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    ,o" To- Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin .arner A.TF/0SC 24 Aero Automatic5

    T,#S T,R!A( #S O6%7 FOR T,! SP!!( A8TO*AT#C

    TRA6S*#SS#O6 (O 6OT AS: Q8!ST#O6S R!%AT#6G TO

    T,! *A68A% TRA6S*#SS#O6S OR POST #6FOR*AT#O6

    A;O8T T,! OT,!R TRA6S*#SS#O6S AS #T .#%% O6%7 %!A(

    TO CO6F8S#O6

    SIX SPEED AUTOMATIC ONLY!8it tat said-5e /85"24(SC is in (0: /eros as well as te .1 Diesel versions. ;t is also called te 5"24(SC 3/8"%- /"rab a !an to catc te fluid- as its about to come gusing out once tat bolt is off. >et a 5or bit- a 5

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    nce tat is off fluid will come out of te middle and let it drain com!letel*. Soudnt ta,e too long.

    Ste! &+ nce its all drained out- get a %mm e bitand unscrew te drain !lug.

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    2 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    ; found tese at /utoGone. /bout @( for all tree.

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    5is is were te maForit* of te fluid will come out. Careful cause tis stuff is scolding ot. So ot it s!lased on m*

    sunburnt arm and gave me a second degree burn and made m* s,in !eel and ever*ting... Let tat drain out com!letel*.

    He sure to measure eactl* ow muc came out because tat will be eactl* ow muc to !ut bac, inI


  • 5/21/2018 How To_ Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC (06+ Aero Automatic) - SaabCentral Forums



    5e first ard wa* involves unscrewing tis PS of a bolt.

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    /s *ou can see ; stri!!ed mine- because *ou cant get good angle on it because te turbo eat sield is in te wa*. Jou

    could ta,e te eat sield off- but tat involves unscrewing li,e $ ard as ell to get to (mm bolts.

    So wat to do now *ou ma* be as,ing wit a transmission tat as no fluid and no !erciveable wa* to fill it bac, u!?

    Use te vent tube to fill it bac, u!I Jes tats rigt bo*s and girls- 5e /85" 4( as a vent tube attaced to te side of

    te ousing tat S//H was generous enoug to attac a !iece of K

  • 5/21/2018 How To_ Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC (06+ Aero Automatic) - SaabCentral Forums



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    5e end of it sould be anging around te /HS moduleor bra,e boosterKreservoir. 5e end of te ose will be !ointing

    towards te ground. "ind it- clean it off- and stic, a tin* little funnel in it li,e so. ; ,now its ard to see te funnel at first

    because its wite and m* Note % will sometimes over e!ose !otos.

    5is image as been resiGed. Clic, tis bar to view te full image.

    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    5 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    8ile *ou still ave te drain !lugo!en on te bottom- go aead and flus about alf of a uart of fluid troug it to

    ma,e sure *ouve got te rigt ose and if tere was an* debris in te ose it will flus it out.

    nce clean fluid is !ouring out of te drain !lug- go aead and !ut it bac, in and snug it all u! down tere. 3sorr* ; dont

    ave an* torue s!ecs for *ou b* te boo, *ellow bellies- ; sim!l* tigtened it about te same amount ; would te oil

    drain bolt. He careful because it is an aluminum ousing tat can stri! easil*. =s!eciall* te little tin* one inside te big


    /n*wa*s. nce its all tigtened u!- !re!are to fill te transmission wit clean new fluid. ; did so b* Famming te ose

    and funnel between te coolant reservoir and te bra,e fluid reservoir and stuffing a rag all around it in case ; s!illed


    >o aead and start slowl* !ouring fluid down te ose and !re!are for te most boring ting *ou will ever do to *our car.

    5rougout tis !rocess *ou will be staring at te tin* little funnel and start to uestion wat *ou are doing wit *our life

    as te fluid ta,es its sweet time dri!!ing in to te trans.

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    6 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    He careful wen doing tis- because as *ou are filling te trans wit a liuid- tere is still alot of air inside of it tat as

    no were to esca!e but out of te vent tube *ou are forcing fluid down. So- uite regularl* as te fluid is draining- te

    transmission will bur! and air will come bubbling u! troug tube. 5is will ma,e uite a mess as *ou can see from te

    !ictures so be sure to ave some s!are rags and* to wi!e an* u!.

    ;f *ou are im!atient 3li,e ; am6 ten tere is one ting *ou can do to s!eed it u!. Remember tat little tin* bolt inside

    te big drain bolt.

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    7 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    Jea tat one. ;f *ou ta,e it out wile filling u! te trans- it will give te air tats tra!!ed inside somewere to go and it

    will fill u! muc uic,er.

