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  • 8/4/2019 HRM 6 boys


    YEAR 2011-12

    T.Y.B.M.S DIV-A


    Name of the Student Roll No.


    1. Introduction2. Objectives Of Participative Management3. Requirements Of Participative Management4. Benefits Of Participative Management

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    5. Effective Participative Management Techniques6. Case StudyRaptakos Brett co. Ltd, Thane7. Observation and Recommendations8. Conclusion9. Bibliography


    Participative (or participatory) management, otherwise known as

    employee involvement or participative decision making, encourages the

    involvement of stakeholders at all levels of an organization in the

    analysis of problems, development of strategies, and implementation ofsolutions. Employees are invited to share in the decision-making process

    of the firm by participating in activities such as setting goals,

    determining work schedules, and making suggestions. Other forms of

    participative management include increasing the responsibility of

    employees (job enrichment); forming self-managed teams, quality

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    circles, or quality-of-work-life committees; and soliciting survey

    feedback. Participative management, however, involves more than

    allowing employees to take part in making decisions. It also involves

    management treating the ideas and suggestions of employees with

    consideration and respect. The most extensive form of participativemanagement is direct employee ownership of a company.

    Four processes influence participation. These processes create employee

    involvement as they are pushed down to the lowest levels in an

    organization. The farther down these processes move, the higher the

    level of involvement by employees. The four processes include:

    1. Information sharing, which is concerned with keeping employeesinformed about the economic status of the company.2.Training, which involves raising the skill levels of employees andoffering development opportunities that allow them to apply new

    skills to make effective decisions regarding the organization as a


    3.Employee decision making, which can take many forms, fromdetermining work schedules to deciding on budgets or processes.

    Rewards, which should be tied to suggestions and ideas as well as


    Objectives of Participative Management

    To Make Best Use of Human Capital: Participativemanagement does not restrict organizations to exploit only

    physical capital of employees. Rather it makes the best use of

    human intellectual and emotional capital. It gives employees an

    opportunity to contribute their ideas and suggestions to improve

    business processes and create a better working environment.

    To Meet the Psychological Needs of Employees: Whenemployees have a say in decision making process, it gives them

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    a psychological satisfaction. It is a simple force that drives them

    to improve their performance, create a proper channel of

    communication and find practical solutions to design better

    organizational processes.

    To Retain the Best Talent: Participatory management is one ofthe most effective strategies to retain the best talent in the

    industry. It gives employees a sense of pride to have a say in

    organizational decision making process. Once they are valued

    by their seniors, they stick to the organization and become

    managements partners in meeting specific goals and achieving


    To Increase Industrial Productivity:In todays competitiveworld, motivation, job security and high pay packages are notenough to increase industrial productivity. Leadership,

    flexibility, delegation of authority, industrial democracy and

    employee say in decision making are important to increase

    annual turnover of any organization.

    To Establish Harmonious IndustrialRelationship: Participatory from of management is an

    unbeatable tact to establish and maintain cordial relationships

    with employees and workers union. The success of anorganization depends on its human resources. Employee

    empowerment acts as a strong force to bind the employees and

    motivate to give them their best to the organization.

    To Maintain a Proper Flow of Communication: Two-waycommunication plays an important role in the success of any

    organization. Employee participation in decision making

    ensures proper flow of communication in the organization.

    Everyone contributes their best and tries to strengthen theorganization by contributing their best to improve business


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    Requirements Of Participative Management

    A common misconception by managers is that participative management

    involves simply asking employees to participate or make suggestions.

    Effective programs involve more than just a suggestion box. In order for

    participative management to work, several issues must be resolved and

    several requirements must be met. First, managers must be willing to

    relinquish some control to their workers; managers must feel secure intheir position in order for participation to be successful. Often managers

    do not realize that employees' respect for them will increase instead of

    decrease when they implement a participative management style.

    The success of participative management depends on careful planning

    and a slow, phased approach. Changing employees' ideas about

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    management takes time, as does any successful attempt at a total cultural

    change from a democratic or autocratic style of management to a

    participative style. Long-term employees may resist changes, not

    believing they will last. In order for participation to be effective,

    managers must be genuine and honest in implementing the program.Many employees will need to consistently see proof that their ideas will

    be accepted or at least seriously considered. The employees must be able

    to trust their managers and feel they are respected.

    Successful participation requires managers to approach employee

    involvement with an open mind. They must be open to new ideas and

    alternatives in order for participative management to work. It is

    important to remember that although the manager may not agree with

    every idea or suggestion an employee makes, how those ideas arereceived is critical to the success of participative management.

