hrir 4480 a01 (3 ch) collective bargaining and ... · collective bargaining. regardless of whether...

HRIR 4480 A01 (3 CH) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND ADMINISTRATION WINTER 2020 Drake Centre, RM 104 Monday and Wednesday 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm CONTENTS INSTRUCTOR ......................................................... 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION........................................... 1 COURSE OBJECTIVES ............................................. 2 COURSE MATERIALS.............................................. 2 COURSE FORMAT .................................................. 2 ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING .................................. 3 MISSED EXAM AND LATE SUBMISSION POLICY .... 5 ATTENDANCE POLICY ............................................ 6 ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY ................................. 6 OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATION…………………….7 REFERENCING STYLE FOR WRITTEN WORK………..7 CLASS SCHEDULE…………………………………………..…..7 IMPORTANT DATES………………………………………….11 INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES……………………12 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY……………………..…..13 STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORTS…………………15 ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR…………………………………16 INSTRUCTOR Name Janet Eisbrenner Office: 366 Drake Centre Phone: 204-480-1085 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM, or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION This course focuses on the legal framework, processes and issues pertaining to the negotiation and administration of collective agreements, building on the foundation provided by HRIR 3450. The course includes a mock collective bargaining exercise and in-depth analysis of grievance arbitration cases. The purpose of the course is to expose students to the theory and practice of collective bargaining in relation to the context, process and outcomes of collective bargaining in Canada today. As many organizations in Canada are unionized environments, it is vital to understand the main facets of collective bargaining. Regardless of whether or not you foresee yourself working directly with the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement or administration of the contract, knowledge about these areas will broaden your management skills, which is helpful in both unionized and non-unionized contexts.

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Page 1: HRIR 4480 A01 (3 CH) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND ... · collective bargaining. Regardless of whether or not you foresee yourself working directly with the negotiation of a collective


WINTER 2020 Drake Centre, RM 104

Monday and Wednesday 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm


INSTRUCTOR ......................................................... 1

COURSE DESCRIPTION........................................... 1

COURSE OBJECTIVES ............................................. 2

COURSE MATERIALS .............................................. 2

COURSE FORMAT .................................................. 2

ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING .................................. 3


ATTENDANCE POLICY ............................................ 6

ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY ................................. 6



CLASS SCHEDULE…………………………………………..…..7

IMPORTANT DATES………………………………………….11






Name Janet Eisbrenner

Office: 366 Drake Centre

Phone: 204-480-1085

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM, or by appointment


This course focuses on the legal framework, processes and issues pertaining to the negotiation and

administration of collective agreements, building on the foundation provided by HRIR 3450. The course

includes a mock collective bargaining exercise and in-depth analysis of grievance arbitration cases. The

purpose of the course is to expose students to the theory and practice of collective bargaining in relation

to the context, process and outcomes of collective bargaining in Canada today.

As many organizations in Canada are unionized environments, it is vital to understand the main facets of

collective bargaining. Regardless of whether or not you foresee yourself working directly with the

negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement or administration of the contract, knowledge about

these areas will broaden your management skills, which is helpful in both unionized and non-unionized


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1) Foster an understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of collective bargaining.

2) Become familiar with a variety of collective bargaining and administration terms.

3) Enhance knowledge and skills in dealing with organizational conflict in unionized settings.

4) Compare and contrast industrial relation and human resource perspectives and explore harmonizing the perspectives in relation to collective bargaining and administration.

5) Increase awareness of the legal framework imposed on collective bargaining.


Required Course Pack –

Asper Business School of Business, Faculty of Management. (2020). Prepared by: Eisbrenner J. HRIR 4480 A01: Collective Bargaining and Administration Course Pack. Winter 2020. University of Manitoba Digital Copy Centre. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Relevant Websites -

Government of Manitoba. Manitoba Labour Relations Act.

Government of Manitoba. Guide to the Manitoba Labour Relations Act.

CUPE Bargaining Handbook -

Royal Oak Mines Inc. v. Canada (Labour Relations Board) 1996.

