how to use your plr content to create & host webinars and


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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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About Melissa Ingold

You wouldn’t know it to look at Melissa today, but it wasn’t that long ago that she was an overworked, under paid, burnt out Internet service provider. She was a slave to her business while life passed her by, but she felt like she had no choice but to keep working so she could support her growing family.

And then one day, she asked herself, “Can I live with the regret of knowing how much time I missed with my family because I was working?”

And that became the defining moment in her business and in her life.

She restructured her business, learned how to manage it, and started building additional revenue streams for added security; as a result, she fast- tracked her company to 6-figures, her stress disappeared, and most importantly, she took back her life. By the end of 2009 she was able to fire all her clients and pursue her passion full time, taking her company to a multiple 6-figure per year income.

Melissa pressed on through the challenges of being a young, single mom on welfare, to getting married and adding to her family, to losing her 2 year old son to a fatal disease. She's been earning a full-time living online for the past 10 years. She specializes in developing PLR content, tools, and training for entrepreneurs to help them fast-track their Internet projects and grow their business so they can make more money and work less. When away from the office, Melissa enjoys reading, watching movies, walking on the beach, going to hockey games with her kids, and date night with her husband.

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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"Congratulations! You Have the Opportunity to Get Full Access to a Complete "Creative Ways on How to Use

Twitter for Business" PLR Package for Only $3.95 and When You Claim Your Package You'll Also Get a Second

PLR Package Absolutely FREE!"

Here's What this $3.95 PLR Package Includes:

A 29-page fully formatted report to sell (4570 words)

A 10-page fully formatted give away report

A sales letter fully formatted in html & thank you page

A mini site template for sales letter

A squeeze page

Confirmation page for squeeze page

Thank-you page for squeeze page

5 autoresponder follow-up emails

1 promotional email

2 professionally designed ecovers

PSD versions of the ecovers

5 articles

5 blog posts

Click Here to Get FULL Details of This PLR

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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Introduction Chances are, you’ve got a hard-drive filled with dusty PLR content, you’re

tired of listening to yourself make excuses, and you want to turn your

visions of dancing dollar signs into a reality.

So what next?

You already know that your market can be a pretty competitive place, but I

want you to keep these statistics in mind: (based on my own market

research in the industry)

52.1% of PLR buyers are not using their content because they don’t

know how to make their content unique enough to stand out in a

competitive market

38.8% of PLR buyers don’t know how to use their PLR content to

create an information product to sell

That means that a staggering 90.9% of PLR buyers are NOT creating

products from their content.

Side Note: This doesn’t even include the 88.4% of

buyers who don’t know how to use their PLR, make

money with it or launch their product.

Yes, it may seem like a lot of people are buying the same PLR you are

(which gives the impression of a competitive market), but in reality only

9.1% of them are your competition.

Listen…the Internet is a BIG place, and the chance of any of those 9.1%

encroaching on your target market is pretty slim.

For instance, you and your competitors may all be teaching Internet

Marketing, which is a big market, right?

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Not really. You see, some of your competition will be consultants to local

offline businesses, others working as coaches for high-end clients, while

some go on the road as event speakers and authors. And then there’s you

- perhaps targeting wedding planners who want to use online marketing to

get more brides to hire them.

The point is, everyone branches off and does their own thing. You might

all buy the same PLR, but then you each go off and use it in a different

way, selling it to your own individual market.

So I want you stop looking at your market as this huge, impenetrable

place, and instead focus on your little piece of it and forget about what

everyone else is doing.

With that said…

Why make your product unique?

Well, you can just put up the product for sale as is, and chances are, with

some promotion you’ll make sales.

Side Note: I’ve done this, and so have a lot of

other people. There’s nothing wrong with taking

this approach, because frankly, it’s better to

get it out to the marketplace instead of

collecting dust on your computer.

Or…you can make a quick plan, implement some changes and market it

to have a much more powerful impact on your potential customers – and

your PayPal account

We’ve already determined that it really isn’t about the competition, but

there IS one really good reason why you should make your PLR unique…


“But that’s complicated, Melissa, I don’t know anything about branding!”

Actually, you do. Just think about the everyday products you buy.

