hsg. itmetdailybulletin - university of...

MP ! '( f ' Vr K ft . '' i M ( f i P 1, i M mm mum mmmm r ' min TmffiWBBMnTTTi i'Wffj KaBEBPTWKP'SflPSBSfWT W JMfl H' " . v' f v;V h?T?wT?p;,wpprB ?p v Hsg. iTMETDAIL Y BULLETIN No 219. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1882. GO OENTB 8UD0OMPTION PER MONTH. The Daily Bulletin Is published qvcry,inorn.lng by tho , DAILY BULLETIN PoOMBIlIXa Co., and circulated throughout tho town, and forwarded to the other Mauds by cycry oppo'rtifnlty. Subscription, 50 els. per month. (4. Caufon Kenton, Editor. All business communications to be nil. dressed, Mutineer Dully Bulletin, Post Olllco Box No. 14. Telephone 250. J. G. Cmcvioii, Miunigcr. SCIENTIFIC AND USEFUL. It is generally supposed that flies nilhoro to ceilings nnd perpendicular wills by virtue of some sucking pro- pel ty of the feet. In n communica- tion to the Berlin Society of Nnturnl History, "Hcrr Dcrwitz presents 4, some facts which Boom to disprove tltd theory nnd make it nppcnr pro- bable that this power is due rather to a sticky matter wli'cii may bo seen under the microscopo to exude . ,from a fly's feet when walking with its body downward. Two microscopes, called the "Jumbo" and the Midget," form- ed hti interesting exhibit nt n recent meeting of a London society. The for.ncr instrument, probably made - nbont half n century ago, was 4 feet high, nnd weighed 125 pounds, while the "Midget," fully equipped for woik, had a total height of only four inches, and weighed but a few ounces. Six such microscopes ns tiio smaller ono could be inclosed in ' thocyc'plcco of tho larger. Tho Government method of clean- ing brass, which is m use at n" of the United States arsenals, is claim- ed to be the best in the world. The plan is'to mnko a mixture of one part common nitric acid and one-Jia- lf part sulphuric ncid iti n stone jar, having also rcad n pail of fresh wa'tcr nnd a box pf sawdust. Tiio articles to be treated me dipped into the ncid, then removed into the wajer, and finally rubbed vrith'snw-dus- t. This immediately changes them,, to a brilliant color. If the brass has become grcnsy,-i- t is first dipped in a strong solution of potash rinds soda in warm water ; this cuts the gicoso, so that the acid has free power to act. . . Lady Jumbo, owned by Baroness Burdctt Coutts-Bnrtlct- t, is said to bo tho smallest pony in tho world. The little creature looks like n thorough-bic- d racc-hors- o seen through tho Artificial smilax Grinning at n hatchet. ' . . B'3 regular old soaker The sponge "Is he dead?" was the astonished reply. Xotice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO that nt u meeting held on the 21st day Oct., 1882, of subscribe! s to the stock of the Pnukna Sugar Co., it was voted to nrccpln Charter of Incorpo latum ci.tntcd totl'cm and their asso. ciatcsaiul successors, under the coi potato nnmu nnd style of the Foukun Sugar Co., on tho 20th day of Oct., 1882, and that tho corporation, under said Charter, thereupon organized itself nnd elected the following named officers of tho Company! ' J. Austin President, S. L. Austin Ylco President, 'P.-- Jonus, jii . .Seo'y & Treasurer, J. O. Caktuii Auditor, (Notice Is futhor given that pursuant to tho terms of said Charter. " No Stock, liolder shall indivlduiilly lie liable for tho debts of the corporation beyond tho amount which shall bo duo upon the sha'ro for 'sharps held or . owned by Himself." . 2(53 . . t j P. C. Jones, Jn, Sec'y. Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all person' that nt a meeting held Oct.' 21st, 18(37, of subscribers to tho Mock of. tho .Onoinen Sugar Co., It was voted (a accept nClmiterof Incorporn. tlon grimlqQ to them nnd their associates nnd successors, under tho corporate name nnd'stylo of tho Onoinen Sugnr Co., on tho 20th day of October, 1882, nnd that tlio corporation, under said Chaitcr. ' "tupon organized itself nnd elected Sollowlng named odlcers of tho Co. buy: 8 B AUSTIN President J AUSTIN VlccPrcsidcnt P C jtyNES, Jit Secretary G H1M368 . Treasurer JOCA31TER Auditor Notice i further given that pursuant to tli'd term's nf 'snla Charter, "No Stock- - i,ni,i(.r Hiinil'lmlivli'vallv bo liable for tho dobts orahp corporotlon beyond the nmon'nt which shall bo duo upon tho Bharoor 'ahatawbclil w'owned by him. self. ?j 0 JONES, Jn., Bco'y. B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Noveltios in Fancy Goods 71 Received ovory DELDCHTFUL NEWS! TO THE LADIES OF HONOLULU AND THE VARIOUS ISLANDS. MHS. A. M. MELLIS who Is admitted to bo tho leading Millinery and Drcis. maker, module in tho Kingdom, begs leave to say to her ninny numerous Lady friends that her now slock ot Beautiful goods lecently ordered are now beginning tonnlve, which ineludo nil tho very latest Ficnchnnd American fashions, n Ladles' and Children's hats nnd bonnets and dress patterns of rich nnd rare designs. MRS. MELLIS strictly superintends nil work, nnd being always so thoroughly competent and pnrticulnr with her patrons' orders, It is not strange Hint nil Ladles of fnshion nod taste nro her customers. Lndles with their children nro Invited to call nnd sec samples of tho new Fnll nnd Winter styles lu her Millinery department, nnd nlo to see the new and latest plumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every pains taken to please tho most fnstcdious nnd nil work guaranteed lu every respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. J. MELLIS, Projn'ictov, Bargains will be sold at tho above Estab- lishment previous to the arrival of the Holiday Goods ! A. M. MELLIS, 104 To the IiiulicH ! ELEGANT FANCY WOBK For TIIK HOLIDAYS. tnken nnd lessons given In Chenille, Silks, nnd Crewel Em- broider. Work to bo seen every day from 10 n. m. to 2 p.m.. nt 131 Fort street (next door to Dr. Brodlc). 242 !)m A. KRAFT, JEWELElf, (f OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.' Store in the "HiiwnUau Gazette" bulld-4- 1 lug, opposite the Bank. Chas. D. Gcmscli, Practical "Watchmaker. tsSf Hotel Street, opposite tho 12 J 3m Intel national Hotel. -- a D, W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler;, Always on hand a nice stock of KSWatches, Clocks and Jewelry.tSa llepalrlng Watches nnd Clocks a Speci- alty, No. 65 Hotel Street. 32 Telephone, No. 240. Artesian Ice Works DELlVEllEI) to all parts of tho ICE city and snlnubs. )rdeis from the other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Ollke at W. E. FoaTKii'fl, Saddler, Foit sticet. 150 Telephone No. 111. 2m ICE MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU to nil parts of tho City. Shipping supplied in quantities to suit. Telephone, No. C8. Ollleo at Wilder & Co.'s. 18 Just Received ex Kalaknun, 4 Table nnd Pic Fruits, Nice Brcakfust Goods, such as Candle Fish, Salmon and Plu Pork In 51b. Tins, Sultablo for families. For snlo by 00 A. S. CixuuoitN Co, by steamer Fost street, Honolulu. H.a THEGLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. Itobatt LcrorK, O. !'. Cooke. W IS B S & COOKE, (sncei'ssors to Lewcrs & Dlcksnn,) Importers anil Dealers in Lumber nnd nil kinds of Building Materials, Fort ftrcct, Honolulu 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers in Faints, Oils, Nulls, Snlt nnd Building Materials of every kind, eor. Fort nnd Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers In and nil kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nnlls, etc. 71 & PHILLIPS, Pinctical PlumbeiH, GnsFlttersnnd Copper- smiths, No. 18 Nuuiitiust., Honolulu. House aud Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 GE11TZ, No. 80 Fort st. Iinnor'cr and dealer in Gent's, Ladies' nnd Children's boots, shoes and slippers. G3 BKOWN & CO., Importers and lu Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. U Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Works Co. Steam engines, sugar mills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass nnd lead uisthiKs; machinery of ccry description umdo to order. Particular attention paid to ship's bheksmithing. Job work executed on short notice. 1 O-- . TTESI?, Carriage Builder. Buggies, Carriages, Express "Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blacksmillting, horse-shoein- g, and nil kinds of reuniting done. Wilson Brothers, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing n specialty A Urst-clas- s man being specially engaged for that work. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pak AifA," owned and edited by Knwninhi Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 0,200 copies, and is tho best ndvci Using medium, Of-llc-o. No. 0 Marohant ut. 1 FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Geo. V. Maefarlanc. II. It. Mncfnrlunc. G. W. MAOPARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MBit- - CHANTS and Suyar Factors, FlrcProof Building,- - 52 Quecu sttcet, Honolulu. II. I. aounts for Tho Wniknpu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Siicnccr Sugnr Plantation, Hawaii, Tho llcchi Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huclo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huelo Susriir Plantation, Maul. Puuhm Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow nnd Port- able Trnmw ay Works, Lewis, Mlrrlccs. Wntson &Co's Sugar Mnchln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow nnd Honolulu Line of Packets. 183 Clans SlTi'CkcK IVm, (1. Irwin. TTJ7" G-- . IRWIN fc COMPANY, TT Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HACKFELD & COMPANY, Gcnernl Commission Agent', Queen street, Honolulu. 1 S. OLEQHORN & CO. A. Importers nnd Commission Merchants, dealers in Gcnernl Merchan- dise, Queen and Kitnhumanu sts., Homo. lulu. 78 II. A. P. Carter. t C. Jones, Jr. C. BREWER & COMPANY, Slilmilm: nnd Commission Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY, Importers and Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and tho Liverpool Underwriters, British nnd Foreign Ins. Company, nnd Northern Assurance Compjiiy. 71 TOHN T. WATERHOUSE, v Importer nnd Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 ITU" S. GRINBAUM & CO., Imnorters of Gpnerul Mr- - cbamtise niid Commission Merchants. Honolulu. 1 M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants. 124 California street, Sna Francisco, Cnl. i B N E II AN &Q O ., J- - Importers nnd Commission Mer chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 S. K. Can He. J. II. Athcrton. flASTLE & n V a .. n V v AX AJ v. , v SllllltllllK and Commission Mer. chants. Impnrtcis and Dealers In Gen. oral Mcrehandlsc, No. 80 Kinc street. Honolulu. 1 WING WO CHAN & Co., aud General Denlcis In English. Amciicnii mid Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Ten nnd Gcnernl Supplies. Also, white nnd colored con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. 8ST No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 No Bush Whacking Here. ljtY.ESBAV.KDliy pur. chasing your 1. Horso Equipments From W. FENNELL, 1-- .X Practical Mechanic, 02 King street. CSTNo Peter Funk stock here. 200 A. C3J3ftrx?ifX3 aiJJDAX.. DIt. Do FKIES, VETERINARY SURGEON, rcsl. Medical Rooms nnd Stables, near the corner of Victoria st., on Bcrctnnia street. Cures nil kinds of Dumb Animals. All Horses mid Cattlo perfectly cured or no compensation nskeu. My Diploma was granted by tho "Ley. den'1 UnlNerslty. nt Hollnnd. CST'Leave orders at J. E. Wlscmnn's Olllce, Merchant street, or at my resi- dence. 2U0 lm JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker, Plumber, Gus Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock nnd metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. Elegantly Furnished Rooms TO LET, FAMILIES or SINGLE GEN. I70R w Itli all tho rotivcnlcn tes and comforts of u home, with Use of Parlor. Rooms nro large and well ventilated. Tonus, Strictly Moderate. MRS. SCHRADER. ( Corner of Hotel and AJakcu atir"" 172 Urn Professionals. tr AUSTIN WRITING, Attorney TT ami counsellor nt uiw. Accnt to take acknowledgments of Instrument-"- . Knnhiimnnu St., Honolulu 20! J. M- - MONSABRAT, ATTOHNEY AT LAW nnd Notary Ileal Estate in nny part of the Klngdo bought, sold nnd leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legnl Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), 100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Q B. DOLE, Lawjcr and Notary Pub kj lie, ro. in ruiaiiumnuu st. a T M. DAVIDRON,Attorucy ntLrni " U Merchant street. 1C IITaNOIS M. HATCH, Attorney Law, 15 Kaahumnnu st. 23 JOHN KUSSKLL. Attorney nt Law, comer of Foil and Mcrchnnt streets (up stairs) 115 Cm RICHARD F. lilCKEUTON, nnd Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Freo-ltold- s. Otllce, No. 34 Merobniit st. 1 CECIL BHOWN, A'rrORNET at Iuv, Notary Pub- lic, nnd Agent for taking Acknonlcdg-incut- s of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Knahumauu street, Hono- lulu. 1 WILLIAM O. SMITH, No. 3C Merchant street. 73 Im DR. G. TltOUSSBAU begs to1' notify friends that ho hits resumed practice in Honolulu. Residence and consulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl t, opposite the innknl gnto of thu Queen's Hospital, consult iiu; hours from 0 a.m to 12. TeU'plinmt No iii.i. 5t im KMKRSON. residence and con sultation rooms at No. 2 Kukiil st.. corner of Port. Telephone Xo. 1411. 59 3m f O. BERQER, KAAItt'MANU HTItKET, General Agent for The N. Y. Life InMirnnte Compsny, ' The City of London Fire In. Co(llmlt'd) Macnculo &. Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gns Machlno Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 2418 J. WILLIAMS & Coi 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape UPliotog'i'aplioi'H. 180 ly QHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Otllce, in Makeu's Bloek, comer Queen and Kiuihiimanu stmsts, Honolulu. 21 TXriLLIAM AULD. A cent to TT take Acknowledgments to Con. tracts for Labor for tho District of Kona Islnnd of Onhu, nt tho olllec of the Hono. lulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu st. 180 If OHN A. tlASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior '.lfllce, Ilonoluln. 7 w.- - AKANA, Chinese nnd Hawaiian Trans. lator nnd Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of either of tho aliovo languages made w 1th accuracy nnd dis- patch, and on rcasonahlo terms. 2011 II. BRUNS, Cooper nnd Ganger, Water Tanks of nny dimensions, Cooperage, No, 1,0 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron con. 221 stitntly on hand mid for sale, ly A. S. CLEGHORN & Co. Have received u largo assortment ot Colonial Saddles, to suit all classes of purchasers, per S. S. 181 Austral la. IW Gent's Evening Dress Coats nnd Suits to bo had nt the Honolulu Cloth. Ing Emporium of A. M. Mklmb, No. 104 Fort street. 202 2w PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, rrncttcnl Confectioner. Pastry Cook and linker. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. J iii.- JLswmR G. II. ROBERTSON, Hniymnn best tcaniM 7" jffit houo No. OS. 19 .a a ? 1 ' 4 ii s "k :u J VI ii iiiwWW'i'i'""'Ti

