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September, 2011 Enterprise Mobility Survey Aggregate Findings Report

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September, 2011

Enterprise Mobility Survey Aggregate Findings Report

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2 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.


Executive Summary

Study Objectives and Background

Mobility Adoption and Maturity

Enterprise Mobility Impact


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Executive Summary

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4 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Executive Summary

SAP‟s Enterprise Mobility benchmarking study was designed to understand:

The degree of mobility adoption and maturity of mobility best practices adoption across the industry

The impact mobility can have on enterprise performance, e.g., revenue growth, employee productivity

Study Objectives

and Background

Although most companies acknowledge the “importance of mobility”, the majority of respondents were still in the

early stages of adopting enterprise mobility:

Average of 9 mobile devices per 10 employees, incl. average of 3 smart phones/tablets per 10 employees

Average of 23% of users with mobile access to cross functional applications1. Highest importance for mobile collaboration

and content, but highest adoption for e-mail and messaging

Average of 11% of users with mobile access to enterprise applications/processes2. Highest importance for CRM and Field

Services but highest adoption for Project Management, Field Services and BI

Less than 25% of respondents with high level of maturity in mobility best practices for mobility strategy, creation of mobile

devices and consumption and control of mobile devices

Mobility Adoption

and Maturity

The study confirmed impact of enterprise mobility adoption and maturity on performance:

Top performing companies in terms of mobile adoption demonstrated on average 20 percentage points higher revenue

growth and more than twice the revenue per employee compared to bottom performers

Companies which centrally manage their mobile devices by IT have on average over 30% lower mobility spend per


Companies with a high degree of enterprise mobility best practice maturity demonstrated compared to less mature


– Almost double employee productivity

– Almost four times higher margins

– Over 20% lower customer churn


Mobility Impact

Note: 1) Email, messaging, collaboration , content, approval, reporting 2) BI, CRM, project management, field services, HCM, EAM, WMS, SRM, etc.

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5 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Executive Summary – Characteristics of Leading


Since Greater Maturity of Enterprise Mobility Best Practices Has a Tangible Impact on Companies‟

Performance, The Study Shows That There Are Clear Characteristics of Leading Companies – Those

with the Greatest Adoption and the Best Business Results:


Exhibited a balanced approach – using all best practices

at a high level

Have their mobile devices managed centrally by IT

Take lesser time to develop deploy new applications (in


Have higher % of users with mobile access to cross

functional applications

Have higher % of users with mobile access to enterprise

processes/ applications


Wide variation in adoption of best practices

Have significant IT expenditure and use IT FTEs less


Sub-optimal management of mobile devices and mobility

spending and also need more time to deploy


Have fewer % of users with mobile access to cross

functional applications and to enterprise processes/


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6 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Adoption and Efficiency

Source: SAP Enterprise Mobility survey, N=162; charts show bottom 25%, average and top 25% figures

Note: 1) Email, messaging, collaboration , content, approval, reporting 2) BI, CRM, project management, field services, HCM, EAM, WMS, SRM, etc.

9/10 9 Mobile Devices per 10 Employees

3/10 3 Tablets/Smart Phones per 10 Employees

23% Of Users with Mobile Access to Cross

Functional Applications1

11% Of Users with Mobile Access to Enterprise


9 per 10

5 per 10 12 per 10

3 per 10

1 per 10 4 per 10


6.0% 40.0%


2.2% 20.0%

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7 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Impact Highlights (1)

40%+ Higher Revenue Growth for Companies with Top

25% Mobile Access to Cross Functional


30%+ Higher Revenue Growth for Companies with Top

25% Mobile Access to Enterprise Applications2

Note: 1) Email, messaging, collaboration , content, approval, reporting 2) BI, CRM, project management, field services, HCM, EAM, WMS, SRM, etc.


23.4% 40.0%




Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Average % Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications

Average Revenue Growth (in %)







Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Average % Users Mobile Access to Enterprise Processes/ Applications

Average Revenue Growth (in %)

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8 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Impact Highlights (2)

Note: Maturity Levels are calculated as an aggregate across all 4 dimensions of the Enterprise Mobility Best Practices model (see page 12 for more details)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Low Maturity

Level 4 and 5 High Maturity



Level 1, 2 and 3 Low Maturity

Level 4 and 5 High Maturity

~2x Higher Revenue per Employees for Companies

with Mature Mobility Best Practices

~4x Higher Operating Margin for Companies with

Mature Mobility Best Practices

Revenue per Employee (US$ „000) vs. Overall Mobility

Best Practice Maturity

Operating Margin (in %) vs. Overall Mobility Best Practice


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Study Objectives and


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10 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Program Background and Study Approach

Program Background

SAP Performance Benchmarking serves as a forum for SAP customers to understand current and emerging trends in

technology and business processes, identify drivers of performance and understand implications of adopting best practices.

