how to save your marriage


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Post on 31-Oct-2014



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How to save your marriage his free book will help you to quit save your marriage ,so help you to cage your life ,so read it and apply.


Page 1: How to save your marriage
Page 2: How to save your marriage









Table of Contents

About the book


About the author

How to Save Your Marriage And Begin New Life

5 Top Tips on How to Save Your Marriage Today

Secrets of Happy and Long-Lasting Marriage

Your Marriage Savior System

Recommanded Products


Page 3: How to save your marriage

About the book

This free book will help you to quit save your marriage ,so help you

to cage your life ,so read it and apply.


Page 4: How to save your marriage



Josef WARD


Josef WARD

Copyright © 2014 Josef WARD

This book may be purchased for educational, business, or sales

promotional use. Online edition is also available for this title.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this

book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors

or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the

information contained herein.


Page 5: How to save your marriage

About the Author

Josef WARD is an English instructor and freelance writer. His books

have appeared in numerous publications, including "Quit Smoking In

Few Steps". he also is a regular contributor to "How To Save Your



Page 6: How to save your marriage

How to Save Your Marriage And Begin

New Life

All over the world, marriages start and fail. Millions of people get

married while others get divorced, and hope for a better life. About

the same number of people seek out a therapist for marriage save.

Even so, sometimes this might just show you how to save your

marriage, especially if your partner doesn't want to follow such a

program. Are you always on the lookout for ways to "save my


Are you in such a desperate situation that you just tell yourself that

you need to "save my marriage?"

Marriage save tips can found in books, or even in online articles. For

a much better resource, you can try a how to save your marriage

counselor to attend to only you, not you and your partner. These

types of programs can help you understand the advice that you find,

if you are the one always telling friends: I need to save my marriage.

You can actually start by asking not how to save your marriage, but

how to save yourself. If the relationship that you are in is harmful, at

any level then, marriage save is not an option. Fixable relationships

are usually ruined by routine or heavy working. Any of these

problems can be easily solved by marriage save therapists or "save

my marriage" books. In any circumstance, the main problem of

marriage seems to rely only on these two things. However, deeper

problems, like adultery or a real break down between partners is

much harder to solve. In such circumstances, how to save your

marriage can become an obsession and can make you do things that

you never thought of doing, like begging. Take into consideration

that suffocating your partner with marriage save ideas of your own


Page 7: How to save your marriage

can cause her/him to look forward to a divorce. It is very important to

notice if your partner is willing to marriage save. Is this sentence "I

need to save my marriage," really what he/she wants?

You can't force your partner into a marriage save program if your

partner is not willing to commit to a how to save your marriage idea.

" Save my marriage" books can be a great help, since you don't have

to share what you are reading, and you can put in practice what you

have learned. How to save your marriage can make you consider

manipulation or any other form of reverse psychology. This is not a

good idea for marriage save. Your attempt can be considered

negative and your partner can back away even more. Save my

marriage tips will always make you focus on improving yourself,

rediscovering in you what your partner first discovered and made

him/her fall in love with you. This is the best way to go on the how to

save your marriage path.

Marriage save has to be based upon self improvement, not in

changing your partners beliefs or habits. In the how to save your

marriage question, the simple answer is partner improvement. You

can't become better and have your partner do nothing. Save my

marriage ideas work only if both partners are interested on saving

their life together.


Page 8: How to save your marriage

5 Top Tips on How to Save Your

Marriage Today

Did you know that ANY marriage--and I do mean ANY--can be saved?

And that YOUR marriage can become a blessed, fruitful experience,

on top of that?

I've heard all kinds of amazing stories of marriages that seemed

destined for the dreaded 'D' word (you know, DIVORCE) being saved

miraculously. Your marriage can be saved in the same way.

For example, I know of a woman whose husband left her for 25

YEARS, and through an awesome miracle (that can only be attributed

to commitment and prayer!), saw him come back, and subsequently

enjoyed some of the happiest 7 years of their lives before he passed


Now, of course you don't want to see EITHER spouse in your

marriage leave for 25 years! With the right advice--and sacrifices from

BOTH sides--you don't even have to worry about either leaving for a

month. Or if one of you already has left, you can still save your

marriage. It really is possible.

Here are 4 great tips I learned from a great course called Save Your

Marriage Today.

1) Make a commitment that divorce is NOT an option! This is

something that has really helped my wife and me in our marriage.

When the 'D' word is removed as a threat, and is NOT openly

discussed as a convenient option, then you both know you're

committed to each other. Knowing there is a commitment to working

things out is a fantastic way to making that holy commitment

working out!


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2) Define Boundaries! Boundaries are essential in terms of

communication, as well. Make sure you set your limits as to what can

and cannot be talked about. If there is a topic that ALWAYS drives

you both to fighting, such as the husband playing golf on Sundays,

learn when and when not to talk about it. AVOID UNNECESSARY


3) Use "I feel" instead of "You make me!" Yes, we all want to express

our feelings to each other. And that's okay! But do it the right way--

communication is the make-or-break key to any good marriage.

So instead of telling a person who nags, "You're driving me nuts! I

can't stand you!", try, "When you say ___ all the time, it makes me feel

hurt." Your partner will be WAY more open to change when you

phrase it in a non-threatening, but at the same time clear, format.

4) Know the "Marriage Killers!" These are the common problems and

situations that have been known to cause divorce. I can't list them all

here (though you can probably guess some of them), but for more, I

highly suggest checking out the Save Your Marriage Today course.

Remember, any marriage CAN be fixed. It just takes COMMITMENT,

and of course wisdom in knowing what works, and what to avoid

(remember the boundaries!!!).

