how to start a vocational school

How to Start a Vocational School X By Abby Hall, eHow Contributor Vocational schools serve a distinctive purpose as they provide short-term training that prepares students to enter the workforce in a field in demand in their local community or region. These schools are often referred to as technical schools and are usually fully accredited, which allows students to receive financial aid when attending if they qualify. If there's a need in your community or region for certain skills or trades that aren't currently taught, you can establish a school to teach them if you know how to start a vocational school. Instructions 1. o 1 Determine what programs you will offer. One of the first things that you must do is establish what programs and classes you will teach at your vocational school. While you may have some notion of what you want to offer, it's always best to consult with local businesses to determine what programs they would find beneficial. Not only does this generate support for your vocational school, but some businesses may be interested in monetarily sponsoring a particular program since essentially it will be training their future employees. o 2

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Page 1: How to Start a Vocational School

How to Start a Vocational School


By Abby Hall, eHow Contributor

Vocational schools serve a distinctive purpose as they provide short-term training that prepares students to enter the workforce in a field in demand in their local community or region. These schools are often referred to as technical schools and are usually fully accredited, which allows students to receive financial aid when attending if they qualify. If there's a need in your community or region for certain skills or trades that aren't currently taught, you can establish a school to teach them if you know how to start a vocational school.



o 1

Determine what programs you will offer. One of the first things that you must do is establish what programs and classes you will teach at your vocational school. While you may have some notion of what you want to offer, it's always best to consult with local businesses to determine what programs they would find beneficial. Not only does this generate support for your vocational school, but some businesses may be interested in monetarily sponsoring a particular program since essentially it will be training their future employees.

o 2

Find a facility. The facility size for a vocational school depends upon the number of programs and classes you will offer as well as how many students you will serve. Once you've determined what programs will be part of your school, you can then determine how much space will be needed to adequately teach and train students in each program. By adding the space for each program together along with space for the office and administrative sides of your vocational school, you can know what type of facility to lease, purchase or build.

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o 3

Establish your school as a private or public institution. Public vocational schools get funding from the local or state government to supplement the cost of their programs while private schools must raise the funds themselves. In order to be considered a public school, you'll need to get approval from the Board of Regents or other higher education authority in your state. Otherwise, you will be considered a private institution.

o 4

Hire staff and faculty. A number of people will be needed to run and operate your vocational school as many tasks will need to be done on a daily basis. Faculty will be needed to teach in the classroom and in each program, while support staff will be needed to recruit students, aid students with the financial aid process, collect payments, buy supplies and much more.

o 5

Buy equipment needed for each program. You will need to purchase equipment for the different programs you will be offering at your vocational school so students have the right tools to learn. For example, for an auto mechanics program at your vocational school you will need to provide car lifts, power tools, parts to repair vehicles and diagnostic tools.

o 6

Get accreditation. It is important that your vocational school is fully accredited in order for your students to qualify for and receive financial aid. There are regional accrediting organizations throughout the United States that can accredit your school and your programs. Generally, the accreditation process is completed by three to five appointed individuals who come to your school, visit with students and faculty, and review the curriculum.

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Advertise and market the vocational school. Once you've got everything in place at your vocational school, you can advertise and market the training and education you provide.

Read more: How to Start a Vocational School |

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Tuesday, 7 April, 2009

Page 4: How to Start a Vocational School

School Feasibility Study and Business Plan

Hi Inner Circle member:

Yahoo, we’re finally getting spring weather here in Vancouver. Today, temperatures will reach +70 F. And of course being Canadian, we’re getting ready for a huge hockey game tonight with our Vancouver Canucks hockey team. They’re playing Calgary for first place in their division (with only a handful of games left before the playoffs and first place on the line).

I want to thank all of our HEG Inner Circle members for their confidence in our firm’s services. We’re being retained to provide four different feasibility studies and business plans for new K-12 International Schools and Career Colleges in North America and the Middle East. Who says there’s a recession going on!! It is my believe that if you provide an educational program that is not being provided in a community, parents will find the money to send their children to a school that allow their kids to thrive and reach their potential. I’m living proof of that with both my children attending private schools.

