hugeblackfly conversations

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Post on 10-Jan-2016




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  • Today, I was having a coffee at my favorite coffee house while

    working on an essay that I'm supposed to finish and hand in by

    tomorrow morning. Anyway, I took a sip and felt something in my

    mouth. I figured it must be a bit of a cookie that I'd had for breakfast

    so I didn't worry about it at first. Then I remembered I didn't have

    cookies this

    morning. I

    reached in

    and took it out of my mouth. It turned out to be a huge black fly. I

    screamed and threw it away as far as I could. It flew across the room

    and landed on the plate of this big bald tough-looking guy. He stood

    up and looked at me as if he was going to kill me. His wife had to hold

    him and keep him from beating the hell out of me.

    And that's not the worst part. I'm

    kind of clumsy so in the process I also

    spit coffee all over my open laptop

    and knocked over the cup, spilling

    the rest of the coffee on the floor. I

    could see the customers mumbling to

    each other, shaking their heads and

    calling me a loser. The waiter wasn't too happy either. Even though I

    apologized to him repeatedly for making him mop the floor and gave

    him a nice tip, I don't think I'll be welcome there for a while. Oh, and

    did I mention that my laptop died and all my files got wiped out,

    including the essay I was working on? And that I got an F as a result?

    Some days just aren't worth getting out of bed for.




  • Konverzace student ve dvojicch jsou

    naprost nutnost. Jinak nezjistte, jak

    na tom studenti s anglitinou skuten

    jsou pekladov testy a zkouen ze

    slovek ped tabul maj pramalou

    vpovdn hodnotu. Odposlouchvnm

    student tak zjistte, jak reln dopad

    m vae vuka na jejich anglitinu.

    asto to bv nemil zjitn.

    Nen jednoduch studenty pesvdit o

    tom, e by mezi sebou mli vst

    nkolikaminutov rozhovory. Prvn

    pokusy budou nevyhnuteln zanat

    otzkou "So (tell me) what happened? /

    So what did you do?" a po ticeti

    vteinch budou zavreny pnlivm

    pohledem a vtou, "My u nevme o em

    mluvit. / Ns u nic nenapad."

    Vydra. Trpliv vysvtlovat smysl

    ponn. Chvlit. Opravovat. Znovu


    Studenti by si mluven mli uvat.

    Nejsou z nj koneckonc znmkovni -

    clem je, aby sami pro sebe zjistili, jak na

    tom s anglitinou jsou, a zda dok

    teoreticky nabyt znalosti pevst do

    sv aktivn anglitiny.

    Pi mluven mus bt vedeni k tomu, aby

    si skkali do ei, navzjem se

    doplovali, jednodue aby hrli svou roli

    co mon nejpesvdivji a pitom se

    vyjadovali co mon nejpreciznji.

    Easier said than done, I know.

    NOTE: Ne uveden vzorky konverzac

    jsou pochopiteln idealistick jen

    studenti na velmi pokroil rovni by

    byli schopni podobnou anglitinu

    spontnn pouvat.

    Nicmn: slovn zsoba v nich nen

    nikterak extrmn, stejn tak gramatika,

    tud by se dalo tvrdit, e asem by se

    studenti k podobnm spojenm mli

    vlastnmi silami dopracovat asi ne ke

    vem a asi ne takto zhutn, ale

    minimln se jedn o jaksi clov bod.

    NOTE: Na tchto strnkch najdete

    pehrle konverzanch situac. Zdaleka

    ne vechny lze samozejm u jednoho

    textu aplikovat. Touto cestou se snam

    ilustrovat, kolik monost kad pbh

    nabz. Ne vechny jsou zjevn na prvn

    pohled, ne vechny kadho okamit


    Nepedpojat pstup ale oteve

    kohoutek ke spoust originlnch

    npad. Prost pevyprvn obsahu je

    kadopdn jen jednou z mnoha

    monost, jak se k tomu i onomu

    pbhu vracet.


    V podstat existuj ti asov rmce, v nich se pi vyprvn studenti pohybuj.