Please respect copyright laws. Copying textbooks or other reading material is a violation of copyright laws and is unethical, unless permission to copy has been obtained. COURSE FORMAT

The course encourages interdisciplinary discussions that are integral to Collective Bargaining and Administration in Canada. Each class will involve a variety of components, including lecture, group discussion, exercises, simulation drills, role play, group presentation, and class dialogue. Audio-visual, PowerPoint (set up via modules) and electronic hand-outs located on UM Learn, supplement the course. The class format is interactive. Discussions are based on the course pack, but other sources are used, where relevant. You are to read assigned cases and readings before class. By doing so, you allow yourself to partake in class discussion fully. It is through quality dialogue that you have the best chance to learn the material comprehensively. Some of the lectures are reserved to highlight specific themes from the assigned course pack reading. Other parts take one concept and explore it deeply. During all forms of the lecture, students are encouraged to bring forth questions about the material and to share insights about their experience with specific course themes. I will not cover all the powerpoint slides in the lecture. You are encouraged to participate actively in class because it improves your communication abilities and helps you learn the material vicariously from your classmates’ questions, comments, and responses to questions. The course has a class participation grade to reward you for your contribution to the class discussions.

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ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING There are 5 components to the grading:

1. Test 1 - - 25%

2. Test 2 - - 25%

3. Group Project: Mock Collective Bargaining Exercise - 30%

4. Individual Assignment – Arbitration Dialogue - 10%

5. Participation - 10%

TOTAL -100%

Of the above, I will communicate the grades of Test 1 prior to the VW date. Additional Assessment Notes –

Exams: Exams consist of a possible combination of multiple choice, true and false, short and/or long

answer, and case analysis. An overview for each exam will be attached to an announcement on UM Learn

“News” sufficiently in advance of each exam.

Group Project: In a team setting, you will work on a collective bargaining group project. I will assign

students to a Union or Management bargaining team (about five students per side). Each team is

responsible for discussing bargaining items, strategy, and goals in preparation for negotiating a renewal

of the collective bargaining contract with the other side. The research is about the development of

collective bargaining. The team leaders – the leader representing the employer side (i.e., employee

relations director) and the leader representing the union side (i.e., president or area director) – are

responsible for calling team meetings to discuss and prepare for upcoming negotiations. The main focus

of discussions will be to decide upon significant issues of the contract negotiations (I.e., Wages, , pension

plans, and holidays). The goal of the project will be for the bargaining teams to meet to negotiate a new

agreement to replace the expiring contract terms. Actual collective bargaining negotiations will begin after

teams work collaboratively to exchange proposals. Please refer to the topic outline for in-class meeting

times for the bargaining proposals and negotiations. Plan for some meetings, preparation, and research

work to occur outside of class time. Each team will be responsible for determining the specific roles

assigned to individual team members. The project consists of four components that include: Developing

and preparing a strategy report, bargaining meetings, compiling the memorandum of settlement, and

presentation. The group project is graded as a group and is worth 30% of your course grade.

After your group has completed your presentation, there will be a confidential peer evaluation where

you will rate your own and your each of your team member’s contribution to the group project. I reserve

the right to mark individually, when appropriate. I will downgrade a team member(s) who receives a poor

peer evaluation. For expectations and policy regarding group work, please refer to sections of the course

syllabus concerning Class Policy - Group work and Social Loafing and Academic Integrity (Group Projects

and Group Work). On presentation days, I will assign specific teams to evaluate the presentations (each

side will have the opportunity to assess during the presentation days). I will make the final determination

of each team’s mark. I will upload specific instructions and evaluation criteria in the group project dropbox

on UM Learn later in the term.

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Individual Assignment: The individual assignment pertains to a dialogue that you will construct regarding

an issue(s) that your team did not resolve in your group project mock collective bargaining. I will provide

details about this assignment later in the term. Upload your completed work to the assignment dropbox

on UM Learn on or before the due date by 10:00 PM. Refer to the course syllabus in “other assessment

notes” for submission requirements.

Class Participation: You are graded based on the quality (and to a lesser extent, quantity) of your

contribution to class discussion, activity areas, group project contribution, and bargaining meetings and

assigned exercises. Reading the corresponding course pack and assigned reading for each module will help

you to participate dynamically. Quality discussion includes offering a unique and relevant perspective,

moving the analysis forward, providing evidence, demonstrating recognition of course material and

integrating these with reflective thinking, and linking course concepts and themes to current events.

