hucknall locality plan annual review, september …

Appendix 1 Active Ashfield / Tour of Britain Launch from top Millie Martin AA Factor winner, Takeaway Poetry, Ellie and Becky Downie HUCKNALL LOCALITY PLAN ANNUAL REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 2017 1.0 Health and Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing Opportunities Active Ashfield Sports Awards 2016 Winners from the Hucknall area were: Volunteer Award Dr Adam Connor from Falcons Swimming Club. Becky Downie won Sportsperson and Ellie Downie Junior Sportsperson award. Rio Celebration Becky and Ellie Downie were part of a Rio Celebration event which welcomed back Ashfield’s Olympians and Paralympians. Active Ashfield Games Xtreme Games Event held in May on Nabbs Lane Park with approximately 200 people attending. 10 young people from the Council’s priority areas of Butler’s Hill and Broomhill took part in the competitions. An Active Ashfield Factor karaoke session was held at the Bowman Pub. 3 people attended the audition. Millie Martin progressed to the final and was crowned winner. Active Ashfield Day/Ashfield Tour of Britain Launch in July in Hucknall Town Centre was attended by around 1500 people throughout the day Broomhill Infants and Hillside Primary School attended Active Ashfield Special Olympics event in April. GP Referral Scheme - From September 2016 to May 2017, there were 3,630 visits to GP Referral sessions held at Hucknall Leisure Centre. Active Ashfield Sports Awards 2017 - Nominations are open for Active Ashfield Junior Sportsperson and Junior Disabled Sportsperson - the closing date is Friday 29 th September. Leisure Centres Free swim sessions - 2,232 children and 380 adults have taken up the opportunity since the sessions commenced. Surestart targeted parent and child swim lessons continue to be successful, 30 families are currently attending mainstream lessons at a discounted rate. Surestart targeted family fun free swim sessions have been held with 50 people attending (includes 28 children, 6 of whom have swum before. Swimathon funding has been received for KS2 swim crash courses to continue targeting children who have not attained the Government target of 25m during school swim provision. Free swim vouchers continue to be requested through the Star Foundation clothes recycling scheme. Roller skating and Ice skating continue to be popular activities with some attendees being offered free attendance at mainstream sessions through CPSOs. Funding is being sought to extend the activities on offer to include football. 5 session leaders have received training. Seated exercise for 60+ and special populations (MIND) held in Hucknall and Selston in community venues and are receiving regular attendee numbers.

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Page 1: HUCKNALL LOCALITY PLAN ANNUAL REVIEW, SEPTEMBER … deliver walks in their local community. Above: Eon Bowls Competition at

Appendix 1

Active Ashfield / Tour of Britain Launch from top Millie Martin – AA Factor winner, Takeaway Poetry, Ellie and Becky Downie


1.0 Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Opportunities

Active Ashfield Sports Awards 2016 Winners from the Hucknall area were: Volunteer Award Dr Adam Connor from Falcons Swimming Club. Becky Downie won Sportsperson and Ellie Downie Junior Sportsperson award. Rio Celebration Becky and Ellie Downie were part of a Rio Celebration event which welcomed back Ashfield’s Olympians and Paralympians.

Active Ashfield Games

Xtreme Games Event held in May on Nabbs Lane Park with approximately 200 people attending. 10 young people from the Council’s priority areas of Butler’s Hill and Broomhill took part in the competitions.

An Active Ashfield Factor karaoke session was held at the Bowman Pub. 3 people attended the audition. Millie Martin progressed to the final and was crowned winner.

Active Ashfield Day/Ashfield Tour of Britain Launch in July in Hucknall Town Centre was attended by around 1500 people throughout the day

Broomhill Infants and Hillside Primary School attended Active Ashfield Special Olympics event in April.

GP Referral Scheme - From September 2016 to May 2017, there were 3,630 visits to GP Referral sessions held at Hucknall Leisure Centre.