    Now wen ; drained m* trans ; ad about %.9$ uarts come out. So as ; began to add it bac, wit te little drain !lug

    o!ened on te bottom ; got about % uarts in te transmission before fluid began to !our out of te bottom. So obviousl*

    wen tat a!!ens- *ou ave no coice but to !ut te !lug bac, in and Fust sit tere and wait for it to slowl* !our in.

    /ll in all- te ardest !art was Fac,ing te car u! in te rear and adding te fluid bac, was time consuming and boring as

    ell. ; started draining te fluid at about /M and was all finised at about %+M recommends doing a sim!le fluid cange ever* &(E miles. /nd believe me- do it ever* &(E miles if *ou want *our

    transmission to last. 5=S= /R= N5 S=/L=D 5R/NSM;SS;NS "R L;"= li,e some will sa*. 5e fluid in m* car was

    canged at te dealer about & *ears ago at 0

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    )hilbar+1Senior Member

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    /nd if an*one is wondering. Jes ; used te "ord fluidin m* >M car

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

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    eres te bac, of te bottle. ; underlined te im!ortant !art...

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    10 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    DiggsSu!er Moderator

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    /wesome. ;nto te ow 5o stic,* it goes.... 5an,sI

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    11 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    /noter ting to note- tese si s!eed /8 trans dont ave a filter... So tat is w* >M recommends canges ever* &(E.

    5ere is onl* a small screen on te !ic,u! for te !um!. So be sure watever funnel *ou use to fill it u! wit is clean and

    dont let an* sandKdirt inI

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    AguySaab Lunatic

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    Nice write u!. 5an,s for te ecellent !otos too. ; found it entertaining to read too and ; donOt even ave tat


    %st )ul* %(&

    dc99/ctive Member

    )oin Date+ Se! %((9Location+ Cicago

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    Nice rigt u! dude- matter of fact ; did te fluid cange toda* and *our rigt te fill !lug is a P;/. ; went troug te

    trouble to remove te batter* bo to access te !lug ten used te tor soc,et wit a swivel and long etension. ;t too,

    alot longer but for te first time not too bad. 5e torue s!ecs are still fres if an*one wants tem- te fill !lug is %%ft lb-

    drain !lug3allen6 &&ft lb and te center tube bolt is 9ft lb or ; used inc torue wrenc4< in lbs.

    ; read in anoter tread someone used a and fluid !um! to !um! te fluid troug te tube- ; did bu* one but tereOs

    no wa* *our gonna get & liters in te trans using tis metod. 5e idea sounds good but *ouOll be too sort on fluid tis


    nl* $(E and m* fluid was dar, brown- first time cange- % more to go....

    H58 ; cange m* coolant also- tat was more of a P;/....

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    riginall* Posted b* dc99

    Nice right up dude !atter "# #act $ did the #luid cha%ge t"day a%d y"ur right the #ill plug is a P$A. $ &e%t thr"ugh

    the tr"uble t" re!"'e the battery b"( t" access the plug the% used the t"r( s"c)et &ith a s&i'el a%d l"%g

    e(te%si"%. $t t"") al"t l"%ger but #"r the #irst ti!e %"t t"" bad. *he t"r+ue specs are still #resh i# a%y"%e &a%ts

    the! the #ill plug is 22#t lb drai% plug,alle%- 33#t lb a%d the ce%ter tube b"lt is 7#t lb "r $ used i%ch t"r+ue

    &re%ch4 i% lbs.

    $ read i% a%"ther thread s"!e"%e used a ha%d #luid pu!p t" pu!p the #luid thr"ugh the tube $ did buy "%e but

    there/s %" &ay y"ur g"%%a get 3 liters i% the tra%s usi%g this !eth"d. *he idea s"u%ds g""d but y"u/ll be t""

    sh"rt "% #luid this &ay.

    %ly 50 a%d !y #luid &as dar) br"&% #irst ti!e cha%ge 2 !"re t" g"....

    * $ cha%ge !y c""la%t als" that &as !"re "# a P$A....

    5an,s for te torue s!ecs. ;Oll edit tem in to te original !ost sortl*.

    Could *ou sare a little on ow *ou canged *our coolant? ow did *ou drain it all and ow did *ou refill it? )ust troug

    te over flow tan,? ow did *ou bleed te air out? /nd ow muc did it ta,e to rldrain and refil?

    %$t )ul* %(&

    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    12 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    multistrada+?/ctive Member

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    i. tan,s for tis ow2to. will be doing it tis wee,end. stu!id uestion- but- does m* wifes %((4 12& aero A8D ave te

    same transmission as *ours? same eact drain and fill !rocedure ; assume?

