuriken, the /ooks are 8uite interestin. 9"ter readin them, ra/ t#o or three o" them.,N

    ) Cet the ashes, 'earch the altar, Cet the urn and scroll. Bump up and touch the ams skull. 7rop theurn and ;N'4 the ashes into the urn, and pick it up aain. ,N

    ) &... 4hro# a /ook #hen there is a ap /et#een the movin stone /locks, you may need to try #ith

    a couple o" /ooks. $hen you have done this, discard any other /ooks in the rucksack (>ou need thespace) and pull the lever. Co under the stone /locks, /ut /e#are, they hurt i" you touch themE ,

    *) Pull the lever and #ait till the stone /lock it at "ull heiht. 4he door to the east is locked, /ut #hatyou have done is to open up a short cut "or later. 4his is non@essential, /ut ives you P and easy #ay

    to escape to level . ,$,',$,N (6ack to Lords 'hrine).

    -) pen the casket and the stron /ox. ;nsert the +ind /last spell (Po#er ) into the casket. Cet thecasket and insert the casket into the stron /ox. 4his rechares the mind /last spell. pen the stron/ox and the casket to recover your spell. Bump up and hit the t#o skulls, this aain, opens a "ast #ay/ack, /ut is non@essential. ,' and pick up the teleport stone. 4his #ill transport you to another room.,'

    0) Guickly o "or the coin, /ut avoid the slime (7i""icult as the > #ill "ree=e you every so o"ten) ,N.;" the slime touched you, you #ill /e poisoned. >ou should still have a !ure poison potion "rom level 1(;t may /e unkno#n). Hse this to cure yoursel". Press the lever in the order : Le"t, iht, +iddle, Le"t,4hen press the /utton. ,$,' ... Aold your rechared +ind /last spell,$ (+iddle exit).

    1) 9s soon as you enter, "ire the +ind /last spell. 4his destroys all the pump creatures, makin li"e a

    lot easier.,$

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    11) 7rink the shot shield potion. 4hen 8uickly o et the coin and #and ('pell). ,$.

    12) Press the /utton. 'earch the chair (evels a s#itch). Pull the s#itch. Press the ne# /utton #hich

    ives a /ook, ivin a clue to a lon lost room. 4his room is a /onus room, #hich, i" done correctly,#ill ive you +ea@P and +ea@CPE ,$

    1) Pull the lever. ,,N (Hp stairs) ,'. Cet the key and drop do#n to the chest. pen the chest, et theCold 1st then the teleport stone, takin you to another room.,',','.

    1%) Aurry no# or the eye #ill "ree=e you and the slime poison you. , (4op exit). Cet the clever on the"loor. 4he /arrel on the le"t o" the screen is a stamina potion, drink it and /e merryE ,$, (6ottom exit).Cra/ the "lask (!ure poison) ,$,','.

    1) 6e "ast no#... hurry and 5ump on the pan. $ait until it rises in the air, you can then touch, and openthe "loatin chestE ;" you mistime the 5ump onto the pan, you #ill have to 5ump on the /ed, and make

    your #ay to the pan. (>ou cannot move &aradoc #hen the /ed is descendin, to make li"e a littleharderE). Cra/ the key that came "rom the chest. ,N,.

    1) Aold and cast the 'leep spell ('leepin the #atchin uardian, and "reein your #ay) ,'.

    1*) Bump on the stron/ox, and touch the trophy, you "ind a hidden s#itch, pull it "or your exit. pen

    the stron/ox and et the old.,$. Press the /utton (Hnlockin a door) pen the chest, Cet the t#o/ottles, then the teleporter, takin you to another room.

    1-) Co up the steps and push all 1 /ottles o"" the plat"orm onto the "loor (...9nd i" 1 reen /ottlesshould accidentally "all ..E) ne /ottle #ill reveal a key, and pushin all 1 #ill ive you old I P/onus. ,N ;nsert key "rom /ottle into keyhole ,.

    10) 4he key "or the keyhole in this room is hidden under the #ooden plat"orm. $alk slo#ly under here,and you #ill eventually "ind it. Cra/ it and insert into the keyhole. 4his #ill lo#er a chain. Co onto theplat"orm and pull the chain. Co do#n the pit.

    2) Pull the level, o do#n the pit. Guickly, et the t#o keys, pull the level (revealin another chainand openin a /lock that releases another slime) run to the chain and 5ust touch the chain (>ouautomatically clim/ up).

    21) 4ouch this chain (>ou clim/ up).,$,$,$. 4hro# the clever at the tortoise. 'earch the tortoise, andopen it. Cet the clever. ;nsert the key made o" tortoise shell into the keyhole. ,N,N,,N Co up stairs,N,N.

    22) ;nsert 2nd old key into keyhole. 7rink the super"ast potion i" you have one. $ait until the lihtoes /lack and run, et the coin and scroll. ,N. ;" you #alk #hen the liht isnDt /lack, the ates #illdrop, /arrin your #ay, donDt #orry, there is another #ay into the room.

    2) pen the chest and ra/ the transporter. Co /ack up the stairs and ,',',' 7o#n the stairs and ,',.

