how to use automatic shared memory management

How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) In Oracle10g [ID 295626.1] Modified 03-MAR-2010 Type BULLETIN Status PUBLISHED Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to Information in this document applies to any platform. Purpose Checked for relevance on 3-4-2010. The main goal of this document is to show you how to put in place the ASMM facility introduced with Oracle10g, how to configure it, and also some examples on how to monitor its activity. NOTE: ASMM can still be used on 11g instead of the new 11g Automatic Memory Management (AMM) setting MEMORY_TARGET=0 and SGA_TARGET > 0 Scope and Application All the DBAs and users concerned with Database Administration activities. How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) In Oracle10g The ASMM Facility, How to Configure it and Review its Effect 1. Concept Starting with Oracle version 9.0.1, some SGA parameters have been defined as 'Dynamic' parameters. The "ALTER SYSTEM" command may be used to grow/shrink their current values. The whole SGA size is limited by the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter that

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Page 1: How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management

How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) In Oracle10g [ID 295626.1]


  Modified 03-MAR-2010     Type BULLETIN     Status PUBLISHED


Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to in this document applies to any platform.


Checked for relevance on 3-4-2010.

The main goal of this document is to show you how to put in place the ASMM facility introduced with Oracle10g, how to configure it, and also some examples on how to monitor its activity.

NOTE:  ASMM can still be used on 11g instead of the new 11g Automatic Memory Management (AMM) setting MEMORY_TARGET=0 and SGA_TARGET > 0

Scope and Application

All the DBAs and users concerned with Database Administration activities.

How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) In Oracle10g

The ASMM Facility, How to Configure it and Review its Effect

1. Concept

Starting with Oracle version 9.0.1, some SGA parameters have been defined as 'Dynamic' parameters. The "ALTER SYSTEM" command may be used to grow/shrink their current values.

The whole SGA size is limited by the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter that is the defined upper bound. Each SGA parameter is allocated in terms of Granules that is the Allocation Unit. The Granule size will depend on the SGA_MAX_SIZE value and hardware platform.

Depending on the 9i version, the following parameters have been defined as dynamic parameters:

9.0.1: Shared Pool and Default Buffer Cache

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9.2.0: Shared Pool, Default Buffer Cache, Large Pool

When you grow/shrink the dynamic size of one of the above parameters, the freed memory won't be reallocated to another dynamic component automatically. You must do it manually if needed.

In 10G version, the ASMM has been introduced to relieve DBAs from sizing some parts of the SGA by themselves.

When enabled, it lets Oracle decide of the right size for some components of the SGA:


They are called auto-tuned parameters.

The main objectives to justify this new functionality are: Distribute the available memory depending of the current Workload.

The MMAN process will take some regular memory snapshots to evaluate the needs and thereby the dispatching of the usable memory.

Enhance the memory usage depending of the activity. Avoid the memory errors like ORA-4031.

To get more details about the ASMM concepts, you can read the <note:257643.1 Oracle Database 10g Automated SGA Memory Tuning .

2. Configuration

The ASMM is driven by one init parameter: SGA_TARGET.

When set to 0, the ASMM is disabled and you run with the old method, so you need to define the above auto-tuned parameters by yourself.The default value for SGA_TARGET is 0 so ASMM disabled.

The conditions to enable the ASMM mechanism are: STATISTICS_LEVEL=TYPICAL or ALL SGA_TARGET > 0

When you use a value greater than 0, the ASMM is enabled and the memory will be spread between all components: auto-tuned and manual parameters.

The SGA_TARGET value will therefore define the memory size sharable between auto-tuned and manual parameters.

The manual parameters are: DB__CACHE_SIZE DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE (non default block size) LOG_BUFFER

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Amonst these manual parameters, some of them are modifiable or fixed (defined at startup only):


The SGA_TARGET will be limited by the SGA_MAX_SIZE value. The SGA_MAX_SIZE cannot be modified dynamically.

SQL> show parameter sga_max

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- -----sga_max_size                         big integer 300M

If you try to define a larger SGA_TARGET, you will get the following message:

SQL> alter system set sga_target=400M;alter system set sga_target=400M*ERROR at line 1:ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalidORA-00823: Specified value of sga_target greater than sga_max_size

3. Some Examples

3.1 Manual to ASMM

This can be the case when you just upgraded your database from an older version.

The SGA_TARGET is non defined, so 0 by default.