Missing class will hurt your class participation grade, although you may have participated actively during

the other sessions. Likewise, attendance by itself will not earn you good points. You could have 100% in

attendance and receive a small participation mark if you did not participate at all. Thus, you must attend

regularly and participate actively in class to get a good grade. Unless the purpose pertains to a class activity

as assigned by the instructor, students using cell phones or the Internet during the class will be deemed

absent. Active class participation will be considered an extra that can help a borderline grade. Your

instructor will provide you with a name placard at the course beginning. Put the name you registered with

on the placard. If the first name you prefer differs from the name you registered with, put that name in

brackets beside. To receive participation marks accordingly, display your name placard at every class to

the semester end.

Other Assessment Notes:

Submit assignments to the assignment drop box on UM Learn by 10:00 p.m. on the due date. Submit using a file name that includes the name, course, assignment (i.e. Smith_HRIR4480A01_Individual Assignment).

Assignments must be double spaced. Always keep a copy of your work. Use Times New Roman or Arial 12 font. Include a header at the top left corner of EACH page that includes: Your name, course number, date and word count (if applicable).

All material referred to in any assignment MUST be appropriately referenced. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Refer to the syllabus' departmental academic integrity pages.

All assignments should include theory and concepts from all course material. These should be briefly explained and noted how they apply to the particular situation you are discussing.

Written assignments require application of basic rules of grammar, organization, spelling and good communication in response to assignment expectations. APA format is required, including bibliography. Refer to the writing guideline word document uploaded in Module I on UM Learn.

I will re-grade work if requested in writing via my university e-mail. Grading appeals must include a detailed written description of your concern and reasons why your mark should be changed. Subsequent to re-grade, your grade might raise, stay the same, or drop.

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Final Grades are submitted as follows:*

Marks Letter Grade

95-100 A+

87-94.99 A

79-86.99 B+

72-78.99 B

68-71.99 C+

60-67.99 C

50-59.99 D

Below 50 F

*In the event of a skewed distribution of grades, the total course marks may be curved up or down as

necessary (the weighting of each component will remain unchanged).


1. With few exceptions, students will not be able to make up for a missed exam or assignment. In other words, in the absence of acceptably documented extenuating circumstances, missed assessments will receive a score of zero. If you miss an exam for medical reasons, I can give you a make-up exam only if you provide a doctor’s note that certifies you were unfit to come to class on the day of the exam. In some cases, I may call the doctor’s office to verify the validity of the doctor’s note. The Asper School also has a list of events for which accommodations will be made for a missed term exam (not final exam). The professor of the event or coach of the sports team will have to consult with me before the exam. Make-up exams will not be given for any other reason. I cannot guarantee that the difficulty level and format of the makeup exam will be the same as the one the rest of the class was given. (There are no makeup exams for quizzes).

2. Do NOT make travel plans during the Final Exam schedule. The final exam must be written as per the University exam schedule. In some cases, with proper documentation, students may be able to write a deferred final exam. A request for a deferred final exam must be made at the Undergraduate Program Office in 268 Drake (or through your home Faculty if you are not an Asper student). Effective September 2005, the Department of Business Administration has instituted a policy which provides ONE DATE ONLY for students who have deferred their final exams. The deferred final exam date has been tentatively set for May 22th (Friday), 2020, at 5 pm, Room Drake Centre 136.Refer to the Undergraduate Program Office for rules and regulations concerning deferred exams or the University of Manitoba’s Policy Exam Regulations .

3. Late written submissions and assignments are accepted up to two days past the due date, with a 1 mark deduction per day late.

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1. All students are expected to attend class regularly. Attendance is not considered optional. Excused absences include a medical reason (with doctor’s note), approved academic event as per this Faculty-approved list of events, death of a close family member, or religious observation. In each of the above cases, documentation may be required. No other reason is considered valid.

2. If a student has over 6 absences, it may result in an automatic F grade in the course, as per the Asper School’s Debarment Policy. If you feel you will miss a significant number of classes, you are strongly encouraged to VW.

3. Attendance will be taken daily officially the first class day that follows the U of M course add date. Arriving in class over 10 minutes late or leaving more than 10 minutes early (without my prior approval) will be considered absent for that class. Marking attendance for a friend who is absent is Academic Dishonesty and will be dealt with severely, often resulting in an F grade and possible suspension from the Asper School for both students concerned.