    4he coin /a that has appeared has nothin in. 4his happens the next three times you re@enter thisroom. ie: a ne# /a appears on the pressure pads that release darts. 4he 1st t#o /as are empty, the 2ndt#o contain old. ,,,N,N

    2%) >ou should /e in the main passae #ith the eyes. !ast the 'leep spell to allo# passae past theeyes. ,N and ra/ the "inal token. Co to the $.H.L.F. slot and insert the "our tokens you have picked up.

    $hen you insert the "ourth, the $est door #ill open.,$.

    2) Pull the lever and #ait till the plat"orm reaches the top. ,$.

    2) un 8uickly under the plat"orm that the slime is on. No#, i" you played level 1 correctly, youshould still have a D7ispel trapD spell. 4hat can /e used to open the chest on this plat"orm. +ove slo#ly

    $est, lettin the slime "ollo# you (9/ove) and manoeuvre the slime so it pushes the chest o"" the

    plat"orm. !ast the dispel trap spell, and open the chest. (!ontains cash I P).

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    2*) >ou can no# o #est, kill the tortoise #ith the cleaver, open the tortoise to et the key and o $est.4his takes you to the room that you should o" /een in #ith point 2 a/ove. 6ut, i" you #alked over thepressure pad in the previous room, you #ill need to o into the room. ('ee point 2).

    2-) From the uard room ($ith the plat"orm I slime) ,'. 4his room is another 6onus room. >ou donDtneed to do this room at all. :@ Pull the lever, and o et the coin and shuriken. 4he ates #ill close and

    the mouth #ill start to talk to you. ;t #ill drop meat, leave this "or later. Ae #ill then drop old. 4hen hedrops a 'uicide potion, temptin the player to end his li"e. 4o escape, you can, #ith skill, thro# thispotion at the mouth, killin it and "reein your passae. ;" you miss, there is another #ay ... #ait "or the

    creature to enter the room, drop the meat, and push it throuh the /ars, the creature #ill eat the meatand transport you out.

    20) From the Cuard room : Co up the stairs, , Cet the potion I spell , and pull the lever ,$ and dropdo#n to round level ,,.

    ) Pull the lever, push the /oard over the pit, et on the /oard, and pull the lever ,N (Aih exit). Cetthe key, ,.

    1) 4he three eyes uard the ems, so cast your 'leep spell, and et the ems. Co /ack up the stairs,

    and ,$,',',.

    2) Cet the spherical Cem and the spell. 4he spell allo#s you to open t#o o" the three chest in thisroom : !hest 1 J 2 /as o" old, !hest 2 J 6less potion spell (;ncreases the po#er o" any potion) !hest J a stamina potion. (;" you are lo# on stamina, open chest 2 and , and cast the 6less potion spell onthe stamina. ,$ and drop do#n.

    ) Cet near the pillar, drink the 'trenth potion, and pull the pillar over to #here the three items on the

    shel" are. " these three, you only need the key, the other t#o items are /onusDs. 'o, push the pillar ontothe shel" #ith the key, this #ill either knock the key to the "loor, or knock it onto the pillar. ;" it lands onthe pillar, push the pillar /ack the #ooden shel" #here it started "rom, push the pillar under this shel",the shel" #ill push the key o""E &eep ettin the other items until the strenth potion #ears o"". 4he keylets you escape "rom this room. ,$,'. (4o the +ain passae #ith the Cem Lock and the "ly in.)

    %) ;nsert the three reen ems in the order the shape o" the hole is. &... 6y this time you #ill /erunnin short o" space in your rucksack ... it ets #orseE 9 hint is to drop the Hrn, %K4eleporters, andthe t#o reen alcohol /ottles in this room, you #ill /e comin /ack this #ay. , .

    ) $alk so you are a little less than 1 tile a#ay "rom the movin spikes .. and 5ump as /est you can, /ecare"ul, more spikes appear .. t#ice. ;t is a very tricky room thisE ;" you have a iant 5ump potion, it

    #ill help. ,

    ) Cra/ the key and, #ithout movin any "urther, thro# the key /et#een the /ars (>ou cant et past#ith the key in your possession. 4ouch the /ars, et the key and #alk on , .

    *) ;t is advisa/le to kill the slime "rom here, usin a massacre or the shurikens. ,N,N,.

    -) Cet the spike. >ou can open the chest #hich #ill ive you cash /ut lock you in. 4o escape, pull therack a#ay "rom the #all, and the key in this room in the keyhole. Pull the chain that is revealed.,$.

    0) pen the chest and et the auntlet. Press the /utton to open the hole and insert the spike in thehole (Pressin the trier you cant reach, and unlockin a door). ,'

    %) Bump up and touch the /ro#n #all hanin. +ove the /ucket to stand on and press the /utton that#as revealed. pen the revealed chest, Cet the meat and old ,

    %1) Cet the meat and ive this meat, and the meat "rom the last room to the mouth on the #all. Cet thet#o /ottles. ,',$ and et the transporter. ;nsert the key into the keyhole, un/arrin your #ay /ack. ,.

