human biology (bio.103 01 or 02 )

1 Human Biology (BIO.103 01 or 02 ) Devotion / Prayer Human Biology Lab (BIO.103L __ ) I am Dr. Iclai !!! Dr. Input connectedness learner achiever intellection These are my top 5 strength themes from StrengthsFinder . . . . these are how I view and interact with the world. I am also known as Dr. Robert West Science Math Complex 303-B 614-8294

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Human Biology (BIO.103 01 or 02 ). Devotion / Prayer Human Biology Lab (BIO.103L __ ) I am Dr. Iclai !!! Dr. I nput c onnectedness l earner a chiever i ntellection These are my top 5 strength themes from StrengthsFinder . . . . these are how I view and interact with the world. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Human Biology (BIO.103 01 or 02)• Devotion / Prayer• Human Biology Lab (BIO.103L __ )• I am Dr. Iclai !!!• Dr. Input connectedness learner achiever

intellection • These are my top 5 strength themes from StrengthsFinder . . . . these are how I view and interact with the world.

• I am also known as Dr. Robert West• Science Math Complex 303-B • 614-8294

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• Textbooks?• Lab?• Start Monday (1/17/11) at 10am Wednesday (1/19/11) at 1pm• Bring a 3-ring binder• Bring $5.00!!!• Course Web Page?• go to

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Human Biology Web Page• What is the web page address?• p://• Be sure you use Internet Explorer - as

Safari, Firefox, and potentially other web browsers, will NOT show the hyperlinks !

• There is an easier way to get there!• Go to the Lee University Homepage . . . • Assignment ?• Go to Web page . . . . . . . . . .

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Human Biology Web Page• ASSIGNMENT :• Print 1 copy of Course syllabus, 2 copies of

the Schedule, 1 completed Student Information Form.

• Write your name on each one.• Turn in Syllabus (stapled), 1 copy of

Schedule, and the completed Student Information Form at our next class for “bonus points”.

• Keep other copy of the Schedule for lab notebook in the first lab.

(Bring to first lab with a 3-ring binder)

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Chapter 1

Exploring Life and Science• Who is this?

• Billy Hanson

• How would you know?

• Only if you read the chapter introduction of the previous edition

What helpful features are found in this book?

SEE Textbook – inside front cover,

Preface (p.viii),

“Guided Tour” (p.xiv),

and read Chapter 1 (p.1)

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Outline• The Characteristics of Life• Humans are Related to Other Animals• Science as a Process (Lab 1)

– Importance of Scientific Theories in Biology

– The Scientific Method Has Steps– How the Cause of Ulcers was Discovered– How to do a Controlled Study

• Making Sense of Scientific Study• Science and Social Responsibility

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“Shane and Katie”


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• Human Biology ?

• comes from bios – life and logos – word (study of)

• so it is the scientific study of life.

• What is life?

• What are the characteristics of life?

• We have met Billy Hanson and the snake.

• Are they both alive? Why?

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Biologically Speaking - Who Are We?

• What are the Characteristics of Life using

human beings? *• Humans are highly 1organized. (Cell

Theory)– Levels of organization . . . .– Organism is made of organ systems

composed of organs, composed of tissues, composed of cells. (Transparency)

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The Characteristics of Life

• Humans acquire 2Materials and Energy.• Humans 3reproduce. • Humans 4grow and develop. . . . .

– Infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood.

• Humans stay just about the same – 5“Homeostasis”– “steady state” , “balanced state”.• Humans 6respond to stimuli.

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• Finally• Life has an 7evolutionary history. . . . . . or• humans adapt or are a product of an evolutionary process - Theory (Principle) of Evolution.• Now, ALL the characteristics must be present to be alive!• Now, let’s look briefly at this Theory of Evolution and why it is significant for us in this class.