Over 10,000 participants from over 3,000 companies have participated to date.

Study Objectives

Objectives. The Enterprise Mobility Benchmarking Study was Designed to Understand:

The degree of mobility adoption and maturity of mobility best practices adoption across the industry

The impact mobility can have on enterprise performance, e.g., revenue growth, employee productivity

Analysis Framework. The Enterprise Mobility Best Practice maturity model is built on 4 dimensions:

Mobility Strategy – Clear establishment of strategy for Enterprise Mobility

Creation of Mobile Applications – Ease of creation of Mobile Applications

Control of Mobile Devices – Security, Authentication and Correctness of Mobile Devices

Consumption of Mobile Applications – Acceptance, Training and Availability of Enterprise Mobility

Value Definition. In the Survey Three Primary Value Drivers were Examined:

% of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications and to Enterprise Processes/ Applications

Time to Provision/Decommission New Device(in minutes) and Time to Develop Deploy New Applications (in days)

Mobile devices managed centrally by IT, mobility spend per employee and Number of Mobile Devices and also Number

of Smartphones/Tablets per employee

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11 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Participating Company Profile: Industry, Revenue, Employees

Organizations of all Sizes, Across All Industries Participated in the Survey

2.5% 2.5%




2.5% 2.5%


1.2% 1.2% 3.1%


1.2% 1.9% 3.1% 3.7%

























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Industry Mix (% of Participants) N = 162

Revenue Mix (% of Participants) Number of Employees (% of Participants)



6.0% 12.8%

Less than USD 1 Billion

USD 1 to 4.9 Billion

USD 5.0 to 9.9 Billion

USD 10 Billion and Higher





Less than 1,000 employees

1,000 to 4,999 employees

5,000 to 9,999 employees

10,000 and more employees

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12 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Enterprise Mobility Maturity Model


Mobility Mobility Strategy

Mobility vision and plan in place

Business Process redesigning

Mobility strategy extended to partners,

suppliers, distributors and customers

Technical roadmap and budget in place

Creation of Mobile Applications

Single, scalable, secure and reliable mobile

platform in place

Flexible and open infrastructure

Leverage existing environment

to create mobile applications

Limit application complexity and also enable

device independent development

The Enterprise Mobility maturity model comprises 4 dimensions necessary to use mobility for competitive

advantage. For each of the 4 dimensions, participating companies were evaluated on the maturity of the best

practices included. Then the average across all best practice scores was calculated to receive an aggregate maturity

score. Based on this score the companies have been divided into 5 levels of maturity

Consumption of Mobile Applications

Mobile applications take advantage of mobile

specific features

End user is engaged early in the development


Prospective users receive training on basic

wireless issues and new mobile applications

Control of Mobile Devices

Centralized IT device monitoring, security and

reporting capability exist

Mobile workers have correct software, data and

adhere to security policies

Capability exists to remotely disable and re-

provision software assets

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13 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Enterprise Mobility Adoption

Maturity Model

Mobility Strategy in place for most of the departments and relevant processes and also shared with most of the stakeholders

No Mobility Strategy defined at the organization or the department Level

Mobility Strategy defined at organization level but not shared either inside or outside the organization

Mobility strategy defined for many departments and relevant business processes and also shared to some extent

No Operating System Standards or Platform exist and also scaling of operations is not possible

Some Operating System Standards and a reliable platform exists and limited scale up is possible Strong Security policy,

decentralized device monitoring and basic device authentication mechanism is in place

Creation of Mobile


Mobility Strategy

Mobility Strategy in place for all departments and relevant processes and also shared with all external and internal stakeholders

Operating System Standards and reliable platform exist; Security needs and scale up capability is addressed

Operating System Standards and reliable platform exist; Also partial security needs and partial scale up is addressed

No security policy, device monitoring, user authentication mechanism exist

A security policy, early stages of device monitoring and rudimentary device authentication mechanism is in place

Operating System Standards and a reliable platform exists

Strong Security policy, partially centralized device monitoring and good device authentication mechanism is in place

Strong well documented security policy, centralized device monitoring and excellent device authentication mechanism is in place

Control of Mobile Devices

End User is neither engaged in the development cycle nor provided with any training; Also they do not have access to enterprise applications

End User is sometimes engaged in the development cycle and receive rudimentary training; Also they have access to few enterprise applications

End User is involved in the development cycle and receive training on new applications; Also they have access to use basic enterprise applications

End User is involved early in the development cycle and feedback phase; receive training on new applications and all wireless issues; Also they have access and ability to use all of enterprise applications