    MINULOST, kdy si procvi MINUL tvary sloves; mli by se ale snait i o vty s POSUNEM AS (he knew it would not work) , zmiovat dje, k nim NEDOLO, ale MOHLO i MLO DOJT (instead of leaving / she could have said something but... / he wished he was less shy) a popisovat pocity postav (she must have been thrilled to see you / what a bummer, right); jinmi slovy by nemlo jt ist o linern popis "A did then and then B did that and then C did this, the end."

    BUDOUCNOST, kde se studentm naskt monost procviit si pouvn BE GOING TO; obratnou manipulac se slovesem BE si pak lpe zaij spojen jako BE SUPPOSED TO / BE ALLOWED/ABLE TO nebo teba i BE WORTH; doporuuju t procviovn dotaz v budoucm ase (Am I going to swallow a fly today? Whose meal areyou going to ruin tomorrow?)

    PTOMNOST, tedy popis prv se odehrvajcho dje, kdy studenti v idelnm ppad pepnaj mezi asy ptomnm prbhovm, ptomnm prostm, pedptomnm, budoucm a dalmi (So I'm sitting at this table by the window. I have never sat here before as far as I remember. I don't usually sit by the window anywhere. I'm going to switch to a different table as soon as someone leaves. Anyway, I've been typing on my laptop for the past two hours...")

    ZKLADN TYPY VYPRVNYOU AND I: V idelnm ppad se oba studenti pi vyprvn dopluj, piem kad mluv za jinou postavu. Nikdo by neml v kuse mluvit vc ne pr vtein, slovo se pebrklidn i vprosted vty, postavy nemluv jen o sob, ale popisuj i innost ostatnch

    (WAITER) so I was serving some drinks (MAN) and you noticed a guy standing up and I could tell he was going to spill his coffee and he did and I was like, oh no... - and then you saw him throw something at me he did; and you stood up and...

    QUESTIONS: Dal konstelac je tazatel odpovdajc, kdy jeden zahrnuje druhho spontnnmi dotazy (a obas si ppadn prohod role, just to keep things fun)

    So did you give any Fs this week? -- Yes, one. -- To who? -- This guy who normally gets straight As. -- What happened? -- He didn't hand in his essay. -- He didn't? -- No. He said he wrote it and then his laptop died. -- Did you believe him? -- I did. -- But you still gave him an F. -- Well, I had to.

    90-SEC: Kad student vede monolog v roli t i on postavy. Po zaznn zvukovho signlu druh navazuje tam, kde prvn skonil. Ideln doba jednoho seku je 90-120 vtein. Naslouchajc student pedstr zjem, kv, mra se, ppadn orientan napovd. Clem je, aby si studenti uvdomili, e nen dn legrace mluvit dv minuty v kuse, pokud v spolenk vytrvale ml a do budoucna se podle toho zadili.

  • POSTAVY... z jejich perspektivy lze pbh vyprvt; vedle pvodnho vyprave, ppadn hlavn postavy, co se rozum samo sebou, a vdy vyuitelnho neutrlnho pozorovatele, lze pbh (nebo aspo nkter jeho pase) vyprvt z pozice tmkohokoli/ehokoli na koho/co vyjde v textu aspo drobn zmnka

    VYPRAV Let me tell you what happened to me at this very place last year ... I was sitting atthat table over there and I was really nervous because I had to finish this story...

    NEZASTNN POZOROVATEL ( VEVDOUC) So my friend Mike, he likes to hang out at this coffee place ... he'll be there again this time next week, typing at his notebook ... he will be working on an essay that he will have to finish by the next day ... while he's typing, a fly will end up in his coffee ... but he won't notice until he takes a sip...

    THE FLY So I'm at this coffee place ... it's my favorite caf in town ... people are nice here ... they don't try to kill me like they do in other places ... they just sip their coffees while I watch them from the wall ... right now there's a guy who's writing something on hislaptop ... this guy comes here all the time ... in fact I have seen him here twice this week already ... I'm pretty sure he'll sit here typing on his notebook without paying any attention to the world around him, as usual ... hey, here's an idea, why don't I flyover there and take a sip of his coffee while he's busy working ... ok, I'm on my way ... here we go ... damn it, now I'm all wet and I can't fly ... and now he's grabbed the cup and he's lifting it... OMG, I'm going in!