    %2) Pull the lever, #hich /locks the exits $ I #ith stone /locks. 4he /lood and /ones should iveyou a clue that somethin is amiss hereE 4ouchin the em on the "loor #ill move the stone /locks,

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    killin you. 'o, you have to use one o" the /ones, or pieces o" armour to push the em out o" harms#ay, then pick it up ... try it and seeE Coin North "rom here is a /onus room, and need not /e done /uti" you do ,N ..

    %) nterin the room north #ill lock the door /ehind you. 9nd the mouth #ill start a conversation#ith you. >ou can thro# the "ood to the mouth, ho#ever it is useless even thouh he asks "or it. 4he

    #ay to escape it to thro# the poison potion (;n this room) at the mouth, killin it and ivin old andP, and a #ay out. ,'

    %%) (From the Cuard hall) ,. Co up the 1st set o" stairs, ,N. 4ouch the 2nd "rom the riht /ar, it #illmove out o" the #ay, and o and et the #and and old. Pull the lever (4hat unlocks a door in theprevious room). 4ouch the 2nd "rom the le"t /ar to reveal your escape. (Note : 4ouchin all the other/ars #ill damae you). ,'

    %) Pull the lever once. Push the /oard over the pit (;n the middle) and pull the lever a "urther t#o

    times. Bump on the /oard and press the /utton (4his help in the next room). Co up the 2nd set o"steps ,N. 7rink the Fire shield potion and et the em.,',',','

    %) 9 ery tricky room so save the ame. Press the /utton. Cet onto the central plat"orm and et the

    em. Coto the North ede on the central plat"orm and #ait "or the revolvin /oard to move round nearyou then #alk onto the movin plat"orm, o round #ith it and o /ack throuh the door you came


    %*) ;nsert the three reen ems in the correct order. Co do#n the stairs.,N%-) Press the /utton,,$ and et the key. , and insert the key into the keyhole.,, up the stairs and ,N(;nore the "ar north door, it is "alse).,$.

    %0) Aold the auntlet and open the stron/ox (4he auntlet protects you "rom the acid). Cet the cash,shuriken and discard the auntlet. ,,N,$.

    ) Cet the old, open the stron/ox, et the three /as. 4hese /as, you #ill notice are closed, and theold is not recovera/le.,.

    1) 4he /ars #ill drop. 4here are t#o #ays to et the old out. a) 7rop all three /as in this room, pullthe lever, ra/ the old and o . /) one /y one, "rom the last room, insert a /a into the small, leadlined casket, and o east,east (4he /ars donDt drop as the lead shields the eyes vie# o" the old.) do thisthree times.

    2) ("rom side tunnel east o" room #ith the /ars.) drink a shot shield potion.,' ('econd door) un and

    ra/ the key, ,N ;nsert the key in the keyhole ,N (second door). 4he other room to the north o"" thiscorridor is used in the pu==le to ive you mea@P and mea@CPEE

    ) pen the chest and et the t#o keys. No#, the three /as o" old you recovered can /e sacri"iced tothe mouth "or three clues, or keep them and they #ill ive up their old at a later date. 4ouch the skullto the #est and press it. (9ctivates the east teleporter.) Cra/ the east teleporter. (4he teleporter to the

    #est is /ad, and, #ill take you riht /ack to the 1st room ... the clues #ith the old tell you this.)

    %),$,','. 4he plat"orm #ill start movin, et o"" it into the central plat"orm. Cet the spell. Coto thesouth ede o" the central plat"orm. 9ain, this is tricky, so save the ame. 9s the movin plat"ormmoves in "ront o" you, et on it. 9s you pass the /utton, press it and 5ump to the east immediately.9ain, o to the south o" the central plat"orm and et on the movin plat"orm as it passes you. 4his

    time, o throuh the door that has /een revealed.,N

    ) >ou are no# in the ma=e. 9ll the doors are locked, so use your Hnlock door spell to o around.6e#are as you explore, as some rooms have creatures in. 4he ma=e is a %K% s8uare o" rooms. >ou mustmake your #ay to the top le"t (N$) room. $hen you et there, pull the lever, et the old and unlockthe door . >ou can no#, o throuh the door, et the emerald, and proceed as "ollo#s : ther#ise, you

    can o /ack throuh the ma=e, ettin some old and other items. (C4 Point 0)

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    -OT GO'-G )ACK T+*OG+ T+/ ,A0/

    ) ,$,',$,$,N,$ Cet all the ear you need (Four teleporters and the urn) ,',$,$,$,N. >ou should

    no# /e in the 'ide Aall (4he room that tells you Dyou cannot enter as you are not a captain ,. >ou loseall your spells, #eapons and maic #hen you enter here, so drink all your stamina remainin /e"oreyou o in.

    *) 7rop the urn on the /lock. 7rop the merald on the /lock. No#, drop the six teleporters in the holethat appears ,

    -) Pull the lever, o onto the /lood circle and #ait ... you are no# in level E.

    GO'-G )ACK T+*OG+ T+/ ,A0/

    0) (From the ma=e room #ith the lever.) ,N,,N (6e#are o" the creature) ,N,$ Pull the lever, drinkthe stamina. ,N,N,N,N,,,, Pull the lever. >ou can no# et the teleporters to move you around, andeventually o /ack throuh the room #ith the movin plat"orm /ack past the crushin /locks and makeyour #ay as #ith point .

