hud’s homeless assistance

HUD’s Homeless Assistance Ann Marie Oliva

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Post on 12-Feb-2016




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HUD’s Homeless Assistance. Ann Marie Oliva. Overview of Presentation. Update on Status of Regulations Achieving the Goals of Opening Doors FY 2012 and FY 2013 Budgets and Implications Targeting HUD’s Affordable Housing Programs McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Regulations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


HUD’s Homeless Assistance

Ann Marie Oliva

Overview of Presentation• Update on Status of Regulations• Achieving the Goals of Opening Doors• FY 2012 and FY 2013 Budgets and Implications• Targeting HUD’s Affordable Housing Programs• McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Regulations• Taking CoCs to the Next Level: Systems Change


Status of the Regulations• Published Final Rules:

Defining Homeless – amendments to the SHP and S+C regulations

• Published Interim Rules: Emergency Solutions Grants Program with conforming

amendments to the Consolidated Plan Continuum of Care Program

• Published Proposed Rules: Homeless Management Information Systems

• Rules Pending Publication RHS Program


Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan (FSP)

There are four major goals in the FSP: 1. End chronic homelessness by 20152. End veteran homelessness by 20153. End family and youth homelessness by 20204. Set a path to ending all homelessness

The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) is tracking the progress through HUD’s annual point-in-time (PIT) data

FY2012 Budget – Targeted Homeless Programs

President's Request Appropriated Expected


Total Amount $2,372 $1,901 $1,901Emergency Solutions Grants $286 $250 $286

Continuum of Care & Rural Housing Stability Assistance $2,030 $1,593 $1,608

HMIS $6 $7 $7

Incentive and Service Coordination Initiatives $50 $0 $0

HUD-VASH $75 $75 $75

FY2012 Budget Highlights:• Full HEARTH implementation would cost over $4 billion; therefore,

HUD requested a reasonable amount to implement most aspects.• Congress scaled back the request further and HUD is making tough

decisions about what to implement with limited resources.


President’s FY2013 Budget – Targeted Homeless Programs

• The President’s Budget is committed to meeting the goals of Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. In FY 2013, HUD will:• Tailor specific, existing, programs• Implement innovative strategies• Expect that homeless individuals and families will utilize

mainstream resources and benefits more often

President’s FY2013 Budget – Targeted Homeless Programs

• The President’s Budget proposed $2.23 billion for HUD’s Homeless Assistance Grants • $1.94 billion for the CoC program• $286 million for the ESG program• The President’s Budget proposed $5 million for the Rural

Housing Stability Assistance ProgramAND

• $75 million for the HUD-VASH program

Committee on Appropriations – FY 2013 - House Report

“The Continuum of Care is supposed to be a competitive grants programs…It is not the committees intention to maintain an entitlement program for ailing and inflexible service providers. The Committee reminds providers in the Continuum of Care that these funds are intended to assist and house the homeless as effectively and efficiently as possible.”

Targeting HUD’s Affordable Housing Resources• Other CPD Programs• HOME• CDBG• HOPWA

• HUD Multifamily Housing• Section 202 and 811• Project-based rental assistance

Targeting HUD’s Affordable Housing Resources• Public and Indian Housing Programs• Housing Choice Voucher Program

–Project-basing vouchers–Sponsor-basing vouchers

• HUD Public Housing

Interagency Partnerships

• Department of Veterans Affairs• HUD-VASH• Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration• Joint goal to end veterans homelessness by 2015

• Department of Health and Human Services and Education• FY 2013 Youth Point-in-Time Count Guidance• Integrating HMIS into RHYMIS


• Up to date information regarding the McKinney-Vento Act programs, including a copy of the McKinney-Act amended by the HEARTH Act, the ESG interim rule, the CoC interim rule, , and TA materials can be found at

• Notification of the availability of future information will be released via HUD’s Homeless Assistance listserv. To join HUD’s listserv, go to and click on “Homeless Assistance Program”



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