4. Group Work and Social Loafing - It is expected that ALL group members contribute equitably. “Social loafing” is not accepted. Social loafing occurs when a group member relies on remaining group members to complete group tasks, and does not contribute to group work. If you feel that a group member is not adequately contributing to the project, please respond as follows: 1) Address your concerns with that group member as early, as directly, and as respectfully as possible. Indicate your expectations of that group member, including specific instructions for how he/she can contribute to the group; 2) If the individual is not responsive to your concerns, express them again via email, and copy me; 3) Agree to a way how the person can contribute to the group and notify me by e-mail of your solution; 4) If the problem persists, make an appointment for your group to meet with me. We will attempt to resolve the problem together; 5) If this fails, leave the person’s name off the group project; 6) I will inform the group member that s/he will receive a zero or a reduced mark. If social loafing is occurring in your group, it is important to begin the procedural steps early into the project. Please note that at the group project end, each team member will have opportunity to confidentially fill out a team evaluation form. If a group member(s) scores poorly (i.e. <6 on a scale of 1-10), marks for the group project and/or participation may be reduced, at the instructor’s discretion.


You may use a laptop or tablet for note-taking (or for an approved class activity as assigned by the instructor). If you are using a laptop, please sit in the last row to avoid distracting those sitting behind you. Practice self-control—don’t browse the Internet or check your e-mail/social media messages in class. You may be interested in reading this article. You are not allowed to use a cell phone in class, even if it were to access UM Learn or take notes. Switch your phone to silent mode before class begins. If a student requires that their phone is to be kept on for a legitimate emergency, please notify the Instructor before class. Texting during class will result in a 1 mark penalty in the course grade; the penalty will double for every subsequent incidence of your texting. Audio or video recording is prohibited, unless there are extenuating circumstances - Please obtain my permission prior to audio/video-recording a lecture.

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Outside of class time, most of our interactions will be conducted through UM Learn. I will post all course-related files there and all announcements will be sent via UM Learn and/or email. Please check your email and UM Learn regularly to ensure you receive all announcements. Saying that you have not checked in a while is not an excuse for not receiving messages. If you have an inquiry, please talk to me before or after class or e-mail me with an outline of your question(s). I will reply within two school days. If the question is too difficult to answer electronically or requires a lengthy response, I will ask you to meet with me to discuss instead. Please use your U of M email address only to correspond. All assignments are to be submitted through UM Learn. Scores will be given to you through UM Learn and/or individual (university) email and/or in-class.


You are expected to use the APA style of referencing for both in-text citations and the Bibliography. To learn about the APA style, please consult a librarian in the Albert D. Cohen Management Library in 208 Drake or look up


The schedule may vary as the course progresses and as student interests interact with the material. I will post the agenda for each class on UM Learn “News” sufficiently in advance of each class. Exam dates and assignment due dates are not tentative. Student power point for each module, including accompanying module hand-outs and assigned reading material is located on UM Learn “Content.”



Class 1

January 6

Introductory Class Introductions, Syllabus review, Introduce Module I

Class Agenda & Activities Introductions, course


Class 2

January 8

Module I: Collective Bargaining and Administration Overview

A. Definitions B. Collective Bargaining and Administration C. Collective Bargaining – Statutory Right to

Human Right

Read: Course Pack Module 1:


UM Learn –

Gunderson article

Class Agenda & Activities - Lecture, Discussion-Adam’s

article (hand-out on UM Learn)

Class 3

January 13

Module II:

Legal Framework Imposed on Public and Private Negotiations

A. A look back - History of Canadian Labour Law B. Voluntarism C. Canadian Legislation


Course Pack Module 2:

Suffield & Gannon

Web References:


Class Agenda & Activities Lecture, Discussion

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Class 4, 5

January 15, 20

D. The law regulating Collective Bargaining

a. Statutory requirements for collective bargaining

b. Good Faith Bargaining and the Law c. Regulation of Industrial Action

E. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Supreme Court of Canada

Labour is not a commodity

Constitutional rights


Course Pack Module 2:

Fudge articles

Web Reference:

Royal Oak Mines Inc. v. Canada (Labour Relations Board) 1996. (Optional)