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    Cadaver Game GuideLevel three

    1ou enter level 'n the main passage a#ter being transported #rom level 2. 'n this level resides the

    3pirit o# King &ul#. &hen #ound he will ask !ou to help #ree his soul and in return he will help

    !ou to reach the higher levels o# the castle and therea#ter kill 4ianos.

    To do this !ou must #ind the #ive ingredients to concoct a brew to do this. The King will tell !ou

    more when !ou get there .....

    T+/ 3O5T'O-

    1) Nothin interestin ' (+ind the ap) .

    2) !ollect the three stones, Bump and hit your head on the lever. 4his #ill part the /ars, ivin yourescape. Cet the other three stones. 7escend the stairs.

    ) +ove the /arrels, and et the /a o" stones. Co up the stairs. $

    %) Pull lever. 4ry to dode the spiders and et the key and shuriken. '. Hse the key in the keyhole. '.

    ) pen the chest and et all the contents (ead the /ook). '.

    ) (4he kin is here) 4ouch the kin (Ae tells you the "irst o" six orders #hich you must "ollo#) collectkey, collect candle. N,N,N,,7,N

    *) ;nsert key in keyhole ',H,$,',', pull lever on "loor, drop throuh pit.

    -) !ollect cro#n, open chest, et or/, insert key into keyhole, return to &in.

    0) Cive cro#n to kin, (&in eventually ives second order and key), collect key.

    1) N, , insert key into keyhole, , , , , $, collect handle, , N, collect /ottle, read /ook, $, $,open chest, collect key, ', , .

    11) ;nsert key in keyhole, #ait till plat"orm descends.

    12) N, $, drop candle on one o" the /lood circles (it should no# start to "licker), N, $

    1) pull lever on #est #all t#ice, ', collect /ottle, collect candle, drink /ottle #ith key in it, collect key

    recover "rom drunkenness, N

    1%) open chest, collect t#o candles, ' "rom lo#er o" t#o steps, pull lever (either collect old or exit assoon as possi/le,

    1) drop remainin candles on remainin circles till they all "licker (this #ill teleport you to herelater), $ (in north #est corner), N

    1) ;nsert handle into empty lever slot, pull lever, , kill spider, , step on "our /lood circles (transportsyou to candle room), dispel trap on chest open chest collect all contents. eturn to room #ith % /loodcircles.

    1*) $ (on lo#er o" t#o steps) press riht hand /utton only, ', , open casket, et key, press /utton, et

    em, N, '.

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    1-) Cet her/s, insert key in keyhole, ', N up lo# steps, $, $ throuh N$ door, N, ' throuh hiherstep, ', return to &in.

    10) 7rop her/s on "ont, read messae, collect key, N, N, N, , thro# stone at lever, throuh ap in /ars,$, N, insert key in keyhole.

    2) $, collect coins, don

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    et handle, ', insert handle in empty lever, pull lever, N.

    %) Pull lever on north #all, N.

    %%) collect all, cast dispel trap on chest, open chest et all, pull lever, ', , insert coin in slot, return tokin. Put the sack o" #hite po#ders onto the "ont and et the key.

    6A*T ''

    1. From the &in o ,', insert the key in the keyhole.

    2. , et small key,

    . N, kill spider, clim/ on /arrels and search shield to "ind small key. $ait till the hole on the #all "iresout a rams skull, collect the rams skull. !lim/ the stairs to room a/ove.

    %. Cet #and hidden /et#een chest and stone /lock. pen chest, et spell, et casket, et /ottle.

    . 7ispel trap on casket you have 5ust collected, open and et lare key. 7rop red "ish casket (redherrin). pen casket #ith 'inu 4eniel itren #ritten on it, et read maic spell.

    . !ast read maic on unkno#n spell. 7o#n, ', use lare rey key in keyhole, .

    *. 7ra chest $ onto plat"orm, pull lever, #ait till plat"orm returns, pull lever and 5ump onto plat"orm,you o upstairs.

    -. Cet #and "rom under armour, et coins, search pillo# to et casket.

    0. !ast unlock chest spell onto lare chest, et key, et cash and et holy sym/ol.

    1. 7rop do#n throuh hole, place #and marked Launa on "ar riht stone /lock, place #and marked7urrian on "ar le"t stone /lock, $, '.

    11. 7rop casket #ith imae o" key upon it, open casket, insert heavy /rass key, open casket to et lareiron key, insert key in keyhole, '.

    12. Press /utton to select "irst plat"orm, pull lever to set it movin, pull lever aain to stop it, position itto "orm a step leadin to the #est o" the room. &eep pressin /utton to select next plat"orm and repeatprocess. 4he o/5ective is to construct a staircase leadin to the room a/ove, #hen you have done this

    clim/ it.

    1. Firstly read /ook, et lever, drop holy sym/ol onto stone /lock, et #and, et casket. pen thechest and et the t#o spells. Co do#nstairs.

    1%. !ast read lanuae on /lack /ook, et /ook, read /ook. N.

    1. !ast massacre spell to kill aroyle, collect small kek, kill other aroyle (optional), '.

    1. pen chest, et iant 5ump potion, N.

    1*. ;nsert handle into "ar riht lever slot, pull lever, N, .

