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TRANSCRIPT INTRODUCTION & QUESTIONS ERC / ENGLISH PROJECT ERC: CYBERSECURITY CONFERENCE ENG: CYBERSECURITY INFORMATION ENG: PSA PROJECT ERC: DISCUSSION ABOUT PSA PROJECTS WHAT IS CYBER SECURITY? Cybersecurity concerns the technologies and processes used to protect computers, networks and data from unauthorized access, threats and attacks delivered through the Internet by cyber criminals. CYBER: ONLINE SECURITY: PROTECTION MICROSOFT CYBER SECURITY VIDEO DID YOU KNOW ? 75% North Americans will be a victim of cyber-crime. 31% of allhacks were a result of weak passwords. About 10% of all social media users have received a cyber-threat. More than 600,000 accounts are compromised every day on Facebook alone. 100% of mobile apps have had vulnerabilities in them ranging from low severity to critical severity. From 2008 until now, an estimated $1 trillion dollars of data was stolen around the world due to cyber-crimes. Companies are attacked an average of 16,856 times a year. The federal government has suffered a nearly 680 percent increase in cyber security breaches in the past six years. (Source) The estimated annual cost of global cyber-crimes is $100 billion. The Department of Homeland Security increased its cybersecurity workforce by 500 percent over the past two years. - Text Messages -Twitter -Facebook -Apps - SnapChat - Instagram -Internet - MOBILE (Cellphones/Smartphones) THREATMEANING VIRUS spread through anything you download from the Internet via your phone, by text attachments and by Bluetooth transfers. PHISHING SCAM They'll send a text orwith a phone number for you to call to verify account information. They may also call you directly and ask you to enter your account number before continuing. TROJAN HORSES app downloads can delete your files and record personal information you've entered WIFI compromise your information, including your contact list, as well as give someone else use of your data plan THEFT potentially putting your stored usernames and passwords and photos in the wrong hands. BANKING ($$$) THREATMEANING PHISHING SCAM fakes that look like real's from your bank or financial institution asking you to reply with personal information. MALWARE malicious software that cyber criminals spread online and can get onto your computer in a number of ways. PHARMING These attacks by cyber criminals involve redirecting your access to a legitimate website to a fake website (also known as "spoofing") that looks like the genuine one, but isn't.spoofing SOCIAL NETWORKING USEHOW IS IT DANGEROUS Personal Info Criminals can copy and use that information. Links in Messages Phishing scam Geotagged Photos Geotags can expose where you live, when you're traveling and even what car you drive, which could make you a target for robbery. Status Update you could tip someone off to your routine, and invite real-life threats like robberies, break-ins or stalking. Deleted Apps the creator may still have access to your information. Jobs If you've uploaded damaging or embarrassing photos or posts to your social network account, you could hurt your reputation and your chances of employment. A weakaccount password could leave your personal information vulnerable. In fact, a weak password is a cyber criminal's best friend so it's essential to create passwords that protect you.create passwords that protect you SpywareSpyware may be sent as an attachment in anand allow criminals access to your information. VirusesViruses can spread throughto your entire contact list without you knowing it. Phishing scamsPhishing scams can trick you into opening attachments or giving up personal information. They appear to bes from organizations or companies you trust, but they're often the gateway to identity theft. SpamSpam can get through your filter and inundate you with unsolicited. ONLINE GAMING THREATMEANING VIRUSES Game downloads contain viruses at times. FAKE ENTERTAINMENT SITES They ask you for your information but also steal your credit card info as well as personal identity. ONLINE PREDATORS Online gaming is gateway for online predators. ONLINE SHOPPING THREATMEANING FAKE SITES Websites that say that they sell a certain item for a cheap price when it is a scam to acquire your personal info. FRAUD SELLERS You buy an item and you never receive it. HIDDEN COSTS You buy an item and pay more and not realizing that you paid more for something that was not there. In Groups of 4: Find 2 positive and 2 negative points to using any of the online services mentioned: Online Shopping Online Gaming Social NetworkingMobile Banking PADLET 35:PADLET 79: In Groups of 4: When is it an appropriate age to start using/having: a) A Cellphone b) Facebook/Twitter c) Access to the Internet In your opinion, what are the THREE most important things you need to protect when dealing with online activity ? Group: Based on the cyber attacks and the dangers present online, who do you think is to blame and why? 1) The Hackers 2) The Users 3) The Internet 4) Social Networks 5) Technology