how to replace a heart of stone: part two inside this … · how to replace a heart of stone: part...

How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two By Marilyn Conrad As we have learned, we need to have a heart of flesh rather than a heart of stone for reconciliation and restoration of our marriages. To the degree that we receive warmth, love and affection, to that degree we have a heart of flesh. To the degree that we do not receive warmth and affection, to that degree we build walls around our heart. A heart of stone is comprised of walls that we have built to protect ourselves from hurt. These same walls block out the healing power of God, prevent restoration and form a stronghold for delusion and deception. Two areas that cause a heart of stone to develop are inner vows and bitter root judgments. Events that form the basis for these two areas usually occur in childhood, but the results can show up later in life. Satan tries to use the power of vows to build a heart of stone that will block rec- onciliation. He uses events in our lives to entice us into rash vows that later hurt relationships and hinder God's healing power. "It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows" (Proverbs 20:25 NIV). The good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, we can be freed from rash inner vows. Bitter Root Judgments When we judge others, we activate two powerful laws of nature, the law of sow- ing and reaping and the law of increase. In our own strength, we cannot resist the results of these laws. Only the grace and mercy of God can overcome the effects of judging others. "For there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, then God's mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you." James 2:13 TLB "See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitter- ness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." Hebrews 12:15 NAS MARCH 2009 VOLUME 23, NO. 3 Inside This Issue… Heart of Stone ................... 1-3 From The Inside Out ........... 4-5 Early Bird Special...................5 Covenant Moments ............ 6-7 Look What God Is Doing.........8 We Get Mail ..........................8 Conference Information.........9 The Battle Within ................ 10 Catalog............................... 11 Annual "Families Are Forever" Conference "Sounds of Joy & Gladness!" July 17-19 "There will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bride- groom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever. For I will re- store the fortunes of the land as they were before, says the LORD." Jeremiah 33:1-11 (NIV) See Page 9 for registration information Continued on page 2

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Page 1: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two

By Marilyn Conrad

As we have learned, we need to have a heart of flesh rather than a heart of stone for reconciliation and restoration of our marriages. To the degree that we receive warmth, love and affection, to that degree we have a heart of flesh. To the degree that we do not receive warmth and affection, to that degree we build walls around our heart.

A heart of stone is comprised of walls that we have built to protect ourselves from hurt. These same walls block out the healing power of God, prevent restoration and form a stronghold for delusion and deception.

Two areas that cause a heart of stone to develop are inner vows and bitter root judgments. Events that form the basis for these two areas usually

occur in childhood, but the results can show up later in life.

Satan tries to use the power of vows to build a heart of stone that will block rec-onciliation. He uses events in our lives to entice us into rash vows that later hurt relationships and hinder God's healing power. "It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows" (Proverbs 20:25 NIV). The good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, we can be freed from rash inner vows.

Bitter Root Judgments

When we judge others, we activate two powerful laws of nature, the law of sow-ing and reaping and the law of increase. In our own strength, we cannot resist the results of these laws. Only the grace and mercy of God can overcome the effects of judging others.

"For there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, then God's mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you." James 2:13 TLB

"See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitter-ness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." Hebrews 12:15 NAS

MARCH 2009 VOLUME 23, NO. 3

Inside This Issue…

Heart of Stone ...................1-3

From The Inside Out ...........4-5

Early Bird Special...................5

Covenant Moments ............6-7

Look What God Is Doing.........8

We Get Mail..........................8

Conference Information.........9

The Battle Within ................10


Annual "Families Are Forever"


"Sounds of Joy & Gladness!"

July 17-19

"There will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bride-groom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever. For I will re-

store the fortunes of the land as they were before, says the


Jeremiah 33:1-11 (NIV)

See Page 9 for registration information

Continued on page 2

Page 2: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

Judgment is a form of unforgiveness. Judgment is more than forming an opinion about something someone else has said or done. It is holding them responsible for not measuring up to our specific code of conduct or action. When we judge someone we hold that person in bondage, which in return comes back on us.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Ga-latians 6:7

A bitter root judgment is a seed that is sown as the result of judging an event in our life. Just as a tiny mus-tard seed grows to produce a large tree, so a seed of judgment in-creases the longer it remains unrecognized and unrepented of. So we sow a tiny judgment and reap again and again, larger and larger in life.