End User is involved in the development cycle and feedback phase; receive training on new applications and basic wireless issues; Also they have access majority of enterprise applications

Consumption of Mobile


Adoption of best practices varies at each stage of maturity

See complete maturity model in the Appendix

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Mobility Adoption and


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15 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Adoption and Maturity: Summary

Although most companies acknowledge the

“importance of mobility”, the majority of respondents

were still in the early stages of adopting enterprise


Average of 9 mobile devices per 10 employees, incl. average

of 3 smart phones/tablets per 10 employees

Average of 23% of users with mobile access to cross

functional applications1. Highest importance for mobile

collaboration and content, but highest adoption for e-mail and


Average of 11% of users with mobile access to enterprise

applications/processes2. Highest importance for CRM and

Field Services but highest adoption for Project Management,

Field Services and BI

Less than 25% of respondents with high level of maturity in

mobility best practices for mobility strategy, creation of mobile

devices and consumption and control of mobile devices

Note: 1) Email, messaging, collaboration , content, approval, reporting 2) BI, CRM, project management, field services, HCM, EAM, WMS, SRM, etc.

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16 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Number of Mobile Devices per Employee and

Smartphones/Tablet per Employee

Number of Mobile Devices per Employee:

Average Number of Mobile Devices per Employee is 0.9

Smartphones/Tablet per Employee:

Average Number of Smartphones Tablets per Employee is 0.3

On Average, Companies Have 9 Mobile Devices per 10 Employees (PC, Net Book, Smart Phone,

Tablet) of Which 3 Are Smart Phones/Tablets




Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Number of Mobile Devices per Employee




Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Number of Smartphones/ Tablets per Employee

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17 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Importance of Mobile Access

% of Users with Access to Cross Functional Applications vs. Average Importance of Mobile Access (1 = Not Important, 5 = Very Important):

Mobile Collaboration and Content Are Given Highest Importance by Companies While Adoption is Highest for E-mail and Messaging

% of Users with Access to Enterprise Applications vs. Average Importance of Mobile Access (1 = Not Important, 5 = Very Important):

CRM and Field Services are Given Highest Importance by Companies While Adoption is Highest for Project Management, Field Services and BI

Source: SAP Enterprise Mobility survey, 1) email, messaging, collaboration etc. 2) BI CRM, project management etc.


3.1 4.4 3.8 2.9 3.3

29% 29% 26%


11% 9%

Email Messaging Mobile Collaboration Content Approval Mgt.Reporting

Importance of Mobile Access Percent of Users with Mobile Access




3.5 2.8 2.6

2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8

12% 11% 11% 10% 10% 10% 9%

8% 7% 7%

Project Mgt Field Service BI CRM SRM/ Procure. HCM Asset Mgt. Logistics Mgt. WMS EPM

Importance of Mobile Access Percent of Users with Mobile Access

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18 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Time to Provision/Decommission New Device (In Minutes)

and Time to Develop Deploy New Applications (In Days)

Most Companies Spend < 100 Minutes to Provision/Decommission New Devices and < 50 Days to

Develop Deploy New Applications




Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Time to Provision/Decommission New Device(in minutes)




Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Time to Develop Deploy New Applications (in days)

Time to Provision/Decommission New Device (In Minutes):

Average Time to Provision/Decommission New Devices is

54 Minutes

Time to Develop Deploy New Applications (In Days):

Average Time to Develop Deploy New Applications is 53 Days

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19 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Best Practice Maturity

Each survey respondent was given a „score‟ based on responses to questions which reflected their

level of best practice adoption along the 4 dimensions of the Best Practice framework. Companies

were given a score by Best Practice dimension, then grouped into one of the five best practice

maturity levels based on their score (Level 1 = Lowest maturity, Level 5 = Highest maturity).

Participant Distribution by Best Practice Maturity Levels:

Less Than 25% of Companies Have High Maturity in the Adoption of Enterprise Mobility Best Practices

Maturity Levels

Low Maturity






Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

High Maturity

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Average Maturity Level of the Four Dimensions in the

Maturity Model





















Mobility Strategy

Creation of Mobile Applications

Control of Mobile Devices

Consumption of Mobile Applications

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Participant Distribution by Best Practice Maturity Levels:

On an Average, Participants Appear to be More Mature on the Consumption of Mobile Applications While Creation of

Mobile Applications is the Least Mature Dimension





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Enterprise Mobility Impact –


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22 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Enterprise Mobility Impact Results – Adoption

The study indicates that companies with higher

degree of enterprise mobility adoption realize higher


Companies which use mobile devices more

extensively for various functional applications and

enterprise processes experience higher revenue


Companies which provide a larger proportion of their

employees with smartphones/tablets and other mobile

devices for business usage have higher profitability in

terms of revenue per employee

Companies where a larger percentage of Mobile

devices are managed centrally by IT have lower

mobility spend

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23 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Achieving Business Value From Enterprise Mobility: Cross Functional

Applications and Enterprise Processes/Applications

Average % Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications:

Companies Having Higher % of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications Experience Higher Revenue Growth

Average % Users Mobile Access to Enterprise Processes/Applications:

Companies Having Higher % of Users with Mobile Access to Enterprise Processes/Applications Experience Higher Revenue Growth

Note: 1) Email, messaging, collaboration , content, approval, reporting 2) BI, CRM, project management, field services, HCM, EAM, WMS, SRM, etc.