    Employees must also be willing to participate and share their ideas.

    Participative management does not work with employees who are

    passive or simply do not care. Many times employees do not have the

    skills or information necessary to make good suggestions or decisions.

    In this case it is important to provide them with information or training

    so they can make informed choices. Encouragement should be offered in

    order to accustom employees to the participative approach. One way to

    help employees engage in the decision-making process is by knowing

    their individual strengths and capitalizing on them. By guiding

    employees toward areas in which they are knowledgeable, a manager

    can help to ensure their success.

    Before expecting employees to make valuable contributions, managers

    should provide them with the criteria that their input must meet. This

    will aid in discarding ideas or suggestions that cannot be implemented,

    are not feasible, or are too expensive. Managers should also give

    employees time to think about ideas or alternative decisions. Employees

    often do not do their most creative thinking on the spot.

    Another important element for implementing a successful participative

    management style is the visible integration of employees' suggestions

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    into the final decision or implementation. Employees need to know that

    they have made a contribution. Offering employees a choice in the final

    decision is important because it increases their commitment, motivation,

    and job satisfaction. Sometimes even just presenting several alternatives

    and allowing employees to choose from them is as effective as if theythought of the alternatives themselves. If the employees' first choice is

    not feasible, management might ask for an alternative rather than

    rejecting the employee input. When an idea or decision is not acceptable,

    managers should provide an explanation. If management repeatedly

    strikes down employee ideas without implementing them, employees

    will begin to distrust management, thus halting participation. The key is

    to build employee confidence so their ideas and decisions become more

    creative and sound.

    Benefits Of Participative Management

    A participative management style offers various benefits at all levels of

    the organization. By creating a sense of ownership in the company,

    participative management instills a sense of pride and motivates

    employees to increase productivity in order to achieve their goals.

    Employees who participate in the decisions of the company feel like

    they are a part of a team with a common goal, and find their sense of

    self-esteem and creative fulfillment heightened.

    Managers who use a participative style find that employees are more

    receptive to change than in situations in which they have no voice.

    Changes are implemented more effectively when employees have input

    and make contributions to decisions. Participation keeps employees

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    informed of upcoming events so they will be aware of potential changes.

    The organization can then place itself in a proactive mode instead of a

    reactive one, as managers are able to quickly identify areas of concern

    and turn to employees for solutions.

    Participation helps employees gain a wider view of the organization.

    Through training, development opportunities, and information sharing,

    employees can acquire the conceptual skills needed to become effective

    managers or top executives. It also increases the commitment of

    employees to the organization and the decisions they make.

    Creativity and innovation are two important benefits of participative

    management. By allowing a diverse group of employees to have input

    into decisions, the organization benefits from the synergy that comesfrom a wider choice of options. When all employees, instead of just

    managers or executives, are given the opportunity to participate, the

    chances are increased that a valid and unique idea will be suggested.

    Effective Participative Management Techniques

    Participative management aims at getting employees involved in

    decision making and policy direction in a business or government

    organization. Employees have great ideas that can help an organization

    to become more effective at achieving its goals. It is up to skilled

    managers to source these ideas through participative managementtechniques.

    1.Building Cooperationo If you have ever met a manager who likes to build cooperation of

    employees into the department's work culture, than you probably saw a

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    person using a participative management technique. One idea that works

    is taking a large department project and breaking it down into chunks.

    Small work teams can pursue a chunk of the project in their own groups.

    In a group, individuals cooperate, setting goals and producing results. As

    long as they meet established deadlines for all groups, they possess ahigh degree of flexibility in getting the job done.


    o A senior management team can help to solve problems facing the entireorganization by inviting employees of all levels of seniority to

    participate in special committees. A committee must tackle a specific

    problem, or even study problems that might exist, and report back to the

    senior management team. If a senior management team wants to be trulyresponsive to worker input, it will take the advice of a committee

    seriously and incorporate its suggestions as part of the final solution.

    Consultative Management Model

    o The consultative management model is a simplified version ofparticipative management. Whenever a manager needs worker input, she

    can use the staff meeting to discuss important issues with line workers.

    If she gets ideas that would truly impact the organization, positively or

    negatively, she will forward those ideas by email or another

    communication channel to senior managers. Some organizations use the

    weekly staff meeting as a standard, and managers report back to a

    manager's meeting to discuss what employees are saying about the

    present issues facing the organization.

    Cross Functioning

    o A suggestion box is a limited way that many employers try to getemployees involved in setting policy and other management decisions.Another way is to use the cross-functioning method, or work teams

    comprised of workers from different departments. They solve problems

    facing the organization, and everyone on a team has an equal voice in

    the group's direction. This model represents an interdisciplinary

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    approach based on the notion that workers from different technical

    backgrounds can brainstorm together and solve problems.