    WAITER / BALD GUY / HIS WIFE I can not believe this. I have just finished mopping the floor and now I will have todo it all over again, just because some clumsy kid knocked over his cup of coffee... I have just seen a fly crawl inside a guy's cup. I'm pretty sure I know what's goingto happen next. I think he's going to take a sip and at first he's going to think that the fly is actually... (on the phone) Hey, sis, listen, I need your help ... I'm at this coffee house and my husband is kind of freaking out because some guy threw a fly in his plate ... I know, I know, same old story...


    Je samozejm mon, aby oba studenti ve dvojivi zastupovali stejnou postavu a jen si pedvali slovo, nen to ale zcela pirozen. Samotn studenty bude urit vc bavit set-up, kdy kad z nich popisuje tyt dje z jin perspektivy.

    YOU & I * ZDE: BALD GUY + WAITERSo I looked at my plate and I saw this fly ... right, and you wondered where it came from ... yes, so I looked over and I noticed this guy and I could tell it was him ... you got pretty pissed off, right? ... you bet I did ... I can't blame you, I would have, too ... of course, so I stood up ... that must have scared him ... it did, and he stood up too ... and that's when he knocked over the cup ... yes, and that's why you had to mop the floor again ...

    TV MODERTOR THE WIFESo how are you today, ma'am? -- Better. -- Compared to what? -- Compared to the other day at the coffee place. -- Right. So what exactly happened there? -- Well, as you know, I was with my husband... -- Let me stop you right there... What kind of a person is your husband? -- Well, how do I put this... -- What I'm asking is, what is helike when he gets angry? -- He has a temper, my husband. When he thinks that someone is trying to hurt him, or me, he can get pretty violent. -- Is that what happened at the coffee place? -- Pretty much. -- So let's take this from the start...

    VDMA MATKA VYPRAVESo this baby of mine, is he going to get in a lot of fights? -- Not very often, but sometimes he will. -- Where? And with who? -- Let's see... ok, one time he will be at a coffee place... -- A coffee place? People don't fight in coffee places! -- They do when someone throws a fly in their food. -- Oh. Is someone going to throw a fly in my son's food? -- Actually, it will be the other way around...

    MOUCHA NKHey, fly, you'd better be careful now. -- What do you mean, careful? -- Just don't fly into anybody's drink, that's all I'm saying. -- What if I do? -- Well, then you'll either drown or you'll get eaten. -- Oh. I don't want that to happen. -- Of course you don't. -- But if I end up in someone's coffee, they'll just spit me out. -- But in the process, they might spill their drink. -- Oh, and you'd have to mop that, right? -- That's exactly right. And I don't want THAT to happen to ME...


    Nejen djem iv je lovk: vtina kadodennch konverzac se to spe kolem nvrh, drobnch posteh, dohad a podobn. A prv v nich se objevuj obraty, s nimi nejvce zpasme.

    NVRHY: BRAINSTORMING/SPITBALLINGWhy don't you two just talk it out instead of fighting? /// Why don't I pay for your mealand we're even? /// You might want to stop flying into people's cups. /// I guess I'd better start mopping the floor. /// Make sure you don't knock over that cup of coffee while you're...Look, I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to spill all this coffee on the floor. -- Right. But what are we going to do now? -- Why don't you get me a cloth and I'll mop it? -- You can't do that. You're a customer. -- But you're not making me do this. I offered. -- I know. But still. How about I do it and then you buy me a coffee. -- Sounds good. What do you say I come back later tonight after you get off work and we hang out together? -- All right, that could work, I guess.

    HDKY A SPORYHoney, calm down. It's not such a big deal. -- How can you say that?! Didn't you see what that guy just did? -- He didn't mean to do it, you know. -- I know. But he ruined my meal. --It's ok. I'm sure he'll be willing to buy you a new one. -- I don't think so. He kind of looks likea student. -- And? -- Students are poor. -- Can't you let him off the hook? He's just a kid. -- Well, he needs to learn his lesson. -- Or what? -- Or else he'll run around doing the same thing to other people. -- Aren't you exaggerating a little? -- No, I'm not. I'm just being practical about this...