We not only get back the same kind of crop we sow, but because of the "law of increase" (Mark 4:24) we get back more! Just as a spark can produce a forest fire if left untended, so a bitter-root judgment sown as a seed of anger or resentment, if left undetected and unrepented, will produce devastation.

In addition, a bitter root judgment causes others to respond in negative ways that they otherwise would re-sist.

"Therefore let us stop passing judg-ment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stum-bling block or obstacle in your brother's way." Romans 14:13 NIV

Notice that it is our judging action that causes others to become defiled and because they are defiled they act in an ungodly manner.

For example, if your mate is trapped in adultery (in or out of a non-covenant marriage) and can't seem

to break loose, they have probably judged you or someone else. Look for areas where they accused you of trapping them. They may not have used those exact words but you know they felt trapped.

A good example, women, is if you and your husband committed forni-cation (sex before marriage) and your husband pressured you into having sex by saying, "It's all right, we're getting married." The result is they may have felt trapped into mar-rying you even though they may not have expressed it. You may also have judged your mate.

"It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality, that each of you

should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the hea-then, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advan-tage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thes. 4:3-8 NIV

If fornication occurred before your marriage (regardless of whether or

not you were Christians) and you have never repented for the part you played, you need to do so. Your own repentance brings cleansing and opens the door for God to work.

Next, if you can ask forgiveness from your mate, do so. Sometimes this isn't possible because of a non-covenant marriage. Perhaps a letter could be written or a phone call made. JUST USE WISDOM.

A covenant keeper repented of sleeping with her mate the night be-fore their wedding. She called her husband and said. "I know you have felt trapped and I want to ask your forgiveness for the part I played. It wasn't all your fault." He forgave her and moved back home a week later,

and stopped the divorce action he had filed.

According to Deut. 29:18, bitter roots produce poison that turn our hearts away from God. When we turn our hearts from God they become hardened as stone.

"Make sure there is no man or woman, clan or tribe among you today whose heart turns away from the LORD our God to go and worship the gods of those nations; make sure there is no root among you that produces such bitter poison." Deut. 29:118

When we have a bitter root judgment in an area, it blocks our mates from responding in a positive way (in that area) as God would have them respond. Our mate's re-sponse reinforces the negative ex-pectation that is associated with our judgment. We react to their response in a way that builds a dividing wall between us and triggers hardness both in our heart and our mate's heart.

God's desire is that we deal with our flesh nature. Our mates are God's provision to force us to face areas that need His healing and provision. Instead of dealing with problems, we judge and build walls against the

Covenant Comments March 2009 Volume 23, No. 3

Covenant Comments is published by Covenant Keepers, Inc. a non-profit organization. Subscription price is paid by donations. Donations to Covenant Keepers, Inc. are deductible to the extent provided by law and are received with the understanding that unless designated, they will be expended for tax-exempt ministry purposes at the discretion of the board of directors. © 2009 Covenant Keepers, Inc.

® All rights reserved. Mail inquiries to: 3434 S. Garnett Rd, Ste One, Tulsa, OK 74146-2149. (918) 743-0365. Contact these National

Directors in the following countries: Australia: Andrew & Carol Munden 02/4982-6777 Canada: Board of Directors 306.381.3717 Guatemala: Gustavo & Roos’mary Barrios 502/332-3729 Mexico: Laura Gamboa 525554240341 or 525556060666 New Zealand: Joanne Fergusson 03-3514499

Heart of Stone Continued from page 1


Page 3: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

mate that God has brought into our lives to polish and perfect us. While the world's cure is to find someone else (the perfect 'soul mate'), God's answer is to exchange the walls that divide us for the cross of Christ that reconciles us.

Good News

Even though your mate refuses to enter into the process of transforma-tion in the Lord, the good news is that all is not lost. Because of our covenant with the Lord and with our mates the unbelieving partner is sanctified by the believing partner. What happens in the heart of one affects the other. Eventually it will bear fruit.

"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy." 1 Corinthians 7:14

Bitter root judgments are the most common, most basic sins in all marital relationships. A man and a woman are made up of their experiences in life and their reactions to them. Most couples enter marriage with little or no awareness of what they are bringing with them.

Ask yourself, "What have I done or judged that is reaping the actions I see in my mate to-ward me?"