23.4% 40.0%




Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Average % Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications Average Revenue Growth (in %)







Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Average % Users Mobile Access to Enterprise Processes/ Applications Average Revenue Growth (in %)

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Achieving Business Value From Enterprise Mobility: % of users with

mobile access: Field/ CS vs Customer Churn and Customer


% of users with mobile access: Field/ CS vs Customer Churn:

Companies Having Higher % of Users with Mobile Access to : Field/ CS Experience Lower Customer Churn (in %)

% of users with mobile access: Field/ CS vs Customer Satisfaction:

Companies Having Higher % of Users with Mobile Access to : Field/ CS Experience Higher Customer Satisfaction (in %)

Note: 1) Email, messaging, collaboration , content, approval, reporting 2) BI, CRM, project management, field services, HCM, EAM, WMS, SRM, etc.


33.2% 66.7%


12.2% 10.0%

Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Average % of users with mobile access: Field/ CS Average Customer Churn (in %)



66.7% 83.6%



Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Average % of users with mobile access: Field/CS Average Customer Satisfaction (in %)

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Achieving Business Value from Enterprise Mobility:

Smartphones/Tablets and Other Mobile Applications


32.0% 50.0% 409

747 940

Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

% of Mobile Employees Average Revenue per Employee (in '000 USD)


0.20 0.36


739 906

Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Number of Smartphones/Tablets per Employee Average Revenue per Employee(in '000 USD)

% of Mobile Employees:

Companies Having Higher % of Mobile Employees Have Higher Employee Productivity

Number of Smartphones/Tablets per Employee:

Companies Having Higher Usage of Smartphones/Tablets Have Higher Employee Productivity

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26 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Achieving Business Value From Enterprise Mobility:

Mobile Devices Managed Centrally by IT




553 458


Bottom 25% Average Top 25%

Mobile Devices Managed Centrally by IT Mobility Spend per Employee (in USD)

Mobile Devices Managed Centrally by IT:

Companies Having a Higher % of Mobile Devices Managed Centrally by IT Experience Lesser Mobility Spend per Employee

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Enterprise Mobility Impact –


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28 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Enterprise Mobility Impact Results - Maturity

The study confirmed that companies with higher

degree of enterprise mobility best practice maturity

realize higher performance

Leaders (companies with high level of best practice maturity):

– Perform better in terms of Profitability and Margins

– Have Higher Customer Satisfaction and Lower Customer Churn

– Have lesser IT expenditure and use IT FTEs more efficiently

– Better manage Mobile Devices and mobility spending and also need

lesser time to deploy applications

– Have greater % of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional

Applications and to Enterprise Processes/ Applications

Low adoption of Enterprise Mobility best practices leads to:

– Decrease in Profitability and Margins

– Have lower Customer Satisfaction and higher Customer Churn

– Have huge IT expenditure and use IT FTEs less efficiently

– Sub-optimal management of Mobile Devices and mobility spending

and also need more time to deploy applications

– Have fewer % of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional

Applications and to Enterprise Processes/Applications

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Companies at a Higher Maturity Level Perform Better in

Terms of Profitability and Margins

Companies adopting more mature Enterprise Mobility processes (Level 4 and Level 5) are able to extract better

revenue per employee and experience better margins. The following charts represent how companies are realizing

higher revenue per employee and margins as they move from Level 1 to Level 5 of the Best Practices Framework.

There is a clear correlation between companies who have achieved Level 4 and Level 5 maturity and their revenue

per employee and margins

Revenue per Employee (US$ „000)

Companies at a Higher Level of Enterprise Mobility Maturity Have

Almost Doubled Their Employee Productivity As Compared to

Lesser Mature Companies

Operating Margin

Companies at a Higher Level of Enterprise Mobility Maturity

Have Almost Four Times Higher Operating Margin As Compared

to Lesser Mature Companies

Maturity Levels indicated here are calculated as an aggregate across all the 4 buckets of the Enterprise Mobility Best Practices categorization



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Companies at a Higher Maturity Level Have Higher

Customer Satisfaction and Lower Customer Churn

Survey Analysis Shows That Level 4 and Level 5 Companies Have Higher Customer Satisfaction and