Active Ashfield Sports Awards 2017 - Nominations are open for Active Ashfield Junior Sportsperson and Junior Disabled Sportsperson - the closing date is Friday 29th September.

Leisure Centres

Free swim sessions - 2,232 children and 380 adults have taken up the opportunity since the sessions commenced.

Surestart targeted parent and child swim lessons continue to be successful, 30 families are currently attending mainstream lessons at a discounted rate.

Surestart targeted family fun free swim sessions have been held with 50 people attending (includes 28 children, 6 of whom have swum before.

Swimathon funding has been received for KS2 swim crash courses to continue targeting children who have not attained the Government target of 25m during school swim provision.

Free swim vouchers continue to be requested through the Star Foundation clothes recycling scheme.

Roller skating and Ice skating continue to be popular activities with some attendees being offered free attendance at mainstream sessions through CPSOs. Funding is being sought to extend the activities on offer to include football. 5 session leaders have received training.

Seated exercise for 60+ and special populations (MIND) held in Hucknall and Selston in community venues and are receiving regular attendee numbers.

Page 2: HUCKNALL LOCALITY PLAN ANNUAL REVIEW, SEPTEMBER … deliver walks in their local community. Above: Eon Bowls Competition at

Above: Eon Bowls Competition at Titchfield Park

Below: Tour of Britain

Health and Wellbeing Opportunities continued Titchfield Parkrun – Titchfield Park parkrun continues to be successful with events held each week on Sunday mornings. They now have over 20 volunteers who help each week.

START – Pizza @ 6 (St Peter and St Pauls Church Youth Club) and the 7&Up Youth Club at Eastside Methodist Church have both signed up to deliver a young sports leadership programme.

Mums’ Movement – the project was launched in May with a focus on engaging mums into activity and leadership.

Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme– 8 Hucknall venues have been accredited to the scheme including: Hucknall Leisure Centre, Edgewood Leisure Centre, St Peter and Pauls Church and Rolls Royce Leisure, Hucknall Tesco, Wetherspoons Public House, Butter Fingers Café and Vanilla Coffee House.

Workplace Health – Hucknall Leisure Centre have signed up to Workplace Health. The team worked in partnership with Eon and Hucknall Titchfield Park Bowls Club to deliver a bowls competition in June for Eon, approximately 30 Eon employees took part for their team building and work place health initiative.

Walk Leader Training - 60 people have been trained as ‘Walking for Health’ Walk Leaders over the last year. This will enable them to deliver walks in their local community.

The Tour of Britain 2017 – successfully travelled through the District on 6 September with the Hucknall community coming out in force to support the event.

Provide information on support / advice networks and services available for vulnerable / older people

Ashfield and Mansfield Dementia Action Alliance – The Alliance was launched on 15th May and a public consultation was undertaken recently to get the views of local people so that priorities can be identified.

Hucknall Community Care supported with promotion and funding requests for their Community Christmas Lunch that took place on 22nd December. 40 elderly, lonely or vulnerable people from across Hucknall were given a three course meal, transport to and from the event, entertainment and gifts were also provided. Over 30 volunteers from the community supported the event.

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Albert Street Recreation Ground Chicane entrances have been installed on the footpath leading from The Connery on to the open space. These entrance works have been successful in discouraging the use of motorcycles using this footpath as a short cut from the town centre. All improvement works are now complete. Butlers Green Park Improvement works at this site are now complete. The relocation of the new play area is proving to be a success as well as the new footpaths and seats. The project was officially opened by Cllr Griffiths on 28th October 2016 which saw over 60 residents attend to take part in the ‘spooky’ themed celebrations. Over 15,000 mixed daffodils were planted in the park along Bestwood Road which created a spectacular display in the spring. Butler’s Hill Allotment New Access Road Works to construct a new access road into the allotments have been completed. The old allotment track was accessed from Storey Gardens and crossed the train / tram lines. This is now closed and a new, safer access has been created via Enterprise Park, off Wigwam Lane. The works were funded by Network Rail, further clearance and entrance works are planned for next year to improve parking for allotment holders.