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2 NIV

We do not need to be afraid that we will miss finding a judgment that will block our reconciliation. We can claim the promise in His Word found in Matthew 10:26, "Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing cov-ered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known." (NAS) [Also see Luke 8:17, Luke 12:2-3]

Forgiving others enables us to re-ceive forgiveness. "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have

ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your tres-passes." Mark 11:25-26

Through prayer forgive those for the actions that caused you to judge them.

"Do not say, 'I will do to him as he has done to me; I will pay the man back for what he has done.'" Prov-erbs 24:29 RSV

"…bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do." Col. 3:13 NKJV

Jesus has commissioned us to reach out to our mates and to others and forgive the sins they have committed so they can experience His restoring presence in every area.

"Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained." John 20:23

We also need to receive forgiveness for judging and defiling others.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you." Eph. 4:32 NIV

"Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, 'I will confess my transgres-sions to the LORD'-- and you for-gave the guilt of my sin. Selah." Psalm 32:5 NIV


Job 5:1-6 describes a situation where an individual, because of re-sentment and envy in his heart, de-veloped a bitter root that poisoned his family (cursed his house). The apostle Paul knew the dangers of bitter root judgments. He warned the Christians in Corinth to avoid them. "We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we an-swer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world. I am not writ-ing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children" (1 Corin-thians 4:12-14 NIV). Instead of judg-ing others, we must show them the

kindness and mercy that God has shown us.

When we eliminate the effects of past inner vows and judgments, then we can have a heart of flesh. A heart of flesh protects us from the negative effects of unforgiveness and judgment by others. With a heart of flesh, sensitive to God's Spirit, we can through His grace, sow love and reap reconciliation and healing in our lives and in the lives of our mates.

PRAYER: Father, we ask that you show us if we have hearts

of stone. If we have had sinful re-actions to hurtful, unkind things that were done to us. We forgive and apply the blood of Jesus to our sinful reactions. We bring them to the foot of the cross and let them die. Remove our hearts of stone - the walls we have built - and give us hearts of flesh. Lord, we desire healing for any inner vows we have made. We repent and ask your forgiveness. We for-give those who have hurt and wronged us. We pray for healing for our bodies, minds and emo-tions. We also repent for any bit-ter root judgments we have made against our mates or others. We forgive anyone who hurt us and we ask your forgiveness for judg-ing them. We place the blood and the cross between us and these actions. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Page 4: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

FROM THE INSIDE OUT By Carolyn Johnson

Rex & Carolyn are South East Regional Directors

Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you

because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

n a recent trip to Sanibel Island, Flor-ida our 11 year old granddaughter, Madison, and I got up early one morn-ing to walk the beach searching for

beautiful shells. While rinsing all the sand from the shells we had found I watched Madison be-cause she seemed intrigued by one specific shell. She kept turning the shell over in her hand, looking first at the outside of the shell then the inside of the shell. This shell was not a par-ticularly beautiful specimen, but it certainly was holding her interest.

She then made a very profound statement. "Ganny, this shell is like people. Sometimes people look very ordinary on the outside, but when you look on the inside they are beautiful." I just love it when children hear directly from our Father and share His heart with us adults. So my question to you is, "How do you look on the inside? Has your mate noticed a change hap-pening inside?"

I just read a portion of a Bible commentary summarizing Abraham and Sarah. This is the quote from Community Bible Study, "As we say good-bye to Sarah, what do you remember most about her? That her name is in the biblical Hall of Fame/Faith? That she really blew it when she gave Hagar to Abraham? Or that she was such a beauty? How did she do it without plastic sur-gery? Obviously, God blessed her with great physical beauty, but is that all there is to her story? When she was 90 years old, Abimelech took her into his harem. Medical experts are now saying the 60's is the new ‘middle age.’ People did live longer then; maybe 90 was their middle age. One thing is for sure: Good looks that are only external will decrease with age. However, inner attractiveness should increase as we age. And, amazingly, what is in our heart

affects not only our actions and atti-tudes, but actually affects our looks.

So… if God didn’t make you hand-some or beautiful to start with, give Him time and walk with Him. If you were not born with classic features, beautiful hair, and a perfect smile, it’s not your fault. How-ever, if all of us don’t become more attractive with the years, it is our fault. Let’s not confuse our culture’s shal-low idea of celebrity handsomeness or fashion model beauty with the kind of attractiveness that a godly character produces. Was the fact that Sarah was beautiful at 90 a miracle? Or was it that by then her inner beauty captivated those around her? Was it the peace that shone in her eyes? Was it the joy that sparkled in her smile? What made the Hittites call gentleman Abraham ‘a mighty prince’ (Gen 23:5) at the ripe old age of 137? His physique? Doubtful! Isn’t it more likely his regal spirit? The attractiveness of this man and woman as they grew older is some-thing that we can have if we walk with God as they did. The fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gen-tleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23) – spilling over in our lives is guaranteed to make us look good to God, and perhaps to our friends and family."

