how to tune search requests using amazon cloudsearch

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How to Tune Search Requests

Tom Hill / [email protected]

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!   Query Processing !   Common Issues !   Benchmarking !   Analytics

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…query processing

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Sorting Filtering Matching

Query Processing

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Query Processing !   Matching

•  Text Fields •  Literal Fields

!   Filtering •  Numeric terms, ranges

!   Ranking •  Score computation for each document

!   Sorting •  Based on rank computation, alphabetic, numeric

!   Faceting

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Matching !   The starting point for results !   Full text matching with “text” fields !   Exact matching with “literal” fields    

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Filtering !   UINT fields

•  Numbers •  Numeric ranges

!   After all of these you get results:  <hits  found="2432"  start="0">  

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Ranking !   Score can be

•  Text Relevance •  Rank expression

!   Done for every document that makes it past filtering

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Sorting !   Last step !   Again, cost a function of match set size !   Sort by

•  Text Relevance •  Rank Expression •  Field Value

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Performance: Match Set Size

AND color:black AND age:0..6 cat|dog <all documents>

Increasing Performance

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…common issues

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Literals vs Uints

!   Literals will tend to improve performance ! Uints will tend to take less space

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Query Restriction: Literals Vs. Uints

 GeoMethod        TextRel          Limits        Queries    Seconds    QTimeMS        Threads  CompletedQ            AveHits              NONE            false                                        10      6.2255            622                    1                  10      8345450.00    CARTESIAN            false                                        10    15.6064          1560                    1                  10      8345450.00              EQUI            false                                        10    19.7106          1971                    1                  10      8345450.00        COSINES            false                                        10    27.4968          2749                    1                  10      8345450.00    HAVERSINE            false                                        10    31.2595          3125                    1                  10      8345450.00                NONE            false        Numeric                  10      9.1758            917                    1                  10            3807.00    CARTESIAN            false        Numeric                  10      9.0255            902                    1                  10            3807.00              EQUI            false        Numeric                  10      9.1158            911                    1                  10            3807.00        COSINES            false        Numeric                  10      9.8321            983                    1                  10            3807.00    HAVERSINE            false        Numeric                  10      9.1272            912                    1                  10            3807.00                NONE            false        literal                  10      0.8254              82                    1                  10            3781.00    CARTESIAN            false        literal                  10      0.5936              59                    1                  10            3781.00              EQUI            false        literal                  10      0.6173              61                    1                  10            3781.00        COSINES            false        literal                  10      0.5916              59                    1                  10            3781.00    HAVERSINE            false        literal                  10      0.6289              62                    1                  10            3781.00    

No Restriction

UINT Restriction

Literal Restriction

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Negative Queries

!   CloudSearch supports negative queries •  &q=-amazon

!   Can match all documents •  if "doesntmatchanything" matches 0 docs, then

-doesntmatchanything will match all docs.

!   Matching all docs means lots of computations •  Sorting, rank expressions, etc.

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Implicit Limits

!   If the user doesn't give you restrictions, add some!

!   Top items for their category !   Add implicit limits to broad queries

•  &bq=important:1 •  &bq=population:10000..

!   select the best

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Wildcard Queries

!   Expands the query terms •  a* => aardvark, aaron, … azimuth •  Limited to first 2000 terms.

•  But that's still 2000 terms! •  Match set is all docs that contain any one of the terms

!   Match set gets big!

a* a aaron after apple

doc1 doc3

doc99 doc3

doc9 doc50 doc110 doc5

doc17 doc87 doc117 doc18

doc80 doc111


doc85 doc90

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Wildcard Queries

!   Stemming •  cats* doesn't match cats •  cats is stemmed to "cat", but wildcards are not stemmed

!   Avoid negative wildcard queries •  -cat works fine

•  but may take a while to execute •  -cat123 may confuse you. It becomes:

•  -cat 123

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Boolean Queries

!   Used to restrict your searches •  Faceting (e.g. category) •  Date •  Security

