hrd audit final

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  • 7/28/2019 HRD Audit Final


    HRD Audit

    Submitted By:Abhinav Aggarwal

    Danish Vohra

    Harvinder Singh

    Jiwanjot Singh

    Jotsaroop Singh

    Juhhie MendirattaManmeet Singh

  • 7/28/2019 HRD Audit Final


    What is HRD?

    Competence Building

    Commitment /Motivation Building

    Culture Building

  • 7/28/2019 HRD Audit Final


    What is HRD Audit?

    An HRD Audit is like annual health check-up,it plays a vital role in instilling a sense ofconfidence in the Management and theHR functions of an organisation.

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    What is HRD Audit?

    HRD Audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the existing HRD





    Skills / Competencies &


    and their appropriateness to achieve the short-term and long-term goals of the


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    Why is HRD Audit used? Organisations undertake HR audits for many reasons

    To make the HR function business-driven.

    Change of leadership.

    To take stock of things & to improve HRD for expanding, diversifying, &entering into a fast growth phase.

    For growth & diversification.

    For promoting professionalism among employees & to switchover toprofessional Management.

    To find out the reasons for low productivity & improve HRD strategies.

    Dissatisfaction with a particular component. To become employer of choice.

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    Purpose of HRD Audit

    The reason for conducting an HR audit :

    1.Find out how effective and efficient the

    Organisations HR activities are.

    2.To determine areas for improvement and identify changes

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    Scope Of HRD Audit : Human Resource audits involve an organizations strategic actions

    to take an intensely objective look at its HR policies, procedures and

    practices. This type of comprehensive review of the organizationscurrent state can help to identify whether specific practice areas orprocesses are adequate, legal and effective. Its five Components are:

    Functional Audit

    Service Audit

    Compliance Audit

    Financial Management Audit

    Strategic Audit

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    Functional Audit This aspect of the HR audit examines:

    HRD systems and procedures, encompassing training and development,

    Organisation development and career development

    Whether the HRD systems and procedures are aligned with the HRM systems

    Procedures to promote competence, confidence and performance.This includesjob design, HR planning, performance management systems, selection and staffing, the HR information systems and whether HR helps management keeptrack of costs and benefits in HRD and HRM.

    This includes ensuring fairness and consistency in compensation and benefits,employee relations and HRrecord keeping, particularly in regard to providing timely management information

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    Service Audit

    This aspect of the audit activity looks at the service

    responsiveness and reliability of the HR function. This will include an assessment of such things as response times,willingness to help line managers/staff, the knowledge of the HR staff

    Compliance Audit

    This assesses the degree to which HR is compliant with the relevant legislation e.g. Labour Laws, etc. This part of the audit will assess whether the required policies, practices, and procedures existand to what extent management and labour have been trained to enact these

    codes of best practice.

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    Financial Management AuditA comprehensive audit of HR systems and procedures

    needs to go beyond the inspection level. Basic financial ratios/scorecard measures appropriate for a staff functionlike HR need to be put in place to audit theefficiency of the various HR functions.

    Strategic Audit

    Each organisation should have an overall peoplemanagement strategy that aims to increase the value of employees to the business. The strategic audit will examine whether the HR strategy, policies and processes are aligned with, and support, the achievement of the businesss mission and objectives.

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    Steps in HRD Audit

    1. Determine the scope and type of the audit

    Determine the breath of the audit and exactly what

    areas should be targeted for review.2. Develop the audit questionnaire which will help in

    guiding the audit team in scrutinizing all critical areas of a

    companys HR practices. Strengths of the job design, how well the department

    handles recruitment and selection, and its timeliness

    and ability to respond to staffing needs.

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    Steps in HRD Audit (contd.)

    3. Collect the data

    4. Benchmark the findings

    Comparison offers insight into how the audit resultscompare against other similarly sized firms, national

    standards and/or internal company data.

    5. Provide feedback about the results

    Summarize the data and provide feedback a

    roadmap for action can be developed

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    Steps in HRD Audit(contd.)

    6. Create action plans

    The company must create action plans for implementing the

    changes suggested by the audit

    7. Foster a climate of continuous improvement

    It is important to engage in constant observation and

    continuous improvement of the companys policies,

    procedures and practices so that the organization never

    ceases to keep improving.

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    Methodology Adopted


    Individual Interviews with Top Management Group Interviews with other Staff


    Group Discussions and Workshops


    Analysis of records and documents

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    Methodology of HRD Audit

    Examines long term and short term plans andvision to assess Competency Requirements

    Identifies broad Competency requirements forfuture Business Goals

    Examines the existing HRD strategies, systemsand practices and assess their appropriateness tohave the required competencies

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    Methodology of HRD Audit

    Examines the adequacies and inadequacies ofHRD structure, staff and their competencies,line managers and their attitudes, topmanagement and their support, unions and theirrole in competence building for future

    Suggests mechanisms for improving all these inthe business context

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    Role of HRD Audit in Business Improvements

    It can give many insights into a company'saffairs.

    It could get the top management to think interms of strategic and long term business plans.

    Changes in the styles of top management

    Role clarity of HRD Department and the role ofline managers in HRD

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    Role of HRD Audit in Business Improvements

    Improvements in HRD systems

    Increased focus on human resources and human competencies

    Better recruitment policies and more professional staff

    More planning and more cost effective training

    Strengthening accountabilities through appraisal systems and

    other mechanisms Streamlining of other management practices

    TQM Interventions

  • 7/28/2019 HRD Audit Final


    HRD SCORE CARD T.V. Rao (1999) has introduced the concept of HRD score card.