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mm mum mmmm r ' min TmffiWBBMnTTTi i'WffjKaBEBPTWKP'SflPSBSfWT W JMfl H'" . v' f v;Vh?T?wT?p;,wpprB ?p v Hsg.



The Daily BulletinIs published qvcry,inorn.lng by tho ,

DAILY BULLETIN PoOMBIlIXa Co.,and circulated throughout tho town, andforwarded to the other Mauds by cycryoppo'rtifnlty.

Subscription, 50 els. per month.(4. Caufon Kenton, Editor.All business communications to be nil.

dressed, Mutineer Dully Bulletin, PostOlllco Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

J. G. Cmcvioii, Miunigcr.


It is generally supposed that flies

nilhoro to ceilings nnd perpendicularwills by virtue of some sucking pro-

pel ty of the feet. In n communica-tion to the Berlin Society of NnturnlHistory, "Hcrr Dcrwitz presents

4, some facts which Boom to disprovetltd theory nnd make it nppcnr pro-

bable that this power is due ratherto a sticky matter wli'cii may boseen under the microscopo to exude

. ,from a fly's feet when walking withits body downward.

Two microscopes, called the"Jumbo" and the Midget," form-

ed hti interesting exhibit nt n recentmeeting of a London society. Thefor.ncr instrument, probably made

- nbont half n century ago, was 4

feet high, nnd weighed 125 pounds,while the "Midget," fully equippedfor woik, had a total height of onlyfour inches, and weighed but a fewounces. Six such microscopes nstiio smaller ono could be inclosed in

' thocyc'plcco of tho larger.Tho Government method of clean-

ing brass, which is m use at n" ofthe United States arsenals, is claim-

ed to be the best in the world. Theplan is'to mnko a mixture of onepart common nitric acid and one-Jia- lf

part sulphuric ncid iti n stonejar, having also rcad n pail of freshwa'tcr nnd a box pf sawdust. Tiioarticles to be treated me dipped intothe ncid, then removed into thewajer, and finally rubbed vrith'snw-dus- t.

This immediately changesthem,, to a brilliant color. If thebrass has become grcnsy,-i- t is firstdipped in a strong solution of potashrinds soda in warm water ; this cutsthe gicoso, so that the acid has freepower to act.

. .Lady Jumbo, owned by Baroness

Burdctt Coutts-Bnrtlct- t, is said to botho smallest pony in tho world. Thelittle creature looks like n thorough-bic- d

racc-hors- o seen through tho

Artificial smilax Grinning at nhatchet.' . .