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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Example: Why do you keep buying one brand of

peanut butter over another? Because you associate

your favored brand with quality, so you keep

buying it instead of trying another brand you

might not like.

Whether you realize it or not, branding has the power to influence the

buying decisions of your market because they inevitably attribute trust,

credibility, and quality to the brands they love.

So when you brand your products, they will…

Make you recognizable to your market and you’ll make more sales

overall than if you put out a bunch of mix and match products they

may not identify as yours.

Example: Think of Nike’s swoosh logo – you

distinguish their apparel and products from

everyone else’s because of that swoosh. Or

the red colored pop can with Coca-Cola.

Serve as a great credibility builder.

And the good news; is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

You’re not going to have to spend hours rewriting pages and pages of

content, or spend a lot of money (none if you don’t want to) making your

product unique. I want you to stop thinking that product creation is meant

to be a long and difficult process and that before you can sell your product

it has to perfect. If you buy quality PLR, then you don’t have anything to

worry about, all the hard work has been done for you.

If you’ve got PLR content, and you’ve got a handle on the basics of

marketing and selling online, then you’re all set to go!

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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In each month’s blueprint we’ll cover a different strategy for using and/or

marketing your PLR, and we’ll focus on fast and easy – just the way we

like it

The strategies you’ll learn in my blueprints are modeled after what I do

with the PLR that I buy. Yes, I sell PLR, but I also buy other people’s PLR

to use myself. I’ve launched full-fledged training programs, hosted

webinars, created membership content, and more under various brands,

using PLR to fast-track it to market.

HINT: If you need a PLR, please visit my PLR

store at

Are you ready to get started?

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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How to Use PLR Content to Create and Host Webinars and Teleseminars

Many people put off hosting Webinars and Teleseminars far longer than

they ought to because they feel intimidated by content creation. They not

only have to brainstorm the subject, but put together strong, solid material

that will attract participants and audience members – and then they need

to deliver it in an unfamiliar format!

If that sounds like you, let me tell you about the easiest way on the planet

to create Webinar and Teleseminar content. And that’s by using PLR.1

Usually, most people buy PLR articles, blog posts, eBooks and Special

Reports and turn them into more articles, blog posts, eBooks and Special

Reports. Oh, they may combine fifteen articles into an eBook – or take an

eBook and break it up into a series of blog posts – but that often seems to

be the limit to their creativity.

But when it comes to using PLR for Webinar and Teleseminar content,

here’s what just a few of your peers have already successfully dreamed

up and implemented…

1. Using PLR as the main body of a last-minute lecture given to

local college students

2. Creating a script from PLR for a video presentation

3. Creating Power Point slides from PLR material to augment


4. Creating an Email Course from PLR as part of Webinar sign

up/follow up

5. Using PLR to fast-track Teleseminar research on a specific topic

6. “Used PLR on Webinars to quickly learn how to set one up!”;“I used

PLR about Webinars to find out all the steps I needed to take.”

7. Using PLR for Teleseminar course lesson creation

8. Using PLR as Webinar promotion content for blog posts

1 Private Label Rights

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9. Creating tailored questions for a Teleseminar Special Guest,

using PLR specific to their topic

10. Creating Pre-event emails and Post-event follow-up emails

from PLR

It’s one thing to read that people did this: It’s another to figure out exactly

how to do it.

Now let’s look at these ten actual PLR Webinar/Teleseminar uses a little

more closely…

Using PLR as the Main Body of a Lecture-Style Webinar Presentation

Buying high-quality PLR on a topic can quick-start your planning – as well

as get you past any hurdles of paralysis you might be feeling at being the

“center of attention”.

Reading up on a subject from scratch – even

one you know well – can be overwhelming if you

are not used to picking out only the details you

need, in order to best present what your viewers

most need.

Most true experts without public speaking

experience err on the side of speaking too much

– overwhelming the audience with information – rather than too little. It’s

vital to stick to your specific topic and not wander off into tangents.

(Hey, we’ve all had high school teachers or college professors that put us

to sleep going into too much detail… and annoying the bejabbers out of us

by not telling us what we wanted most to know.)