Lower Customer Churn As Compared to Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Companies

Maturity Levels indicated here are calculated as an aggregate across all the 4 buckets of the Enterprise Mobility Best Practices categorization



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Customer Satisfaction (%)

Level 4 and Level 5 Companies Have on an Average 2.4%

Higher Customer Satisfaction Over Lower Mature Companies

Customer Churn (%)

Level 4 and Level 5 Companies Have on an Average 21.5%

Lower Customer Churn Over Lower Mature Companies

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Companies at a Higher Maturity Level Have Lesser IT

Expenditure and Use IT FTEs More Efficiently

Companies at Higher Maturity Levels Have Lesser IT Expenditure and Use IT FTEs More Efficiently

Maturity Levels indicated here are calculated as an aggregate across all the 4 buckets of the Enterprise Mobility Best Practices categorization



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

IT Spend as a % of Revenue

Level 4 and Level 5 Companies Experience Almost 1.1%

Decrease in IT Spend as a % of Revenue as Compared to

Lower Mature Companies

IT FTEs per Billion in Revenue

Level 4 and Level 5 Companies Need Fewer IT FTEs as

Compared to Lower Mature Companies

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Companies at Higher Maturity Levels Better Manage Mobile Devices and Mobility Spending and also

Need Lesser Time to Deploy Applications

Companies at a Higher Maturity Level Better Manage Mobile Devices

and Mobility Spending and Also Need Lesser Time to Deploy


Maturity Levels indicated here are calculated as an aggregate across all the 4 buckets of the Enterprise Mobility Best Practices categorization



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Mobile Devices Managed Centrally by IT (In %)

Companies with Mature Enterprise Mobility Practices Have Their

Mobility Issues Managed Centrally by IT

55.1 41.2

Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Time to Develop Deploy New Application (In Days)

Companies with Mature Enterprise Mobility Practices Need

Lesser Time to Deploy New Applications Than Lesser Mature


44.0% 36.4%

Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Mobility Spend as % of Telecom Spend (in %)

Companies with Mature Enterprise Mobility Practices Spend

Lesser on Mobility Than Lesser Mature Companies

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Companies at a Higher Maturity Level Have Greater % of Users with

Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications and to Enterprise


Level 4 and Level 5 Companies have Greater % of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional

Applications and to Enterprise Processes/Applications



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Source: SAP Enterprise Mobility survey, 1) email, messaging, collaboration etc. 2) BI CRM, project management etc. Maturity Levels indicated here are calculated as an aggregate across all the 4 buckets of the Enterprise Mobility Best Practices categorization

% of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional


Companies with Mature Enterprise Mobility Practices Have Higher

% of Users With Mobile Access to Cross Functional Applications

% of Users with Mobile Access to Enterprise Processes/


Companies with Mature Enterprise Mobility Practices Have

Higher % of Users With Mobile Access to Enterprise Applications

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Appendix - Introduction

KPI Mobility Strategy Creation of Mobile


Control of Mobile


Consumption of

Mobile Applications

Business Performance

Operating Margin (%)

Revenue Growth (%)

Revenue per Employee


# of Mobile Devices per


% Mobile Access to Cross

Functional Applications

% Mobile Access to Enterprise


% of Mobile Employees

Customer Churn (%)

Customer Satisfaction (%)

Mobility Cost

IT Spend (%)

Average Time to Develop and

Deploy New Application

Devices Managed Centrally by IT

Mobility Spend (%)

The previous section discussed how high best practice maturity drives business and IT performance. The appendix

takes the analysis one step further and looks at the impact of best practice maturity for individual best practice

dimensions. The table below summarizes the findings, with a checkmark indicating a positive relationship between

the best practices and the KPI.

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Strategy vs KPIs (1/2)

Revenue Growth (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Higher Revenue Growth (in %)

Operating Margin (in%)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Higher Operating Margin (in %)

The Maturity of Mobility Strategy bucket is being mapped against the KPIs



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5 4.7%


Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

IT Spend as % of Revenue (in%)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Lower IT Spend as % of Revenue (in %)

Customer Churn (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Lower Customer Churn (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

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is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Strategy vs KPIs (2/2)

Customer Satisfaction (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Higher Customer Satisfaction (in %)

Percentage of Mobile Employees (in%)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Higher Percentage of Mobile Employees (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Percentage of Users with Mobile Access to Cross Functional

Applications (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Higher Percentage of Users with Mobile Access to Cross

Functional Applications (in %)

Percentage of Users with Mobile Access to Enterprise

Processes (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Mobility Strategy Maturity Have