SQL> show parameter sga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE----------------                    ----------- -------lock_sga                               boolean     FALSEpre_page_sga                   boolean     FALSEsga_max_size                         big integer 164M  <<<<<<<sga_target                           big integer 0

All the SGA parameters have been set manually:

SQL> show parameter size

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

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------------------------------------ ----------- -------------------bitmap_merge_area_size               integer     1048576create_bitmap_area_size              integer     8388608db_block_size                        integer     8192db_cache_size                        big integer 24M  <<<<<<<<<<<db_keep_cache_size                   big integer 0db_recovery_file_dest_size           big integer 2Gdb_recycle_cache_size                big integer 0db_16k_cache_size                    big integer 0db_2k_cache_size                     big integer 0db_32k_cache_size                    big integer 0db_4k_cache_size                     big integer 0db_8k_cache_size                     big integer 0global_context_pool_size             stringhash_area_size                       integer     131072java_max_sessionspace_size           integer     0java_pool_size                       big integer 48M  <<<<<<<<large_pool_size                      big integer 8M  <<<<<<<<<max_dump_file_size                   string      UNLIMITEDobject_cache_max_size_percent        integer     10object_cache_optimal_size            integer     102400olap_page_pool_size                  big integer 0parallel_execution_message_size      integer     2148sga_max_size                         big integer 164Mshared_pool_reserved_size            big integer 4Mshared_pool_size                     big integer 80M  <<<<<<<<<sort_area_retained_size              integer     0sort_area_size                       integer     65536streams_pool_size                    big integer 0workarea_size_policy                 string      AUTO

So the auto-tuned parameters are:


4M are reserved for the other manual parameters.

SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area  171966464 bytesFixed Size                   787988 bytesVariable Size             145750508 bytesDatabase Buffers           25165824 bytesRedo Buffers                 262144 bytes

You decide to switch in ASMM mode:

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SQL> alter system set sga_target=100M;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter sga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE----------------------------- ----------- -----lock_sga                             boolean     FALSEpre_page_sga                         boolean     FALSEsga_max_size                         big integer 164Msga_target                           big integer 164M

The SGA_TARGET has been adjusted silently to support the initial values for the auto-tuned parameters as listed in the V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS view.

SQL> select component, current_size, min_size, user_specified_size from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE------------------------------ ------------ ---------- -------------------shared pool                        80   80            80large pool                             8     8              8java pool                            48   48            48streams pool                              0          0                   0DEFAULT buffer cache      24   24            24KEEP buffer cache                         0          0                   0RECYCLE buffer cache                      0          0                   0DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                   0          0                   0DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0OSM Buffer Cache                          0          0            24

13 rows selected.

This is a particular case when the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter has been initialized by Oracle from the different init SGA parameters.

You don't have any free memory available to grow the dynamic sizes.

SQL> select * from v$sga_dynamic_free_memory;

CURRENT_SIZE------------           0

If you have set the SGA_MAX_SIZE beyond the cumulative size of the different

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SGA parameters, let say to 300M:

SQL> alter system set sga_target=164M;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter sga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- -----------lock_sga                             boolean     FALSEpre_page_sga                         boolean     FALSEsga_max_size                         big integer 300Msga_target                           big integer 164M

SQL> select current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE" from v$sga_dynamic_free_memory;

CURRENT_SIZE-------------------         136

So you dispose now of 136M free for SGA expansion.

3.2 Increase/Reduce the SGA_TARGET

You have the means to change dynamically the size of the sga_target.

SQL> alter system set sga_target=200M;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter sga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- -----lock_sga                             boolean     FALSEpre_page_sga                         boolean     FALSEsga_max_size                         big integer 300Msga_target                           big integer 200M

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE", user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE------------------------------     ------------ ---------- -------------------shared pool                                  80             80                  80large pool                                       8               8                    8java pool                                      48              48                  48

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streams pool                                   0               0                    0DEFAULT buffer cache               60              24                  24KEEP buffer cache                         0                0                   0RECYCLE buffer cache                0                0                   0DEFAULT 2K buffer cache           0              0                   0DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0OSM Buffer Cache                          0          0                  24

We can see that the additional space has been used automatically. The DB_CACHE_SIZE has grown from 24M to 60M.

SGA SIZE = 80M+8M+48M+60M=196M so 4M are again reserved for the manual parameters.

We can also reduce the space reserved for auto-tuned parameters:

SQL> alter system set sga_target = 160M;alter system set sga_target = 160M*ERROR at line 1:ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalidORA-00827: could not shrink sga_target to specified value

The above example illustrates the fact that we cannot reduce the size below the sum of  minimum values (MIN_SIZE): 80M+8M+48M+24M+4M (manual parameters)=164M.

Oracle will decide where to allocate the added space depending on the needs for each auto-tuned components based on the MMAN survey:

SQL> alter system set sga_target=300M;

System altered.

select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE", user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                                                        CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- -----------shared pool                                                                80         80                  80large pool                                                                  8          8                   8java pool                                                                  48         48                  48streams pool                                                                0          0                   0DEFAULT buffer cache                                                      160         24                  24 <<<<<<

Page 8: How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management

KEEP buffer cache                                                           0          0                   0RECYCLE buffer cache                                                        0          0                   0DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                                                     0          0                   0DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                                                     0          0                   0DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                                                     0          0                   0DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                                                    0          0                   0DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                                                    0          0                   0OSM Buffer Cache                                                            0          0                  24

The DB_CACHE_SIZE has been raised from 24M to 160M so all the added memory has been allocated to the buffer cache. It won't be necessary the case at each time.