PLR that presents your topic will often let you pick out salient points,

instantly identify and ignore irrelevancies and come up with a strong

speaking structure… in minutes. This is especially helpful if you already

know that, left to your own devices, you might flounder for days, looking

through this note and that; this book or that file folder for information on

your topic.

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Creating a Video or Teleseminar Webinar Script from PLR

You can also use PLR in much the same way to create a Script for your

Webinar or Teleseminar2. The big advantage here is that you won’t need

to worry so much about customizing or re-writing and re-ordering the PLR

material, since the Script format dramatically alters the structure of the


You could start off with a piece of PLR such as this, re-working the text

into your own words and replacing the topic matter with your own topic.

Here’s the original PLR…

2 A Webinar presentation is video-based; a Teleseminar strictly auditory, in case you were


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What’s the advantage of using PLR as a Script Guide? Well, left to our

own devices, even experienced speakers forget to include the basics.

Hearing “white noise” or children crying in the background as you

belatedly realize you forgot to tell them that *69 both mutes and unmutes

their telephones will not only wreck the quality of the recording, it

diminishes confidence in you as an organized, competent professional.

Following a Script Guide that also presents you with the basic format for

Webinars or Teleseminars helps you avoid “back-tracking” or correcting

yourself – both of which, incidentally, are sure-fire triggers leading to

confusion. If you interrupt your own flow, you risk losing the thread of your

presentation. Which can be disastrous!

And it is always a bonus if you can customize your PLR material and give

it your own “voice”. Take a look at an actual Webinar script created

directly from the preceding piece of PLR. Compare the two… and start to

realize how you can put PLR to use for your unique topic.

The Same PLR, Customized to the User’s Topic…

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You can, of course, use any type of PLR at all for your Webinar body.

Here’s the differences:

Article or eBook PLR on your specific topic gives you your actual

topic material and main content

PLR written about hosting a Webinar or Teleseminar gives you

the structure to follow – no matter what your topic

PLR written to help you structure your actual Webinar is especially

valuable, since not only will it give you well-organized topic information, it

will also help you follow a tried-and true framework, walking you through

what to do next.

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You can also easily combine the two types of PLR to come up with a

powerful, well-organized, entertaining and information-packed

presentation your participants will remember for years to come.

Using PLR to Create a Power Point Webinar presentation

PLR content is ideally converted to Power Point content because it is

professionally organized into handy points, chunks and topics. Here’s

how to do it…

1. Take the section of PLR you want to use and condense it down to

the top 1-5 sentences to summarize that section

2. Use it to create a regular Power Point presentation

3. Sign up for Knovio (it’s free)

4. Convert your Power Point presentation into video (Webinar) or

audio (Teleseminar). (Don’t worry: Knovio baby-steps you through

this process and makes this easy!)

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Using PLR to Create an Email Course as Part of Webinar Sign Up or Follow Up

Want to convince people to sign up for your Webinar on Aran-Style

Knitting? How about buying a PLR eBook on basic knitting techniques

(complete with simple illustrations)… and splitting this up into six basic


You could use “Learn to Knit in Six Minutes a Day” as the sign-up

incentive for your “Knit an Aran Sweater Without Dropping a Single Stitch”

Webinar, to attract those who want to knit but find it too complex.

All you do is break your PLR eBook (or Article; or Blog Post series) into

six segments3, each presenting one easy module per day.

Then create a Squeeze Page inviting people who want to knit to sign up

for your email course – at the end of which, it should feel like the most

natural step in the world when you invite them to apply their newfound

knowledge and confidence into wowing their friends and family by knitting

a beautiful Aran sweater.

3 Or 5… or 7…

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You can also create simple a simple email course as a follow up, so that

people don’t forget you after your initial Webinar. That way, you stay in

touch and continue to build the relationship with them.

Creating a course from scratch takes a fraction of the time, if you’re

able to find quality PLR on your subject and use it to:

Glean ideas for topic angles you’ve never even considered

Quickly put together a simple course that enhances (and helps

them practice) what they learned in your Webinar

Part of the reason this method is so speedy? Most of your organizational

structure is already built in – and these types of articles are easy to


(And let’s not forget professionally-illustrated instruction graphics or charts

supplied for you to instantly use in your HTML emails…)

The final reason to use PLR in creating email courses?