B'3 regular old soaker The sponge

"Is he dead?" was the astonishedreply.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TOthat nt u meeting held

on the 21st day Oct., 1882, of subscribe! sto the stock of the Pnukna Sugar Co., itwas voted to nrccpln Charter of Incorpolatum ci.tntcd totl'cm and their asso.ciatcsaiul successors, under the coi potatonnmu nnd style of the Foukun Sugar Co.,on tho 20th day of Oct., 1882, and thattho corporation, under said Charter,thereupon organized itself nnd electedthe following named officers of thoCompany! '

J. Austin President,S. L. Austin Ylco President,

'P.-- Jonus, jii . .Seo'y & Treasurer,J. O. Caktuii Auditor,

(Notice Is futhor given that pursuantto tho terms of said Charter. " No Stock,liolder shall indivlduiilly lie liable fortho debts of the corporation beyond thoamount which shall bo duo upon thesha'ro for 'sharps held or . owned byHimself."

. 2(53 . . t j P. C. Jones, Jn, Sec'y.


all person' that nt a meeting heldOct.' 21st, 18(37, of subscribers to thoMock of. tho .Onoinen Sugar Co., It wasvoted (a accept nClmiterof Incorporn.tlon grimlqQ to them nnd their associatesnnd successors, under tho corporate namennd'stylo of tho Onoinen Sugnr Co., ontho 20th day of October, 1882, nnd thattlio corporation, under said Chaitcr.' "tupon organized itself nnd elected

Sollowlng named odlcers of thoCo. buy:

8 B AUSTIN PresidentJ AUSTIN VlccPrcsidcntP C jtyNES, Jit SecretaryG H1M368 . TreasurerJOCA31TER Auditor

Notice i further given that pursuant totli'd term's nf 'snla Charter, "No Stock- -

i,ni,i(.r Hiinil'lmlivli'vallv bo liable fortho dobts orahp corporotlon beyond thenmon'nt which shall bo duo upon thoBharoor 'ahatawbclil w'owned by him.self. ?j 0 JONES, Jn., Bco'y.

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Noveltios in Fancy Goods71

Received ovory



MHS. A. M. MELLIS who Is admitted to bo tho leading Millinery and Drcis.maker, module in tho Kingdom, begs leave to say to her ninny numerous Ladyfriends that her now slock ot Beautiful goods lecently ordered are now beginningtonnlve, which ineludo nil tho very latest Ficnchnnd American fashions, nLadles' and Children's hats nnd bonnets and dress patterns of rich nnd raredesigns.

MRS. MELLIS strictly superintends nil work, nnd being always so thoroughlycompetent and pnrticulnr with her patrons' orders, It is not strange Hint nil Ladlesof fnshion nod taste nro her customers.

Lndles with their children nro Invited to call nnd sec samples of tho new Fnllnnd Winter styles lu her Millinery department, nnd nlo to see the new and latestplumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every pains taken to please tho most fnstcdiousnnd nil work guaranteed lu every respect.


Bargains will be sold at tho above Estab-

lishment previous to the arrival ofthe Holiday Goods !

A. M. MELLIS, 104



tnken nnd lessons given InChenille, Silks, nnd Crewel Em-

broider. Work to bo seen every dayfrom 10 n. m. to 2 p.m.. nt 131 Fort street(next door to Dr. Brodlc). 242 !)m


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.'Store in the "HiiwnUau Gazette" bulld-4- 1

lug, opposite the Bank.

Chas. D. Gcmscli,Practical "Watchmaker.

tsSf Hotel Street, opposite tho12J 3m Intel national Hotel. -- a

D, W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler;,

Always on hand a nice stock of

KSWatches, Clocks and Jewelry.tSallepalrlng Watches nnd Clocks a Speci-alty, No. 65 Hotel Street. 32

Telephone, No. 240.

Artesian Ice Works

DELlVEllEI) to all parts of thoICEcity and snlnubs.)rdeis from the other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Ollke at W. E. FoaTKii'fl, Saddler,

Foit sticet.150 Telephone No. 111. 2m

ICE MANUFACTORY.HONOLULU to nil parts of thoCity. Shipping supplied in quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. C8. Ollleo atWilder & Co.'s. 18

Just Receivedex Kalaknun, 4

Table nnd Pic Fruits,Nice Brcakfust Goods, such as

Candle Fish, Salmon and

Plu Pork In 51b. Tins,

Sultablo for families. For snlo by

00 A. S. CixuuoitN Co,

by steamer

Fost street, Honolulu.


204 FORT ST.

Itobatt LcrorK, O. !'. Cooke.

W IS B S & COOKE,(sncei'ssors to Lewcrs & Dlcksnn,)

Importers anil Dealers in Lumber nnd nilkinds of Building Materials, Fort ftrcct,Honolulu 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers inFaints, Oils, Nulls, Snlt

nnd Building Materials of every kind,eor. Fort nnd Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers Inand nil kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nnlls, etc. 71

& PHILLIPS, PincticalPlumbeiH, GnsFlttersnnd Copper-

smiths, No. 18 Nuuiitiust., Honolulu.House aud Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

GE11TZ, No. 80 Fort st.Iinnor'cr and dealer in Gent's,

Ladies' nnd Children's boots, shoes andslippers. G3

BKOWN & CO., Importers andlu Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. U Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engines, sugarmills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass

nnd lead uisthiKs; machinery of ccrydescription umdo to order. Particularattention paid to ship's bheksmithing.Job work executed on short notice. 1

O-- . TTESI?,Carriage Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express "Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


Blacksmillting, horse-shoein- g,

and nil kinds of reuniting done.

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing n specialty

A Urst-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPak AifA," owned and

edited by Knwninhi Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 0,200 copies, andis tho best ndvci Using medium, Of-llc-o.

No. 0 Marohant ut. 1

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Geo. V. Maefarlanc. II. It. Mncfnrlunc.G. W. MAOPARLANE & Co.


CHANTS andSuyar Factors,

FlrcProof Building,- - 52 Quecu sttcet,Honolulu. II. I.

aounts forTho Wniknpu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Siicnccr Sugnr Plantation, Hawaii,Tho llcchi Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huclo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huelo Susriir Plantation, Maul.Puuhm Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow nnd Port-

able Trnmw ay Works, Lewis,Mlrrlccs. Wntson &Co's Sugar Mnchln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow nnd Honolulu Line of Packets.


Clans SlTi'CkcK IVm, (1. Irwin.TTJ7" G-- . IRWIN fc COMPANY,

T T Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

HACKFELD & COMPANY,Gcnernl Commission Agent',

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

S. OLEQHORN & CO.A. Importers nnd CommissionMerchants, dealers in Gcnernl Merchan-dise, Queen and Kitnhumanu sts., Homo.lulu. 78

II. A. P. Carter. t C. Jones, Jr.

C. BREWER & COMPANY,Slilmilm: nnd Commission

Merchants, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY,Importers and Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and thoLiverpool Underwriters, British nndForeign Ins. Company, nnd NorthernAssurance Compjiiy. 71

TOHN T. WATERHOUSE,v Importer nnd Dealer In GeneralMerchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

ITU" S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Imnorters of Gpnerul Mr--

cbamtise niid Commission Merchants.Honolulu. 1

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants. 124

California street, Sna Francisco,Cnl. i

B N E II A N & Q O .,J-- Importers nnd Commission Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. K. Can He. J. II. Athcrton.

flASTLE & nV a. . nV vAX AJ

v. ,v SllllltllllK and Commission Mer.chants. Impnrtcis and Dealers In Gen.oral Mcrehandlsc, No. 80 Kinc street.Honolulu. 1

WING WO CHAN & Co.,aud General Denlcis

In English. Amciicnii mid Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Ten nnd GcnernlSupplies. Also, white nnd colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

8ST No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

No Bush Whacking Here.ljtY.ESBAV.KDliy pur.

chasing your 1.Horso EquipmentsFrom W. FENNELL, 1--


Practical Mechanic, 02 King street.CSTNo Peter Funk stock here. 200

A. C3J3ftrx?ifX3 aiJJDAX..


VETERINARY SURGEON, rcsl.Medical Rooms nnd

Stables, near the corner of Victoria st.,on Bcrctnnia street.

Cures nil kinds of Dumb Animals.All Horses mid Cattlo perfectly cured

or no compensation nskeu.My Diploma was granted by tho "Ley.

den'1 UnlNerslty. nt Hollnnd.CST'Leave orders at J. E. Wlscmnn's

Olllce, Merchant street, or at my resi-dence. 2U0 lm

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gus Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock nnd metals,House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Elegantly Furnished RoomsTO LET,

FAMILIES or SINGLE GEN.I70R w Itli all tho rotivcnlcntes and comforts of u home, with

Use of Parlor.Rooms nro large and well ventilated.

Tonus, Strictly Moderate.MRS. SCHRADER.


Corner of Hotel and AJakcu atir""172 Urn


tr AUSTIN WRITING, AttorneyT T ami counsellor nt uiw.Accnt to take acknowledgments of

Instrument-"- .

Knnhiimnnu St., Honolulu 20!



Ileal Estate in nny part of the Klngdobought, sold nnd leased, on


Loans negotiated,Legnl Documents Drawn.