Lime Tree Recreation Ground Community consultation was carried out over the summer on the improvements to Lime Tree Recreation Ground. Officers worked in partnership with the Welbeck Community Association, Broomhill Surestart Centre and Broomhill Support Team to develop ideas. A series of drop in and consultation sessions were carried out at various community venues and in local schools to seek views and ideas from local residents to help understand the issues and shape the new design. Funding for a new children’s play area has been secured via a Section 106 agreement from the adjacent development at Abbey Fields. The consultation will also form part of a funding application to WREN in the spring to maximise funding. As part of the consultation we asked residents for suggestions for a new name. Currently a poll is underway between the two most popular names: Lime Tree Park and Broomhill Park. Works to construct a footpath and secure the boundaries have been carried out in advance of the new play area and have been well received by local residents. In the autumn additional clearance works will be undertaken and a tree planting event is being planned to further engage the community. .

1.2 Investment in Parks and Green Spaces

Above: Butlers Green Opening event and bulb planting

Below: Lime Tree Recreation Ground Consultation

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From left Papplewick Green Art Consultation, Green Flag Raising at Titchfield park

Investment in Parks and Open Spaces continued Jenny Burton Way Open Space Works to remove a number of mature trees and manage an area of overgrown shrubs were carried out in spring. Six large trees were felled as they were growing close to a sewer pipe. Works were well received by neighbouring residents. Approximately 200 metres of boundary timber fencing was also repaired and painted as part of the works and five new bird boxes installed in the trees. The maintenance team are routinely managing the site and plans are being prepared for further clearance works in the autumn. Nabbs Lane Park Works have been carried out to clearly mark the pedestrian entrances to the park and increase awareness by users and motorists. This is in response to the community’s concerns and recent accidents along Nabbs Lane. Concurrently VIA on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council have been consulting with residents about installing traffic calming measures along Nabbs Lane. It is hoped that these improvements will raise awareness and reduce the likelihood of future accidents. Papplewick Green - Public Art Officers have been working with the community to refine proposals for public art on the new estate. This first stage is now complete and a Community Commissioning Group has been formed to work with officers on taking the proposals forward. Steps to appoint an artist to finalise, create and install the artwork are underway and further consultation and community workshops will be organised so that the community can feed into the final designs. Titchfield Park Last year, the park saw over £100,000 of investment in car parks, entrances, children & youth facilities. The improvements were focused on creating a welcoming, high profile green space with a variety of facilities. All project work has now been completed. The Boat House was badly damaged by fire in late October 2016 but has now been rebuilt and is back to its original splendour. Project work is underway to re-naturalise part of the Titchfield Park Brook. The existing brook runs along the northern part of the park in the meadow area. The brook flows within a narrow concrete channel and offers little opportunity for wildlife and habitat creation. It is planned for the works to start during the autumn. Notts Wildlife Trust will be supporting the project and local schools and the wider community will be invited to help with planting. The park has retained its Green Flag Award for the 9th year running. A Green Flag flying overhead is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent facilities. Washdyke Lane Recreation Ground Improvement works to resurface the footpaths are now complete. The works saw over 300 metres of tarmac footpath installed as well as improvements to access the open space.

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2.0 Economic Regeneration

Identify and Develop Volunteering Opportunities

Make a Difference - Throughout October 2016 we showcased a range of environmental projects and events across the District through press releases, the Council’s website, Facebook and Twitter to inspire people to – ‘Get Up, Get Involved and Get #mad4ashfield’. This campaign was a great success in boosting interest: two local business, J Tomlinson and Swinton Insurance, Bulwell engaged through their Corporate Social Responsibility scheme and got involved in litter picking and bulb planting on Washdyke Recreation Ground.

The Annual Volunteer Recognition Event was held on 28 June to celebrate the valuable contribution that volunteers made to Council projects and initiatives within the last year. 19 individuals, 3 Green Buddies, 2 companies, 4 groups and 4 schools from the Hucknall area were recognised for their contribution to volunteering.