    POCITY: RADOST, ZKLAMN, ZMATEKI feel so guilty. I have ruined someone's dinner and I have made a waiter work extra hard. I'm such a klutz. And it's no one else's fault, either. I totally messed up. I mean, it was just afly. It wasn't such a big deal. I don't know why I overreacted the way I did. I could have just put it on the table and left it there, or dropped it in the trash. Instead, I threw it into another person's meal. And then I got scared when the guy got angry and I knocked over...

    VITKY A LTOSTI feel so stupid for ruining that guy's evening. I wish I'd been more careful. -- Yeah, you should have stayed away. -- If I'd just minded my own business, I wouldn't be in trouble now. -- That's right. What were you thinking flying into that guy's coffee anyway? -- Well, I'm a fly, that's what flies do...

  • GRAMATICK KONVERZACENen na kodu as od asu nechat studenty, aby si procviili podmnkov vty / posuny as / jin gramatick jevy ve je mon aplikovat na jakkoli text.


    I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't have to finish this damn essay. I'd be out with my friends. /// If

    I wasn't afraid of flies, maybe I would just swallow this one and not worry about it too much.


    Well, if that guy spills his coffee, I guess I will have to mop the floor for the third time today. ///

    Unless someone offers to mop it for me, I'll just grab the broom and do it myself.


    I wish I hadn't crawled into that guy's cup. If I'd stayed out, I wouldn't have been thrown into the

    other guy's plate. /// If the first guy was a little bit stronger, I might have died or been killed.

    POSUNY ASVtina pbh se d pevst do dialogov podoby, tady jako konverzace mezi astnky dje. Pokud se o to studenti pokus, maj na vbr ze dvou monost:

    a) velmi neformln vyprvn za pouit be like / go - to ale vtina uitel nem rda a jakkoli jde o praktickou dovednost, u test s n studenti nepochodSo I'm like "Sorry man," and he's like "What just happened? and I go, "Well, I guess I just threw a fly in your plate" and he goes, "You have got to be kidding me!" ...

    b) nepm e pomoc say, tell, ask, explain, ale tak wonder, suggest, mention, insist a jinch (studenti mus primrn znt rozdl mezi say / tell a vyhbat se answer jako slovesu)So I said I was sorry and you said that just wasn't good enough. -- Right. And then you suggested that you could pay for my meal and I told you not to bother. -- But I insisted and I explained that I'd feel really guilty otherwise. -- But I pointed out that you'd ruined my whole evening. -- And I admitted that I had. -- And you wondered how you could make it up to me...

    FUZZY-TELLINGNe vdy si je lovk jist vemi informacemi, kter m k dispozici. Dj se d pevyprvt i z pozice doasnho pochybovae, pomoc seem, might, apparently:I believe there's a fly in that guy's cup. It seemed to crawl in a few minutes ago. It might have flownout while I wasn't looking, but I don't think it did. The guy seems to be working on something important. He's on a deadline, apparently. He must be really nervous. Look how sweaty he is.

  • SPIN-OFFS: IMPROVIZED DIALOGSImprovizovan dialogy jsou na jedn stran postrachem student *o em se jako mme bavit? j vbec nevm co mm kat* a na stran druh poehnnm neomezuj je dn pravidla a nen nutn pedchoz znalost tmatu i textu. Jinmi slovy, nen se na co vymlouvat *j jsem tu na tenhle pbh nebyla, take...*Pedstavivosti se meze rozhodn nekladou. m bizarnjch kontur konverzace nabude, tm lpe. pln nejlpe pak je, kdy se studenti asem (ppadn hned zkraje) odchl od vyten situace a vydaj se do zcela neprobdanch kraj.Jedinou konstantou mus bt solidn, a v rmci monost bohat, anglitina. Primitivn vyjadovn nejen, e studenty nikam neposouv, naopak jejich anglitinu v tto podob konzervuje.Posledn doporuen zn, aby se studenti nenechali pi vmn nzor ( jakkoli je jejich nesoulad hran) unet emocemi, ty kvalit jazyka nesvd: *It is horrible! I am so angry! How can you do it! It is terrible! You must not do it! It is...! It is just...! So very horrible!*

    a) ME - FLY: Why did you crawl into my cup, you ugly little thing? -- That's what we flies do, it's not my fault. You should have been more careful. -- I can't keep an eye on my cup all the time, I'm too busy. -- I get that. But you can't blame me for being me...