    1-. 7rop matil #and on centre stone /lock, casket drops "rom ceilin, dispel trap on casket, open andet lare key, et three #ands "rom stone /locks, $, ', .

    1-. 7rop a /a o" stones, or other lare item, drink iant 5ump potion, 5ump on o/5ect, 5ump on #ooden

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    plat"orm, pull lever, drop do#n.

    10. Hse 5udement to clim/ staircase to corridor a/ove.

    2. ;nsert key in keyhole, $.

    21. 7rop /lack /ook do#n hole /y /lack stone, drop reen /ottle do#n hole /y reen stone, drop redcasket, do#n hole /y red stone, drop rams skull do#n hole /y yello# stone, et enchant li8uid spellthat should have appeared.

    22. , do#n, $, N, $, unlock door usin #and, $, N, $.

    2. !ast enchant li8uid spell on the "ont.

    >ou #ill no# /e iven the key to the uard /arracks, this section is heavily populated /y monsters and

    thouh the pu==les are not too di""icult it is very danerous. ;n order to serve the "inished potion it #ill/e necessary to recover the ancient chalice o" the $ul"s. 4his can /e "ound at the end o" this section.$ith that complete the &in should allo# you to o on to level %.

    2%. !ollect the next key. $, insert key in keyhole, $, $.

    2. &ill lo#er o/lin #ith #eapon, avoid rocks o" upper o/lin, N.

    2. &ill /oth aroyles, et key "rom /ehind #ooden /oard, pull lever, ', .

    2*. ;nsert key in keyhole, , , N, N, $, '.

    2-. !lim/ stairs and kill o/lin, avoid rocks "rom other o/lins, et key, insert key in keyhole,$.

    20. Cet /oth keys, kill /oth aroyles, $.

    . ;nsert old keys in correct keyholes, avoid death, kill volcanoes, N.

    1. 'earch pillo#, et key, '.

    2. 7ispel trap on chest, open chest, et or/ and #and.

    . !ast poltereist spell three times, N, , '.

    %. Cet key "rom centre o" room, insert key in keyhole, , ', , , , N, , , , , , N, $, $, N.

    . >ou should no# /e in the north #est corner o" the oyal +a=e, open the chest (it #as moved /y thepoltereist spell "rom the Cuards area).

    . Cet, chalice, return to &inDs host.

    *. 7rop chalice on "ont. Cive "ull chalice to &in, et key, N.

    -. 7rop throuh pit in centre o" room, ', $, insert key in keyhole, $.

    0. !lim/ stairs to Level %.

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    Cadaver Game GuideLevel "our

    The #ourth level o# the Castle &ul# was the residential #loor o# the King. There are bedrooms

    kitchens and libraries. ,uch o# it has become ver! bi7arre since the #all o# the king and a host o#

    demons have taken up residence here at 4ianos(s bidding. The aim o# the level is to get 8 gold

    ke!s which will allow !ou to reach level 9.

    The #irst section involves the old bedrooms o# King &ul# and the secret chambers his wi#e used

    while carr!ing on an a##air with 5ord Carolus. The ob"ective o# this section is simpl! to get past

    it. 'n the next section the old Kitchens the task is to break open a stone ball this is done using a

    combination o# ob"ects and pu77les and will reward !ou with !our #irst Gold ke!.

    3ection is a strange collection o# mental pu77les and gambling. This is where &ul# and 4ianos

    would be #ound relaxing. One o# the Gold ke!s is easil! attained here however there are a

    number o# diversionar! uests that should keep !ou occupied #or some time. The #inal section is

    the old 5ibraries o# the Court. The main task is to rebuild the 6lanetarium to do this !ou must#ind 9 planets.

    A #inal note on the demons. These ungodl! creatures must #irstl! be made vulnerable to attack. '#

    there is a red circle in #ront o# them !ou must drop a candle within it. '# there is no red circle cast

    a dispel evil spell.

    5ets go;

    1).-ortheast 3olarpen the chest, collect the super "ast potion and the read lanuae spell. $alk overthe pressure pads, clock#ise "rom the top o" the screen. !ollect the unlock door #and #hich shouldappear near the chest. xit $.

    2).Kings 6assageHse the unlock door spell, to exit $.

    ).*o!al Chamberpen the chest and collect dispel evil or/. xit '.

    %).3tore *oompen the chest and collect the key. xit N, $.

    ).-ameless CorridorHse key in the keyhole. xit N.

    ).Kings )edroom'earch the pillo#, collect casket, pull lever. xit $.


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    1%).Guard 6ost7rop #ater potion onto the small chest key to #ash a#ay the poison. !ast dispel trapon the chest, open it, collect the /ook and the strenth potion. eturn to the &ins 6edroom ()

    1).Kings )edroomHse lare key on the keyhole. xit .

    1).Kings Chapel7rop the skull on the altar and read the /ook #hich /eins M9t tanume tuevendum....M. pen the casket, collect the chest key and open the rey chest. !ollect the t#o or/s. 7ropFinvars !asket o" echarin, insert Finvars Potion 6ooster spell, open the casket and collect the

    rechared spell. !ast the potion /ooster spell on the #eak strenth potion. !ollect the strenth potion.Press the trianular /utton on the south side o" the altar and collect the t#o candles. eturn to theGueens 'hrine.