Higher Percentage of Users with Mobile Access to Enterprise

Processes (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

The Maturity of Mobility Strategy bucket is being mapped against the KPIs

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38 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Creation of Mobile Applications vs KPIs (1/1)

IT Spend as % of Revenue (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Creation of Mobile Applications

Maturity Have Lower IT Spend as % of Revenue (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Time to Develop Deploy New Application (in days)

Companies at a Higher Level of Creation of Mobile Applications

Maturity Take Lower Time to Develop Deploy New Application (in




Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

The Maturity of Creation of Mobile Applications bucket is being mapped against the KPIs

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39 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Control of Mobile Devices vs KPIs (1/2)

IT Spend as % of Revenue (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Control of Mobile Devices

Maturity Have Lower IT Spend as % of Revenue (in %)

Mobile Devices Managed Centrally by IT (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Control of Mobile Devices

Maturity Have Higher % of Mobile Devices Managed Centrally

by IT (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Mobility Spend as % of Revenue (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Control of Mobile Devices

Maturity Have Lower Mobility Spend as % of Revenue (in %)

0.2% 0.1%

Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

The Maturity of Control of Mobile Devices bucket is being mapped against the KPIs

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40 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Control of Mobile Devices vs KPIs (2/2)

Mobility Spend Per Employee (in currency)

Companies at a Higher Level of Control of Mobile Devices

Maturity Have Lower Mobility Spend Per Employee (in currency)

Mobile Spend as % of IT Spend (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Control of Mobile Devices

Maturity Have Lower Mobile Spend as % of IT Spend (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

The Maturity of Control of Mobile Devices bucket is being mapped against the KPIs

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41 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Consumption of Mobile Applications (1/2)

Revenue per Employee („000s)

Companies at a Higher Level of Consumption of Mobile

Applications Maturity Have Higher Revenue Per Employee


Customer Churn (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Consumption of Mobile

Applications Maturity Experience Lower Customer Churn (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

Customer Satisfaction (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Consumption of Mobile

Applications Maturity Experience Higher Customer Satisfaction

(in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

The Maturity of Consumption of Mobile Applications bucket is being mapped against the KPIs

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42 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Consumption of Mobile Applications (2/2)

Number of Mobile Devices per Employee

Companies at a Higher Level of Consumption of Mobile

Applications Maturity Have Higher Number of Mobile Devices per


Percentage of Users with Mobile Access to Enterprise

Processes (in %)

Companies at a Higher Level of Consumption of Mobile

Applications Maturity Have Higher Percentage of Users with

Mobile Access to Enterprise Processes (in %)



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5



Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 4 and 5

The Maturity of Consumption of Mobile Applications bucket is being mapped against the KPIs

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43 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Mobility Strategy in place for most of the departments and relevant processes and also shared with most of the stakeholders The company has developed an

enterprise-wide mobility vision, strategy and plan which it has began to share throughout the organization

Most of the departments (more than 66%) have identified their mobility strategy, vision or plan

The goals of mobility are determined in advance of an implementation; and also partially established quantified target towards productivity and cost savings

Most relevant business processes (more than 66%) are being redesigned to leverage wireless mobile access to supporting applications

The organization has extended their mobility strategy to most (more than 66%) outside groups such as partners, suppliers, distributors and customers

The organization has established a technical road map to support their mobile strategy and is also in process of allocating budget to support the roadmap

No Mobility Strategy defined at the organization or the department Level There is no enterprise-wide

mobility strategy, vision or plan in place

Mobility strategy, vision or plan does not exist at the department level

The goals of mobility are not determined in advance of an implementation

Relevant business processes have not been redesigned to leverage wireless mobile access to supporting applications

The organization has not extended their mobility strategy to outside groups such as partners, suppliers, distributors and customers

The organization has not established a technical road map to support their mobile strategy

Mobility Strategy defined at organization level but not shared either inside or outside the organization The company has developed an

enterprise-wide mobility vision/strategy and is working on a roll out plan

Few departments (less than 33%) have identified mobility strategy, vision or plan

The goals of mobility are partially determined in advance of an implementation

Few relevant business processes (less than 33%) are being redesigned to leverage wireless mobile access to supporting applications

The organization has extended their mobility strategy to few (less than 33%) outside groups such as partners, suppliers, distributors and customers

The organization has partially established a technical road map to support their mobile strategy

Mobility strategy defined for many departments and relevant business processes and also shared to some extent The company has developed an

enterprise-wide mobility vision, strategy and plan but it has not been shared throughout the organization

Many departments (between 33% - 66%) have identified their mobility strategy, vision or plan

The goals of mobility are determined in advance of an implementation; however there are no quantified target towards productivity and cost savings

Relevant business processes (between 33% - 66) are being partially redesigned to leverage wireless mobile access to supporting application