There are currently 23 tenants from Hucknall working with Housing Services through the Tenants Charter.

2.1 Increasing Skills & Employment

Volunteer Recognition Event

Apprenticeship Grants for Employers - have continued to be offered to encourage and incentivise employers to recruit apprentices. Training providers operating across the area are helping to promote the grant which enables employers to apply for £1,500 per applicant. A business case has been put forward for additional funding.

Enterprising Schools Projects – Open to all 7 senior schools across the district - National and Holgate Academies in the Hucknall Area. The team works in partnership with schools to enhance scope & delivery of enterprise & employability skills targeting young people in years 9 – 11.

Careers in Local Government - The Council have undertaken successful placements with two graduates and one undergraduate along with a further 2 apprentices. A Welfare Reform Apprentice has been recruited to our Tenancy Services Team to assist tenants who are affected by the Welfare Reform Act 2012.

Ashfield Jobs Fair The Ashfield Jobs Fair will take place on 22nd September. It will bring together local people looking for employment, starting a business, training, volunteering, advice and support, from local employers, recruitment agencies with vacancies, training providers as well as support organisations. Approximately 600 Ashfield residents are expected to attend.

Networking Events for Businesses Start Ups Well attended seminar and workshop networking events have taken place throughout 2017 in order to continue supporting individuals looking to develop their entrepreneurial skills.

Promotion of Vacant Sites and Premises

Promotion of priority business locations (Harrier Park and Byron Business Centre).

The Regeneration Team have recently attended MIPIM UK, at Olympia in London, and the East Midlands Expo, in Nottingham.

The team have been helping MUSE to promote the employment space on Harrier Park (Rolls Royce site).

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2.0 Regenerating Town Centres

Revitalise and bring back 'pride' into Hucknall Town Centre Hucknall’s new Inner Relief Road ‘Torkard Way’ was officially opened in November 2016.

High Street pedestrianisation works were completed earlier in the year and the first High Street market was held in June with very favourable comments from the public, and traders alike.

Community Heritage Murals - Officers facilitated the community’s aspirations to safeguard the heritage artworks for the benefit of the town. The murals originally commissioned over 10 years ago were displayed on the old shop frontages along Baker Street. The restoration works have been carried out by the original artist and are now displayed in their new location on the bridge overlooking the train / tram stop.

We continue to work closely with local retailers in developing business links across the district. The recent Tour of Britain event went directly through the pedestrianised High Street giving the opportunity for retailers to join together in a shop window competition. With a record 15 businesses entering directly and many more decorating their shop fronts it was a really well supported initiative with excellent partnership working with Hucknall Tourism and Regeneration Group. Bliss Boutique came first with Furever Friends a close second.

The initial trial of cashless payments does not seem to have had a detrimental effect on market stall holders. On 9th September the regular Saturday Market on the High Street was launched with many of the regular Friday traders taking part as well as a few new to Hucknall.

Community Events in Hucknall Town Centre Hucknall Christmas Festival - Ashfield District Council and Hucknall Rotary Club delivered a very successful

Christmas event including entertainment stage, artificial ice rink and Christmas Market.

5 added value events held concurrently with our Friday market through the year including supporting the Byron Festival in July.

In partnership with Hucknall Tourism and Regeneration Group an Easter Shop window competition took place which has helped to develop relationships with traders.

The market moved onto the High Street on the 16th June, allowing a soft start to the new arrangements. We have consulted with traders with regard to the refurbishment of the stalls and their new trading locations.

Floral Initiatives 17 flower tower displays were installed across the Hucknall area. Colourful summer bedding displays were also created in the town centre and in other key locations in local areas. Market Place Public Toilets Works to create a new public space adjacent to Hucknall Market Place are now complete. The land on the corner of Ogle Street, formerly a toilet block, has been transformed into a high quality public space and provides a new entrance into St Mary Magdalene’s churchyard. The design and selection of materials was carefully considered to ensure the new space was in keeping with the character of the Grade II* listed church and walls were rebuilt using sandstone salvaged from the former building. The new space is a welcome addition to this part of Hucknall and improves the urban environment around the market place and links to the high street.