No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block),100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Q B. DOLE, Lawjcr and Notary Pubkj lie, ro. in ruiaiiumnuu st. aT M. DAVIDRON,Attorucy ntLrni" U Merchant street. 1C

IITaNOIS M. HATCH, AttorneyLaw, 15 Kaahumnnu st. 23

JOHN KUSSKLL. Attorney nt Law,comer of Foil and Mcrchnnt

streets (up stairs) 115 Cm

RICHARD F. lilCKEUTON,nnd Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freo-ltold- s.

Otllce, No. 34 Merobniit st. 1

CECIL BHOWN, A'rrORNETat Iuv, Notary Pub-

lic, nnd Agent for taking Acknonlcdg-incut- sof Instruments for the Island of

Oahu. No. 8 Knahumauu street, Hono-lulu. 1

WILLIAM O. SMITH,No. 3C Merchant

street. 73 Im

DR. G. TltOUSSBAU begs to1' notifyfriends that ho hits resumed

practice in Honolulu. Residence andconsulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl t,opposite the innknl gnto of thu Queen'sHospital, consult iiu; hours from 0 a.mto 12. TeU'plinmt No iii.i. 5t im

KMKRSON. residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukiil st..

corner of Port.Telephone Xo. 1411. 59 3m


KAAItt'MANU HTItKET,General Agent for

The N. Y. Life InMirnnte Compsny, 'The City of London Fire In. Co(llmlt'd)Macnculo &. Urban Safes,The Celebrated Springfield Gns MachlnoGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.



120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,Portrait and Landscape

UPliotog'i'aplioi'H.180 ly


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Otllce, in Makeu's Bloek, comer Queen

and Kiuihiimanu stmsts, Honolulu. 21

TXriLLIAM AULD. A cent toT T take Acknowledgments to Con.

tracts for Labor for tho District of KonaIslnnd of Onhu, nt tho olllec of the Hono.lulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu st.

180 If

OHN A. tlASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments to

Contracts for Labor. Interior '.lfllce,Ilonoluln. 7

w.- - AKANA,Chinese nnd Hawaiian Trans.

lator nnd Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of either of tho aliovolanguages made w 1th accuracy nnd dis-patch, and on rcasonahlo terms. 2011

II. BRUNS, Cooper nnd Ganger,Water Tanks of nny dimensions,

Cooperage, No, 1,0 Fort street,Honolulu.

Oil Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron con.221 stitntly on hand mid for sale, ly

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.Have received u largo assortment ot

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of purchasers, per S. S.

181 Austral la.

IW Gent's Evening Dress Coats nndSuits to bo had nt the Honolulu Cloth.Ing Emporium of A. M. Mklmb, No. 104Fort street. 202 2w



F. HORN, rrncttcnl Confectioner.Pastry Cook and linker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.J iii.-

JLswmR G. II. ROBERTSON,Hniymnn best tcaniM

7" jffithouo No. OS. 19


?1 '




"k :uJ VI ii iiiwWW'i'i'""'Ti



v f


,f .r.







' $'!7r "ai- - - VTSV '? wp- - 7fi;p rV' 3 Kf M


' SATURDAY, KOV. 18, 1882.


Concert nt Kinnm (Square, ntl :80.EVENING.

Gospel Temperance Meeting ntBethel, 7 :iIU.

Ucthol, Rev. Dr. Damon, morning.,Kort St. Church, Rev. J. A. Cru-7-n- n,

morning and evening.St. Andrew's Cnthudrnl, Rev. S.

Wallace, morning and evening.


,Cocn or Cnca in the leaf of a plantwhich grows in tho western countriesof South America, and is used as ainasticntoiy. When chewed it leavesa sense of warmth in the mouth, andlias a pleasant, pungent taste.From time 'immcmoiial Coca hasbeen highly prized and much usedin South Amuricn, but of late it,Imsnttractcd notice in Europe. Some

t English papers declare it to be .in-

valuable as a menus of assuagingthirst, during great exertion in hotclimates. One English physician 'ofgood reputation, after many experi-

ments, is ho satisfied of its extra-

ordinary powcis in allaying thirst,that he says: "Had our troops

Jliceti proyided with this leaf in: Afghanistan, instead of our disaster7 after Alaiwand, our military histori-

ans would have had to chronicle astrategic movement to the rear onCandahar. Had the Russian detach-

ment possessed this leaf, they wouldhave reached Khiva over the routethey 'were sent to cross, instead ofhaving been forced to relinquish theattempt and retire demoralized, withtheir ranks thinned by death in con-

sequence of the want of water."This remarkable power to assuagethirst is not the only property pos- -,

Bcsscd bj-- Coca : it is also a power-ful stimulant of tho nervous system.The nuthority just quoted snys'thathe has seen an infusion of Cocarelievo the intense headache of nerv-ous exhaustion, ward oil' the failuroof ncrvc-pow- cr during prolongedfever, and enable patients to stritg-gl-e

through other exhausting dis-

eases. If Coca is really possessedof the extraordinary qualities longascribed to it by South Americans,and more recently b' Europeanexperimenters, would it not boworth the while attempting to intro-duce tho plant into these islands?It is a tropical growth, and wouldprobably thrive in pur soil andclimate.

THE MILIA SQUABBLE.Some time ago it was arranged to

have a match between tho Govern-

ment House clerks and clerks fromthe leading houses in town. Crewswcro'selcctcd and practising began.Sonic little (lifTerciccs in each of thocrews took place and the crews wore,

still, however, keepingto the terms of the original agree-ment. Everything went along peace-

ably, and the entries were made onMonday. Up to this time the Mer-cantile crew's practice time had

"been always a minute longer thanthe other's, but on Tuesday morn-ing they managed to beat tho bestrecord of the other boat by about 80seconds. Immediately all was con-

fusion. Tho Government Housecrew ousted two of its members ahdreplaced them by two others, nt theentne time notifying tho Mercantilecrew that the match was off, andand they ivcrc going to row for themoney only. A protest was enteredagainst them on the race day, andthe Captain said if he was barredout he would also withdraw his otherboat and ho make it no race. Thojudges struck the raqe out of theprogramme. Wc make no conmlont.

THERIVAL STEAMERS.It will be remembered that tho

'Suez on her last trip left hero 8

hours ahead of the Zcnlnudla, andsome betting wns indulged in as toarrival of tho vessels; in San Fran-cisco. Our Correspondent on theZcalandia writes: "Wc saw thoSuez right ahead of us to the lee-

ward, at daylight, Tuesday morning.Capt. Webber went off his course tooverhaul her and wc came up to herat 10 a.m. Wo passed within 1ml

of her. The Suez signaled:'Shall we rcportyoujin

Wcvnnawered : 1X6 youwish to scud letters.'' ' To whichtho Suez replied : JTq, thanks, wecannot wait (any longer.' Biddinglicr fJqofl-b- y' wc left her out ofsight beforo sundown. The Suezarrived on M0iida5' at 10 AiMM 24iiouru after the Zcalmidiai",'..-- '


The 'Band will give a concert atEmma Sqiuuo tills afternoon, at'1:30 o'clock. Following is theprogramme :

Overture The Oath. . ..'..' AubcrGaloq Pomona LoulncrCavltani.i The Mountaineer. ...l'arclnlSelection ltomco and Juliet... GounodWaltz The Flower Show CootcMarch Kn Mol Knlakaua(ncw)..Burgcr


Correspondence I solicited on tho toples of the dny.or wlint limy become to.

HVts resolve the right to excise pure-ly pcioual matter.

Wo do not hold ourselves rcspons Ihlofortius opinions expressed .by our cor.respondent. En.

Mn. Eimtou : Can yon tell mo if

there be any prospect of the public

hearing the Band play at night ?

There are many people engagedin business who cannot hear it onSaturday afternoon, nnd who lookforward to the weekly evening con-

certs. .If it be tine that the Banddid not play last Monday, owing tosome petty disagreement betweenthe Governor and the Manager ofthe Hotel, then I hold that His Ex-

cellency whether in the right orwrong as regards the cause of dis-

pute is most certainly wrong in al-

lowing his feelings to interfere withtiic pleasures, which arc few, of thecitizens. I am,

A Lovr.it or Music.Tlfc band will play at Emma Square

pn Moiulav' nights now tout It will belighted. En.


A policeman is wanted to patrolEmma street and Emma Square.

Wi: hear that Col. Geo. W. Mnc-farla- nc

left New York on Oct. 26thby the S. S. Britannic.

. ,

At the band concert on Mondaynight at tho square will be lightedwith the new lanterns.

Foil what reason were the twoi

weak oars of the Government crewreplaced by two others far superior?

Amoxust those arrested on Tlituq-da-y

for druiikcnness was a unlivepoliceman. '



The' Band will play at EmmaSquare pn Monday evening next,(weather permitting.)

A seizure of 29 tins of opium wasniade on the Suez yesterday by thevigihncc of Captain Morrill.