So if God really created your innermost being, and if you are truly fearfully and wonderfully



Continued on Next Page

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made, the question is, does your mate see this scripture as a reality in your life? What does your heart say about you and your mate? Is there still anger, or have you replaced anger with forgiveness? Are you trying to help God by manipulating your circumstances and your mate, or are you allowing God’s time table to play out? Are you uncovering your mate’s sin and begging God to change them or are you al-lowing the Holy Spirit to unveil sin in your life, repenting and thus becoming the person He in-tended you to be?

You have been called by the Creator of the uni-verse to keep covenant with your mate, no mat-ter how the circumstances appear. The promise that you made during your covenant wedding ceremony is not dependant on your mate keep-ing their promise. Your ability to keep your promise is only dependant upon your obedience to God and His Word. His Holy Spirit who lives in you will give you the strength to walk out this obedience and in the process you will become more attractive, not only to the Father but also to your mate.

May your inner beauty become greater each day you spend in obedience to our Lord! I close with this verse from the song, "From the Inside Out."

Save $35 Send your registration on or before Friday, June 19th to qualify for our special rate. Early registration for adults is $75 (unchanged from last year). After June 19th adult registration in-creases to $110. Registration for teens and tweens does not change. Registration form is on page 9 (or register online @

We also encourage you to make your hotel reg-istrations early to ensure that you receive the special conference rate of $74 per night.

Leadership Training

If you are interested in leading a Covenant Keepers group contact your Regional Director. Leadership training will be on Thursday, July 18th before the conference begins. Trainees must be pre-approved by their Regional Director and complete and return leadership forms. To identify your Regional Director email our office ([email protected]). Contact your Regional Director asap to start the approval process.

COUPLES Renew your wedding vows at the 2009 confer-ence. Contact Marie at the office (918.743.0365 or [email protected]) for information and details.

Couples are invited to attend a special couples’ meal at the conference ($20 per couple).

Come and be blessed!



Your light will shine when all else


Never ending

Your glory goes beyond all fame

And the cry of my heart

Is to bring You praise

From the inside out

Lord my soul cries out

From the inside out

Lord, my soul cries out, Lord

Page 6: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace


ZIMBABWE: “CK, who once lost her possessions in a fire ac-cident, is now reconciled with her husband. As the year started the husband came to collect her and the children and they are now back together again. When she started coming to the group she was in so much pain the first few months were difficult for her to have faith that restoration was possible. Now she has a powerful testimony to share.”


Queensland: "Shortly before Xmas I booked to go on a flight to see some friends. As my hus-band lives in the town, I emailed him to let him know I was com-ing, and if he wanted to have cof-fee I would leave it up to him to contact me. I hadn't seen him for over three years. He said he wouldn't be able to see me as he was working out of town. I prayed that I would see him not once, but twice whilst I was there. The very next day I got an email from him saying he had been made redundant. The chances of me seeing him now had increased but I still wasn't sure, but I was believing for my miracle. After I arrived my husband phoned to see if I wanted to go out to his

property. I spent a couple of hours there with him and as I was leaving he said, ‘Would you like to have coffee tomorrow?’ I got to see him not once but twice, as I had prayed."


British Columbia: Christmas with family was more comfortable as everyone is adjusting to CK and husband being together again.

Husband came and cooked breakfast for CK on Christmas morning.

Ontario: "My children's mouths were hanging open Christmas Day, and mine too, not because of the great presents that we ex-changed, but from the Christmas present Jesus was giving us over our turkey dinner. My husband, my children's father, reached over and grabbed my hand right in front of everyone and asked me to forgive him. He had tears in his eyes and said he didn't blame me for leaving him, and that he understood why I needed to do that. Then he went on to say some really wonderful things to me about what a good mother I was and how well I raised our seven children on my own. I had tears in my eyes, too. I told him I loved him and had forgiven him years ago.

