how to read an apa citation

Tutorial created and designed by : Lloyd Wedes, MLS Library Director DeVry University Library, Houston Metro

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Tutorial created and designed by :

Lloyd Wedes, MLS

Library Director

DeVry University Library, Houston Metro

What is a Citation?

A Citation refers to someone who said or wrote something that you are quoting. It could

be anything from “John at work told me this joke” to quoting Ecclesiastics 12:10 or

borrowing an idea from a writer of an article or website. By Citing a Source you are

letting people know where you found the information you are using.

Here is how you recognize an APA (American Psychological Association) citation.

An APA style citation.

Gutner, T. (2005). Anatomy of a credit score.

BusinessWeek, 12(3961), 116-118. Retrieved from Business

Source Alumni Edition database.

(There is no 12 in the actual citation, it was added to show where a volume number would be

found if it existed here).

What is the definition of APA to you?

Shortcut: Define APA as “Author Precedes All.” This way, you know the

author’s name is always first on the citation.

The Author’s Last Name is Gutner. The Author’s First and Middle name in APA is

always an initial.

Gutner, T. (2005). Anatomy of a credit score.

BusinessWeek, 12(3961), 116-118. Retrieved from Business

Source Alumni Edition database.

If there is no Author, then APA may be defined as Article Precedes All

Shortcut: Once you know my APA memory tool of Author Precedes All, then expand APA

To Author, Published an Article.

Author Published an Article

Gutner, T. (2005). Anatomy of a credit score.

BusinessWeek, 12(3961), 116-118. Retrieved from Business

Source Alumni Edition database.

From here, the next clue is the name of the magazine or periodical(or publication).

That is easy because the publication is the only word that is Italicized. (A periodical is

also known as general publication, a magazine, journal, and newspaper).

Think of it as APAP as if it repeats itself.

Author Published an Article in a Publication

Author Published an Article

Gutner, T. (2005) Anatomy of a credit score.

in a Publication

Business Week,

Following the name of the publication is the Volume Number. It also italicized, so think of

the volume italicization as a domino italic effect from the publication.

The number in parenthesis (3961) is the Issue Number. Think of the Issue Number as not

continuing the domino effect because it is ‘protected’ by a ( ) parenthesis.

After the Volume and (Issue Number) are the pages where the article is

found in the publication. This is followed by where you found the article

on a database (or, the URL address if on a website).

Gutner, T. (2005). Anatomy of a credit score.

Business Week, 12(3961), 116-118. Retrieved from Business

Source Alumni Edition database. (Or,

Shortcut: To remember what goes where, think of the Volume, Issue, and Page

Citation order as V.I.P.

That is very important and easy.

Memory Review:

APA is separated by these memory tools.

Start with:

APA (Author Precedes All) When memorized, think of APA (Author Published an Article)Then repeat the P APAP (Author Published an Article in a Publication)

Then go to: VIP (Volume, Issue, Pages)

Then add final noteRetrieved from ----Or URL

APAPVIPRetrieved from --

Gutner, T. (2005). Anatomy of a credit score.

Business Week, 12(3961), 116-118. Retrieved from Business

Source Alumni Edition database.

By looking at this citation, can you recall the initials and then its definitions by memory?

APA tips:

Remember, if there is no Author, then APA is Article Precedes All.

If there is no date, then n. d. is written.

Article No Date

An example of an article name with no author or date: NASA launches new website. (n.d)


VIP tips.

If there is no Issue Number, there is no Parenthesis. Also, the Volume Number is italicized.


Issue Number: 12(3961), 116 - 118

No Issue Number: 12, 116 -118

For more information on the different styles and formats, go to EBSCO and click the Help link

For more information on the Different styles and formats, go to EBSCO and click the Help link

There are many ways to cite formats such as books and articles.Each are different styles. This was how to read an article citationfrom an online database.

Click on the Citation Guide for more information about different styles and formats to guide you through it.

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