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    %).*o!al Gaol!ast unlock chest spell on the chest, collect the stones and the dispel trap spell. returnto the $est Aall

    ).&est +allxit '.

    ).&ul#(s =iewHse the unlock door spell to exit N. xit N.

    *).6ump *oom!ast dispel trap on the #ooden chest and collect all its contents and eat the cheeses.Place the copper /o#l /elo# the pumps spout, pump the handle until #ater appears in the /o#l. 4ake

    the /o#l and return to the !istern oom.

    -).Cistern *oomHnlock the door to the ast. 7rop the /o#l o" #ater onto the cistern, #ater shouldno# "lo# alon the pipe. xit .

    0).Oil 3torePlace the oil "lask /elo# the tap on the /arrel, #hen the /arrel is "ull, turn the tap and

    collect the oil "lask #hen it is "ull. eturn to the Hpper &itchen.

    %).pper Kitchen7rop the "ull oil "lask on the "lame. 4he resultin "ire/all destroys part o" the shel"allo#in the /all to drop and smash. ;nside is a key, collect the key. eturn to $ul"Ds ie#.

    %1).&ul#(s =iewHnlock the door to the 'outh usin the spell. xit '

    %2).Carvers +all4hro# the stones throuh the /ars so the /all pushes the potion throuh the /ars.!ollect the iant 5ump potion. eturn to $ul"Ds ie# and use the potion to recover the key "rom theplat"orm. eturn to the !ar/ers hall and use the key in the lock. xit '.

    %).3outhwest +all7rop a candle in the small red circle and then kill the demon. xit '.

    %%).3mall 3toreHse a com/ination o" unlock chest and dispel trap spells to open the nested chests,collect all the contents and, xit N and then .

    %).5ittle 6assageHnlock the 'outh door usin the rey key.

    %).)ox *oomPull the lever and then return it to the up position. xit .

    %*).+albs 4elight'lide around the lare /oxes until a ap is made in "ront o" the door, one or t#o o"the /locks cannot /e moved and the one in "ront o" the door has a li"e o" its o#n. xit N.

    %-).'nner 6assageHse the iant 5ump potion to reach the #ooden shel", collect the immortal potion

    and casket, open the casket and collect the "our tokens. Pull the lever and exit .

    %0).3outh 6assage7rink your immortal potion and 5ump over the spikes pull the lever to /lo# themup. xit '.

    ).3outh Chamberpen the chest, collect the old key. 'lide around the tiles that spell 7;9N' so

    that they read the same alon the other track. xit N.

    1).&ardens *oom'earch the thie", he needs an alkali potion to make him "eel #ell enouh to talk toyou. xit ' and /y castin unlock door spell.

    2).+elms 4oom!ollect the /ottle that restores alkali /alance and return to the $ardens oom. Cive

    the /ottle to the thie", he #ill eventually ive you the com/ination to escape, 1%2. Ae #ill then askyou to /rin him a poison. xit '. then . then N.

    ).Gamblers 4enHse the three tokens to am/le on the rotundas. 4he extreme riht hand one is alo# risk lo# return machine that provides extra tokens. 4he middle rotunda is hiher risk hiher returnthat also provides reen tokens. 4he le"t hand rotunda am/les tokens "or potions, money, or an

    occasional key. Hse the riht and middle rotunda to enerate as many tokens as possi/le then use them

    in the le"t hand machine to et potions and a rey key. 4here is a maic missile spell hidden /ehind thestairs. $hen you are satis"ied or /roke exit .

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    %).,alladins 6its4he "our pits lead to "our di""erent challenes:

    &est 6it The *esting Chamber@ use the "ertiliser to ro# a shoot so that you can reach the lever,pull it and collect the chest key. pen the chest and collect all items except the /ooks. 7rink the Ds#eatpotionD (strenth) and push the metal /ars aside. $ait until the clock has one around "our times and

    then unlock the door. xit N. and collect the D"i==yD potion (poison). Follo# DxitD se8uence. Cive thepoison to the thie". eturn to +alladins Pits.

    -orth 6it Great 6it@ collect the old and "ollo# the DxitD se8uence.

    3outh 6it Outer 6it@ keep collectin the money sacks, i" roots start to ro# in "ront o" the door, leave(the door only unlocks a"ter a certain amount o" time). 4he roots #ill eventually /lock o"" your exit so/e care"ul. !ollect the dispel trap spell. xit '. and then '. then "ollo# the DxitD se8uence. 4he dooronly unlocks a"ter a certain amount o" time.

    /ast 6it >ire 6it@ #ithstand the "ire /alls until part o" the metal "loorin disappears, drop throuh andexit '. !ollect the three spells and "ollo# the DxitD se8uence.

    (/xit( seuence@ "rom the Creat Pit o @ ' @ ' @ ' @ you #ill no# /e in the ;nner Passae, retraceyour steps /ack to +alladins Pits. From +alladins Pits exit . then .

    ).3outheast +all.!ast dispel evil and kill the t#o demons. Hse unlock door spell to exit N.

    ).5earned +all.Pull the lever and exit $.