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture; Video – “York University

v. CUPE”

Class 6, 7

January 22, 27

Module III: Bargaining Process

A. Negotiation -

1) Distributive Negotiation 2) Integrative Negotiation 3) Distributive v. integrative bargaining 4) Principled Negotiation 5) Negotiating – How to bring up issues


Read: Course Pack Module 3:

Rioux and Redekopp

Suffield & Gannon

UM Learn: (W. Wilmot Collaboration Institute article)

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture, Video (Principled

Bargaining); Role play

Class 8

January 29

Module III: Bargaining Process (cont.) B. Third-Party Intervention

1) Conciliation 2) Mediation 3) Arbitration – Rights and interest-

based 4) Other - Med-Arb; Arb-Med

Read: Course Pack Module 3:

Rioux and Redekopp

Carrell & Heavrin


UM Learn –

5-Star Mediation model

Class Agenda & Activities - Lecture, Mediation Video &


Class 9

February 3

Term Test 1


Class 10

February 5

Finish Module III

Class Agenda & Activities – Lecture, Review group project

instructions, team introduction

Class 11

February 10

Case Analysis –

National Film Board of Canada: Final Offer

Class Agenda & Activities - Film

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Class 12

February 12

Class Discussion – Final Offer:

Insights – Integrative v. Distributive Negotiation

Power Dynamics - Employer-employee; union-management; Intra-group

Module IV:

A. Collective Bargaining Negotiation Process

B. Effective negotiation at the Bargaining Table – Theories and Insights

Read Course Pack Module 4:

McQuarrie Ch 7, 8

Post; McKersie & Cutcher-Gershenfeld

Reference Module 3 readings regarding the bargaining process

Web Reference: CUPE Bargaining

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture; Worksheet (Uploaded on UM Learn), Module IV Questions (Part A); Video - IRC Facilitator

- February 17 – Louis Riel Day - University Closed February 18-21 – Reading Week – No University Classes


Class 13, 14

February 24, 26

Module IV (Cont.) C. Bargaining Impasse

a. Contract Dispute Resolution b. Strikes, Lockouts c. Logic of Economic Sanctions

Group Project: Team Bargaining Meeting - “Strategy for upcoming contract negotiations”

Read Course Pack Module 4:


Class Agenda & Activities Lecture, Discussion Questions (UM Learn),Wright College v.

W.C. Faculty Union case

Class 15

March 2

Finish Module IV

Module V: The Collective Bargaining Contract and Administration

Part A Collective Agreement

Group Project: Team Bargaining Meeting - “Strategy for upcoming contract negotiations”


Course Pack Module 5

Gunderson, et al.

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture; Videos – What to expect

at arbitration, Preparing for Grievance Arbitration

Class 16

March 4

Module V (Cont.) Part B - Contract Administration: Grievance Process

Human Rights Issues

Absenteeism – Culpable, Innocent

Read: Course Pack Module 5 McQuarrie

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture, Grievance arbitration video series and discussion

Class 17

March 9

Guest Speakers:

Employee Relations Senior Director (Boeing) and Representative from UNIFOR

Class Agenda & Activities Guest speaker presentation,

Question-answer period

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Class 18

March 11

Part C - Grievance Types and Human Rights

Procedural Issues


Group Project: “Pre- bargaining Meeting” (Union-Management teams meet)

Course Pack Module 5

Suffield & Gannon Ch 9 excerpt

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture, Grievance arbitration

video series and discussion

Class 19

March 16

Module V: Contract Administration(cont.)

Grievance arbitration in Action

Analysis of an Arbitration Hearing

Group Project: “At the bargaining table” (Union-Management teams meet)

Class Agenda & Activities -

Lecture, Discussion; Group Project union-management


Class 20

March 18

Module VI: Alternatives to Grievance Arbitration A. Framework of Fairness

Group Project: “At the Bargaining Table” (Union- Management teams meet together)

Read: Course Pack Module 6

Suffield excerpt

Class Agenda & Activities Lecture, Arbitration Role Play

Class 21 March 23

Term Test 2


Class 22

March 25

Module VI (Cont.)