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other environmental tasks.

3.0 Place and Communities

Even Cleaner Streets During the last year, engagement with groups and schools to undertake litter picking events and awareness raising initiatives has resulted in many positive activities taking place across the Hucknall area.

Make a Difference Events were held to during October to encourage people to get involved and make a difference in their community. 42 adult volunteers and 168 Green buddies took part in clean ups, litter picks and bulb planting on Washdyke Recreation Ground, Robin Hoods Drive, areas around Holgate Academy and Holgate Primary School, Butlers Hill and Goodall Area, Milton Rise Green Space and Titchfield Park.

Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean - The team were involved in community clean up events to support this initiative.

Litter picks took place on the Ranges and at Holgate Primary School.

The Friends of Titchfield Park cleared and planted the VE / VJ Memorial bed on Titchfield Park.

A Dog Poo Awareness event was held in April in partnership with Washdyke Recreation Ground volunteers.

In May a special collection for the residents of Salterford Road was held with 8.2 tonnes of waste collected from the area.

A community clean up of the Mining Memorial was held in July.

Green Buddy Scheme - The scheme is about encouraging children and young people to get involved in taking positive environmental action to make a difference in their local community. Schools and groups in Hucknall have been keen to get involved and 6 events have taken place during the summer:

Litter picks with 7&Up Youth Group in Butlers Hill and Family Learning in St Mary’s Church Yard.

Environmental activities including litter pick, quiz, poster competition and meet the road sweeper with Surestart on Titchfield Park.

Children and parents from Surestart planted up 3 planters at the junction of Broomhill Road / Nottingham Road.

Young people from Hucknall Interchange planted herbs in raised flower beds at Albert Street Recreation Ground.

Holgate Primary School planted up a flower bed at Titchfield Park to commemorate the anniversary of the murder of Jo Cox MP.

Environmental Volunteers Since the initiative started, there have been 12 Hucknall schools/groups involved in the Green Buddy Scheme, 124 volunteers and 313 Green Buddies have taken part in 25 ad hoc environmental initiatives across the Hucknall Area. In Hucknall there are now 25 individuals registered as Environmental Volunteers, 3 Green Buddies and 12 schools/groups signed up to the Green Buddies scheme.

3.1 3.1 Reducing Crime and Antisocial Behaviour

Keep Britain Tidy Network Awards Over 40 Environmental Volunteers attended a celebration event at Ashfield District Council Offices as a thank you for their contribution towards the Council’s achievement in winning the Community Engagement Award at the Keep Britain Tidy Network Awards. The Council received the award for its work empowering local people to get involved and look after their local area through litter picking, bulb planting and other environmental activities.

Community Engagement Awards

Above: Washdyke Recreation Ground Litter Pick and Planting Below: Butlers Hill Litter Pick

Above: Children from Surestart and Rocking Horse Nursery at Broomhill Planters

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Community Protection and Antisocial Behaviour

There are robust Partnership patrol plans in place and Nottinghamshire Police and our uniformed Community Protection Officers pair up on a Friday and Saturday evening to operate across the Hucknalll area dealing with anti-social behaviour and nuisance activities. Weekly there is a management tasking meeting to enable risk to be assessed together within the Hub, this includes key partners such as social care, youth offending and probation to manage what causes issues to the residents within the Hucknall area. Much work has been carried out with social care to understand where our most complex families and individuals live/are to ensure that the needs of the communities are met. By working with schools that are often the eyes and ears to our vulnerable children and issues that they may face at home we have been able to coordinate support around this using various tools and intervention plans such as Acceptable Behaviour Contracts for the young children, talks with small groups of children around nuisance behaviours and multi-agency meetings around the families to help and support. Collectively as a wider Ashfield incorporating our colleagues in waste services we have a stronger understanding around key indicators and the fact that this may lead to further complex issues within the family unit.

