how to start a gsa: gay-straight alliance

How to start a GSA: Gay-Straight Alliance Alicea Rieger, NBCT and Amy Wiskerchen, NBCT Kentridge High School

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Post on 17-Jan-2018




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Agenda for today Introductions Description of GSA and what it looks like at our school Round Robin activity Overview of GLSEN GSA Advisor Handbook


Page 1: How to start a GSA: Gay-Straight Alliance

How to start a GSA: Gay-Straight Alliance

Alicea Rieger, NBCT and Amy Wiskerchen, NBCTKentridge High School

Page 2: How to start a GSA: Gay-Straight Alliance

Agenda for today• Introductions•Description of GSA and what it looks like at our school•Round Robin activity•Overview of GLSEN GSA Advisor Handbook

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Introductions• Alicea• Amy• Audience: • What school(s)• Currently have a GSA?• What are you hoping to get out of this presentation?

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What is a GSA?• GSA clubs provide a safety net for students• GSA clubs unite LGBTQ students, straight allies, and members of the

school community who are committed to making schools safer and more accepting for LGBT students• GSAs draw on the courage of LGBTQ youth and the commitment of

straight allies working in partnership to build bridges, improve school climates, and change school policies• GSAs can have a major impact on the education environment and

possess the power to transform individuals, school cultures, and educational institutions

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The Kentridge HS GSA

•History (as we know it)•Inactive status•New beginning•It’s not all rainbows and unicorns

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Round Robin Activity•Please visit each station and add to the list• Topics:•What do you think the focus of your GSA should

be?•What activities do you think your GSA should plan?•What barriers do you think you need to overcome

to start/maintain your GSA?

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GSA Network Advisor Handbook

•32 pages•Available in pdf from the GSA Network website•FREE

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Table of Contents•About GSAs •Getting Started • Your Role in a GSA •What to Do in Your GSA • Sustaining Your GSA Over Time • Frequent Issues •Resources •Appendix

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Helpful Websites


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Any Questions???• Thank you so much!

• Alicea Rieger [email protected]

• Amy Wiskerchen [email protected]