The 'band played on Thursday ainarch composdd for the occasion byMr. Bcrger entitled, "Iva Moi Kala-katia- ."

Anotiikk gallant deed of M. God-

frey's. He went out and rescued aschooner in which two young boyswere drifting out to sea.

Tin: Suez made an exceptionallygood passago up of 7 days- - She

brings 1,700 tons of freight. Shecame down in a little over 7 days.

Mkssiis. Godfrey and Porter,when the Pauline went ashore, swamfrom their own wreck and helpedMr. AVileox to get it off tho rocks.

Or.n residents tell us that, bycomparison with previous years, theExecutive Committee's arrange-ments for the Regatta were superb.

Why wns it that tho bow-o- ar ofthe Mercantile crew wore a Jockeycap of cardinal hue, when the boat'scolors were entered as blue anilwhite?

.Tin: first step towards annexa-

tion has occurred. Wo hear HisKx. It. M. Daggett i's'now the ownerof one of" those islands. IIo ownsMolokini.

Yi:sti:iuay morning there wcro 32

casual, inmates of thc'Stntion-house- .

2f of these were drunk, ii worethere for fighting, 1 for assault nndbattery and 1 for furnishing pn--soners with tobacco.

Si:itvici:s at Fort st. Church Sun-d- a'

at tho usual hours. In theevening, by request, Mr. Cruzanwill tako for his theme, " Do thedead havo knowledge of what istranspiring on earth? "

Yesterday afternoon a race wasrowed between n. picked 'crew fromtho Alaska, in tho Kapiolani, and apicked crew of Hawalians, in theMiliu. .tin turning thcibcUbuoy theM ilia's rudder was knocked off by'ho Kapitilnni. The race will be

min; to-du- y.

Tiiu King's barge was sent out torender assistance to Messrs. Godfreyand AVileox on Thursday. When Itanived at the scene of the- - jlisastcr,though asked by both, its crew re-

fused to render any nssistanco.Such inhumane conduct deserves tobe strongly rcprobntcd.

Tin: Y.M.C.A. held their usualmonthly meeting in the Bethel onThursday night. Tho report of theTemperance- Committee was brought,up'ahdali intcros'tmg 'discussion fol-

lowed. It was resolved to petitionHis Majesty in Privy Council not tonllow any more licenses to be issuedhere or iiuy where in tho islands.

- -

Mis. S. 15. PiuitoK, M.I)., is nownotifying in otlr columns, that shehas commenced practical as a ladies'and children's physician. Mrs.Pierce graduated in '77 so she hasover 8 vcars experience of, which 8A

years were spent in Europe at thebest hospitals in London, Paris andSwitzerland. Wc arc sure Honolululadies will be quite glad that theycan be ministered to by one oftheir own sex.

BQy Ex Zcalandia, Gents Alio

Tweed Suits, atChas. .T. Fishcl's.

8"Plnin Sateens all colors, ntChas. J. Fishel's Leading Millineryllou&o. 2!Jj

LATEST NEWS.Abbey's Park Theatre burned

down in New York, Oct. 30th. Im-

pending troubles in France. Aleague for nihilistic objects has beendiscovered. The Government isthought to bo weak. Gambcttnlooked upon as the possible Presi-dent. Germany is fortifying hor,Baltic coasts. Tho false propnet inthe Soudan has been defeated. .Theclosure motions will pass tho EnglishHouse of Commons. England hasconcluded a treaty jwith Corea onthe basis of the Corea-Anicric- an

one. The rebels nrcstilj beingricdnt Alexandria. Fifty out of 380have been convicted.


The CalVs list for the newDemocrats 128

0 Independents, 2 Green-backe- rs

and 1 doubtful. Everywherethe Democrats nro gaining the vic-

tory. Cleveland's majority in IScwYork is 175,000. Massachusettselects Ben Butler. Michigan amiKansas

'also elect Demqcratic gov-

ernors. Slonctnan's majority inCalifornia, 10,00OA Indiana, Con-

necticut, Colorado, New York andPcnsylvania lost to the Kcptiblicau's.Neumann badly defeated in Califor- -


nia.Washington, November Gtli. --Dispatches

received by the ActingSecretary of tho Navy this morningfrom the Commander of the UnitedStates ship Alaska report a seriousstate of affairs there, growing out ofdissatisfaction among tho sugarplanters. The planters have formeda protective union, and made a pro-test to the King against the selectionof his Cabinet. They urge a moreliberal and progressive policy thanindicated by tho King's movement.The King, in replying, recognizedthe right of all to make suggestions,if they entertained nny grievance,and assured tho members of the un-

ion that their appeal would be con-

sidered. Meantime there has beenno change in tho situation, and theKing has issued a proclamation thatho vyould be crowned February 12th.The report further says the matterprobably will drift along until thocoronation day, when indicationspoint to ji disturbance if tho allegedevil is not remedied. Complnintsof members of tho union appear tobe' gciicral. The policy of theGovernment is not sulllcicntly liberal,and they urge a better opportunityfor bringing in labor and the adop-tion of a course to insure tho con-

tinuance of tho Reciprocity Treatywith tho United States, which, it isacknowledged, has added so largelyto tho wealth of the planters.Weekly JJulletin, Nov 8th.

MARRIED.In this city, Nov. 10th, J882, by J. A.

Cruzan, Ira A. Bursel and Ortiec M.Kelk, both of Honolulu.

b. peiboe, m. d., v

Ladles' and Children's Physician.Qlllcu and residence, No. 5 School street,

(between Fort nnd Emma).Olllcc hours 10:80 to ll:!J0n. in.

211) l:30toU:U0p. m.

r. a.. niATT. I.. J. i.kviSy."S. PRATT & CO.IT? Auotioncera and General

Commission Mcicliauts,Heavor Hloolt, Queen St., Honolulu.Special attention given to the Sale of

Real Eslatoaudl'ersionnl Property.Advances made on consignments. 210

$50-:Challonj?e-S- 5i50.

CHALLENGE (on bohnlfofjho Kanoelani's crew). the crow

entered for tho Milia in tho AmateurPurhO race last Monday, to low over, tbpcourse laid out for that race, for tiic sunfofSSOU. '


aid of SI, Louis College, will heINheld on theAriiiMtrong 1i'CiIcn,

adjoining tho residence of His Excel.lency OdV. DomtnlB, ""'"'

OIV .MOWXA-Y-,November 27th, 1882:

Also, ii Grand Lmut I,

on tho following dAy.

J)onatIons will be thankfully receivedby the Indies holding tables:




Refreshment Tables:!ll. It. MAC1"A1U.AXK, MIIS. O. WAM.mt,


Miss Agnes Aylell will receive for thoHawaiian Tables.

AdmbiMioit to Fir, - 50 ccntp.210 Children luiU pi ice. lw


"It has been snld 'with much truth,too, Unit house painting might, with(tudyand acquirement of taste, resumeits rank as a llberaf art." Paintefs1Manual, '

Believing the above to bo true, A. li.KE11R has now rcorganl.cd his Kjtemof working the business In Honolulu,la the Jlrst place he has hccurcd the scr-vic-

of that celebrated artist, Mr. MaxKoiix, formerly of t?an Francisco, whosowork la the line of plain and decorativepupcr.h'iiigiug, fkcscolug, &c., ifiuptothe present time .unsurpassed, and ontncsu islands nns never ueen equalled.For house painting jobs (irst-clns- s me-

chanics only will be employed. Infuture natrons can depend unon mv fill.big every order on the most scientificbasis known to the trade.

Tiic Sign Painting ntuTLolterlng de-

partment will be permanently presidedover by Mr. Oi:o. 8tiiatjii;yi:h, (furthercomment unnecessary.)

P.S. k5u;ii1 for designs of frescos, forceiling and cornices. Something ncv;and if you want any glass put In call at

i Tiger" Paint Store,247 1 78 King Street.rr-- 4

FIHST - CLASS COOK (foreigner)employment. Local refer.'

oncc?;inhto,'ment and pastry-cook- .

Chinese Lntmdryiiiau, good on polish-- )

big and ladles' IhieworkjJUicnlelfircicc,'irrTjfk'hy the Tfiiy", week or month.

Chinese cookS'nnd'doirto'pmnrt natives.want employment.. , ;. ,.!CATENAGHIS AGENCY,

240 83Kingstieet. ,


lPyv Stun Sucz,199

-- FOR-


233 114 Port Street. w

TENDERSlie received at the ofllcc of the

undersigned until noon, SAT-URDA-

the 20th of November, 1882,for a lease of tea years, from the 1st ofDecember, 1882, of the premises in Ma-no- a

Valley, belonging to the estate ofCharles Long, deceased. Offers of termsof leaso may bo made for tlieso premisescither as a whole or separately, for one,two .or thrco of tho following divisionsof the same, i. e:

1st Tho Homestead and Lot belong-ing thereto.