Furthermore, the time is right to launch a career college or offshore accredited international US university. Research confirms that when the economy takes a hit and unemployment rises, they return to college to re-train. Additionally, high school graduates now can’t step right out school and land those $20 and hour jobs at construction sites, so they’re alternative is either McDonalds or finding a career via college training.

Today I want to provide you additional information on the value of allows HEG to perform a feasibility study and business plan before you jump in with both feet and start your school. I always advise clients to avoid the “field of dreams” syndrome…building the school and hoping students show up (although I did like the movie). I think it’s better to make the investment at the beginning and know what market demand is and statistically calculate enrollment against demographics, and then develop the start-up and operation business plan and budget based on hard numbers. This way you have a crystal clear picture of what your vision will cost and what your donors or investors need to contribute to ensure success.

To your success,

Doug Halladay

PresidentHalladay Education Group

>> TWITTER: Get my updates by signing in @

>> P.S. Don’t forget to check out our secure Online Store for ways to invest in improving or starting your own school.

================================IN THIS ISSUE

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1. In The News

2. Useful Services

3. Feasibility Study and Business Plan

4. Products At Our Online Store

==================================1. IN THE NEWS==================================

>> INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS UP 4 %Graduate school applications from foreign students grew 4 percent between 2008 and 2009, with the increase "driven almost entirely" by growth at institutions with the largest numbers of international students enrolled already, according to...

>> PRIVATE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT HOLDS STEADY DESPITE ECONOMYBethany Beach Wave - Bethany Beach, DE, USA - While some private schools are busy devising innovative ways to keep enrollment numbers up and funds coming in, private schools on the Lower Shore aren't noticing a decrease in attendance. Part of the reason why, according to Merle Marsh, director of special projects at Worcester Preparatory School in Berlin, is because many schools are trying to ease the financial burden.

>> STUDENTS FLOCKING TO UTAH COMPUTER SCHOOL Forbes - NY, USA - Enrollment applications have tripled at a school that turns out software developers while traditional liberal-arts colleges are worrying about losing students.Neumont University of South Jordan offers an intensive 28-month computer-science degree and works closely with major tech companies that hire almost all of its graduates. Tuition isn't cheap - $72,000 for the degree. But the school says it can place graduates almost immediately in jobs at such companies as IBM Corp. and eBay Inc. at salaries averaging $63,000 a year.

==================================2. USEFUL SERVICES==================================


Starting a school can be challenging and you never have a second chance to make a first impression. This is why you need a firm that has experience starting schools in USA, Canada, and Internationally.


We can lead the development of your school’s comprehensive Strategic Plan, which will build consensus, motivate donors, and define critical priorities for your Board and Administration for continued school improvement.

Page 6: How to Start a Vocational School


Do you want your school to have the best board possible? Our full-day governance workshop (in combination with our interactive online survey) will fine-tune your board’s performance and focus priorities.


A school review is critical to knowing if you’re heading in the right direction. As a board member are you confident that you’re making the right decisions? Are you sure that your school is doing the best it can? Get the whole picture with our In-Depth School Performance Review and Action Plan for immediate improvement.

=====================================3. FEASIBILITY STUDY + BUSINESS PLAN=====================================

I’m a strong believer in performing your due diligence when starting a school. I believe that you should develop a school based on facts rather than on gut instincts. Don’t get me wrong, most schools start over a conversation between parents who are either dissatisfied with the present educational options or have an entrepreneurial drive to start a school in their community that is not yet available. That being said, there are a number of qualitative and quantitative survey tools (e.g., phone, mail, online, focus groups) should be utilized to determine the level of demand for the school you envision.

The purpose of the Feasibility Study that we utilize is to provide reliable information that will help answer the following questions:

What is the level of demand for the school you envision? Who is the target market? What is the likelihood of parents enrolling their children at your school? How many students will enroll (grade, gender, origin, present school-type)? What will prevent families from enrolling? What level of tuition would they pay? Would they need financial aid? What is the impact of pricing on enrollment and features or benefits to reduce price sensitivity? What is the response to the educational programs? What are the critical milestones? Does the founding group have the capacity to start and/or operate the school? What types of facilities are available and/or needed for the school? What are the financial assumptions and costs to start and/or operate the school? What are the obstacles that need to be overcome to achieve success? What will generate confidence in a brand new, premium priced private school? What are the most effective strategies to promote enrollment?