We spoke intimately to each other in front of the children who were all teary eyed by this time, with their ears and eyes wide open, listening and watching us. My husband said he never wanted to see me go hungry, and asked me where he could park if he came to see me. He heard I

moved in to 'geared to income housing' just before Christmas. So I told him where he could park. His girlfriend is still in the picture, but they haven't been getting along for quite some time now. He asked her to leave but she won’t go as she has nowhere to go. She has been divorced twice before, and has been living with my husband for about three years now.

My husband divorced me about 15 years ago, but we have been getting together as a family over all the major holidays for many years now. His girlfriend used to come too, but hasn't been com-ing lately.

The Lord has softened my hus-band's heart towards me. I'm aware I really need to hear God now. I don't want to rush ahead of Him and blow everything. My husband still has to deal with the woman he is living with. I don't want to influence him in any way. I will continue to be patient and let the Lord finish what He has started.

I told my pastors, and they are now praying for my husband’s salvation and family restora-tion!!!"


CK has a friend whose son and daughter-in-law are separated. CK gave her "An Alternative to Divorce" and "Foundations for Keeping Covenant" which has helped her friend to stand for her son's marriage. The friend was very appreciative of the support.

CK had a really nice long chat with her husband, after no con-tact for several years since he


Covenant Moments From Around The World

Page 7: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

had moved to Australia. CK was able to bring him up to date with their daughter's happenings, but they also chatted generally and even had a few laughs. It was quite healing for CK. Her hus-band is coming back to NZ this year.

CK's wife has started talking to him properly after 6 years. It's not the same hostile conversations like they had 5 years ago. CK shared with another CK. "I once told the Lord I wasn't interested in anything to do with her... I've been humbled... I will try and stay in touch more often."


Alabama: “I received a miracle on Christmas this year. It was the first time in 16 years my husband and all our children and grand-children minus one came to-gether at our daughter’s house. I made a vow as it says in Psalm 50:14-15 and God showed Him-self strong on my behalf. I am still praising my Father and ‘Thank you,’ Covenant Keepers for your continued prayers. I know the Word is alive in me. I have hope to go on.”

California: CK's wife and chil-dren came into town to spend Christmas with him.

CK had a wonderful time with his family at Christmas. He learned to manage his expectations.

CK's husband spent Christmas day with her and her family.

CK was impressed to tell his wife he loved her and she would al-ways be welcomed back home. He asked God to give him an op-portunity if it was truly Him. She

showed up alone and CK told her. Her face went quickly from puzzlement or surprise to a big grin! CK was thankful he listened to God.

Colorado: CK had a phone con-versation with spouse!

CK was able to be home for Christmas. Husband spoke ten-derly to her and asked her to stay. Later husband asked her to return home! The Lord brought her a lawyer who helped her break her lease legally for only $100. She is now living with an-other CK lady and that helps both financially.

Florida: “My covenant husband came to Thanksgiving dinner at my house. Our daughter (who lives with me) made dinner for us. He will also be coming for Christmas. Our other daughter and her husband will be here. All of us under the same roof!”

Georgia: CK spent time with her husband before Christmas and he called her “Baby” and said he would like to spend Christmas with her.

CK's husband told her that the other woman is trying to reconcile with her own husband!

Illinois: "My prodigal husband of 24 years spent Christmas Day at our home with his family. Four of our six children were here, and he even stayed after dinner to play board games with us, until 11 PM."

Louisiana: Praise God for CK’s wife’s sweetness to him as he supported her and came for her mother’s death and funeral. She even introduced him as her hus-band and included him in the ac-tivities.

North Carolina: CK's husband called and told her all his plans for Christmas. He said he real-izes that he is not in control and that God is working in mysterious ways. CK was able to minister to him and could tell he was com-forted by their conversation.

Oklahoma: CK's husband came over on Christmas without the other woman to spend time with the kids and grandkids.

CK's husband came over Christ-mas Eve to give their son his gift, an I pod. He came back the day after Christmas to help him download songs.

Oregon: Husband has been kind, soft and loving because of CK's obedience and willingness to switch weekends and be a team player.

Husband's sister invited CK to a family funeral.

CK's husband came and helped her when she was sick.

CK's wife called to visit and then again to wish him happy birthday. Also, door has opened to speak to son about covenant.

CK's mother-in-law referred to him as family.

Pennsylvania: CK's wife called and said she wants to reconcile. They are working on their rela-tionship.