2nd The Kula Land, with tho Bana-nas, and other improvements thereon.

UrdThe Kalo and Rice patches, withher rice now growing in them.

Possession to bu given immediately.Surveys and deeds as expense of lessee

Bents payable semi-annuall- in ad-vance

The undersigned roserves to himselfthe right to.dccllno any or all ,ttu(Icrs,cither for tho whole of the premises, orfor any or all of tho scparato lots, asabove

Eor further particulars applv toP. A. SOHAEPElt,

215 ' Admr. Estate of Chas. Long."A. 'ow JLtoL oi'


Tobaccor ' i

.. . And Cigarettes,Just Received at

2 13 A. . OIoRhorn & Co'h.... .. .. ... l,

Creme de la Creme,rpilE lee Factories are 111 full blast,JL and bo are

IIAllT'SElite Ice Oream Parlors!

They are jus,t freezing, .yvjilcn, sr,,What, 1ot want in this Weather,

nnd don't you forgpt l I.t


Ice Cream can lie had from 11 a. m.' to ll p. m. at

, HART) BBOB., ',Ellto Ice Cream Parlors,

177 80 Hotel titrcct.

iMiklM' 5X- -, JitAJ ' iiij



J. T. WaterhouseHas specially imported a lnrgo quantity

. . of goods, i

Suitable for Presentfor both old and' young.

Beautiful Pictures in tplondld gilt frames,

Gilt Brackets nnd ilicks,Chlpnend'tlc Whatnots,

WorK Boxes and Baskets,Desks, Dressing Cases, Inkstnnds,

Glove and Handkerchief Boxes,Book Slides, Satchels,

Minors, Bronr.cp.Smokers' Tables,

Card Tattles,Album Stands,

Christmas Cards, wood and metal,


Bows and Arrows, 81, Ton Cannon,Papier Macho Card Trays,

IOHiIL.!From 5 cciits to $25, dressed & undress'dDoll's Trousseaux and every requisite,

Parlor Games,Comncndhims, Star Rtngolctte,

Triple Bowling, Balance Games, &c

5" Everything will lie' found to pleasethe most fastidious taste, nnd no

stocking need go empty forwant of. a present.

STo. 10 Fort Street.,242

A SMART ACTIVE YOUNG MAN(white, American) Wiints a situn-tio- n

as Teamster, Coaclunan or ExpressDriver. Good references.


If you want to sec tho

Largest Stock of Leatherla the Kingdom,

o lo 4!4 lucen Street.

If you wnnttosco

Tho Best Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

o to 4a tucen street.

If you want to

Buy Leather at tho LowestPrices hi tlwKIngdom,

' Go to 4'i lern Htrert.

,If you ,want to Buy tho

.. Best Quality of GroceriesIn'tho Kingdom, '

Uoto 4& lucen Street.

,If you,want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom,

Go to 42 Queen St.M. "W. McCHESNEY & SON. ,.,

200 tf

-o-ZW THK "H-o-




Millinery & Fancy Articles

Received by every steamer.


Old Established Millinery Establishment,

181 10a Fort street. ly



OWNERS of Rca1) Estate will atwfiyatothoirPudvnntage to place

their houses sml lnnaa In my care fordisposal, as I am tho orifv acknowledgedReal Estate Broker on te Islands,

Agents and Planters, austjdl pfher em.plovers of mechanics amfySliorcrs willdo well to notify mo whcnxHfcnncles oc-

cur. "Ifijy

Leases, deeds, bonds, mortgg..,nnilall other legal paqera drawn in pi''"form. i

IlillM Collected,Books and accounts kept,

Custom, entries,Xettcrs and Engrosslnf jonc

and general business oflictfW(rv fevery description attended to if'i "Jon,tho most rpasopablo tefnui U,TT0JB

JOSEPH E. WI8MANOfflco 37 Merchant StrW Honolulu.

Telephone 178. Dox, 81B



y,- -



Dlmoiul Hcnd, Nov. 18, 0:30 n.mStrong N. wind.

.ARRIVALS."1- 8-

Stmr Kllnuca Hon from KnhululStmr Lehun from Mnul niul Moloknl


Iwalnul for Kona nml KanStmr Jos MnHco for KaunlJk Iiucnn Vista for Port Townscnd


Solir Knnln for WnlannoSchr Nettie Merrill for Lnhninn'

PASSENGERS.From Snn Francisco, per Suez,

Nov 17 Donald Mmu-oc- , A George,F Kobnse, J C Rice, J C Patrick, CWare, Mr Low, Mr Manchester, Mrlvostcr, J Williams, WAkana andwife, A Merchado, wife and G child-ren, 1) Mcrchndo, A Silvn,V Millikin, T Itynn, Miss Nelson, I)W Clark, W E Smith, A Huff, W AIlnmpson, J W Jeffries, F K Moyor,C Kcssler, Mrs N Murphy, Mrs J AKennedy, II Vernon, wife nnd baby,FHuprccht, L Btichmann, J Moor,,T Ueatty and wife, T Douglass, ,T 1)Sprcekcls, C S Cox, I) II Davics, JKidwcll, W C Smith, Mrs .Pitch, WE Scott, ,J Annerhcim, Misses Shaw,5 Mngtiin and son, Mrs T C Smith,Miss L Horn, Mrs C Rowland, II JLevey, Mrs Bailey and daughter, 1$

L Lee, Mr Jack, A Morgan, AMorgan, A Lyons,. 5 kanakas and 27Chinese.

For Kona and Kan, per Iwalanl,Nov,'l7A P JMckwoodjt CJones, Misses II & E Jones, JLyons, V N Collins, .LIHlton, II NGrcciiwcll, Mrs and Miss Hrdlcy,A ltowlnn, Mrs Kowlan, MissTNcl-so- n,

W E Scott, J Ilulck, G Mc-Lai- n,

F II Duff, W F Uoy and 12deck.

From Maui and Molokai, per Lc-liu- a,

Nov 18 W I) Alexander, OUipin, Mrs Meyer, E Oakley, WMeyer, Mrs C A Duncan nnd 2children, C J Fislul, Mr Aka wifeand sop and 20 deck.6 From Kallului. per Kilauea Hon,Nov 18 A Baldwin, AW Girvin,Mrs Gilliu .and daughter, Mr Lus-comb- c,

iMr Boardmcn hnd wife, 'S TAlexander, F S Porter and family,nnd about GO deck.

"VesselsTin port!U. S. S. Alaska, G. E.)Bclkn'np iUrlt stin Sn-j.- , Dodd,Am tichr Claus SprcekclsHaw brig Nlnlto, CameronBrig W. G. Irwin.Am hark Hone, Aspolct ,

Tern Kit Snn ' ' ; 'BktnoJEHa, Brown '


Rktnc EurekaBark Knlnkaun, Miller

VESSELS EXPECTED.Illg ' Name From jjhoBktno Emma Augusta, fm Pt Gamblo for

Knhulul, Oot 7Stmr Zealandta, from S. F, Nov 20Stmr City of Sydney, fm Sydney, Nov 20Bk Aldcn Bcwc, from Portland, dueBurk Lizzie Marshal, fm Pt GambloBr.bk Ullpck fm Liverpool, DecBk Abcr Amnn fm Glasgow, l)ccBktno Discovery, fm S P., Nov 14Am liktnp Kllkliiil,

i !

A Good Speculation.

TO SELL, immediately, Two FramoBulldlngadjoIniug tho Pantheon

Slivbhs, on Hotel street. Must bo re-

moved right away. Suitable for cntt-age-- ),

stable., &c. Apply at tho Panth-eon Stables r J. E. WISEMAN, Gene-ra- l

Business Agent. 247 3t

1PARTNERS and Purchasers wantedfor and In various lines of Imsi.

new (old established). Principals mayexamine list. Apply at

OAVENAOH'S AGENCY,218 83 King street.

A. G. ELLIS,BROKER, will buy or sellSTOCK Stock, Bonds, and

" Other Marketable Securities,At their market value for cash,215 Oflleo with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.


88 Merchant 8t'rcct,NO. Honolulu, II. ISugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Boughtnnd Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.

Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1683. 214

Having purchased fromNOTICE. W. Bush, all his right, titleand Interest In tho Grocery Business, onFort street, It Is my intention to carryon tho sumo under tho Arm iiuino of S.

J. LEVEY & Co., and I bono, by strictattention to business, and the wants ofmy customers, to merit a slmro of theliberal patronage bestowed upon mypredecessor, Mr. A. W. '",..'225 lm S. J. LEVEY.

I hereby give notlco thatNOTICE. disposed of my GioccryBusiness to Mr. 8. J. Lovey. All no.counts' duo said business nro to bo paid

Thanking tho public for tho liberalpatronagu they have been pleased to

upon mo, I would respectfully askfor a continuance of the same to myauccovKr, A. W. BUSH.