It firmly positions you as an expert long before (or after) the actual


Use PLR to Fast-Track Teleseminar Research on a Specific Topic

This is what people usually think about when they consider using PLR for

Webinars – but as we have seen, research is just the tip of the iceberg!

Even experts who don’t need to use scripts or lay out agendas often

cheerfully admit to picking up batches of PLR to fast-track topic


“I go through each PLR piece with a fat, lime green highlighter,

marking up points I want to include in my presentation,” admits one

community college teacher. She likes to present short Webinars to

students in her three-hour classes “to spice things up and give my

teaching some variety,” adding that she keeps the Webinars

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available to students on the college “Blackboard” system for easy


“I often get ideas for entire new Webinars,” admits Michelle M., a

busy entrepreneur who has recently discovered “the joys of

meeting even more customers online”.

Using Webinar Hosting PLR to Quickly Learn How to Set One Up

If you’ve got your presentation perfectly prepared but you’ve never hosted

your own Webinar before, you might want to consider this type of PLR,

simply to ensure that you miss no vital step.

Webinar Hosting PLR also often contains solid recommendations for

equipment and services you’ll need, providing helpful information about

pricing, features, benefits and formats. This type of recommendation can

be priceless, saving new Webinar hosts from hooking up with the wrong

service providers; or preventing them from paying for services they don’t

yet need.

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You’ll usually learn tips and what not to do from this type of PLR – as well

as instantly help yourself to your own private “course” in How to Run a

Successful Webinar (one that goes without a hitch!)

PLR for Teleseminar/Webinar Course Lesson Creation

Don’t just think in terms of email follow-up or incentive courses created

from PLR: You can also create powerful lessons for an actual Webinar


Using professionally created PLR automatically gives you a strong lesson

structure that you can build on and tailor to your clients’ ultimate


Use PLR as Webinar Promotion on Your Blog

Holding a Webinar or Teleseminar on a subject but short on time for

promotion? Use PLR to create quick posts on your topic and pre-populate

them into your blog.

Using PLR to Create Focused Questions for your Special Guests

If you are enhancing your services to your niche by bringing in an expert

from a related field – one who covers an area of your niche where you,

yourself, have little experience – PLR content related specifically to your

guest’s specialty can easily and quickly allow you to create shrewd,

targeted questions designed to showcase her skills – and your own


QUICKTIP: Break these PLR posts down into even smaller posts and upload ultra- posts of

no more than 300 words; each covering one single “tip” or point at a time.

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You’ll make your guest feel valued and flattered (not to mention pleased at

the opportunities to showcase their own talents)… and you’ll impress your

audience with your own “grasp” of the topic.

All in all, a true “win-win” situation.

Pre-Event emails and Post-Event Follow-up emails

Re-visit the idea of creating a mini-lesson series with PLR pre or post

event; only this time, simply use your PLR to create pre-event or post

event emails (not necessarily in lesson format).

The key is to accurately research and gauge which format would best suit

your audience: Then tailor your PLR accordingly.

Here are some ways to present your re-worked PLR material as emails,

pre or post event:

As a series of daily “Tips”. This particular format can be a

powerful pre-event warm-up strategy, since tips are easy to read

and your daily offering can create habitual behavior in your readers.

Those who hang in for a solid month of tips will be significantly

more inclined to purchase a paid Webinar offer than those who

read an occasional post.

Post-event, to enhance and augment the material shared in

your Webinar or Teleseminar.

For example, if people have enjoyed learning how to

cable-stitch in your “Fancy Knitting” Webinar, share

something to make their new-found skill even more

enjoyable, post Webinar: Posts on ways to stop their

cable needle “slipping”; how to work with superfine

lace-weight yarn; making a miniature cabled Aran

sweater for their grandson’s Action Figure – in short, any type of

PLR that enhances what you’ve already shared.

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Enhance with graphics. If your demographic consists of visual

learners or they have previously indicated a preference for HTML

emails rather than text-based ones, beef up your PLR with graphics

to aid in “imprinting” your message even more strongly than your

average competitor.

(And here’s a tip: If your audience is eagerly signing up for

Webinars, they are most likely visual-based learners.)