    Case study:

    Participative Management in Raptakos Brett & Co. Ltd


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    Raptakos, Brett & Co.Ltd., was founded in India in 1930 by

    Mr.A.Raptakos and Mr.W.H.Brett. Over the past seven decades, the

    company has shown consistent growth and acquired a well earnedreputation for very ably serving the medical profession and patients

    alike with a portfolio of innovative products.

    The company has a wide range of nutraceutical products ranging from

    specialised infant foods for low birth weight and lactose intolerance

    infants foods for growing children, diabetics, cardiac patients, pregnant

    and lactating women, and the old and critically ill.

    For the benefit of the medical profession, Raptakos,Brett & Co. Ltdpublishes and distributes free of cost an in-house publication called the

    Quarterly Medical Review(QMR) containing articles of medical


    The company has an pextensive pdistribution network comprising 24

    branches spread all over India. Over 1000 field personnel serves the

    medical professionals through out the country. The company has also

    established its presence in international markets in Asia, Africa, South

    America and Europe through its offices in Vietnam, Philippines, Kenya,

    Middle East, South Africa and UK.

    Organizational Structure Of Personnel Department

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    Workers & Management

    Reptakos Ltd. has 4 production plants in India viz. Thane, Roha,

    Chennai and Alwar, out of which thane plant is the largest plant. 60% of

    the business is majorly carried through thane plant. There are nearly 450




    General Manager





    Assistant 1 Assistant 2

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    workers working in the organization out of which 350 are permenant and

    the rest are on temporary basis.

    The workers and management are well connected with each other

    because they can directly approach to management. There is only one

    trade union operating in the organization, due to which there are lessnumber of conflicts between the workers and management.

    Recent Worker issue in Reptakos brett co. Ltd

    Recently in April 2011 Reptakos faced a strike from their

    temporary workers. The strike was held on the basis that the temporary

    workers in the company were paid less according to their expectations

    and also their major demand was that they wanted to become permanent

    workers as soon as possible.

    The company on the other hand was not ready to accept these demands.

    They were ready to increase their pay to some extend but not at all ready

    to make the temporary workers permanent. The company told the

    workers to wait for some time for like a year or two because by that time

    the temporary workers were as it is going to become permanent. The

    workers did not agree to compromise on this issue and went on a strike.The company after getting ready to compromise finally took major step

    and fired all the temporary workers.

    Ways of Participation (Forms):One view is that workers or the trade unions should, as equal partners,

    sit with the management and make joint managerial decisions.

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    The other view is that workers should only be given an opportunity,

    through their representatives, to influence managerial decisions at

    various levels.

    In practice, the participation of workers can take place by one or all the

    methods listed below:

    1. Board Level Participation

    2. Work or Safety Committee

    3. Suggestion Schemes

    4. Quality Circles

    1.Participation at the Board level:This would be the highest form of industrial democracy.

    The workers representative on the Board can play a useful role in

    safeguarding the interests of workers.

    The representative workers of the organization has given an authority to

    prevail upon the top management not to take measures that would be

    unfavourable to them.

    2.Work or safety committee:There is no work committee operating in the organization instead of that

    there is a safety committee which solves the problems or disputes

    regarding workers issue. The committee tries to solve the problem at

    each level and if the problem is not solved , the issue moves on to the

    next level.

    3.Suggestions Scheme:Employees views are invited and reward is given for the best

    suggestion. With this scheme, the employees interest in the problems of

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    the organization is aroused and maintained. Suggestions can come from

    various levels. The ideas could range from changes in inspection

    procedures to design changes, process simplification, paper-work

    reduction and the like. Out of various suggestions, those accepted could

    provide marginal to substantial benefits to the company. The rewardsgiven to the employees are in line with the benefits derived from the


    4.Quality Circles:A QC consists of seven to ten people from the same work area who meet

    regularly to define, analyze, and solve quality and related problems in

    their area.


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    From the visit we observed that the Suggestion scheme of

    company is not effectively implemented. The workers are not

    responding to it and at the same time the management is not paying

    much attention to the complaints for the workers.


    Suggestions can come from various levels and is very useful for

    the further progress in the organization. So all we can recommend is thatthey should make some positive changes in it and use it on regular basis.

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    You give worker an inch and he gives you back a mile. If

    applied properly participative management acts as a boon andincreases efficiency, effectiveness and performance of employee

    and work performed by them.

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