J2f Orders for tho Union Feed Comp-

any will bo j received as usuul, andprompt dcUve4' guaranteed, 2231m

; v..

ei '": w j v , sr. V.--

Y 4 ?J Jf r

Psdtas PACIFIC MAIL Steam.!?E-it3-P . . ..

FvtSgvifB.-- snip company.FOR SAN FKANOISCO,

The Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dearborn . Commander,Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco

on or about Nov. 20.

FOR SYPNKY Yia AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship. Zealandia,

Webber, . Commander,

On or about Nov. 20.For freight or passago apply to

H. JIackfulu it Co., Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

3& TIIEA1raszifeij Iron Steamer Suez,UODl), - - COMMAXDKII

Will leave HonoluluFOR SAN FRANCISCO

November 22nd.For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply to121 Wm. G. Iiiwix &'Co., Apcnts.


Tliecllppcr balkKalakaua,

Miller master,Will have quick dispatch for tho aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

F. A. SuiiAr.Fim & Co., Agents.


Tho clipper bgtuc.

W. G. Irwin,Turner, - master,

Will have quick for tho aboveport. For freight or passage npily to

Wm. G. Iiiwix & Co., Agents.

For Hongkong..gJJSgg Tho clipper Bark

"Aldon Besse,"A. Noycs, Master,

Is dnlly expected from Portlnnd, boundfor Hongkong direct. Will take a fewClilnu.se passengers at a low rate.

For particulars apply to Boi.i.es & Co.

gj&. Steamer Likelike,xlSr& i"Ht " innsier.

TjiiVp ITminltlllt nnnll Tm.mlfiv nf.4 p.m., touching at Lalmina, Mna-lac- a

Bay, Mukena, Maliukoun,Laupi)boehoo and Hilo.

lle'turiilug,illl touch at all theul ovo ports, arriving ut Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line' of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bati:s, Commander

Runs regularly to Kona nnd Knu,ns per following Time Tabic:

Lhavks Honolulu at 4 p.m. onThursday, Oct. 5 Mondav. Nov,Monday, Oct. 10 Thursday, Dec.Thursday, Oct. 20 Mondav, Dec.Monday, Nov. 0 Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

Ai:mvi:s at HonoluluFriday, Oct. 13 Friday, Nov. 24Tuesday, Oct. 24 Tuesday, Dec. C

Friday, Nov. 3 Friday, Dec. 15Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuc-da-y, Dec. 20

The O. E. Bishop,Berry, ..... Commander

Lkavj:h Honolulu kvkkyMonday, at 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili,

.Koloa, Elcolc, and Waimca, Kauai.Retuhxing i.kavbs

Nawiliwili every Friday evening.


Sohooner Ehukaidm will run icgularlyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to thoCaptain on board, or to

181 A. F. Cookk, Agent.

Sohooner "Emma,"Will leave- Honolulu EVERY TUES--


Returning Saturdays.For freight or passage, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to

154 Macimulaxk & Co.

A PRANK C00KE,Ofllce, corner Nttuanu and Queen streets,

Honolulu, II. I.,Agent for the following Packets:Wnllele, - Waloll,Wnlchu, y5R$y Walmalu.Malolo, r&fmA Kolnnn,Mana, viXXL Julia,

Ka Moi, and Ehukat.Rod Plag, with White Ball.


A SPLENDID Opportunity Isnow ollercd to buy tho Popu.lar I,od "In it Houb'o recentlv

occupied and conuuoted by Mrs. White,nt 125 Fprt street. Tho premises contain1 store, 17 bedrooms, Kitchen, dining andbath room. Tho rooms are all nicelyfurnished and In perfect order. Forfurther particulars apply to present pro-prietor, F. W. WALLACE, 1!J5 Fort hi.,Honolulu, 215


Franklin Stove Coal !

In any quantity,

VIiolewtilo or lie (nil,11Y

2C3 Wilder & Co. im

Tho Hawaiian Cook Book,

Published by tho

IiiulIcN of X'orfc Street Church,For Sale by

E. O. HALL & SON,237 2w and T. O. THRUM.


WALL PAPERS,Coiling Decorations,




A splendid nnd varied nworlmcnt



Manila Cigars,Ex stmr "Madras,"

Cases of those fluo Manila Cigars, 250 inthe box.

Something Superiorto what i utinl!y sold In this market.

Cases of Manila Cigars, 500 in a box,all of which wc gunrnntco to be

the Genuine Manilamade article.

For Salo by230 lm. ROLLKS & Co.





WARE-ROOM- Nos. 50 and 58




FURNITUREIn tho Kingdom,

which will bo

Sold at tho Lowest Rates.




Made to order at short notice.




Tckphono'No: TfrTA 207

Ex bark KiiltikautiAmi hktucElla,

Golden Gate Extra FamilyAXI)

ELDORADO FLOUR.Cases Drawn, Cases Dncnn,

Casks Whittaker's Star Hams,

Hales of liny, &c, AcJust to baud, ami for snlo by

2001m . , DOLLEti&Co.

BROGUE, SPEAR & CO.Call attention to Iholr Complcto Slock ol Jewclory ol all klndt, In Gold & Silver

embracing many New and Noel Designs in Roman, Engraved,Enameled, nnd Plain Designs, consisting, in part, of Sets,

Lnco Pins, IlrncchtJ, Lockets, Chains, SlecvoButtons nnd Links, Eur.Rings, Scarf Plus

and Rings, Thimbles, Charms,Studs, Rings, &c &c.

IMnniond, l'cnrl niul Stone OooiIm in Brent vnrlcty.Gold nnd Silver Watches, Waltham nnd other makes.

taTCall and examine. Orders from tho other Islands promptly nttcmlcd to.


aoo"a to,aa.2 N St

5 seO

Ladies' nnd Gent's

Gold nnd .Silver Watches NoActued

Jttsl to hand.of Goldi

Every "Watch warranted ns GroisWgt,represented. f-

Fac-simil- u ot bilver Cases.



c)Ml. .

O 1 I r.





for mo u of"


M.A(lent this

N. U. ofns I

of "arc ofnre as

(215) ..i uold


AOl' THK as

' or


Sun'tduiy u,

are their Wateraro inat odlco of of

foot ofupon 1st day of July of

year. H.

S. K. of

ou other page. 29

A Lirgo Stock of Fine Furniture bo cleared

to make room for our

of toper htcamcr. This stock

EayOftlco &c, &c,

All of will ho sold ait or less.Call and nt

177 105 and Fort


Helvetia Lace,Tuck Packing,

iigur i.uuicri,Clarlllers,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with IndiaRubber,

Rabbit Metal,Darbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steels,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cane Knives, withHand and Smith

Shovels, Axes,Vices,

Stcam-plp- c Drushes,

Patent Covering,Oil,

Cement, Steel Ralls,Sugar nnd Coal Hags,

&c, &c.

For by

II. IIACKFELD& Co.Oct. 10th

Notice.my temporary nbsence from

Mr. A.will-ac- t under full PowjrAttorney.

210 CILSS.

w ImV

Meluqrny,for Kingdom.

llcwnro imita-tions, haveseveral silver watches bear-ing the name WnlthamWatches," which SwissManufacture, and soldgenuine Waltham watches.


Fac-.thm.- u Cases



Largo Assortment


Fine Wall Paper

BORDERS!Just'recelved, and for sale by

WILDER &'C0.HSft. Call and examine. UT

WaterOlllco Water Works,

jionoimu, Jtttw.

A:LL persons having Waternotified that Rutrs

nayablo semi-annuall- advance,thu tbo Superlntondcnt

AVnter Works, Nuuiuiu street,tho January nnd

each OHAS.Sun't Water Works.

Kaai, Minister Interior. 204


will out

Largo Stock Holiday Goods arrive.wclbscleclcd Includes

Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, Lounges,Chairs, Turkish Chairs, Wnrdiohcs,

Spring and Dining-roo- Chairs,

which prices,examine

Wells' Music Store,107 Street, Honolulu.



without hooks,Hammers,




DURING Uautknv.iiiki






ndvertls-meu- t



. X 'SVv


. 7









' "4ftf

I ,v



'. ';




1' :At


if' i ' Jw Vv:N iRG f' tft ,"!) .J

' ' 5FJ








,' v

"".' vr p r " 75 Vpi Cr,

rfF3"'7 T ' ."V'("?' "ff1 'TgWpfy- -

. .




Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 10 and 21 Merchant atrcot,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment hi the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment oflil.inU Hooks or nil deceptions;- Foolbrap, Legal mill Mill dip,

.Journal nnil Trial ll.iliuirc PapersLinen Paper nml Envelope", nil sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones.

Mucilage hi nil sbes, especially adapted to this clhiinlcjl)iai-a- lii per and Pencil-'- ,

Tracing Paper nml Cloth,

nan.lt Uooks Field and Lose. Hooks, adapted for Uiou

Memorandum and Pas Book,Slher and Fcrfoiatcd Caul Bonid,

Shipping Tags Shipping Kicclpt Books and Pads,"i Note, Craft, and Receipt Books,

Ami numerous other articles in our line to be found in a well kept stock

MUSIC! R0USSC!W have made pucli aiiange.ncnls with our Music Agents as will enable i us

lie i cafttr hand n full aortmenl, and also to rcceh u the latest pieces asJnl.lisl.ed Any special order Mill itcclvc our bet and pro.nptMlcn.


and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,

Toit Street, ; : Honolulu.