Washington: CK’s husband came for dinner as promised. Things went well.

CK’s husband came Christmas day. Daughter prayed over the meal and included, "And thank you Lord, Dad is returning home to our family." Husband nodded in agreement!


Covenant Moments From Around The World

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Look What God Is Doing

United States Colorado: New CK is very grateful for the group (her second time to visit). She is asking many good ques-tions and learning a lot.

Georgia: CK's daughter and granddaughter were in a serious car accident. CK's husband “just hap-pened” to be in town and nearby when it happened. When CK arrived at the scene they had already life-flighted them to the hospital. A woman came to her and told her she had prayed with them and that a young man had held the granddaughters hand and prayed with her. CK hugged her and thanked her and she prayed a powerful prayer with CK, so was God-sent. CK also thanked the young man and he gave her a wonderful hug; he was so concerned. CK's daughter could have bled to death but she lost very little blood. Granddaughter lost a lot of blood and had a brain hemorrhage but she is doing much better.

Louisiana: “Praise God for taking care of my teeth. The dentist had quoted one repair as free and then his office staff said there’d be a charge. After I’d sur-rendered the battle of my will to make them honor the original quote for zero dollars, the dentist insisted there was no charge!”

Minnesota: CK’s sister is asking for prayer for her-self and their brother. This sister would formerly re-ject any offer of prayer from CK.

North Carolina: “A friend who told me about Cove-nant Keepers went with me to our first Yellow Ribbon Day in Georgia. It was such a blessing to know that what we are doing in standing for our restored mar-

riages, we aren't doing alone. It was awesome to hear about restored marriages, which were in differ-ent stages. We were very touched and made several new friends and prayer partners. I'm so thankful that Marilyn listened to God to stand for her marriage and Covenant Keepers was formed. It has been such a blessing.”

Oklahoma: CK's daughter's fiancé read "Meaning-less Words" by Tim Coody and called to thank them for giving it to him. He said he calls his fiancé every day to pray with her if at all possible.

CK received intervention within four hours of prayer for a major problem concerning provision.

Pennsylvania: CK was blessed to remain on 1st shift at work and didn't have to return to 3rd shift.

CK's son recently returned from armed forces.

Washington: The Lord has blessed CK financially. She received a check for $750 to use as needed, received a new dishwasher from her mother and re-ceived complete tuition and scholarship for this col-lege year.

“I love this Christmas season – snow is reported headed our way according to the weatherman. My tree and decorations are all set up – things are pretty nice. Now I just need company. I am going to see “Scrooge” twice this weekend. Once with our son and his fiancé and another time with my church friends. I volunteer at a place for the homeless about three nights per week. I make coconut macaroons and send to family for Christmas. I love this time of year. I wish my sweetie was with me.”

W E G E T M A I L Australia

"Your magazine always come at the right time and is a blessing and an encouragement. I have been standing a few years and during that time the Lord has done many wondrous things in my life including the reconciliation between me and my daughter and fulfilling my desire to visit Israel."

Republic of South Africa

Many times I've wanted to give up my stand, then the newsletter arrives. After reading it I am encour-

aged to stand firm, trusting and believing that God will work things out in His own time.

United States

"Thank you so much for your magazine each month! It is always so helpful and encouraging. I am deter-mined to keep my stand for my marriage. I pray of course, that my husband will one day, in God's time, come home. But I also pray that my stand will break generational sin and that my sons will be free from divorce and sexual sin."


Page 9: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

Annual "Families Are Forever" Conference July 17–19, 2009

"Sounds of Joy and Gladness!"

Mike & Marilyn Phillipps, founders of 2=1 will be our keynote speakers. Marilyn is the author of two books, First Aid for a Wounded Marriage and Whose Report Do You Believe? Their DVD, Fighting For Your Home is a best seller. When Mike asked Marilyn for a divorce so he could marry her best friend, she turned to two pastors for counsel, but both advised divorce. However, the Lord spoke to Marilyn through 1 Corinthians 7 and she committed to not divorce, but to pray for their marriage. Slowly Marilyn’s example drew Mike to Christ and he made a personal commitment to Jesus – and a recommitment to his wife.