C. Expedited Arbitration, Grievance Mediation, Mediation Arbitration

Read: Course Pack Module 6

Goldberg article

Reference Module V McQuarrie reading

Class Agenda & Activities Arbitration Case Analysis (TBA)

Class 23, 24

March 30, April 1

Group Project – Collective Bargaining Presentations Class Agenda & Activities


Class 25

April 6 (Final Class)



Module VI Activity, Course closing comments

Class Agenda & Activities

Discussion, Final Exam Overview

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Attendance recording begins – January 20

Test 1 – February 3 (in-class)

Group Project Strategy Report - Due March 9

Last day for voluntary withdrawal without academic penalty (no refund) - March 18

Test 2 – March 23 (in-class)

Group Project Memorandum of Settlement – Due March 25, 10:00 pm (Electronic submission to the drop box on UM Learn)

Group Project Presentations* - March 30, April 1

Individual Assignment – Arbitration Dialogue – Due April 13, 10:00 pm (Electronic submission to the drop box on UM Learn)

*(For logistical reasons, presentation dates may vary. Once the schedule is set, I will post it on UM learn "News")

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AACSB Assurance of Learning Goals and Objectives. The Asper School of Business is proudly accredited by AACSB. Accreditation requires a process of continuous improvement of the School and our students. Part of “student improvement” is ensuring that students graduate with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their careers. To do so, the Asper School has set the learning goals and objectives listed below for the Undergraduate Program. The checked goal(s) and objective(s) will be addressed in this course and done so by means of the items listed next to the checkmark.

Goals and Objective in the Undergraduate Program

Goals and



in this


Course Item(s)

Relevant to

these Goals

and Objectives

1 Quantitative Reasoning

A. Determine which quantitative analysis technique is appropriate for solving a specific problem.

- -

B. Use the appropriate quantitative method in a technically correct way to solve a business problem.

case work

C. Analyze quantitative output and arrive at a


- -

2 Written Communication

A. Use correct English grammar and mechanics in

their written work.

Group project reports, individual assignment

B. Communicate in a coherent and logical manner Group project reports, discussions individual assignment

C. Present ideas in a clear and organized fashion. Written report, discussion, individual

3 Ethical Thinking

A. Identify ethical issues in a problem or case


Entire course, particularly case analysis

B. Identify the stakeholders in the situation. Entire course, particularly Modules III to VI.

C. Analyze the consequences of alternatives from an ethical standpoint.

Entire course, particularly modules IV-VI.

D. Discuss the ethical implications of the decision. Modules IV to VI.

4 Core Business Knowledge Entire Course

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ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY It is critical to the reputation of the Asper School of Business and of our degrees that everyone associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity. As the faculty that helps create business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of Manitoba General Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading “Plagiarism and Cheating.” Specifically, acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

using the exact words of a published or unpublished author without quotation marks and without referencing the source of these words

duplicating a table, graph or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source paraphrasing the conceptual framework, research design, interpretation, or any other ideas of

another person, whether written or verbal (e.g., personal communications, ideas from a verbal presentation) without referencing the source

copying the answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment providing answers to another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment taking any unauthorized materials into an examination or term test (crib notes) impersonating another student or allowing another person to impersonate oneself for the purpose

of submitting academic work or writing any test or examination stealing or mutilating library materials accessing test prior to the time and date of the sitting changing name or answer(s) on a test after that test has been graded and returned submitting the same paper or portions thereof for more than one assignment, without discussions

with the instructors involved Group Projects and Group Work

Many courses in the Asper School of Business require group projects. Students should be aware that group projects are subject to the same rules regarding academic integrity. All group members should exercise special care to ensure that the group project does not violate the policy on Academic Integrity. Should a violation occur, group members are jointly accountable unless the violation can be attributed to specific individuals.

Some courses, while not requiring group projects, encourage students to work together in groups before submitting individual assignments. If it’s unclear whether it is allowed, students are encouraged to seek clarification from the instructor to avoid violating the academic integrity policy. In the Asper School of Business, all suspected cases of academic dishonesty in undergraduate courses are reported to the Dean's office and follow the approved disciplinary process. See following table for typical penalties for academic dishonesty in the Asper School. See following table for typical penalties for academic dishonesty in the Asper School

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Typical Penalties for Academic Dishonesty in the Asper School

If the student is from another Faculty and the academic dishonesty is committed in an Asper course, the student’s Faculty could match or add penalties beyond the Asper School’s. F-DISC on transcript indicates the F is for disciplinary reasons.