Allow you to create regular newsletters. Newsletters are yet

another way to create a strong bond with your audience members,

and cement yourself firmly into their minds as a trusted resource

person for their niche. PLR material can quick-start your newsletter

creation, as well as give you ideas and point you to upcoming

trends and topics, as well as new areas to research

To build a habit. PLR allows you to create regular content for your

new-found audience and release it habitually, on a carefully-

planned schedule suited to their lifestyles; which in turn helps

cement reading your emails as a habit – and ninety percent of all

repeat custom is created because of the human tendency to fall

into habits

To build a community. PLR also increases your output potential,

allowing you to release just enough follow-up content in email

formal to keep your Webinar or Teleseminar topic alive and thriving.

This will help you create a community around your Webinar or

Teleseminar – and those emotionally committed to a topic,

marketer or brand are far more likely to buy next time (or sign up for

your next promotional “freebie”).

But how do you prevent your PLR from doing the opposite, and becoming

bland and generic? After all, aren’t there going to be hundreds of your

competitors using the same PLR?

How do you give it a unique difference?

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5 Tips for Making Your PLR Content Really Sing

That’s a crucial question, and it deserves a thoughtful and in-depth

answer. Here’s how:

1. Look for top-quality PLR released in limited runs. (E.G. “Only

50 licenses will be sold”). PLR that has no license limitation is less

likely to be of top quality; plus the run limitation gives you a head

start in cutting down on competition

2. Always check spelling, grammar and flow. Awkward phrasing,

incorrect grammar and poor spelling often indicate that the PLR site

owner doesn’t care about the content; or that it’s been created by

people who are not natural English speakers. (For example, one

line I came across in a submission only this morning: “When

people who not are imagining, facts are every important.”)

3. Recognize that using PLR doesn’t mean you can simply re-

word it: The key lies in not only rewording the material, but in

adding detail and giving your PLR content your unique voice – one

that your potential audience will naturally be drawn to and ultimately


4. Realize that research makes the

difference. While good PLR

contains accurate, well-researched

material, it is deliberately designed

to be a little generic, in order to

allow the opportunity for maximum


It’s the meat to your main course:

On its own, it is not half as

satisfying or appealing as meat with carefully chosen

accompaniments: Potatoes or pasta; both leafy green and red

vegetables; delicate sauces; pretty garnishes, etc. (Even the plate

you use and its placement on the table adds to the eye-appeal.)

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As Julia Child once famously said, “It’s all in the presentation”.

But exactly how does this principle relate to PLR? Research allows

you to flesh out your material with unique, specific facts. For

example, say you were using PLR to write the section in this report

entitled: “Using PLR to Create a Power Point Webinar

presentation”… You research your topic for yourself, instead of

relying one-hundred-percent on the PLR article you are taking your

post from.

In the course of your research, you discover the Knovio service –

one you haven’t heard of before; which means many of your

audience members won’t know about it, either.

You read testimonials and reviews on the net to ensure there are

no problems with this service.

Then you sign up for a free account and “test-drive” it. You find

yourself thrilled at how easily Knovio allows you to incorporate full

Power Point presentations within Webinars – and easily share the

results with all your social media platforms – so you share your

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well-tested results with your audience (while your competitors are

all largely unaware of this innovative service).

This is the sort of “specific” detail that adds a high perceived value

to your PLR content, making it feel – and truly become – unique.

5. Incorporate stories. Anyone can present a fact, but if you “illustrate”

it with a true story that shows how that fact operates in the real

world, you instantly:

Engage your audience’s emotions (they’ll usually either

relate to the story subject or disapprove. Either way, they

now have an emotional stake in what you’re talking about)

Allow the reader or viewer to identify with the story

subject – the “subject” being the main person either telling

the story if you’re quoting them; or that the story events are

happening to

Show your “fact” in concrete, practical action, so that it

becomes more than a piece of information. (Your reader or

viewer should be saying: “Hey! That will work for me!” or

even simply: “Hey, I could do that…”)

Make no mistake: All PLR should end up, in its finished form, engaging

the emotions. That’s the only way you will ultimately bond your audience

to you.

“How Do I Engage Emotions When I’m Presenting a Non-Emotional Topic?”

This is a question that comes up time and again. Usually what the

questioner means is: “What’s emotional about a stereo speaker?” or “I’m

selling a technical product”.