I hope you got something out of this, and can renew your

commitment to making marriage work. I'll leave you with one last tip,

that is ESSENTIAL for any marriage to work:

5) ALWAYS BE WILLING TO FORGIVE! Yes, people do awful things in

marriage, from cheating, to physical and verbal abuse, to even

deserting his or her partner. But if you're commited to each other,

then you MUST be willing to forgive. I'm not saying it's easy, but

divorce is essentially saying that what someone has done is

unforgivable. If you can't forgive, you can't commit. And without

commitment, there's just no way your marriage can be saved.


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Secrets of Happy and Long-Lasting


Do you still remember the moment you together with your husband

or wife swear in front of the altar that you will be keeping your

marriage vows in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, and

until death do your part? Good for the two of you if you still keep that

scared vows you have made when you were married. Unfortunately,

there are couples who happen to be filing divorces for different


Why there are couples who are making separate ways after they

have taken that marriage vows? There are many reasons to mention,

but the gravest of all is the loss of love and trust to one another. All

the problems are rooted from this reason. How will you trust your

partner if you do not love him/her? How will you love your partner if

you do not trust him/her? These two questions will lead you to a very

serious one, "How will I make our marriage happy and long-lasting?"

That is not a new question for every couple. Before marriage, they

are exactly asking the same question. But this time, it is really serious.

Remember that you have sworn before God that you will love and

take care of each other until death, or even after death.

As mentioned earlier, the gravest reason of divorcing couples is the

lack of love and trust. So what will you do to maintain or in case lost,

return it in your relationship?

First thing to do is to have an open communication. One of the

reasons of lack of trust is miscommunication. For instance, there will

be an instance where you will not be revealing your problem to your

partner even though he or she already noticed it. First thing that will

come to his or her mind is that you do not trust her anymore because10

Page 11: How to save your marriage

you are not revealing your problem.

Find ways of opening your communication. Have a talk every night

before you sleep. You can confer to your partner experiences of the

previous day. Let your partner know that you want him or her to be

a part of everything you are experiencing with, most especially on

cases when you have problems.

Another is to make sacrifices on some circumstances. It is one of the

secrets to have a happy and long-lasting marriage. Both of you

should be prepared to put your partner's happiness ahead of your

own from time to time.

There are instances that small problems become large problems if you

will be showing that you are the boss of the relationship. You must

learn to give way, after all a happy marriage is allowing your partner

to be satisfied with your relationship. For instance, you can volunteer

yourself on washing the dishes after dinner. Just see the smile on the

face of your wife if you will do such small things for them. In addition,

it also shows that you care for your partner.

Always be careful with your finances. If you do not handle your

financial situation carefully, it can destroy your marriage. When

financial crisis arise, it is important that the two of you should discuss

the problem so that you are both aware of the situation you are

facing and at the same time finding solutions. Working together on

this particular issue will make each other feel that each of you is an

integral part of the decision making process.

There are so many variables that affect your marriage. Just remember

that love and trust will bind you together. Make each other realize

that the two of you must continuously work on all of these aspects to

ensure that your marriage will be happy and long-lasting through the

rest of your lives.


Page 12: How to save your marriage

Your Marriage Savior System

Stopping a divorce is normally a tricky factor to do as it is a journey

fraught with risks and navigating your approach by means of

troubled seas of arguments, damage emotions, damaged hearts and

the numerous small niggles of married life appears overwhelming to

the point of desperation for quite a bit of males and women.

Discovering out the means to prevent divorce subsequently becomes

a complicated gray area where logic and solutions seem to mean

nothing as uncooked emotions convey the complete lot crashing


The trouble often is that the confusion becomes so great that we do

throw up our arms metaphorically (and sometimes physically!) in

defeat and either stop caring or revert to our baser instincts where

fear and anger take a maintain; this just makes issues worse. To make

sense of this confusing minefield of marital misery we should first

notice that we will make things less complicated than they appear by

specializing in the one central facet of a marriage ... Love.

When you preserve the assumption that you're still in love and that

love is the driving pressure to your marriage then you can begin to

develop that very same angle in your associate even if it looks like

they've little interest in it all. However, to do that you will want to first

learn to defuse hostile situations in order that the best setting can be

found to really talk correctly with out tearing every others heads off.

Listed here are a few ideas to help to get to this situation.

Stop the Hostility

The first barrier is the hostility that develops with problematic

marriages. Both people have hit a point where they received't back

down as they feel onerous achieved by and don't want to lose the


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argument to save tons of their face and to show some extent that is

probably not really the difficulty at hand. The problem is that

everyone seems to be preserving rating and wanting to be proper,

desirous to WIN which is a poisonous perspective in a relationship

the place you are suppose to be working collectively and

understanding one another on a degree of intimacy that only lovers

can reach. If you can depart the ego on the door and learn that

keeping score does not matter it's attainable you'll take some barbed

comments however you will see your partner will not continue to

assault if you don't assault back. Solely when the hostility is gone will

you be capable of talk properly.

Uncover the Real Difficulty

Most arguments appear to revolve around small insignificant issues

or "niggles" comparable to household chores, minor cash issues or

small personal habits. You most likely know that this is not the actual

reason or might be baffled as to why it is a problem however all of

these niggles both have a kernel of reality to them or are a signal of

some other bigger marriage threatening problem.


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Recommended Products

In this chapter I will share with you this product that I recommend for


The Product is "Save The Marriage System" By Lee H. Baucom

This is a small sample of what others have said about this system

"I have been reading the first few sections and am very relieved to

find such a terrific resource...

...It really fits with the direction I've been taking, personally and with


-Sally F., Therapis

"I sat and read your modules last night. I read from about 7pm to

12am. I am amazed! After reading, I have a whole new outlook on

our marriage. After reading, I am prepared to make the necessary

changes and shifts in order to have the marriage I've always wanted."

-Mary Beth M.