2=1 (formerly University of the Family) is an army of couples in over 90 nations teaching and coaching other couples. Their goal is to help equip marriages and families to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. The coaching couples of 2=1 have discovered God’s power for their own marriage and family and are eager to help others discover it as well. Through their open and honest sharing about their own journey, each coaching couple models God’s unfolding plan as He works in their lives. Coaching couples help other couples to discover God’s plan for their lives and how to live it out.



HOTEL: Conference rate is $74/night (1-4 per room). Call the Radisson Hotel at 918-627-5000 & tell them you are with Covenant Keepers. One night’s deposit or a credit card is necessary to hold reservation (refundable per hotel guidelines). Conference rate may not be available after July 3


DEADLINES: Registration by Friday, July 3rd

includes two meals. After July 3rd

, meals are not included.

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Early Bird Special ADULTS/TEENS (13+): $75.00 PRE-TEENS (10-12): $45.00

(Must be received or postmarked on or before Friday, June 19th

to qualify for this special price)

NOTE: After June 19th registration increases to $110.00 for ADULTS. TEENS & PRE-TEENS remain the same.

IMPORTANT: Conference registrations are not refundable. If you register and cannot attend the conference you may transfer your reg-istration or make your registration available to someone with special financial needs.



NAME __________________________________________________________ AMEX/DISC/VISA/MC# ________________________

ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ EXPIRATION____________________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP __________________________________________________ COUNTRY______________________________

ADULTS @ $75/$110 _______ TEENS (13-19) @ $75 _______ PRE-TEENS (10-12) @ $45 _______ TOTAL _______________


NAME __________________________ AGE _________ NAME __________________________AGE__________

NAME __________________________ AGE _________ NAME __________________________AGE__________

NO CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE (please do not bring children under age 10 unless you provide your own childcare)

MAIL TO: covenant Keepers 3434 S Garnett Rd Ste One Tulsa OK 74146 USA Fax to: 918.743.0484 Call: 918.743.0365

Page 10: How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two Inside This … · How To Replace A Heart Of Stone: Part Two ... good news is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, ... Only the grace

AUSTRALIA 2008 CONFERENCE REPORT By Andrew and Carol Munden, National Directors


“My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6a) “ vigilant, for your enemy the devil roams around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are ex-

perienced by your brotherhood in the world.” (1 Peter 5: 8-9) We all know the battle for our marriages is a spiritual one (Ephesians 6:12) yet, many of us are not well equipped for this battle, and are in danger of giving in to weariness and giving up our stands. So late last year, for our tenth na-tional conference, held on Sydney’s beautiful northern beaches, we did something rather dif-ferent.

In addition to hearing some inspiring marriage testimonies, we managed to squeeze in a complete seminar called “The Battle Within.” This was presented by Rheinhart and Trudy Junginger, who themselves have a healed marriage, and who are founders of Oz Chal-lenge, a ministry that helps people suffering from personal and family dysfunction, through education, prayer ministry and personal and strategic-level spiritual warfare.

This seminar helped CKs (and their families) who are battling with a wide range of emotional problems, to gain a deeper understanding of what is happening spiritually that may hinder such issues from being completely dealt with. Subjects covered included: the sin nature, our emotions, depression, schizophrenia, and sex-ual strongholds. In-depth scriptural studies shed light and provided solutions for many problems such as unforgiveness, selfishness, anger, fear, loneliness, rejection, guilt and sex-ual sins. “For what I will do, that I do not prac-tice; but what I hate, that I will do.” (Romans 7:15) The Fruit of the Spirit (and Satan’s coun-terfeit) were also key areas studied.

With such a wide range of denominations at-tending, it was understandable that a few pre-viously held beliefs and preconceived ideas were challenged, as we were confronted with

the full extent of spiritual forces at work around us. However, most CKs were very apprecia-tive and gained a much deeper understanding of what forces might be at work in our own lives, as well as those of our spouses and fami-lies.

The culmination of the seminar was a lengthy group ministry session where Trudy and Rheinhart worked powerfully together as a one-flesh team to discern and take authority over many spiritual problems present in the group, including curses, ruling spirits, fragmen-tation, and internal spirits. Indeed, since this ministry time and follow up telephone ministry, several CKs have reported breakthroughs in previously persistent family problems. Many others feel better equipped for the battle ahead, putting on their armour daily, confident that the Blood of Jesus will prevail, and that we have His authority and His Word to use against the enemy’s schemes. (Luke 10:19-20; Revelations 1:5; 5:9; 12:11)

PAGE 10 MARCH 2009