0C Watchmaker

Nos. 113 and 115

Splendid New Stock of Solid

, Elcrant Gold and

Stlvcr.riatcd Ware, &c., &g.

fhe $ $ntbSATURDAY, NOV. 18, 1832.

A smart young man naked a gen-

tleman from Cape Coil: "What'sthe difference between you and a0111111?" 'thinking that the Capo Cod-

ger would say he didn't know, andthen the young man would pity himfor llot being able to see any differ-

ence between himself and a calm,but the thing didn't woik. TheCodger took the young man, andswept a path aci oss the street withhim, and then, after ciowding himinto an empty flsh-ban- and yank-

ing him out again, said: "A calmwouldn't be playing with you inthis way. That's the diffcicnec'twist nic and a clam." Theyoung mail had no moie questionsto ask.

"Kb, bicn!" exclaimed Bliss Kateto the tradcbinan. "Wliat is the. pi ice

of your gneiss peaches?" "Tufa,"he leplied laconically. "That's schistwhat I want. Oivc me two quail.strata way. I want to catch mica.A doleiyto?" And .silicate bouncedout of the store Autliout paying atoll.

Yale Mecord.

"Why, it is not moio than sixmonths ago that tlioy were celebra-

ting his biithday, and now he is

dead. It's a bad year on childien.I icckon liis folks let him cut bome-tliingh- at

didn't agree with him."Texas Sittings.

"When did George Washingtondip?"-aske- an Austin teacher of alargo boy.

The folly of othcis is ever mostridiculous "to those who aie theni-selves!U-

most foolish.

Hear one side, and you will be inthe daikness ; hear both sides, aminUwilMtc clear.

Arrival of the Second Lot


isisrw ooods!'

-A- T-

BASLEY & Go'sGreat 10 Gent Store.

. . Immense slock ofHOUSE-KEEPIN- 1


' Consisting of more than

7.-5,bO- AXlTIOXiESIs 6xpected on or about tbo 20th Inst.


.J7 th-f-- s 4w" IWFortBt.


Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DIAS & GONSALESNo. 57 Hotel Street.

INLAID W0EKFrom Madeira:

Work Boes and TablesParlor Tables, Writing Desks.

Paper Knies Balers,Glove, Handkcichief, & Jewelry Boxes,

Hair Chains NieklacesBiacelet-- , Ear-ring- s

Brooches, &c., &c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,Willow Chains

Bmbroideiy and Ciochet Work,

All the aboc will be found in greatvariety, and excilleut quality,

together with all theusual stock of a

Dry GooiIh Establishment.A call will vou handsomely for

the tumble. 210 ly


begs to notify to the public of Ilonolulu and tr.uclleis toa.id fiom

all foicign ports that

He has Purchasedthe Business and Stock in trade of the

Honolulu & San Francisco Express ITransfer Company,

And that he pioposcs to carry on thebusiness in good style; in fact

everything will bo done

"Up to tho Handle!"

All persons lcquliing furniture, bag.gage or goods of miy desciiption shift,ed, transferred or shipped will find it totheir advantage to apply to him at hisoffice, King stiect,

Telephone No. 130,as low rates as possible. 187

l'01t SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGilnds fiom 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in woodolder; vim bo inn by Htcam or horsopower, just the aitlcle for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,"Whcat, Bran, Barley, "Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


DILLINGHAM &Importers and Dealers In

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,llouso Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c.

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsTo which tliry Invite the attention of bujers. ,,

Wosfcou's Differential DPtilley BlocksimCfl.


KoroHune Oil,

Fotjr.mlily u-- the highest tc-t- l oil in lite


A full line of Tinware, andCall and examine our stock.

ADDITIONS to our formerGm:.VT ex Sue, Kalakaua, and Cityof Sj dncy, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Storos:Coidagc hemp Manila, cotton duck,Pl.iv canvas Ua sail twine, beeswax,Blocks oats 8 to 21 ft; shackles,Bales of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks row-lock-

Iron strap blocks, mat beads shiecs,Mctalinc and patent bushing!-- ,

Stockholm tai, pitch, coal tar, tar ojl,Bright and bl.icK varnishes who l IggingMaiHne, seizing hmicllnc, ratlin,Spunyain, caulking lions, copper tacks,lion tacks, connecting links,Marllu spikes, caulking mullets,Mast hoops, linnd spikes, pitch mops,Tar Inushcs, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds and colors;Pacific Rubber Paint, a new lot, inelud.

all the aiious colors;Brushes Paint, varnish, pencil, white-

wash, paste, artist, shoe, scrub, andsash u good assortment of each;

Acs and hatchets, wood and shingling;snip lanterns anu suie-iigni- s uie itcgu

lation article.

Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of fine groceries, in.

eluding some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Tabic pie fruits, jams and jellies, a newarticle, put up by a new firm, andwe can highly recommend them asbeing something really nice;

A new lot of Teas, including some supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugar lJtllned and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new-articl- '

Cunicd fowl, curried oysters,Pium pudding, kits salmon belliesKits mackerel, kits tongues and sounds,Codfish, cheese. O.xfoid sausagw, in tins;B.tlslns, in , j and yz boxes;ltaisiiis, in tins; cun'ants in 4 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., gal., qts, & 5 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, xcrmicclli,Mac.uoni, dried apples, prunes, plums,

peaches and pears.

PLOUll AND BREAD.Golden Gate c.xtia family, Eldoiado,Golden City, Graham, oat and coin mealMedium bie.ul, asoitcd ciackcis,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot mead,Soda bbcuits, liee anil collec,Whale and speim oil,Sperm candles, 4s and Cs.

All of the aoovc will be sold at theBest Market Jlates,

Buyers aio most lespcctfully invited tocall and examine our stock.

105 BOLLES & CO.

THE OLD CORNERBstnbllshed, 1S58.

Hakt Bkos., : : Propriclois.

MEALSSen cd up in fiist-ehis- s style at all bonis

Open from 2 a, m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, PipesiVe., &.c. Also,

Iced. Xiiili:s!7S




cau. At thuBeavor Refreshment Room,

Finest Brands of Tobacco,

Cigars, Cigarettes, etc,

Always hi block.

Ice cold Sodawaler and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE,209 tf Propiletor.


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian Tslands. Sold by all

respectable dealers.

-- ffigsmzF


many No cities, new to this market, too numerous to mention.(177) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.






Bruce Caitw light. W. S.

Union Feed-- CARRIES

Largest and




Of All guarantees supplyconstantly

B7Scnd BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

W. & Go's

WE prepared rcceh further orders any MagazineCalifornia, the Canada, and Europe.

,,.At the receive by cry out and fiftyand Majazlncs, published German, and,

Scandinavian Language,subscription list furnish the and

Magazine-sa- t low late Subscription.- nwvpfjmvMvfvvnwRMvMPivwv

fiEOKOB LUCAS, MjsConn actor

and B.illdcrfgSa2Steam Pl.minp Ltaplti-n.ul- e,

Ilouolum.Mniuifnetuies kinds Mouldings,

Uraekets, Frames, IJlhuK,Saxhes. Doois, and Kinds Wood-woikiluls-

Tinning, Sciollmid HandSaw Ing. Kinds Sai ing and

Moitieingand Tenanting.Outers promptly and woik

gmiMiiteed. Orders fiom the othei



$13 per Cord.


A. F. Cooke,Foot Niuiauu btrect.


.fc lO Cord.M. CARTER,

137 Wharf.

Just Received,Per bktno Eureka, full lluo'of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.. Co., 1'oit . NQ.13riiWia.at,, Honolulu - i W, lllchaldson

--, .,trHf1fl4rn' ';dMtt'


' v


i .i


Largo invoices for saleupon favorable

New styles of Plows,Harrows, Cultivators,

Luce. W. Bush.

CompanyTIIE- -

Best Stock H .





Chandeliers,Pomlnnts, and

Stand Lamps,splendid and varied assortment

Just Opened t


b h230



description, and to keep a fullon hand.

orders A. "V.

J. ROBERTSONSubscription Department

arc to e for Paper or publishin LaMcrn States,

Present time wo u mall ono hundreddlflerent Papers in the English, French,


As our is large, wo are enabled to Papersu of 182

STT-7- XT"

Honolulu Mills,

all ofAVindow

all of

All of Plan-ing,

attended to

solicited l




215 am of

aApply to


P. M. S. S.


50 LAINE U et. 71 01 A. & co.I


lei ins.


A, 14








. a








. TV



For sale at if25 A, Wi CHA1U)80N,

..k--& '&. S uy.