    *).3!mbolists +all emem/er the order o" the shaped /locks on the posts. xit . then .

    -).3!mbolists +all $ii%Pull the levers in this order (L J le"t, J riht) L L. 9 /utton should no#have appeared on the #all. Press it (the aim o" the pu==le is to arrane the shaped /locks in the sameorder as those in the other room. xit .

    0).)ook 3toreead the /ooks and note their contents "or clues. ead /ooks several times to see i"there is more than one messae. xit $. then $.

    ).3!mbolists +allPress the /utton then exit $.

    1).3ealed Chamberpen the chest and collect the planet (arth) #ithout pressin any o" the /uttons,then exit . then .

    ).5earned +allxit N.

    1).5earned +all $ii%xit .


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    5ump up, your head should hit a secret panel and a small #hite planet should "all out. !ollect the planet(this is called the +oon). eturn to the Learned Aall (ii)

    *).5earned +all $ii%>ou have to set the % levers to % num/ers in any order. >ou do this /y settin alever to either , @ or neutral. For example the num/er 20 is made /y addin 2*, su/tractin andaddin 1. 4hus the levers #ill /e in the "ollo#in positions 2* @ up, 0 @ mid, @ do#n and 1 @ up. Hse

    this principal to create the num/ers 20, 2, 1 and *. nce you have done this the door to the $est #illunlock. xit $.

    -).ou should no# have planets in your rucksack (arth, 'un, +oon, ed and !haos),

    these #ill /e dropped throuh the holes in the "loor to land on spikes in the Planetarium (North o" theGueens Li/rary). 4hey should /e dropped throuh the "ollo#in holes:

    4op @ 'un, Le"t @ ed, iht @ +oon ,6ottom @ arth

    No# return to the Gueens Li/rary and exit N. into the Planetarium.

    *1).6lanetarium6ecause you ot the planets in the correct positions, the lo/e in the centre hasstopped spinnin (honestly it #as spinnin /e"ore). 'earch the lo/e, press the hidden s#itch, collectthe t#o keys and return to the upper room.

    *2).pper *oom7rop the D!haosD planet throuh any o" the holes and return to the Planetarium.

    *).6lanetariumPress the /utton on the /lack lo/e and collect the rey key. eturn to $isdoms Aall.

    *%).&isdoms +all.!ollect all the #ooden planks and xit $.

    *)./ast 6assage.4his is the "inal approach to the last room. Hse the rey key you collected "rom thePlanetarium in the keyhole then use the planks to cross the "loor #ithout touchin it (it is electrocuted).xit $.

    *).Central +all;n here are three demons. Firstly cast a dispel evil spell. 4hen ive them everythinyouDve ot. nce they are dead insert the "our old keys into the "our keyholes in the order iven to you

    /y the thie". 1 is the extreme le"t hand keyhole and % is the riht hand one. nce this is done #alk tothe centre o" the room and o to level .

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    Cadaver Game guideLevel "ive

    5evel 9. The con#rontation.

    At last !ou have reached the #inal level o# castle &ul#. 4ianos is waiting #or !ou in the #inal room.

    The aim o# the level is to collect the necessar! items #or his destruction and to reach that #inal

    room. 4ianos has le#t a pro#usion o# traps and pu77les to stop !ou. 1ou will need all the skills that

    !ou have gained in the previous levels to succeed Good luck.

    1) .Great TowerGuickly et the mar/le em stone and exit ast.

    2).-orth )ridgeCet the second mar/le em stone and "ind the pressure pad located close to the south

    #all. $alk over it to reveal a skull lock. Co and insert the t#o mar/le ems into the skull lock and exitast.

    ) .&ard *oomBump up on the posts and et the potion /ottles (7o this 8uickly as the po#er ems aredamain your health). xit ast.

    %) .+elm?s )ridgePull the "irst lever. Co under the #ooden /lock #hen it raises. Pull the second leverand run to the east door. 'tand as close as you can et to it and #ait, the t#o "lails that appeared #illnot harm you. un /ack, press the hole and et the "lask that appears. Finally, pull the third lever, #ait"or a "e# seconds until the door unlocks then exit ast.

    ) .+elm?s =iewCet the merald em then exit ast.

    ) .Great Chamberpen the chest (eadin the /ook "or clues) and et the dispel trap scroll and curepoison "lask. Co do#n the stairs.

    *a).Cellar 3tairpen the chest and collect the mind /last or/ and reen ems (the ems you collectare po#erin up your mind /last spell in readiness "or the "inal con"lict). xit ast then 'outh.

    */).,ain Cellarpen chest, collect /less potion spell and urn, return to !ellar 'tair. Place the urnunder the steam hammer and pull the lever. 4he urn #ill smash and you should collect an emerald.

    For a /it o" "un in this room, try puttin any ar/ae items under the hammer and pullin the leverExit ast then ast.

    *c) .Great Cellarpen the chest and you collect the maic missile spells, /ut they are a /it o" a red

    herrin and almost useless. xit 'outh.