As we said above, the SGA_TARGET  includes both the auto-tuned and the manual parameters. When you decide to raise a manual value, it will influence the auto-tuned part:

SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area  314572800 bytesFixed Size                   788692 bytesVariable Size             145749804 bytesDatabase Buffers          167772160 bytesRedo Buffers                 262144 bytes

SQL> alter system set streams_pool_size=10M;

System altered.

select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE", user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

SQL> /

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------- --------shared pool                              80         80                  80 STATIClarge pool                                8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                                48         48                  48 STATICstreams pool                             12          0                  12 GROW

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<<<<<<<<<<<DEFAULT buffer cache                    148         24                  24 SHRINK <<<<<KEEP buffer cache                         0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                      0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICOSM Buffer Cache                          0          0                  24 STATIC

The GROW and SHRINK operation types appear for streams pool and default buffer cache. The STREAMS_POOL_SIZE value has been rounded to 12M based on the GRANULE_SIZE of the component:

SQL> select component, granule_size/1024/1024 "GRANULE_SIZE(Mb)" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                      GRANULE_SIZE(Mb)------------------------------ ----------------shared pool                                   4large pool                                    4java pool                                     4streams pool                                  4DEFAULT buffer cache                          4KEEP buffer cache                             4RECYCLE buffer cache                          4DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                       4DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                       4DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                       4DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                      4DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                      4OSM Buffer Cache                              4

You can find the history of the resize operations in the V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS view:

SQL> select component, oper_type, oper_mode, initial_size/1024/1024 "INITIAL", TARGET_SIZE/1024/1024  "TARGET", FINAL_SIZE/1024/1024 "FINAL", status from v$sga_resize_ops;

COMPONENT                      OPER_TYPE     OPER_MODE    INITIAL     TARGET      FINAL STATUS------------------------------ ------------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------DEFAULT buffer cache           SHRINK        MANUAL           160        148        148 COMPLETEstreams pool                   GROW          MANUAL             0         12         12 COMPLETE

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If you decide to decrease the sga_target, you will influence only the auto-tuned sizes, the manual parameters will stay untouched.

SQL> alter system set sga_target=200M;

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE",  user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------- -------------shared pool                              80         80                  80 STATIClarge pool                                8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                                48         48                  48 STATICstreams pool                             12          0                  12 GROWDEFAULT buffer cache                     48         24                  24 SHRINKKEEP buffer cache                         0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                      0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICOSM Buffer Cache                          0          0                  24 STATIC

The lowest limit for sga_target has become now: SUM(MIN_SIZE) for all auto-tuned parameters + CURRENT_SIZE(streams_pool) +  4M  = 176MIf you try to override this limit, you will get the ORA-00827 error code.

3.3 Increase/Reduce the auto-tuned parameters

You can also decide to change the default distribution chosen by the MMAN process.

SQL> alter system set shared_pool_size=100M;

System altered.

SQL>select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "  user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------- -------shared pool                             100         80                 100 GROW <<<<<<

Page 11: How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management

large pool                                8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                                48         48                  48 STATICstreams pool                             12          0                  12 GROWDEFAULT buffer cache                     28         24                  24 SHRINKKEEP buffer cache                         0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                      0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICOSM Buffer Cache                          0          0                  24 STATIC

The query output above shows that the SHARED_POOL_SIZE has been well resized to 100M. Both the CURRENT_SIZE and USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE columns  have been reset.The 20M have been taken from the default buffer cache which has dropped from 48M to 28M.

If you continue to do it:

SQL> alter system set shared_pool_size=180M;alter system set shared_pool_size=180M*ERROR at line 1:ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalidORA-04033: Insufficient memory to grow pool

The memory size increase for an auto-tuned parameter will be dependent on:  SGA_TARGET (200M in this case).  MIN_SIZE for the other auto-tuned parameters  CURRENT_SIZE for the manual parameters resized manually  SIZE already allocated for fixed parameters (4M)

The formula will be: SGA_TARGET - ((SUM(MIN_SIZE for other auto-tuned parameters) + (CURRENT_SIZE for manual parameters) + (size allocated for fixed parameters))

so Memory available for increase: 200M - ((8M + 48M + 24M)) + (12M) + (4M)) = 104M

SQL> alter system set shared_pool_size=104M

System altered.

