how to take care of hermit crabs a how to guide to these easy going creatures by: abby culberson

How to Take Care of Hermit Crabs A how to guide to these easy going creatures By: Abby Culberson

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Post on 20-Jan-2016




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How to Take Care of Hermit Crabs

How to Take Care of Hermit CrabsA how to guide to these easy going creatures

By:Abby Culberson

RequirementsAn aquariumSand (from a pet shop)Two water dishes and one food dishFood & WaterHermit Crab TreatsOcean Salt (available at most pet stores)CalciumChlorine Drops (only if you use tap water with chlorine)Extra shells (not painted)Thermometer and Hygrometer Why Two Water Dishes?Hermit crabs need to have one water dish with fresh water (see chlorine drops if using town/city water) and one with saltwater (see ocean salt like the picture below). They will drink from the fresh water and bathe and wash their shell with the saltwater.

Hermit Crab Food & Treats

Hermit crabs need soft food that they can eat. They are extremely slow eaters so dont expect to see a huge dent in the food dish everyday. Taste in food varies with each crab. Some like fruits and veggies, others may not. Store bought treats are also popular among hermit crabs owners. Treats like in the picture below are healthy for your crabs and provide other options for them. Also try to include some calcium in their diet. The calcium helps them build a strong exoskeleton.Aquariumand contentsYou will need about two inches of sand for the bottom of your tank and some houses for your hermit crabs to hide in if they feel the need. Also you will need a thermometer and a hygrometer to measure the temperature and humidity of the tank. Hermit crabs need to have the temperature between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius and the humidity to be between 70-80%.


Never use painted shells! They irritate the crabs exoskeleton and the paint will peel and if your crab eats it, it will become extremely sick. Many people find it fun to paint the shells and customize them, but it is not healthy for the crab. Also the shells should be the appropriate size for the size of your hermit crab. (See picture right). Your hermit crabs shell is its castle. Do not try to force it out of the shell or try to remove the shell.

Hermit Crabs as PetsThose are the necessary requirements for hermit crabs. Many people think hermit carbs are very boring pets, but they are really interesting. Sure, they may not run on a wheel or go for walks with you. They may not be very cuddly but they are only for certain people. I would not recommend them as pets to people who have no interest in taking the time to check them every day and make sure the temperature and humidity is proper.


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