    b) ME - MAN: Hey, what's the big deal, it's just a fly. No need to freak out like that. -- Just a fly? Just a fly?! You have got to be kidding me! You ruined my meal! -- I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to. Ma'am, you saw what happened. Could you explain to your husband... -- Leave my wife out of this...

    c) MAN WIFE: Honey, calm down, he didn't mean to throw it in your plate. -- I don't care if he meant to or not... -- Please, just let it go. I don't want you to get in trouble again. You have only justgot out of prison. I know, I know. Just give me a second to cool down...

    d) WAITER - ME: Oh you have got to be kidding me! -- Sorry. I'm such a klutz. I'll clean it up. -- Oh don't worry about it. It's just that I've mopped the floor twice today already. -- Oh, that sucks. I'll give you a huge tip, if that helps. -- Depends on how huge. -- Oh, you're blackmailing me now? -- I wouldn't call that blackmail. -- I would.

    e) ME TEACHER: You don't have the essay? -- I don't and let me explain why. -- You'd better have a really good explanation for this. -- I do. Look, I never hand these things in late. You know that. I do. So what's your excuse?

    f ) TEACHER MAN'S WIFE: Hey, why are we talking to each other? -- You tell me. -- Let me think. What is it that we have in common? -- I'm not really sure. I think that my husband almost got into a fight with a guy whose essay you were supposed to grade? -- Oh. Oh. That's... not very helpful, really.

    g) FLY WAITER: Listen, fly, we have to make a deal. -- What kind of a deal? -- Well, you keep flying into people's drinks and then I have to deal with the mess. -- I see. You could just kill me, youknow? -- I know, but there's so many more of you so... -- You can't win. -- Exactly. -- So what do you want me to do? -- I want you to talk to the other flies and explain to them...

    h) FLY SPIDER: Serves you right for flying into people's drinks, fly. -- Oh, like you don't freak people out... -- I do, but unlike you, I'm smart about it. -- How? -- I scare them. -- And I don't? -- Oh, don't make me laugh. -- Hey! I can be scary. -- No you can't. You're lame. And everybody hatesyou. -- They do?

  • M OBLBEN SITUACENURSING HOME (PAST)jakkoli dv postavy z pbhu (ppadn i zvnjku napklad kamard vyprave) se po mnoha letech setkaj v domov dchodc a vzpomnajHave we met before? -- I don't know. You do look kind of familiar. -- Wait.Aren't you the guy that threw that fly on my ex-husband's plate? -- I am! What a coincidence! Ex-husband, you say? ...

    RUNNING COMMENTARY (PRESENT)spolen jako policist sledujete zznam kamerovho systmu z msta inu a popisujete dj na obrazovce imaginrnmu tetmu policistovi, kter jej na rozdl od vs jet nezhldl; pro oiven doporuuju pi rozhovoru kreslit na kus papru nrtky prostor a pohybu postavSo as you can see, this guy has taken his wife out to dinner and they're enjoying their meal ... but what's going to happen now is another guy is going to suddenly stand up ... that guy with the laptop, see him? right, so he's going to take a sip of coffee right ... about ... now ... so what he just did was he spit out a fly ... which got into his coffee earlier without him noticing ... and as you can see, he threw it away ... let's watch that one more time ... see that? now, he didn't seem to be aiming anywhere in particular, but as it happens...

    TWO FORTUNE TELLERS TALK (FUTURE)dv vdmy se spolu vydaly na prochzku a prbn komentuj budouc osudy lid, kter pozoruj na ulici i v kavrnSo what about this guy? ... Oh he's going to have an interesting day today. ... That's right. He's going to go to a coffee house ... But not to enjoy himself, but to work. ... Really? Oh, you're right. He has an essay to finish ... And he won't be able to finish it in time ... In fact, he will lose the file by getting his laptop wet...