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE",    user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

Page 12: How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------- -------------shared pool                             104         80                 104 GROW   <<<<<<<<<<<<large pool                                8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                                48         48                  48 STATICstreams pool                             12          0                  12 GROWDEFAULT buffer cache                     24         24                  24 SHRINKKEEP buffer cache                         0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                      0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICOSM Buffer Cache                          0          0                  24 STATIC

If you want continue to increase the shared pool, it will be necessary to raise now the SGA_TARGET value.

When you raise the size of an auto-tuned parameter, the CURRENT_SIZE reflects synchronously this action as shown above.

This isn't the case when you decrease one of the auto-tuned parameters:

SQL> alter system set shared_pool_size=80M;

System altered.

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE",user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                      CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------- -------------shared pool                             104         80                  80 GROWlarge pool                                8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                                48         48                  48 STATICstreams pool                             12          0                  12 GROWDEFAULT buffer cache                     24         24                  24 SHRINKKEEP buffer cache                         0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                      0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache                   0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache                  0          0                   0 STATIC

Page 13: How To Use Automatic Shared Memory Management

OSM Buffer Cache                          0          0                  24 STATIC

Only the USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE shows the shrink operation. However the 20M will be available by the ASMM process if needed to be redistributed..

Finally you can check the history of resize operations like below:

SQL> select component, oper_type, oper_mode, initial_size/1024/1024 "INITIAL", TARGET_SIZE/1024/1024  "TARGET", FINAL_SIZE/1024/1024 "FINAL", status, TO_CHAR(end_time, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS') "DATE" from V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS; order by end_time;

COMPONENT                 OPER_TYPE     OPER_MODE    INITIAL     TARGET      FINAL STATUS    DATE------------------------- ------------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------DEFAULT buffer cache      SHRINK        MANUAL           160        148        148 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 10:56:27streams pool              GROW          MANUAL             0         12         12 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 10:56:27DEFAULT buffer cache      SHRINK        DEFERRED         148         48         48 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 11:29:47DEFAULT buffer cache      SHRINK        MANUAL            48         28         28 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 11:48:20shared pool               GROW          MANUAL            80        100        100 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 11:48:20DEFAULT buffer cache      SHRINK        MANUAL            28         24         24 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 12:17:34shared pool               GROW          MANUAL           100        104        104 COMPLETE  18/01/2005 12:17:34

3.4 ASMM to Manual

You can disable the ASMM mechanism at any time by setting the SGA_TARGET value to 0.

In this case the current_size will be used by default as shown below:

SQL> alter system set sga_target=0;

System altered.

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE",       user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                 CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------- -------------

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shared pool                        104         80                 104 GROW  <<<<< 104 has become the current valuelarge pool                           8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                           48         48                  48 STATICstreams pool                        12          0                  12 GROWDEFAULT buffer cache                24         24                  24 SHRINKKEEP buffer cache                    0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                 0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache              0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache              0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache              0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache             0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache             0          0                   0 STATICOSM Buffer Cache                     0          0                  24 STATIC

If you shutdown the instance now, you will record the CURRENT_SIZE value for all the parameters.

After the restart, the MIN_SIZE values are equal to CURRENT_SIZE.

SQL> select component, current_size/1024/1024 "CURRENT_SIZE", min_size/1024/1024 "MIN_SIZE",         user_specified_size/1024/1024 "USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE", last_oper_type "TYPE" from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                 CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE------------------------- ------------ ---------- ------------------- -------------shared pool                        104        104                 104 STATIClarge pool                           8          8                   8 STATICjava pool                           48         48                  48 STATIC

streams pool                        12         12                  12 STATICDEFAULT buffer cache                24         24                  24 STATICKEEP buffer cache                    0          0                   0 STATICRECYCLE buffer cache                 0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 2K buffer cache              0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 4K buffer cache              0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 8K buffer cache              0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 16K buffer cache             0          0                   0 STATICDEFAULT 32K buffer cache             0          0                   0 STATICOSM Buffer Cache                     0          0                  24 STATIC

It is strongly advised to use an spfile with your your instance as you will record any changes applied.

4. Conclusion

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In previous Oracle versions, finding the right values for SGA parameters was an important part of Instance Tuning.

With ASMM, you do not have to size some of the most important SGA parameters. The right values are automatically chosen based on the Instance profile.   Providing minimum (explicit) settings for those auto-tuned parameters is recommended to help the database make the "best choices" with memory moves in the SGA.


Performance Tuning Guide 10G  Release 1 Part No B10752-01Administrator's Guide 10G Release 1 Part No B10739-01note:257643.1Oracle Database 10g Automated SGA Memory Tuningnote:270065.1Use Automatic SGA Management



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ORA-4033; ORA-823; ORA-4031; ORA-827; ORA-2097; 00827 ERROR