hst i ch 7 se… ·  · 2009-10-09name date class _ guided reading activity 7-1 directions:...

Name Date Class _ Guided Reading Activity 7-1 DIRECTIONS: Recalling Facts Read the section and answer the questions below. Refer to your textbook to write the answers. 1. Why did Americans show little interest in expanding the nation's territory and increasing international influence in the years immediately following the Civil War? _ 2. What is imperialism? _ 3. What part did tariffs play in European expansion in the late 1800s? _ 4. What did rulers of a protectorate have to do in exchange for protection from rebellions and llwasion? _ 5. How did supporters of Social Darwinism justify the idea of expanding American powers overseas? 6. How did Anglo-Saxonism fit with the idea of Manifest Destiny? _ 7. How did the minister Josiah Strong convince many Americans to support imperialism? 8. What did Alfred T. Mahan suggest the United States do to defend its right to trade? 9. Why did Japan's rulers not want to trade with the United States or other Western countries? _ 10. How did Japan respond to the forced trade with the United States? _ 11. What did Hawaiian sugar cane planters hope would happen after they overthrew the monarchy and set up their own government? _ 12. From where did Latin America buy most of its manufactured goods in the 1800s? 13. What was the purpose of a customs union? _ 46 --------------- 1_

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Name Date Class _

Guided Reading Activity 7-1

DIRECTIONS: Recalling Facts Read the section and answer the questions below. Refer to yourtextbook to write the answers.

1. Why did Americans show little interest in expanding the nation's territory and increasing

international influence in the years immediately following the Civil War? _

2. What is imperialism? _

3. What part did tariffs play in European expansion in the late 1800s? _

4. What did rulers of a protectorate have to do in exchange for protection from rebellions

and llwasion? _

5. How did supporters of Social Darwinism justify the idea of expanding American powers


6. How did Anglo-Saxonism fit with the idea of Manifest Destiny? _

7. How did the minister Josiah Strong convince many Americans to support imperialism?

8. What did Alfred T. Mahan suggest the United States do to defend its right to trade?

9. Why did Japan's rulers not want to trade with the United States or other Western

countries? _

10. How did Japan respond to the forced trade with the United States? _

11. What did Hawaiian sugar cane planters hope would happen after they overthrew the

monarchy and set up their own government? _

12. From where did Latin America buy most of its manufactured goods in the 1800s?

13. What was the purpose of a customs union? _







Name Date Class _

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DIRECTIONS: Recording Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Read the section andanswer the questions below. Refer to your textbook to write the answers.

1. How did the United States and Cuba become closely linked economically? _

2. Who led the February 1895 rebellion in Cuba? _

3. What caused most Americans to side with the Cuban rebels against Spain? _

4. Why did President McKinley finally send out the USS Maine to Cuba? _

5. Where was the USS Maine when it exploded in 1898? _

6. How did Americans regard Spain at the time of the US.S Maine explosion? _

7. Who defeated the Spanish in the Philippines? _

8. What effect did tropical diseases have on Spanish forces in Cuba? _

9. Where did both sides know the war ultimately would be fought? _

10. Why was defeating the Spanish fleet important to the United States? _

11. How did the number of Americans who died in training camps compare to those killed

in battle in Cuba? _

12. Who were the Rough Riders? _

13. Who were the commanders of the Rough Riders? _

14. What was the main economic argument for annexing the Philippines? _

15. What did the Foraker Act mean for Puerto Rico? _

16. Where did William Howard Taft improve education, transportation, and health care?


Name Date Class _

DIRECTIONS: Identifying Supporting Details Read each main idea. Use your textbook tosupply the details that support or explain each main idea.

t1 Main Idea: The nation's primary interest in Asia was not conquest but commerce.

1. Detail: The vast Chinese markets excited American business leaders, especially those in

the textile, oil, and steel _

2. Detail: In the 1894 war between China and Japan over , Japan

easily defeated China and gained territory in Manchuria.

3. Detail: forced Japan to give its newly acquired territory back to


4. Detail: The United States proposed an policy, which would allowall countries to trade with China.

t1 Main Idea: Theodore Roosevelt believed in a strong global military presence.

5. Detail: Roosevelt and others viewed the construction of a canal through

_________ as vital to American power in the world.

6. Detail: In 1903, the United States recognized the independence of _

7. Detail: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine said that the United States

would intervene in affairs when necessary to maintain economic

and political stability.

8. Detail: The United States first applied the Roosevelt Corollary in _

which had fallen behind on its debt payments to Europe.

t1 Main Idea: Wilson believed in "moral diplomacy" and tried to encourage democracyin Latin America.

9. Detail: Shortly after Woodrow Wilson took office as president in 1913, Huerto seized

power in

10. Detail: Detail: In April 1914, American soldiers were in Mexico.

Wilson saw Mexico's refusal to apologize as an opportunity to overthrow Huerto.

11. Detail: In 1916, Wilson sent General John J. Pershing to capture _

12. Detail: In 1914, Wilson negotiated exclusive rights for naval bases and a canal with

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