how to sell buyer persona services to inbound clients

20 CMB Partner Office Hours How to sell buyer persona services to inbound clients. Every Tuesday @3pm Eastern

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Researching the process a buyer goes through to make purchasing decision is critical to inbound marketing success. This presentation shows why, when and how to sell buyer persona services to your inbound and content marketing prospects and clients.


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CMB Partner Office Hours

How to sell buyer persona services to inbound clients.

Every Tuesday @3pm

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Today’s Schedule15 minutes: Topic Introduction15 minutes: Open Discussion

Extra time: CMB Partner Questions

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Max TraylorDirector of Client Services Innovative Marketing Resources




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Your Hosts

Max Traylor Bob TraylorDirector of Client Services | Innovative Marketing Resources

President| Do Not Call Protection

Stefan SurkaBusiness Development| CMB

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What is the CMB Community?

Inbound agencies that use the Content Marketer’s Blueprint to sell and service retainers.

Join the Conversation:@CMBlueprint or +ContentMarketersBlueprint

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After the Webinar

• Webinar recording

• Slides

• Blog article

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Today’s Question:

How can I sell buyer persona services to my clients?

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First, what is a buyer persona?

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What is a buyer persona?

Is not… superficial qualities

(37 year old male, lives with his mom)

Is… a buying process

(Adele Revella’s “5 rings of insight”)

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Buyer personas as a service.

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Why is buyer persona insight valuable?

To deliver the right information at the right time

To attract leads that are already in a purchasing process

To convert leads to customers

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When does a company need buyer persona work?


Before they create a content strategy

Before they design a new website

Before they create any new content

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How to tell when your EXISTING CLIENT needs

buyer persona work

Lots of leads, not a lot of customers

Only creates content for ONE buyer persona

Creates content for too many buyer personas

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Scope of work

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IMR’s Buyer Persona Service

2-5 interviews with people that have gone through your client’s sales process recently.

Deliverable: Documentation of your findings

Available training: Buyer Persona Institute (

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Process and Timeline


1. 30 minute meeting to request interviews from client

2. Client/IMC schedules 20 minute interviews

3. IMC conducts interviews

4. IMC creates buying process map

5. IMC presents map to client

6. Client can request modifications or more detail

7. IMC will make necessary modifications

IMC time budget 30 minute call: .5 hours 5 (30 minute interviews):

2.5 hours Build document: 3 hours Presentation: 1 hour Modifications: .5 minutes

Total: 7.5 hours

Timeline: 10-15 business days

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Client commitment

Time commitment

30 minute call

1.5 hours to secure interviews

1 hour presentation

30 minutes to review buying process document and give feedback

Total: 3.5 hours


7.5 IMC hours x $165/hour = $1,125

Price increases:

Number of influencers

Complicated sales process

High value of customers

Multiple buyer personas

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Downloads in today’s blog

Buyer persona package

Overview of service (copy for proposal)

Detailed process for delivering service

Pricing guide

Sample buyer persona document & training course

Sample 5 rings of insight (

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What to do with your buyer personas?

It is the foundation for other strategy services:

Brand Messaging

Website optimization plan

Content Marketing Strategy (CMB)

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Next Session: Tuesday June 10th @ 3:00 PM EST

“3 ways to get appointments with your sales leads”

Special Guest: Erica DelSignore |Sales

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