The organization has extended their mobility strategy to many (between 33% - 66%) outside groups such as partners, suppliers, distributors and customers

The organization has established a technical road map to support their mobile strategy but it has not allocated budget to support the roadmap



y S




Mobility Strategy in place for all departments and relevant processes and also shared with all external and internal the stakeholders There is an enterprise-wide

mobility strategy, vision or plan that has been shared throughout the organization

There is a mobility strategy, vision or plan at the department level

The goals of mobility are determined in advance of an implementation, with a quantified target towards productivity and cost savings

Relevant business processes are being redesigned to leverage wireless mobile access to supporting applications

The organization has extended their mobility strategy to outside groups such as partners, suppliers, distributors and customers

The organization has established a technical road map and budget to support their mobile strategy

Detailed Enterprise Mobility Maturity Model

(1 of 4)

Page 44: https QP1 public

44 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Operating System Standards and reliable platform exist; Also partial security needs and partial scale up is addressed The organization has

implemented mobile devices/ operating system standards and is in the process of establishing policies to limit application complexity

The organization has implemented a single, scalable, secure, and reliable mobile enterprise platform that enables application creation, device management and partially addresses security needs

The organization has technology to create mobile applications and also partially the skills to do so

The IT organization can handle additional growth in mobility w/o sizing up, with limited up skilling required

Mobile platform is based on a flexible, open infrastructure which partially allows the organization to strategically respond to all device types and different data sources as needs evolve

No Operating System Standards or Platform exist and also scaling of operations are not possible The organization has not

implemented mobile devices/ operating system standards

The organization does not have a mobile enterprise platform

The organization does not have the ability to leverage existing enterprise development environment to create mobile applications

The IT organization cannot handle any additional growth in mobility

The company has not implemented a mobile platform

Some Operating System Standards and a reliable platform exists and limited scale up is possible The organization has partially

implemented mobile devices/ operating system standards

The organization has implemented a single, secure, and reliable mobile enterprise platform that enables application creation and device management but is not scalable enough to handle enterprise wide roll-out and does not address security needs

The organization has some ability to leverage existing enterprise development environment (technologies) to create mobile applications

The IT organization can handle limited growth in mobility w/o sizing up

Mobile platform is implemented but limited to specific device types and/ or data sources

Operating System Standards and a reliable platform exists; however security needs are not addressed The organization has implemented

mobile devices/ operating system standards but it does not have policies in place to limit application complexity

The organization has implemented a single, scalable, secure, and reliable mobile enterprise platform that enables application creation and device management but does not address security needs

The organization has ability to leverage existing enterprise development environment (technologies) to create mobile applications; however it does not have the required skills

The IT organization can handle limited growth in mobility w/o sizing up or skilling up

Mobile platform is based on a flexible, open infrastructure; however it does not allow the organization to strategically respond to all device types and different data sources as needs evolve













Operating System Standards and reliable platform exist; Security needs and scale up capability is addressed The organization has

implemented mobile devices/ operating system standards and policies to limit application complexity

The organization is leveraging a single, scalable, secure, and reliable mobile enterprise platform that enables application creation, device management and addresses security needs

The organization has the ability to leverage existing enterprise development environment (skills and technologies) to create mobile applications

The IT organization is flexible and can handle additional growth in mobility w/o sizing or skilling-up

Mobile platform is based on a flexible, open infrastructure that allows the organization to strategically respond to different device types and different data sources as needs evolve

Detailed Enterprise Mobility Maturity Model

(2 of 4)

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45 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

Strong Security policy, partially centralized device monitoring and decent device authentication mechanism is in place There is a strong security policy

in place and documented to avoid issues such as data theft, virus infection; and it partially ensure regulatory compliance as well as privacy and intellectual property protection

Partially centralized IT device monitoring, security and reporting capabilities exist

A user device authentication mechanism is in place and it mostly ensure that only users with the “need to know” are the ones accessing / receiving data

Capability exists to remotely disable lost devices; and also re-provision or redeploy most of the software assets

A mechanism is in place to ensure mobile workers have the correct software, data; it also ensures adherence to security policies at most of the times

No security policy, device monitoring, user authentication mechanism exist There is a no security policy in

place No IT device monitoring,

security and reporting capabilities exist

No user device authentication mechanism is in place

No Capability exists to remotely disable lost devices

No mechanism in place to ensure mobile workers have the correct software and data

A security policy, early stages of device monitoring and rudimentary device authentication mechanism is in place The company has put in place a

security policy and documented to avoid issues such as data theft and virus infection

IT device monitoring, security and reporting capabilities are in early stages of development and partial roll-out

Rudimentary user device authentication mechanism is in place

There is capability to disconnect lost devices from enterprise applications and data access

