how to repurpose content to save time & maximize leads

How To Repurpose Content To Save Time & Maximize Leads #RecycleYourMarketing

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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How To Repurpose Content To Save Time

& Maximize Leads



• This webinar is being recorded and sent via email with the slides within 24 hours

• Stick around for a 25% discount code to attend INBOUND 2015

• Use #RecycleYourMarketing during the webinar on Twitter to ask questions for Q&A or the question panel

• Top tweeter using #RecycleYourMarketig will get a free signed copy of Likeable Social Media + one free year of Likeable’s VIP Plan



SpeakersRebecca Corliss

Director of Marketing, HubSpot


Dave KerpenCEO & Founder, Likeable Local


• The story of repurposing: why we do it

• Why repurpose? 4 reasons• How HubSpot repurposes content


The core of INBOUND is content


The concept of “head count”


Content Count > Head Count


A Tale Of Repurposing Content…


Why Repeat, Recycle, & Repurpose?


1. Save Time

3. Provide Lasting Value

2. Reach a Wider Audience

4. Give Great Content The Attention It Deserves

1. Save Time(And Solve For The Content Creation Challenge)

69% of content marketers feel a lack of time is their greatest challenge. (Source: CMI)


The Content Creation Challenge Ongoing new content creation on numerous channels is nearly


• 68% of marketers say consistently producing content is a challenge.

• Only 32% of marketers say they are effectively executing enough content. (Source: Aberdeen)


Your Time Saving Secret Weapon…Repeat Great Content

•There’s no reason to re-invent the wheel.•The chance of a follower seeing your post is slim.•Use TurboPost by Likeable to help.


“It’s your responsibility to share and re-share great content.” -Dave Kerpen


Repeating Works


2. Reach A Wider Audience By Repurposing Content On Other Channels

“Without promotion, something terrible happens... nothing!”- P. T. Barnum


There are SO many different, and effective channels to share content & reach your audience….

A Varied Content Strategy Is Important

• 49% of small businesses believe Slideshare is highly effective for content promotion. (Source: CMI)

• Brands that create 15 blog posts per month average 1,200 new leads per month. (Source: HubSpot)

• The average B2B marketer engages in content promotion on 6 social media platforms.

(Source: CMI)


More Channels = More Reach

Facebook fans!

LinkedIn fans!

Twitter fans!


Reworking & Repurposing Works


3. Provide Lasting Value

• Value is in the eye of the beholder.• The more ways available to consume content,

the more value you can provide to more people.• People consume content on different devices.• Similar content is interesting packaged in

different ways.

#RecycleYourMarketing Source: comScore

Consider Your Audience: Generation

*Source: Moz#RecycleYourMarketing

Content ConsumptionThink about how your audience prefers to consume

their content!

Ebook Webinar


Visual Vs. AudioPassive Vs. InteractiveDownload Vs. Stream

Ebook Article


Long Vs. ShortDense Vs. Simple

1 Great Content Idea Can = 5+ Content Pieces


4. Give Content The Attention It Deserves

Consider the Buyers Journey


Tips for Successful Repurposing

• Give a nod to related content.• Use content “shelf life” to your

advantage.• Know your audience.• Always deliver additional value.• Highlight different angles of the

same topic.


Use One Platform to Promote AnotherFrom a blog post

To an eBook!


Deliver Additional Value

• Evaluate whether or not information has changed or if you’ve learned more information about the topic.

• Share similar content in a new light.• Add promotions or downloadable material.

• 5 blog posts that are interviews with different experts 1 blog post


How HubSpot Repurposes Content

Existing Tweets/Twitter Accounts Blog Posts

Existing Ebooks “Kits”

Turn your ebooks into a kit

Webinar/Ebook Twitter Chats

Podcast Ebook Blog Posts SlideShare

Data SlideShare CTA

Turn your data into a series of blog posts!

Blog Posts Ebook SlideShare



Likeable Hub

● Share 1000s of content ideas

● TurboPost ™ Facebook Ad Tech & Tweet + LinkedIn Post Repeating

● Likeable Hub Websites ● Social Listening+ More!

-Try Likeable Hub VIP for Free @

-Free Month of Likeable Hub Expert or $200 off Likeable Hub Pro before August 31st!

→ Visit or call 212-359-4355 & mention #RecyleYourMarketing



Rebecca Corliss @repcor

Dave Kerpen @davekerpen

GRAND PRIZE!+ 1 Year of Likeable Hub VIP ($240 Value!)


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