This process allows HEG to evaluate your project’s capacity for success, markets for enrollment, and ensure clarity in the development of your business plan and start-up preparation. We view the feasibility study like building the foundation of a house; you need to establish all the fundamental pillars before you can commit to putting resources and capital into building the school. We understand that the study and business plan will be the backbone of discussions with your partners and/or investment group and needs to be comprehensive and compelling.

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Once you’ve the hard data for projected enrollment, we then develop your business plan, which includes Proformas for start-up budget and five year operational budget. The plan illustrates the opportunity, program requirements, timelines, facility needs, leadership structure, and investment structure. We focus on:

Projected resource/facility needs and costs Timelines for each stage of school formation Competitive market analysis to determine demand and niche segment Economic analysis to determine tuition price point Marketing/admissions strategies and positioning Facilities and location for the school Financial and investment framework Initial start-up and five-year operational budget Construction and Renovation Budget

HEG and our experienced team are well suited and experienced to help assess and lead the development of your school. By utilizing our detailed quality controls, it ensures proper planning, development, and operation of your institution, delivery of a world-class curriculum, and assurance that your school will provide sustainable returns.

To find out more about our firm’s school development services, please email HEG at [email protected] to discuss your needs or click on the following link:

=====================================4. PRODUCTS AT OUR ONLINE STORE=====================================

[!FIRST], here are 2 popular Toolkits that will help you to start and/or lead your school more effectively.


Learn how to develop your own Strategic Plan with step-by-step instructions contained in our detailed Workbook and Manual, along with $500 worth of bonus CD’s. It’s all there to help you develop your own plan.


Are you still struggling with starting your school? Four experienced school leaders share with you how to start a school from the ground up. You’ll also receive our bonus CD on developing your own strategic plan.


To your success,

Douglas HalladayPresident and Founder

Halladay Education Group Inc.

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P: 604.868.0002 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 604.868.0002 end_of_the_skype_highlighting / F: 868.472.8737 / Email: [email protected]

How to Do a Feasibility Study


By an eHow Contributor

A feasibility study can be one of your most valuable marketing tools when you are searching for investors to fund your business' start up. This is why you should know how to conduct a feasibility study.



o 1

Determine if you actually need to conduct a feasibility study. If a company is already doing the same thing that you plan to do and they are making a profit, your business idea is feasible and you don't need a study to prove it. However, if you have a novel idea or a new take on a current business, a feasibility study is warranted.

o 2

Create an outline for your feasibility study. You may want to use an example of another company's feasibility report to help you in this stage. In general you want

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to include a cover sheet, executive summary, table of contents, descriptions of your product or service, definition of the technology used, business model, marketing strategies, critical risk factors, financial projections and a conclusion.

o Sponsored Links Business Plan Template

With My Fill-In-The-Blanks Template Personalize, Print and You're Done!

o 3

Describe your products and/or services. Include a physical description of the product, how it will be used by customers, how it will be tested for safety and effectiveness, and how it will be upgraded in the future.

o 4

Describe the technology that will be used by your company. This may be technology used to produce a product, to allow a product to function or to manage the regular operation of the company. Also include information about your research and development plans and needs to keep your company on the cutting edge of the industry.

o 5

Describe your market environment. This will need to include a description of your target market, how the customers will benefit from your products or services, what niche or need your products or services will fulfill, estimate of market size, targeted geographical area and factors that will impact the sales volume of your products or services. This might include how frequently shoppers buy items like yours, psychographic factors, and demographic factors.

o 6

Describe your competition. Make sure that this section identifies both direct and indirect competition. Also identify key competitors and outline their market share, business strengths, assets, goals, strategies, etc. This section will also need to include barriers that your company will need to overcome to enter the market. Then you will want to list your company's potential advantages, including the uniqueness of your product, your company's assets, etc.

