how & why to communicate your library’s value

Why & How to Communicate your Library’s Value Steven M. Baule, Ph.D.

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Why & How to Communicate your Library’s Value

Steven M. Baule, Ph.D.


[A]s Dr. Koch said, “We are in a world of

trouble for next year FY 11”. There will be no

federal stabilization dollars and we will begin

the year with a $1 billion gap. Next year can be

catastrophic if the legislature does not act to

increase much needed revenue.

LEND Update, July 22, 2009

The Background

• ISBE cut $180 million out of the 2010 budget

• Federal stabilization funding paid for five of the

General State Aid Payments last year and will

pay for five this year ( a total of 22%)

• AYP Standards are increasing meaning many

more schools will be “academically failing”

• The doomsday CPI for the 2010 Levy is 0.1%

Clearly every non-classroom, non-special

education expense is going to be seriously

considered for reduction from this point

forward until the state’s budget issues are


If school librarians can’t provide they make a

difference, they may cease to exist

Ross Todd, 4/1/2008

When Dennis Donley began his career nearly 35 years ago, he

joined a crew of 40 teachers who staffed every middle and

high school library in the San Diego school district.

As Donley enters retirement, there will be 11 full-time,

credentialed librarians assigned to San Diego secondary

schools next year. Most of the dozens of campuses will share

librarians or employ half-time clerks — a far cry from the

1970s when the district had one of the most progressive

school library systems in California.

San Diego Unified, along with other districts across the state,

has whittled its library staff while struggling with budget cuts.

This year, districts were allowed to use state funds meant for

libraries to help balance their spending plans.

LIS News 7/9/2009

Teaching used to be fun; it was teach, coach, play. It isn’t that way anymore.

~ Teacher exit interview, 2009


Answer These Questions

• How do school libraries impact student learning? How do

they help students learn?

• Do students who have been taught information skills

perform better academically?

• How do we ensure that our school libraries are

sustainable and accountable—in infrastructure,

personnel, resources, and instructional processes—so

that optimal student outcomes are achieved?

• How do we spread the word about the impact of school

libraries on student achievement and demonstrate their

educational, social, and cultural value?

Ross Todd, Evidence Based Manifesto

In this Format









2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

4th Grade ISATScores with LibraryUse

4th Grade ISATScores

Align to Standards

Align every project to student achievement, state

learning standards, a strategic plan, etc.

There is no room for fluff in the current


Each dollar spent must have a direct positive

impact on student achievement, safety or

another clearly identified student need

Standards from third parties have little or no

bearing if they are not tested or do not result in

clearly identifiable data points

Align to and Support Strategic Directions

• Ensure any program or project is supportive of

and aligned with the school or district’s strategic


• Involve yourself in any planning efforts to

ensure the library’s needs are addressed in the


Focus on Students

• Always focus on what the program will allow

students to do.

• Statements in the form of “Students will be able



“I need four new computers for the library catalog


“If we had four more computer workstations in the

library, students would be able to …….”

Prove your Worth: One administrator at a time

• Provide information to your administration

• Find out what they are looking into

Faculty meetings, district goals, SIPs, etc.

• Point out newspaper articles of interest, etc.

• Send links to websites, etc.

• If they are involved in research or graduate school, offer to help

Nothing will explain the value of a SLMS like seeing one in action

Make Sure You are the Go-To Person for Grants

• If the school is about to look to fund a new

program, immediately go find information about

grant opportunities

• Always offer to help proofread grant materials

• Grants are a huge concern. If you can become

the grant rainmaker, you will be beloved by your


• Many federal grant dollars are lost each year or

turned back to a higher level

• Determine what kind of purchases you might be

able to make under the federal and ISBE grants

available to your school

• Make sure your school/district is aware of Illinois

State Library programs

Be Informed and Participate

• Committee work

• Faculty meetings

• Professional organizations

Learn about the Budget

• When you request something, have an idea of where the money can come from

• Learn your building budget

• Figure out ways to cut extraneous expenses

• Be willing to cut sacred cows in your own budget. Even Delhi is starting to clear out the cows!

• Student Demographics

Total population



Migration rate

• Test Scores




– Scores

– Percentage participation

• Work keys



AP Exams

• Total exams taken

• Total students participated

• Mean scores


Common assessments / Final Exams

• RTI data collection

Number of students involved in

individual interventions

Special Services Participation

IEP rate / services provided

ESL / ELL services

Gifted services

Early Childhood services

AP participation

Number of students who exit IEP services

High School Completion

College matriculation

Graduation rate

Dropout rate

Percent of students with college experience (dual credit, articulated courses, AP courses)

Number of WJHS graduates who matriculate to WHS

Truancy rate

Class Sizes

Attendance rate

Discipline rates

Suspension rate

Office discipline referrals

Grade distribution


Grade Level


Credits earned

Failure rate

Extra Curricular participation rates

Staff data



Length of service

Salary information


Outside professional recognition

AP Exam Scores impacted by Library Use

• AP History Exam


Students who used the

library v. student who

didn’t regularly use the


Teachers who used

library resources or

collaboratively planned

Some Additional Potential Data Points

• Performance on X test by students who

check out leisure reading materials v. those

who don’t.

• Impact of library time v. attendance

• Participation in a book club v. GPA