As a Community Protection Team we have supported people to clear the waste and recycle correctly but at the same time understand what is going on in the household and signpost or offer interventions from Community Protection to move forward more positively.

Working with partners and The Hub At this time key functions across Ashfield are all co-locating within the Hub at Kirkby in Ashfield. This has led to stronger communication and understanding of what affects all services and how actions impact on each other. An example, of this is recently we have carried out operational activities as a partnership tackling various streets to discuss issues from overgrown gardens and poor waste management to poor housing standards. By sharing relevant intelligence around people and locations that are of concern across the Partnership Hub, we have endeavoured to ensure that people do not suffer in silence and that key interventions are implemented.


Community Protection want to help and support people to sustain and achieve positive futures but sometimes this may not be achieved and enforcement action has to take place to support the victims of this behaviour within our communities. Anti-Social Behaviour Case Officers continue to support and offer change options to the offenders.

Community Protection have been successful in prosecuting a number of people who have fly tipped waste within Ashfield. Tools and powers have been successfully utilised to address perpetrators of ASB, alongside this where issues have been significant we have applied to the courts and inducted residents.

Housing Services

The Tenancy Services Team carried out yearly Estate Inspections on all of the estates managed by the Housing Directorate.

A garden competition was held in July to encourage tenants to maintain the environment.

Right: Before and after winner of most improved garden 2017

From left: Dog Poo Awareness, Ruffs Drive Clean Up Day, Special Collection Salterford Road

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Methodist Church.

Community Cohesion and Support

Work in partnership with schools and community groups on community projects and initiatives

The Council continues to work with a number of groups and individuals via the grants available and also through working with partners to access vital services within the local community. Local churches, Nottinghamshire County Council, Police, Schools, Local Churches and Businesses, Byron Festival Group, Hucknall Tourism and Regeneration Group, Hucknall Rotary Club, Welbeck Community Association, Under One Roof, Hucknall West SNC, Reachout Residents and Eastside 7&Up Youth Group are all examples of collaborative working resulting in greater cohesion within the Hucknall area.

Supporting Vulnerable People

Our Tenant’s Charter sets out the ways in which tenants can get involved with housing services. Tenants and residents are able to get involved in a number of ways, including individual consultation, becoming involved in one of our numerous recognised Tenant and Resident Associations (TRA) and Community Associations, Tenants Forum, Tenants Gateway, Mystery Shopper, Tenant Inspector etc.

Ongoing support has been provided by our Tenancy Services Team to Tenants and Residents Groups and AFTRA (Ashfield Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations) over the past year. Officers attend all meetings and provide support.

Our Tenant Participation Officer worked in partnership with National Church of England Academy for students to produce artwork for one of the Sheltered Housing Schemes, Darlison Court.

Broomhill Support Team Based in the heart of the community the Broomhill Support Team Service was established in 2016 to better understand and respond to the complex nature of resident problems, supporting residents to live a self-sufficient and balanced life. The Support Team works with residents in a unique way, tailoring services’ interventions to the needs of individuals, families and the wider community, addressing any issue the resident may have. Using extensive knowledge held within the team, combined with expertise of partner agencies and local organisations, the team have no defining criteria or thresholds, allowing the team to work with any resident.

The team supports residents within Broomhill and the wider Hucknall area, dealing with a mixture of early intervention and crisis management level cases. The team can support individuals in relation to housing, finances, domestic violence, drug and alcohol misuse, crime and anti-social behaviour, fire safety and environmental matters. The team also provide assistance with health concerns and getting back into employment, education and training.