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o 7

Define your industry. To do this, state what your industry is, what products or services are contained within the industry, how large it is, how fast it is growing, the outlook for the industry, the industry's demands, the industry's current supply factors and any other factors that may influence the health of the stated industry.

o 8

Draft your business model. To do this, you will need to identify how your company will generate revenue, what recurring revenue you expect, and include enough detail to support your financial projections (included in a later section).

o 9

Describe your marketing and sales strategy. Include information about anticipated marketing partnerships, how you will gain market access, what your basic marketing and sales strategies are, how you plan to distribute your merchandise or services, how you plan to price your products or services, set out an amount you plan on budgeting for the first year's marketing, and identify any other factors that may influence the productivity of your proposed marketing campaign.

o 10

Describe both your production requirements and your operating requirements. Include how items will be manufactured, where they will be manufactured, how items will be transported, how much space you will need to manufacture your goods, how much space you will need to contain the operational staff, disclose whether you plan to rent or buy your warehouse facility and headquarters, how much money you plan to use for renovations and how complex it is to manufacture your product. You will need to disclose any information about your suppliers, a description of any pre-existing contracts you have in place, how services will be designed, how services will be delivered to customers, how services can be improved or modified and whether there are any stakeholders already in place.

o 11

Describe the management and personnel of your business. This section can be a list of prospective key employee names, titles, respective duties and

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responsibilities and the costs associated with employing these people. You will also want to outline support staff positions and employment costs.

o 12

Describe the intellectual property that your company will develop and utilize. This should include all patents, copyrights and trademarks. Also include any licensing agreements that you have secured for another company's intellectual material.

o 13

Describe the regulations and environmental issues that your company will need to address. This should include local, state, and federal laws that you will need to follow, as well as environmental factors like waste disposal plans, international trade policies, etc. that you will need to take into consideration when developing, producing or delivering merchandise or services.

o 14

Describe any critical risk factors, like economic stability and forecasts, investments, internal organization of the company, etc.

o 15

Outline your start-up schedule. Include important events and projected dates of completion such as having financing in place, etc. Make sure that you also connect the milestone with a specific business function such as financial requirements, personnel requirements, etc.

o 16

Provide documentation for your financial projections. You will need to include the following financial reports: balance sheet projection for three years with highlight inflows of capital, cost benefit analysis, income projections for the first year, break-even analysis and income projections for the first year.

o 17

Describe your capital requirements and your strategy. This section will need to outline how much capital you need to start up your business, what assets the company has in place to secure financing, what types of funding the company is

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looking for, the anticipated debt to equity ratio the company hopes to maintain and when investors will be paid a return on their investment.

o 18

Outline your final findings and recommendations. This section should analyze the findings outlined in the feasibility study. You should examine the company's market viability, exit strategy viability, technical viability, economic and financial viability, business model viability and management model viability. Then make recommendations on how your start-up plan can be improved, what areas need more research and development, etc.

o 19

Draft your executive summary to reflect what will be included in the feasibility study. Keep this section to a maximum of one page. This section is written last but it will need to be positioned at the beginning of the study as an introduction to your report.

Read more: How to Do a Feasibility Study |

Vessel Nominations, Shipment & Procedure:1. Seller submits Charter Party agreement and Bill of lading documents and

SPA for review by buyer2. Seller/ Buyer Sign Seal the Contract and Exchange the Signed Copy by

Electronic Mail. The Electronic Signed Copy By Both Parties Is Considered Legally Binding And Enforceable. Buyer return the signed spa with ATB coordinates with s/cargo scan passport and Seaman Passport. Please note contract to be signed with Title Holder only

3. Seller's provide marine ATB and security clearance for both buyer S/cargo and inspectors to conduct Q&Q. for both super cargo and Inspectors to board the vessel for confirmation and verification by issuing the MATB and NNPC Navy clearance for boarding both of them, after confirmation of the cargo ,and Q&Q report

4. Buyer shall within 72 hours after receipt Q&Q report, Payment's is made by swift to seller’s bank, agents, facilitators. Payment Instruments MT103 covering cargo per out-turn barrel quantity value as per the Q & Q conducted.

5. Full payment by SWIFT/KTT shall be released to all the nominated accounts in the contract by the buyer as re-chartering of the loaded vessel is concluded

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in the buyer’s name. Buyer shall pay all commissions at time of payment of oil to Seller. Please note payment is made in International waters

6. All the cargo documents in the buyer’s name are concluded and delivered to the buyer’ bank.

7. Electronic copies of all documents sent to buyer / buyer’s bank.8. Original documents handed over to buyer’s bank.9. Vessel sails to destination port