    -) ./ast Cellarpen the chest and pick up the t#o red potions. 9s the note says, you can only pick upone o" the /lack potions. 4hey are /oth stamina, one has a sinle dose o" 2 and the other 1 doses o"

    2. Cet the 1 o" 2 stamina potion and cast the /less potion spell on it this provides you #ith morestamina than castin it on the other potion.

    'tand on the skull carvin and thro# the /lood "lask at the pentanle on the #all.

    0) .Great Chamber>ou have no# /een teleported /ack to the Creat cham/er. >ou must 8uickly 5ump

    "or the posts that have the caskets restin on them, ettin the caskets as you o. pen the reen casketand et all the ems. pen the red casket and et the dispel trap spell then exit 'outh.

    1) ./ast 6assage'4PE >ou must no# et all the ems, /ut /e#are o" the "loor, there are "ourpressure pads that transport you to one o" the con"rontations #ith 7ianos ... ;

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    11) .The 3eperator9void touchin the /lack spheres as these #ill explode and harm you. !ollect thekey, pull the lever and use the key in the keyhole. eturn to the Creat !ham/er. Hse strenth to pull

    /ack the #ooden /lock "rom the door. xit ast.

    12).Oubliette'earch the skull, collect the token and the tiers eye em, read the /ook. eturn to 4he

    'eperator. xit 'outh.

    1).+igh 6assagePull the middle lever. !lim/ the #ooden ladder, trier the #ooden /lock /y

    standin in the corner. >ou must avoid the "lail, collect all the reen ems and "inally the key. xit'outh.

    1%).Axel?s leap!ollect the money /a and the red or/. 9s soon as you o round the "ar side o" the pityou #ill trier the "lails. Bump to avoid them. xit 'outh.

    1).3ea &atch7ispel the trap on the #ooden chest, open it and collect the extra stron spider poisonand the money sack. ;nsert the &ey in the keyhole and exit $est.

    1).Axel?s >all4ime the movin o" the #ooden /lock, and insert the t#o emeralds into the eyes o" the

    skull lock. Bump across the central /lock o" the #ooden "loor and exit $est.

    1*).)roksons +allpen the #ooden chest and collect the piece o" lead and all the coins. Pull theupper lever and et onto the elevator. 7rop the poison on the "loor and the spider should drink it, a"ter a"e# seconds the spider should die leavin /ehind a key. Pull the upper lever and o do#n to collect thekey. Pull the lo#er lever to make the /ars disappear. Pull the lo#er lever on the #est #all and clim/onto the elevator and o to the upper level. Hse the key in the keyhole and return to the lo#er "loor.xit $est.

    1-).The =oid>ou cannot collect the "lask or money sacks 5ust yet. 4he exits to this room located a/outhal"#ay alon the North #all, and at either end o" the $est #all. xit North

    10) 7ispel trap on the stron /ox and open it to collect the coins. !ollect the maic shield potion, stand

    on the stron/ox to press the secret panel, collect the ru/y that "alls "rom it. eturn to the oid and thenexit usin the lo#er o" the $est #all doors.

    2).The 5ord?s =iew4ouch the num/ered panels until they are set to * % 1, this should unlock the doorto the south. xit 'outh then 'outh aain.

    21).5ords &atchPress the t#o secret panels to collect a red casket (/e sure to read the note) and the

    t#o keys. xit North

    22).3ide *oompen the chest, and collect #hat money you can. eturn to the oid and xit throuhthe upper o" the $est doors.

    2).Great )ridge;nsert the t#o ru/ies into the "irst skull lock, then insert the key into the lock and

    insert the token into the slot. xit $est.

    2%).&est &ard!ollect the amethyst and the reen casket. pen the reen casket and collect all theems. No# drink your strenth potion and slide the #ooden /lock so that you can reach the door andthe lever. Pull the lever and exit North.

    2).,agnuss &atch9void the steel shots and insert the amethysts into the appropriate skull lock. >oucan no# open the red casket and collect the lead. xit North

    2).+igh 6arapetPull the lever and clim/ onto the elevator, 5ump over the #ooden plat"orm #ith the/ook on it. pen the chest and collect the stamina potion. eturn to Lords $atch via the oid.

    2*).The =oid!ollect the t#o money sacks and the tur8uoise #ater potion.

    2-).5ords &atch7rop the t#o lead pieces and anar

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    "or a #hile and then reveal t#o pieces o" old. eturn to +anusou should no# /e do#n stairs. !ollect the dispel maic spell. pen the red casket and collect thesecond piece o" 5et. pen the stron /ox and collect all the reen ems. eturn to the $ard oom.

    0).&ard *oom!ast the dispel maic on either o" the po#er ems. 4his should provide you #ith the"inal piece o" tur8uoise. eturn to the ;nner $ard and exit ast.

    %).Axel?s 3tand!ollect the r/, open the secret panel and collect all the reen ems. eturn to theinner #ard and descend the stairs.

    %1).Cellar 3tairPlace the t#o red or/s under the hammer (one at a time) and pull the lever. >ou shouldno# /e a/le to collect t#o opals and return to 9xel

  • 7/23/2019 How to play Cadaver


    %0).5ast &atch!ollect the immortal potion, drink one dose and run across the spikes to return to theinner cham/er.

    ).'nner &atch;nsert the immortal potion into the rey stron /ox and return to 7ianos