    The HRD Scorecard is a measure of the HRD maturity level of an

    organization. The scorecard is based on the following assumptions andtakes into consideration the research based understanding gained inthe last few decades regarding HRD.

    The maturity level of HRD in an organization is indicated by thefollowing factors:

    1.HRD Systems Maturity

    2.HRD Competencies of the Employees including the HR Department

    3.HRD Culture of the Organization

    4. HRD Influence on the Business Goals or Business Linkages of HRD

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    A* Highest Score and Highest Maturity Level

    A Very High Maturity level

    B* High Maturity Level

    B Moderately High Maturity Level

    C* Moderate Maturity Level

    C Moderately low Maturity level

    D* Low Maturity Level

    D Very low Maturity level

    F Not at all presentU Ungraded

    Name of the Organisation ABC




    e Score








    B*C B*B

  • 7/28/2019 HRD Audit Final


    AssumptionCompetent and motivated employees are

    needed to provide quality products and services at

    competitive rates and ways that enhance customersatisfaction

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    HRD Systems Maturity Score

    Competencies and commitment can be developed

    through appropriate HRD mechanisms (tools and systems).In a HRD Mature organization there will be well-developedHRD systems and HRD systems Maturity can be measuredthrough HRD audit.

    HRD Competence Score

    HRD Competencies of the HRD department and the linemanagers play a significant role in implementing the

    systems and processes in ways that could ensure employeesatisfaction, competence building and customer satisfactionlinkages. The competencies of the staff and the otheremployees can be measured in terms of an index.

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    The HRD Culture

    Values and processes created by the HRD tools, staff

    and their styles also play a crucial role in buildingsustainable competencies in the organization. These needto be measured and monitored. It is possible in somecorporations (for example small corporations) to have verylittle of HR systems and yet have a high level of HRcompetencies and HR culture.

    Business Linkage Score

    Business linkages of HRD are very crucial component ofHRD effectiveness.HRD systems competencies and theculture must be linked with the business goals of thecorporation

  • 7/28/2019 HRD Audit Final


    The Human Resource Audit as an Improvement Tool

    Regardless of the type of company or the size of yourHR department, the HR Audit is a simple, yet

    comprehensive tool to analyze and improve youreffectiveness as a function.

    The audit is made up of four main steps:

    1) Define desired HR practices for your organization

    2) Assess current practices against the criterion thatyou have established

    3) Analyze the results

    4) Establish improvement goals and take action

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    Four-Step Approach

    Step One--Defining Audit


    A good starting point is to take some time and reflect on the legalrequirements and programs that the department must administer.

    Consider your areas of responsibility and traditional HR practicescovered by your function: They may include HR Planning, Staffing,

    Performance Management, Employee Relations, Compensation andBenefits, Training and Development, Safety and Wellness.

    Employee Surveys, and Communications. Finally, other areas toconsider are company initiatives that the HR function may be

    required to support, i.e. internal customer requirements.

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    Step Two--Assessing Current

    PracticesA good approach is to look for evidence

    that supports or refutes each statementmade. Evidence may take the form of

    policies and procedures.

    The first time the assessment is made, it

    may become apparent that the definitionin step one needs improvement ormodification. These changes should benoted and made a part of the next

    "improvement cycle."

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    Step Three--Analyze the Results It is important to recognize strengths and opportunities for

    improvement. As results are reviewed, themes will emergearound specific HR areas.

    For example, one company may be very strong inadministration and managing legal requirements. On theother hand, it may need improvement in developing higher-level systems definition.

    Another company may be very strong in areas Safety,Security, and Training, but need improvement inCommunication practices that run across the company.

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    Step Three--Analyze the Results Reviewing the data in a variety of

    perspectives is helpful to formulate a

    picture of overall HR performanceagainst the audit. It can reflect thepositive effect of actions taken in previous

    years as well as provide information forfuture actions.

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    Step Four--Establish Improvement Goals and Take Action

    The ideal time to complete an audit is just priorto the annual planning process. With audit

    information in hand, you can be poised to takeadvantage of your insights into setting nextyear's goals.

    There are two aspects of setting goals:

    maintenance of current good practices anddevelopment of improved practices. Knowingthe capacity and capability of the HR departmentand system is critical in developing a realistic


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    Step Four--Establish Improvement Goals and Take Action

    This is the point in the audit process,where definitions are reviewed and

    modified to create a new and improvedvision of the HR system as you wish it tobe. Doing this on an annual basis allowspractices to be improved and benefitsshared.

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    Examples of improved HR measures using the Audit Process:

    OSHA incident rates

    Development and sharing of Total CompensationPhilosophy

    Reduction in throughput time of filling openpositions

    Employee turnover rate

    HR customer survey results

    % of training time/employee

    Reduction in throughput time of administrativerequests

    Business results

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    Advantages of HRD Audit

    To ensure effective utilization of HR

    To inculcate sense of confidence in management

    To develop and sustain organizationalreputation in the society

    To perform a due diligence review for variousstakeholders

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    ConclusionHRD Audit is a comprehension

    evaluation of the current hr strategies

    ,structure ,style and skills in the context ofthe short and long term business plans ofa company.

    its main objective is to align the hrfunction with business goals or to create a

    business driven hr function.

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