    FUNERAL SPEECH (PAST)jedna z postav zemela a na jeho/jejm pohbu pron spolen dvojice jeho ptel nebo pbuznch dojemn projev o ivot a charakteru, s drazem na jednu konkrtn udlost (pbh); projev mus bt dojemn, pirozen a podan kvalitn anglitinou

    Our friend Mike the fly is being buried today ... let us spend a few minutes talking about what an exciting life he led ... Yes, right until the moment that jerk threw him across the room ... Now, frankly, Mike kind of had it coming ... yes, he had no business getting into that guy's coffee ... but Mike could never stay out of trouble for long, he enjoyed taking risks...

    GOSSIP (PAST + PRESENT)spolen jako kamardi vyprave (i hlavn postavy) vyprvte imaginrn tet osob o tom, cose mu/j pihodilo; doporuuju v tchto situacch pouvat historick przens, co zn very very fancy, ale v podstat jde jen o to, e v anglitin se minul dje asto popisuj ptomnmi asy (v etin tak, ale mn asto)

    Have you heard about Ed? ... Yeah, it's a crazy story. ... So here's the thing ... Ed's at work earlier today, right, at the coffee house where he works ... and this guy comes in and orders a coffee and Ed brings him the coffee and then he forgets about the guy until he hears this loud scream...

  • SALES PITCH *PRESENT TENSEspolen jako scnrist pedkldte (velmi entuziasticky) nvrh na scnu ve filmu/serilu reisrovi (ppadn reisr pedkld nvrh producentovi); popis by ml obsahovat i pouitou pmou e a odehrv se v ptomnm ase (toho je teba se dret, a nen to pln snadn)

    So here's the set-up, all right? This is going to blow your mind, it's such a great scene. So, are you listening? Ok, here goes. There's a guy who's sitting in a coffee house ... He's all by himself ... He gets out a laptop and he starts typing ... Meanwhile, a fly crawls into his coffee ... But he doesn't notice ... Then he takes a sip and he's like, what the hell ...... so then the tough guy gets up and he's all like, "What did you just do?" And the first guy goes, "What do you mean, what did I just do?" And the second guy's wife is like, "Honey, calm down..." because she's been there before, she knows what her husband is like and she knows very well what'sgoing to happen next unless she steps in...


    Ne zanete kroutit hlavou: konverzace typu "vysvtlete maranovi..." jsou vlastn variac na proflkl "vyprvn na dan tma" (zchrana velryb, je lep msto i vesnice, co dlat pro zdrav etc.), dky nmu lidstvo zkoum mon hranice nudy. Maran je mnohem zbavnj.

    Je pln fuk, e o danm tmatu jeden z dvojice zhola nic nev, aspo se od partnera nemu piu. Je pln fuk, pokud ani jeden z partner o danm tmatu lautr nic nev. Mou odhadovat, tipovat, vymlet si, ppadn pi prvn pleitosti odboit k pln jinmu tmatu.

    Na maranskch debatch je zajmav to, e debatujc mus nad tmatem intenzvn pemlet,co samo o sob lovka vyerp, a k tomu sv mylenky okamit vyjadovat v cizm jazyce.

    Vysvtlete maranovi: a) co je to moucha, jak pesn mouchy vypadaj, co dlaj, co z nich mme, co by bylo kdyby nebyly, z eho se vyvinuly a do eho se vyvinou v budoucnu, jakou lohu hraj v populrn kultue (film?) etc.; b) jak funguje u lid vztek, co se pi nm v tl odehrv a jak se d zvldat; c) k emu je utrn a jak tato innost probh, d) jak funguje a kdy nefunguje omluva, e) co je to deadline, f) co dl takov nk (co pesn m v popisu prce), g) jakoto jeskynn lovknavrhnte historicky prvn tal (plus historie kultury stolovn)

