how to sell my house quickly for a good price

6 How To Sell My House Quickly For A Good Price? Selling your home is both an emotional and nerve wrecking process. It’s hard to imagine giving your home up to total strangers but at the same time, you want to sell it off quickly and for a good price. When it comes to putting your home up for sale, whether you do it during the home- buying or off season, you need to set the right price and make a stellar first impression. These are two vital elements of drawing in potential buyers. The following tips will assist you in pricing your home right and making a memorable first impression: Price it Correctly Most often, sellers assume that if they start by asking for a high price and lowering it later, they will get a big sale. It does nothing other than slow the sale and close often at a lower price than you expected! Most real estate agents would tell you that the first thirty days of activity that result from putting your home on the market is the best, and most you’re going to see. If you price it too high, most agents and buyers will stay away, thinking you are not going to negotiate or that you’re not serious about selling your home. Most home owners want to put up a price based on how much they spent at their home. The goal is usually to balance their mortgage or earn a profit so that they can purchase a new home. The reality of the matter is, your home will only be worth what the market dictates. If it is priced too high, most potential buyers will walk away without making an offer. To avoid pricing it too high or too low, ask your Realtor for a comparative market analysis followed by an explanation of how your home must be priced so that your home sells quickly for a good price.

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Post on 09-Apr-2017



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Page 1: How to sell my house quickly for a good price

How To Sell My House Quickly For A Good Price?

Selling your home is both an emotional and nerve wrecking process. It’s hard to imagine giving your home up to total strangers but at the same time, you want to sell it off quickly and for a good price. When it comes to putting your home up for sale, whether you do it during the home-buying or off season, you need to set the right price and make a stellar first impression. These are two vital elements of drawing in potential buyers. The following tips will assist you in pricing your home right and making a memorable first impression:

Price it Correctly

Most often, sellers assume that if they start by asking for a high price and lowering it later, they will get a big sale. It does nothing other than slow the sale and close often at a lower price than you expected! Most real estate agents would tell you that the first thirty days of activity that result from putting your home on the market is the best, and most you’re going to see. If you price it too high, most agents and buyers will stay away, thinking you are not going to negotiate or that you’re not serious about selling your home.

Most home owners want to put up a price based on how much they spent at their home. The goal is usually to balance their mortgage or earn a profit so that they can purchase a new home. The reality of the matter is, your home will only be worth what the market dictates. If it is priced too high, most potential buyers will walk away without making an offer.

To avoid pricing it too high or too low, ask your Realtor for a comparative market analysis followed by an explanation of how your home must be priced so that your home sells quickly for a good price.

Page 2: How to sell my house quickly for a good price

Enhance Curb Appeal

You want to make a good first impression. Potential buyers may do a drive-by before stepping into your home. How do you make a good first impression? Start with the lawn. Add new sod, plant flower beds, mow it regularly, paint the front door and windows, replace your old mailbox etc. These are some inexpensive ways to enhance curb appeal. When your potential quick cash home buyer pulls up into the driveway and walks through the front door, such changes will create a lasting impression.

Make it easy to show your home

Try to be flexible about viewings. It will enable more people to come and see your home. Prospective visitors may drop in at any time, be it early morning, late in the evening, on weekends, etc. often with little or no notice. When the house is being shown, it is better for the home owner (you) to leave. It will give would-be buyers a chance to move about freely and openly discuss the pros and cons of the home with the Realtor.

Page 3: How to sell my house quickly for a good price

Consider a small makeover

Start by looking at the market for what’s in style right now. Paint the rooms, add new fixtures and update the landscaping accordingly. If your kitchen appliances are old, you might consider upgrading them. Ensure each room in the home is painted and has appropriate lighting.

Include good photos

A picture is worth a thousand words. Many potential home-buyers start their search based on homes with listed photographs. Be sure to take clear and colorful pictures of your home, especially of the areas that matter such as the front of the house, kitchen, bathroom and master bedroom. Use a photographer instead of your agent’s camera phone to take these pictures.

Clean, De-clutter, De-personalize

Before showing your home, do a thorough clean up. Get rid of the excess stuff by holding a garage or yard sale. Put things that you need later into storage. The idea is to give the impression of space, particularly if your home is geared towards young families. While cleaning up, remove religious items, political or controversial things, photographs and any personal knick knacks that personalize the home. You want buyers to be able to visualize themselves living there. If you are not good at cleaning, consider hiring a professional cleaner for a deep cleaning.

Page 4: How to sell my house quickly for a good price

Give empty rooms a purpose

Some home owners may have empty rooms, particularly if their children have left home to pursue a higher education. Give these empty rooms a role. For example, you might consider turning an empty bedroom into an office or library. An alcove near the kitchen can be converted into a pantry.

Page 5: How to sell my house quickly for a good price

Get rid of pets

Not everyone likes pets. Some cultures do not look favorably at having pets. To avoid such a scenario, remove your pet before a viewing. Be sure to remove their litter boxes or food dishes as well, or, at least, hide them. Add a little room freshener to the area where you pet likes to sit. Potential buyers should not get any idea about a pet living there.

What is it like in this neighborly?

When listing your home, be sure to include photos of nearby shopping areas, recreation sites, dining options and parks. If your house is near a good school, mention this in your listing. It will be a selling feature for young families. Remember, you’re not just marketing your home; you’re also marketing a lifestyle!

List your home on all major portals

It is usually part of the Realtor’s service, but you should consider double checking on all the main real estate portals to ensure that your home is put up for sale. It will help you greatly if your home is showcased on social media such as Facebook.

Page 6: How to sell my house quickly for a good price

When it comes to selling your home quickly and at a good price, there are many points you have to consider. It is recommended to speak to someone who has already been through the process, followed by your real estate agent. By implementing many of the tips mentioned above, you will surely sell your home quickly and at a price that you want!

Information Presented by :-

SRE Real Estate Solutions 1240 E. Ontario Ave Suite 102-158 Corona, California 92881 Call: 1-951-268-0838 [email protected]