how to whiten your teeth naturally

Home based whitening systems. Lately home based teeth whitening systems have become all the rage. There are a myriad of options from products at your local high street chemist to teeth whitening toothpastes and even teeth whitening chewing gum. Ontop of this there are additional products that you can buy from the internet and you now have a long list to choose from. First we can dispense with a wide range of these products; the teeth whitening chewing gum and toothpaste do absolutely nothing, at best they will give you fresh breath, at worst some the toothpastes are slightly abrasive and can cause painful inflamed gums. Next are your products at your local high street chemist, these can be slightly better but because they do not use dental grade whitening gel you will not see very much difference in the whiteness of your teeth, perhaps you could achieve one or two shades whiter. This leaves home whitening products direct from internet merchants. These can be much more effective as some of them use the same high quality dental grade gel that dentists provide. When selecting one of these kits make sure they don’t supply big bulky tubes of gel. These are typically of lower quality and don’t keep as well. If you’ve ever bought gel from your dentist you will find that they typically come in 3ml syringes. When buying from the internet be sure to make some simple checks, do they provide a telephone support number? Is there any kind of guarantee on offer? Is the site secure with a padlock in the display bar when you go to check out? If you make some of these simple checks you should be able to filter out the lower quality vendors and find a company that you can trust. For the home whitening kits we recommend a tray based system, these are very effective in creating an all over even white teeth and are very simple to use. Several months later if you wish to repeat the treatment you will have the teeth whitening trays and gel to whiten your teeth at home again which is very convienent. Teeth whitening kits typically come in different strength; 10%, 16% and 22% gel. The basic rule of thumb is the stronger the gel the quicker it will work but with some of the higher strength gels can have some mild side effects such as teeth and gum sensitivity – don’t worry this will quicly fade once you stop the treatment. If you have sensitive teeth we would recommend that you purchase a lower percentage gel around the 10% strength, this will stil provide effective whitening without any side effects. If your teeth are not sensitive then the 16% or 22% gel will be ideal and you should be able to whiten your teeth up to 12 shades ligher in one to two weeks. Hopefully this has cleared some of the confusion over the different teeth whitening options out there and you will soon have a sparkling white smile. To read more about teeth whitening visit:

Upload: jason-rickers

Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Page 1: how to whiten your teeth naturally

Home based whitening systems.

Lately home based teeth whitening systems have become all the rage. There are a

myriad of options from products at your local high street chemist to teeth whitening

toothpastes and even teeth whitening chewing gum. Ontop of this there are additional

products that you can buy from the internet and you now have a long list to choose from.

First we can dispense with a wide range of these products; the teeth whitening chewing

gum and toothpaste do absolutely nothing, at best they will give you fresh breath, at

worst some the toothpastes are slightly abrasive and can cause painful inflamed gums.

Next are your products at your local high street chemist, these can be slightly better but

because they do not use dental grade whitening gel you will not see very much

difference in the whiteness of your teeth, perhaps you could achieve one or two shades


This leaves home whitening products direct from internet merchants. These can be

much more effective as some of them use the same high quality dental grade gel that

dentists provide. When selecting one of these kits make sure they don’t supply big bulky

tubes of gel. These are typically of lower quality and don’t keep as well. If you’ve ever

bought gel from your dentist you will find that they typically come in 3ml syringes.

When buying from the internet be sure to make some simple checks, do they provide a

telephone support number? Is there any kind of guarantee on offer? Is the site secure

with a padlock in the display bar when you go to check out? If you make some of these

simple checks you should be able to filter out the lower quality vendors and find a

company that you can trust.

For the home whitening kits we recommend a tray based system, these are very

effective in creating an all over even white teeth and are very simple to use. Several

months later if you wish to repeat the treatment you will have the teeth whitening trays

and gel to whiten your teeth at home again which is very convienent.

Teeth whitening kits typically come in different strength; 10%, 16% and 22% gel. The

basic rule of thumb is the stronger the gel the quicker it will work but with some of the

higher strength gels can have some mild side effects such as teeth and gum sensitivity

– don’t worry this will quicly fade once you stop the treatment.

If you have sensitive teeth we would recommend that you purchase a lower percentage

gel around the 10% strength, this will stil provide effective whitening without any side

effects. If your teeth are not sensitive then the 16% or 22% gel will be ideal and you

should be able to whiten your teeth up to 12 shades ligher in one to two weeks.

Hopefully this has cleared some of the confusion over the different teeth whitening

options out there and you will soon have a sparkling white smile.

To read more about teeth whitening visit:

Page 2: how to whiten your teeth naturally