how was hitler able to consolidate nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power

between 1933 and 1934?

Page 2: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

Lesson objectives

By the end of this lesson you should:

• Have made a judgement about Hitler’s actions during the consolidation

Page 3: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

Timeline race

You are going to split into 2 teams

You must sort your event cards into chronological order

First team to get the correct order wins a prize!

Page 4: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?


1. ‘Once in power, nothing prevented Hitler from imposing his ideas on Germany.’

2. ‘Hitler took a mixture of radical and more cautious measures.’

3. ‘Where he took more drastic measures, it tended to be policies which the elite welcomed, and which weakened the Left.’

4. ‘Within the first year Hitler established complete control of all key institutions.’

5. ‘Hitler was prepared to compromise on areas not crucial to him.’

In your groups, you must decide to what extent you agree with your statement and use evidence

and examples to explain why

Page 5: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?


Now write your own judgement about Hitler’s actions and motivations

during the consolidation of power

Page 6: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

Hitler’s Germany

• (to 10mins15)

• While watching, note down any acts of the consolidation of power that you think have been missed out (you can refer to your timeline)

Page 7: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

How would you describe the Nazi consolidation of power?

• Terror:

• Legality:

• Deception:

• Compromise:

• Weakness of opposition:

• Propaganda:

• Sympathy of conservative right:

Find evidence

to support the

following terms LINKS AND IMPORTANCE


Page 8: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

How would you describe the Nazi consolidation of power?

• Terror

• Legality

• Deception

• Compromise

• Weakness of opposition

• Propaganda

• Sympathy of conservative right In pairs/threes, come up with all the examples you can find for the area you have been given

Page 9: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

How would you describe the Nazi consolidation of power?

• Terror: Gestapo, Night of the Long Knives, SA, Concentration camps, leaders arrested, Jewish boycott

• Legality: Enabling Act, Decree for Protection of People and State, act against formation of new parties, disbanded trade unions

• Deception: Blamed Jews and Communists for losing war and economic problems, exploited Reichstag Fire, Hitler misled powerful groups in order to destroy them e.g. trade unions and SA, Enabling Act – exploited his power, Concordat agreement

• Compromise: Concordat

• Weakness of opposition: Concordat, dissolving of parties, trade unions replaced, purge of civil service

• Propaganda: Creation of ministry of propaganda, Goebbels, Reichstag Fire, marches, Potsdam ceremony

• Sympathy of conservative right: Big business – promised to rebuild economy, Army – promised re-armament and conscription and purged SA, reversal of ToV

Page 10: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

Did Germany undergo a ‘political revolution’ between 1933-4?

• Just as the world cannot live on wars, so people cannot live on revolutions…Revolutions have always been rare in Germany…In the next thousand years there will be no other revolution in Germany.

• Hitler (Nuremburg Rally September 1934)

Page 11: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?

Did Germany undergo a ‘political revolution’ between 1933-4?

Consolidation of Power has been termed as a:•‘national revolution’, ‘legal revolution’, ‘revolution from above and below’, ‘cultural revolution’.

•How appropriate is such terminology to describe the events between 1933-4?

•What is a revolution?

Page 12: How was Hitler able to consolidate Nazi power between 1933 and 1934?


• Use Layton p.23-4

• What arguments are there for (change) and against (continuity) the consolidation of power being classed

as a revolution?

• Due: 03/10