Over 80% of residents the team have worked with say their situation has stabilised or improved as a result of the support provided. A full evaluation report is available on request. If residents or organisations would like to know more about the Broomhill Support Team, or they live in the area and would like to see how the team can help, please call Antonio Taylor (Team Leader) on 07778518978 or contact via email [email protected]

3.2 Community Cohesion and Support

Below: Goodall Guys, ‘Make a Guy’ competition

Love Where You Live Below: Pledges, Litter picking on Lime Tree Road, Planters on Nottingham Road

Love Where you Live / Good Neighbour Scheme The Locality Team have worked with the Broomhill Support Team, partner services and organisations including Watnall Road Baptist Church, to establish a project to encourage community engagement and greater resident participation throughout the Broomhill and wider Hucknall area.

The group was formed to bring the community closer together within the area and to resolve low key community matters. A Love Where You Live event was held in the Broomhill area in the summer and gave residents the opportunity to comment on what they think is good in the area and what they could do to make things better. Residents made pledges on the day, committing to get involved in their community and to ‘make a difference’. Since this event residents have signed up to become regular environmental volunteers tasking themselves to reduce the amount of litter within the area.

Weekly community litter picks have been planned and have been supported by a number of local residents at each event, these will be ongoing and will attempt to encourage other residents to take ownership within their community.

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Community Grants Awarded

Community Grants Awarded During 2016/2017 there have been 17 successful Councillor Grant applications with a total value of £8,203 awarded in the Hucknall area; activities ranged from environmental projects, fun days and special events, administration/ equipment/ leaflets for groups’ ongoing costs, contribution to a replacement vehicle / lift repair / community hall refurbishment, heritage trips and safety equipment.

Infrastructure Grants

Citizens Advice Ashfield (CAA)

The Council’s core funding to Citizens Advice enabled it to handle a total of £8,311,012 of debt in the financial year ending April 2017. Supporting the most vulnerable, the service handled 602 debt issues, 166 benefit issues and 68 housing related issues in the Hucknall area.

11 volunteers from the Hucknall area gave 1,050 hours of their time to support these vital community services.

The mobile bus continues to operate in the Hucknall area.

Our Centre Our Centre continues to operate its charitable transport scheme based in Ashfield and this is supported by a Council core infrastructure grant. Our Centre buses carried 39,173 passengers in the same year. Hucknall members awarded an additional £1,031 grant towards the cost of replacement of a vandalised mini-bus.

Support Community Groups to become more empowered and sustainable During the last year, continued support has been provided to a wide range of Hucknall community groups and organisations through the community grants and community support process. This includes governance support and advice, group set-up, grant and funding support, event and activity planning and guidance. Groups worked with include Beauvale Community Association, Byron Festival, Darlison Court Tenants and Residents Groups, Friends of Hucknall Surestart, Friends of Titchfield Park, Hucknall and Linby Mining Heritage Group, Reach Out Residents, Rolls Royce Heritage Group, Street Pastors and Welbeck Community Association.

Hucknall Area Groups and Services Community Action Officers continue to review the information held on groups in order to provide them with opportunities to engage with services and keep the community informed and involved. In the Hucknall area there are over 100 known groups which include churches, interest clubs and societies, children and youth groups, safer neighbourhood and tenants and residents, luncheon / breakfast clubs, older peoples groups and food banks.

Additionally there are 16 groups delivering district wide services including advice and support, first aid, older people, self-help and general interest.

If you would like further information on any of these projects please get in touch by contacting the Hucknall Locality Team as follows: Gill Brookes Lee Sycamore Community Action Officer Investment and Projects Officer 01623 457 3000 1623 457 300 [email protected] [email protected] Locality – [email protected] Community Protection - [email protected] Environment Team - [email protected]

Ensure Communities have more of a say on what goes on locally Representatives from groups and organisations applying for grant funding continue to be invited to attend

Hucknall Area Committee meetings.

The team have taken on board community comments and where possible, public consultation exercises are delivered locally.

Regular updates are circulated to community members and groups to provide them with information and articles about funding opportunities, guidance and relevant legislation, training opportunities and community activities and events taking place in their areas.