Cheating on exam (copying from or providing answers to another student)

F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Sharing exam questions electronically during exam

F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 2 years Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Possession of unauthorized material during exam (e.g., cheat notes)

F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Altering answer on returned exam and asking for re-grading

F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Plagiarism on assignment F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Submitting paper bought online F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Inappropriate Collaboration (collaborating with individuals not explicitly authorized by instructor)

F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Group member had knowledge of inappropriate collaboration or plagiarism and played along

F-DISC in course Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Signing Attendance Sheet for classmate

F-DISC in course Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

Page 15: HRIR 4480 A01 (3 CH) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND ... · collective bargaining. Regardless of whether or not you foresee yourself working directly with the negotiation of a collective

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STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORTS The University of Manitoba provides many different services that can enhance learning and provide support for a variety of academic and personal concerns. You are encouraged to visit the below websites to learn more about these services and supports. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your instructor or the Undergraduate Program Office.

For Information on… …follow this link

Admission, Registration, Tuition Fees, Important Dates, Final Exams, Graduation, and Transcripts

Registrar’s Office

Academic policies & procedures, regulations, Faculty-specific information, degree and major requirements

Academic Calendar

Help with research needs such as books, journals, sources of data, how to cite, and writing

Library Resources

Tutors, workshops, and resources to help you improve your learning, writing, time management, and test-taking skills

Writing and Learning Support

Support and advocacy for students with disabilities to help them in their academic work and progress

Student Accessibility Services

Copyright-related questions and resources to help you avoid plagiarism or intellectual property violations

Copyright Office

Student discipline bylaws, policies and procedures on academic integrity and misconduct, appeal procedures

Academic Integrity

Policies & procedures with respect to student discipline or misconduct, including academic integrity violations

Student Discipline

Students’ rights & responsibilities, policies & procedures, and support services for academic or discipline concerns

Student Advocacy

Your rights and responsibilities as a student, in both academic and non-academic contexts

Your rights and responsibilities

Full range of medical services for any physical or mental health issues

University Health Service

Information on health topics, including physical/mental health, alcohol/substance use harms, and sexual assault

Health and Wellness

Any aspect of mental health, including anxiety, stress, depression, help with relationships or other life concerns, crisis services, and counselling.

Student Counselling Centre

Support services available for help regarding any aspect of student and campus life, especially safety issues

Student Support Case Management

Resources available on campus, for environmental, mental, physical, socio-cultural, and spiritual well-being

Live Well @ UofM

Help with any concerns of harassment, discrimination, or sexual assault

Respectful Work and Learning Environment

Concerns involving violence or threats, protocols for reporting, and how the university addresses them

Violent or Threatening Behaviour

Page 16: HRIR 4480 A01 (3 CH) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND ... · collective bargaining. Regardless of whether or not you foresee yourself working directly with the negotiation of a collective

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ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR Janet Eisbrenner joined the Asper School of Business in 2012. She teaches various business

administration courses, including human resource management, organizational behavior, staffing,

organizational theory and management, collective bargaining, and labour, and employment relations.

Janet received her Bachelor of Administration degree from the University of Regina, a Bachelor of Arts

degree in Conflict Resolution Studies from the University of Winnipeg, and a Master of Conflict

Resolution and Reconciliation from Abilene, Texas University. She also has two years of study at the

University of Saskatchewan in the Bachelor of Education degree program. She holds certification in

Counseling Skills, and Basic Mediation and Family Mediation. Currently, Janet is working on a Ph.D. in

Human Resources and Management.

Her professional experience includes entrepreneurship, administrative, management and executive

work in a variety of public and private-sector organizations, including her own privately run business.

She engages in on-going educational pursuits and studies in business-related areas, such as

organizational conflict resolution system design, management, and conflict resolution.

Published research work includes a Comparative Analysis of Mediator Credentialing Standards and

Mediator Ethical Guidelines, presented at the Annual Convention of the State Bar of Texas, 2011.

When Janet is not teaching, she works as a mediation, coaching, and counseling practitioner and

sometimes facilitates online courses in conflict resolution and business. In her spare time, she enjoys

reading, hiking, movies, and observing wildlife and the environment in its natural form.