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    )hilbar+1Senior Member

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    /s long as its te %.4L 0 ten it does. ;f it is te ood luc, wit tat "ill PortI

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    multistrada+?/ctive Member

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    riginall* Posted b* )hilbar+1

    As l"%g as its the 2.L the% it d"es. $# it is the 46yl the% it !ay ha'e a di##ere%t tra%s i! %"t t"" sure... *he

    "%ly di##ere%ce is there is i# it &as the the% there &"uld be a tra%s#er case slapped "% the bac) "# y"urs. but

    the drai% a%d #ill p"rts are i% the e(act sa!e l"cati"%.

    ""d luc) &ith that 8ill P"rt9

    tan,s mate. *ea- se as te v0. cool. not loo,ing forward to tisI

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    multistrada+?/ctive Member

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    forgot to as,....are tere an* oter brands of fluid tat can be used? li,e mobil ? or are tese two te onl* coices?


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    )hilbar+1Senior Member

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    5ere are a few universal "luids tat claim to meet te /8 s!ec... Hut ; would not trust tese Fust to save @% a uart.

    5a,e a loo, at tis tread- lists some universals tat claim to meet te /8 s!ec+


    Hut wen te "ord "luidis onl* @4 a uart and *ou souldnOt need an* more tan < uarts its a safe bet. /lot better tan

    !a*ing @%$ a uart for te >M stuff

    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

    13 de 17 17/08/2014 01:57 p.m.

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    multistrada+?/ctive Member

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    riginall* Posted b* )hilbar+1

    *here are a #e& u%i'ersal 8luids that clai! t" !eet the A1 spec... ut $ &"uld %"t trust these ust t" sa'e t?20312

    ut &he% the 8"rd 8luidis "%ly

  • 5/21/2018 How To_ Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC (06+ Aero Automatic) - SaabCentral Forums







    "ut all "# this stu##.

    o QQQQI got itI tan,sI o,- ; read tat te &&(1 is N5 s*ntetic- but wo wants to ta,e a cance? ;Oll go wit te


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    riginall* Posted b* multistrada+?

    "h IIII9 g"t it9 tha%)s9 ") $ read that the 330 is N* sy%thetic but &h" &a%ts t" ta)e a cha%ce> $/ll g" &ith

    the M"t"rcra#t9

    Jea te &&(1 is not s*ntetic- its dinosaur based oil. ;ve read about oter !eo!le !utting te &&(1 on oter car forums

    tat use te /8 0 s!eed and te* said tat all of te gears would sli! and tat it wouldnOt sift rigt.

    5ese trans need a fluid wit a ver* ver* ver* s!ecific viscosit*. nl* tese mineral based fluids meet tat viscosit*


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    multistrada+?/ctive Member

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    riginall* Posted b* )hilbar+1

    Jeah the 330 is %"t sy%thetic its di%"saur based "il. $'e read ab"ut "ther pe"ple putti%g the 330 "% "ther car

    #"ru!s that use the A speed a%d they said that all "# the gears &"uld slip a%d that it &"uld%/t shi#t right.

    *hese tra%s %eed a #luid &ith a 'ery 'ery 'ery speci#ic 'isc"sity. %ly these !i%eral based #luids !eet that

    'isc"sity re+uire!e%t.


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    multistrada+?/ctive Member

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    tis is interesting.... tt!+KKwww.bobisteoilgu*.comKforums...Number%$911&%

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    dc99/ctive Member

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    How To: Transmission Fluid Change on the Aisin Warner AWTF-80SC...

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    riginall* Posted b* )hilbar+1

    *ha%)s #"r the t"r+ue specs. $/ll edit the! i% t" the "rigi%al p"st sh"rtly.

    6"uld y"u share a little "% h"& y"u cha%ged y"ur c""la%t> K"& did y"u drai% it all a%d h"& did y"u re#ill it> ust

    thr"ugh the "'er #l"& ta%)> K"& did y"u bleed the air "ut> A%d h"& !uch did it ta)e t" rldrai% a%d re#il>

    Unfortunatel* to do it correctl* its a P;/- ; dro!!ed te lower cover- !ut a ose on te radiatordrain and let it drain in a

    !an- ten filled te overflow tan,. Ran te engine for awile wit termometer in tan, till it reaced tem! fill as needed.

    Jou cannot em!t* com!letel* but got about 0 ts of $( $( in it. 5e radiatordrain is a !ain was afraid tat it was goingto brea, turned it bac, and fort and lube wit wdot it at a local foreign

    !art !lace for .(( Bt.

    4 ts ouc tat urt...... o!e tis el!s.....

    Last edited by dc; 25th uly 2013 at 07:31 PM.

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