!   &bq=(and  title:'potter'  author:'rowling')  !   Can improve performance !   Can slow performance

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Boolean Queries

!   Effects of additional AND !   Effects of Additional OR


Style Size


Style Size


Size Style

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Rank Expressions Review

!   Used to enhance search results !   Include non-text factors in scoring

•  Popularity (likes/upvotes) •  Distance •  Price/Profit


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Rank Expressions

!   Execute once for each document in match set •  Reduce your match set with text matches, literals, uints •  Done after filters applied

Faster! Slower

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Rank Expressions

!   Avoid queries that match all (or many) documents •  -foo •  state:CA

! Precompute static parts of rank expression •  sqrt(rating)+200*log10(doc.votes) + 20*log10(doc.sales) =>


!   Add implicit limits to broad searches

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Default Search Field

!   Searches all text fields by default •  Usually the right thing •  If not, remove unneeded fields from it

!   Changeable via the API !   Alternative: explicitly select one field to search

•  title:'harry potter'

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Target Slow Queries

!   Slow searches affect other searches !   Optimizing the slowest search requests may speed up all

of your searches. !   Slow queries can produce timeouts (507s)

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Testing Latency

!   Hard to estimate •  Depends on queries, usage patterns, data…

!   Build a domain & test •  It's the cloud, spin up & down as needed! •  Use your own data •  As close to real usage as you can

•  Log replay is good!

!   A/B Test your changes

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Two Approaches

!   Testing •  Just run some queries

!   Benchmarking •  Run enough to have some statistical validity

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Testing Approaches

!   Statistics provided

!   Browser tools •  Chrome •  Firebug for Firefox

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!   Apache JMeter (or similar) •  Well documented •  Well tested •  General

•  This is good, and bad !   Custom Code

•  Usually looks a lot like your application •  So, not as much code as you might think •  Flexible

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Custom Code

!   Multithread it for realistic results •  If it's simulating more than one client

!   Make sure the clients (tester) isn't the bottleneck •  Benchmark it with searches stubbed •  Avoid languages with global interpreter locks

!   Personally, I use: •  Java •  Apache Http Client

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Custom Code Example  LinkedList<Thread>  threads  =  new  LinkedList<Thread>();    int  nQ  =  queue.size();    long  time  =  System.nanoTime();    List<Consumer>  consumers  =  new  LinkedList<Consumer>();    for  (int  i  =  0;  i  <  threadCount;  i++)  {      Consumer  c1  =  new  Consumer(queue);      consumers.add(c1);      Thread  t  =  new  Thread(c1);      threads.add(t);      t.start();    }    //  Wait  for  signal  that  we  have  processed  all  queries.    for  (Thread  thread  :  threads)  {      thread.join();  


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Sample Data & Queries

!   Sample Data – must be realistic •  BAD: a123 b456 xyzzyx •  Better: use Wikipedia, project Gutenberg •  Best: Your own data

!   Queries •  BAD: random words •  Better: read words from test data •  Best: Replay log files •  Always check your number of responses in benchmarks.

•  It's easy to get fast queries, if you get no hits.

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Analytics & Metrics

!   You have to know what to tune !   CloudSearch Metrics !   Custom Logging

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CloudSearch Metrics

!   Top Queries !   Zero result queries

•  Lack of data? •  Or query issues?

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Custom Logging

!   Log all requests on your end !   Watch

•  Longest running queries •  Failed Queries •  HTTP error codes

!   Track Changes over time

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Warning Signs

!   Know your http error codes •  500 series can be retried •  May indicate server is overloaded •  Long queries can tie up threads until timeout

•  More of an issue on small servers.

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…wrap up

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Wrap Up

!   1) Limit match set size !   2) Limit Match set size J !   Be aware of the cost of features

•  Test/Benchmark !   Resources

•  Slides will be on meetup group • • •

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Tom Hill [email protected]