But think about it: Your product is going to:

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Make life easier for your viewer or reader

Put him a step ahead of his neighbor

Bring him personal approval – or envy (now there’s a strong


Bring him joy (when he listens to his favorite music in Sensurround,

its vibrations permeating every physical atom of his body)

Create excitement. (Hey, we all like presents! Particularly when

these are not socks or underwear!)

What you have to do, when you are customizing PLR, is help incite and

create the strongest emotion that will make him “buy” or sign up.

Ultimately we do end up back at knowing your ideal customer really, really

well… but PLR can save you time and focus your efforts in doing so.

And PLR is also a quick and easy way to create and enhance your


What You Need to Know or Set in Place, Before You Can Create Your Webinar

Before you can successfully host a Webinar, there are basic services you

must have in place – as well as basic facts you need to know:

1. The size of your audience. Some Webinar hosting services

charge more for extra guests – some don’t. Always check out

whether or not there is a limit on the number of guests you can

invite to your Webinar.

An easy way to do this? Limit the number of guests or paid

participants you are accepting. (Find out your maximum number of

allowed guests and cap your participants at that number!) Not only

does this help you take advantage of the fact that people get

anxious (and therefore more compelled to sign up) if they think they

are in danger of missing out on something, but it also allows them

to feel “special”, if you position this seat limitation correctly.

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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(And many newer marketers report that speaking to an audience

size of their selection helps calm “first time Webinar” nerves.)

2. Your audience members’ preferred learning style. There is

more than one method of learning:

Kinesthetic – “hands on”. Needs to learn by doing.

Auditory – Prefers listening to information above all other methods.

This group is custom-selected for the Teleseminar format

Visual – This group will always read the illustrated pictures before

going to the point-form written instructions. They prefer videos to

articles, which makes them ideal candidates for Webinars.

Textual – This group prefers reading data to listening or watching:

If you are going to offer them a Webinar or Teleseminar, you need

to make the advantages of breaking out of their preferred learning

patterns crystal-clear to them. Namely…

A Webinar will save them time or show them something that

needs to be seen in action

A Teleseminar will help them reinforce information or learn

“on the go”

Another good reason PLR helps with this learning group: It allows

you to provide lots of meaty written content to augment your

Webinar or Teleseminar in a relatively short time frame with

minimum production

3. Basic services to ensure your Webinar runs smoothly, taking

advantage of every opportunity.

This means:

A Squeeze Page, to capture sign ups and provide

motivation for signing

A Webinar-hosting service such as GoToWebinar

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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(When you choose Webinar software, always choose a

service that allows you to practice before going live; plus one

that allows you to record the Webinar – not all do – as well

as one that feels comfortable with your own learning style.)

An Autoresponder service such as Aweber, to deliver all

your pre- and post-event emails, as well as accept sign-ups

on your Squeeze page, social media links and blog

Web Cam – essential if you want to share your own screen

with your audience; or let them see you talking directly to

them (which usually increases personal connection and


A high-quality microphone (geared to speech rather than

to music)

More than one monitor. If you are demonstrating anything

on screen, your life will be much easier (and you’ll risk far

fewer flubs or errors) if you operate using two monitors – one

for the Webinar and one to check tweets, emails, data you

quickly need to look up (perhaps in response to a question)

or links you need to check

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How to Use Your PLR Content to Create & Host Webinars and Teleseminars

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And, above all, save yourself time and narrow your targeting by

using PLR to help create your perfect Webinar!

"Congratulations! You Have the Opportunity to Get Full Access to a Complete "Creative Ways on How to Use

Twitter for Business" PLR Package for Only $3.95 and When You Claim Your Package You'll Also Get a Second

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Here's What this $3.95 PLR Package Includes:

A 29-page fully formatted report to sell (4570 words)

A 10-page fully formatted give away report

A sales letter fully formatted in html & thank you page

A mini site template for sales letter

A squeeze page

Confirmation page for squeeze page

Thank-you page for squeeze page

5 autoresponder follow-up emails

1 promotional email

2 professionally designed ecovers

PSD versions of the ecovers

5 articles

5 blog posts

Click Here to Get FULL Details of This PLR