Mechanism exists partially to ensure mobile workers have the correct software and data

Strong Security policy, decentralized device monitoring and basic device authentication mechanism is in place There is a strong security policy in

place and documented to avoid issues such as data theft, virus infection; however it does not ensure regulatory compliance as well as privacy and intellectual property protection

IT device monitoring, security and reporting capabilities exist but it is not centralized

A user device authentication mechanism is in place with basic access/ receiving data control

Capability exists to remotely disable lost devices; however no capability exists to re-provision or redeploy software assets

A mechanism is in place to ensure mobile workers have the correct software, data; however it does not ensure adherence to security policies




l o

f M






Strong well documented security policy, centralized device monitoring and excellent device authentication mechanism is in place There is a strong security

policy in place and documented to avoid issues such as data theft, virus infection and to ensure regulatory compliance as well as privacy and intellectual property protection

Centralized IT device monitoring, security and reporting capabilities exist

A user device authentication mechanism is in place ensure that only users with the “need to know” are the ones accessing / receiving data

Capability exists to remotely disable lost devices and re-provision or redeploy all software assets

A mechanism is in place to ensure mobile workers have the correct software, data and adhere to security policies at all times

Detailed Enterprise Mobility Maturity Model

(3 of 4)

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46 © COPYRIGHT SAP 2011 –This page is subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions contained in the Benchmarking Analysis. Information contained herein

is not a guarantee of future results, performance or cost savings.

End User is involved in the development cycle and feedback phase; receive training on new applications and basic wireless issues; Also they have access majority of enterprise applications Employees across levels (Task

& Business Users to Execs and LOB managers) have the access and ability to use of majority of mobile enterprise applications

Prospective users receive training on new mobile applications and also on some basic wireless issues

The end user is involved in the development cycle and also sometimes in the feedback phase

Complete redesign of applications in place to take advantage of mobile specific features

Mission critical enterprise applications access is available to users; Also access to some database/documents is made available to end users

Alerts, notifications, and approval requests, from back-end systems, are delivered to most of mobile device for quick response

End User is neither engaged in the development cycle nor provided with any training; Also they do not have access to enterprise applications Employees do not have access

to use mobile enterprise applications

No training is given to prospective users

The end user is not engaged in the development cycle

Mobile applications are replicas of desktop versions

No mission critical enterprise applications is available to users

There is no mechanism to deliver alerts, notifications and approval requests

End User is sometimes engaged in the development cycle and receive rudimentary training; Also they have access to few enterprise applications Some employees have access

to use few mobile enterprise applications - the rollout is in early stages

Prospective users receive rudimentary training on new mobile applications

The end user is sometimes involved in the development cycle

Mobile applications provide almost full capability of desktop version

Access to some mission critical enterprise applications is available to users

Alerts, notifications, and approval requests, from back-end systems, are delivered to few of mobile device for quick response

End User is involved in the development cycle and receive training on new applications; Also they have access to use basic enterprise applications Employees across levels (Task &

Business Users to Execs and LOB managers) have the access and ability to use basic set of mobile enterprise applications

Prospective users receive training on new mobile applications but not on basic wireless issues

The end user is involved in the development cycle but not in the feedback phase

Mobile applications are being enhanced with some mobile specific features

Mission critical enterprise applications access is available to users; however access to database/documents is not made available to users

Alerts, notifications, and approval requests, from back-end systems, are delivered to many of mobile device for quick response














End User is involved early in the development cycle and feedback phase; receive training on new applications and all wireless issues; Also they have access and ability to use all of enterprise applications Employees across levels (Task

& Business Users to Execs and LOB managers) have the access and ability to use mobile enterprise applications

Prospective users receive training on basic wireless issues and new mobile applications and are therefore more likely to use the application and to contribute towards process improvement

The end user is engaged early in the development cycle to understand business requirements and to ensure best possible improvement in business process

Mobile applications take advantage of mobile-specific features that desktop equivalents cannot offer e.g. GPS for location-aware functions or routing, creating new opportunities for process improvement

Mission critical enterprise applications and access to database/documents is made available to users "on the go" through a diverse set of mobile devices

Alerts, notifications, and approval requests, from back-end systems, are delivered to any type of mobile device for quick response

Detailed Enterprise Mobility Maturity Model

(4 of 4)

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Thank You!

Source: Benchmarking insights are sourced from SAP Performance Benchmarking. This information is provided by SAP on an "as-is" basis without

warranty of any kind, and subject to the "General Disclaimer" and other terms of use stated at Any

results or comparisons shown are for general information purposes only and any particular data or analysis should not be interpreted as

demonstrating a cause and effect relationship. Comparable performance on one given key performance indicator does not guaranty comparable

performance on another key performance indicator.

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