    Vechna tmata vychz z pbhu, nad vemi budou studenti (a nejsp i vy) zpotku kroutit hlavou, a o vech se pitom d vyprvt donekonena - za pedpokladu aspo minimln ochoty,petky pedstavivosti a cel ay odboek.Deadline is last moment when you must do something. ... tick tock ... tick tock ... [swivel head to see if everyone else is still talking] ... tick tock ... tick tock ... tick tock ... [look at teacher, tap watch] ... tick tock ... tick tock ... tick tock ... tick tock ... [sigh, stretch, stare out the window] ... tick tock ... tick tock ... tick tock ... [shake head, roll eyes] ... tick tock ... tick tock ... tick tock ... Ok. So you have a task and your boss tells you that it has to be done today because the client needs it and if you finish it tomorrow it will be too late and they won't use it no matter how good it is, and oh, you might get fired because deadlines are pretty serious affairs. But very often deadlines are... what's the word, oh yeah, flexible. Everybody knows that nothing ever gets done in time so people usually just set a deadline and then they don't expect it to be kept. But they still get angry when they are told that the dealine will not be met even though they really have no reason to. Some people are just jerks and they enjoy getting mad and yelling at other people I guess. Deadlines are a good way to create an opportunity to do that. But in some businesses, deadlines actually have to be kept. For instance, in journalism, you can't just keep working on a story forever...

    Pamatujte, e prvnch pr minut konverzace nen smrodatnch. Studentm vdycky chvli trv, ne se dostanou do tempa a oprost se od jinch mylenek. Berte to jako game of chicken, kdy ob strany ekaj, kdo cukne jako prvn: studenti se na vs co chvli obrac s m dl pesvdivjm tvrzenm, e u nev o em mluvit, you call their bluff, oni otrven pokrauj, po nkolika minutch ve td najednou nco pepne, a najednou jde vechno samo. Problm nastane, kdy necuknete a ono se nic nepepne, i k tomu semtam dochz.

  • QUESTIONS & ANSWERSOtzky je teba procviovat asto. Studenti maj problmy s pomocnmi slovesy *why you

    admitted it to me?*, nepmmi otzkami *I don't know who are you?*, otzkami na podmt

    *who did know it all?* i delmi podmty *why did stay all your friends here?*.

    Otzky by mly bt zajmav, mly by se odret od pedchoz odpovdi a reagovat na ni: And

    did it? / So... were they? Otzky tak nemus bt nutn otzky: You didn't! / Oh that's too bad. /

    You poor thing. Co nejmn by mlo znt generick What happened? / What did you do? Ve sv

    podstat by tazatel ml fungovat, jako by byl placen od otzky neml by se bt skkat do ei,

    pedstrat hlubok zjem apod. (Ideln je tak kadch cca 90 vtein zvukovm signlem ve

    vech prech prohodit role, aby studenti nezlenivli.)

    a) LIVE FROM CAF: Are you enjoying your meal, tough-looking man with no hair? -- What's

    it to you? -- Well, I just think that you should watch out. -- Oh you do, do you? -- Yes I do. -- Why is

    that? -- Could something maybe ruin your meal? Think. -- I can't think of anything that could do

    that. -- Really? What if a fly somehow ended up in your food?

    b) MEMORY LOSS: Why did I have to stop my husband from beating up that poor young man?

    -- Because he was out of control once again. -- Does he do this often? I mean, lose his temper? -- All

    the time. -- So what exactly did the young man do that was so horrible?

    c) ASK A FORTUNE TELLER: Am I gonna get an A on my essay? -- No. In fact, you are going

    to get an F. -- That's impossible. That never happens to me. Why am I going to get an F? --

    Because you'll fail to hand it in. -- Will it be because I'll procrastinate? -- Not really. -- Why then?

    d) NURSING HOME: Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? -- Yeah, you're the guy that

    almost killed me when I threw a fly...

    Studenti by mli bt povzbuzovni ke kladen jak velmi krtkch, dernch, doplkovch dotaz typu, And did you? Was he? So who does?, tak i tch rozvleklch v nejlepm smyslu slova: So the guy that you saw while you were there, was he doing anything that you found suspicious or was he minding his own business and the reason you were scared was because you had been watching way too many horror movies lately?

    Nevad, kdy studentovi trv dlouho ze sebe podobn dotaz vymknout. Je to urit lep, ne kdy ze sebe bude roboticky sypat konstrukce typu ... so it was very interesting for me because it was very good so I liked it very much and in my opinion it was very nice and I think that it was a big advantage for me ...