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Evolution• What does the word mean?• Simply “change”.• Since the world around us changes, we know

that evolution occurs . . . Lee, me, you• Some believe that the first cells arose about

3.5 billion years ago.• Classification of living things mirrors theorized

evolutionary relationships.• In the Classification System, there are 3

domains. . . . . . . • There are 5 kingdoms.

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Kingdom Monera


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Humans are Members of the Biosphere or How Do We Fit In?

• Humans are part of the biosphere and they are members of ecosystems because they interact within their own populations and within the larger community of organisms.

• To understand man and his environment, we must understand some basic terms. . . . *

• Biosphere?• That layer where life can exist around the earth.• Ecosystem?• Basic types of environments where life exists –


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•Desert, savannah, tropical rain forest, deciduous forest, evergreen forest, coral reef .


• A group of organisms that live in the same geographical area.

• Population?

• A group of organisms of the same species that live in the same geographical area.

• Biodiversity?

• The variety of life in a particular geographical area – where is it greatest on land, in the water?

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• Tropical rain forest (land) , coral reef (water).• Humans are members of ecosystems.• Organisms exist in populations that interact among themselves and the physical environment.• Ecosystems are characterized by energy flow and chemical cycling.• Driven by photosynthesis.

versus respiration.

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Terrestrial Ecosystem


(“light, to put together”)



(to make energy)

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Human Threaten the Biosphere

• Humans alter ecosystems to suit there own needs, disregarding consequences.

• Planet’s current biodiversity is estimated between 2 and 15 million identified species.

• # of different species alive today is the highest it has ever been! However . . .

• as human populations increase in size, more ecosystems are threatened and rates of extinction increase.

• Biodiversity is rapidly declining.• we are in a “biodiversity – reduction crisis”…

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• Loss of biodiversity threatens the stability of the entire biosphere because . . . .• The degrees of interdependence of species are not fully known!!!• Also, humans are dependent on other species for food, clothing, medicines, and various raw materials. • So ecosystem preservation is a crucial bioethical issue.• Of special concern is destruction of tropical rain forests around the globe. *

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“Tropical Rain Forests: Can We Live Without Them?”

From a past Ecology Focus

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• Value of Tropical Rain Forests?

• Destruction of the Forests?

• Effects of Destruction?

• Millions of yet discovered species of organisms likely live in tropical rain forests.

• Destruction of tropical rain forest results from social, economic, and political pressures, and is expected to alter world climate.

• These forests can be preserved using sustained yield techniques!!!!!!!

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Science as a Process

• How might we define science? • is the study of the world around us.• God’s first command ! – see Genesis 1:28• True science is concerned with information gained

by observing and testing the natural world.• It aims to be objective rather than subjective.• Its conclusions are subject to change as . . . . . .• Progresses from hypothesis theory law

(principle).• Two main characteristics: changeable, repeatable.

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The Importance of Scientific Theories in Biology

• Process vs. product . . .• Process?• The scientific method.• Product?• Knowledge.• The ultimate goal of science is understanding the

natural world in terms of scientific theories (see Figure, p. 8 of text).– Evolution is a unifying concept of biology.

Some biologists elevate evolution to the status of a scientific principle.

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The Scientific Method Has Steps

• “is a means to find the solution to a problem.”• Scientific Method has steps.

– Observation.– Hypothesis.

(“inductive reasoning” – specific to general)– Experimentation.

(“deductive reasoning” – general to specific)– Conclusion.

Support/Fail to support hypothesis. Hypothesis can never be proven true.

– Publish Findings. Repeatability.

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•“inductive reasoning” – specific to general.

•“deductive reasoning” – general to specific.

• Hypothesis can never be proven true.• Ultimately: publish findings.

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How the Cause of Ulcers Was Discovered

Be sure to read about this important example on page 8 of

your textbook.


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How to Do a Controlled Study• “a standard of comparison”.• “Test groups” vs. “control groups”.• Involves “experimental variable” vs.

“dependent variables”.• How do these terms relate to the experiment

described the textbook concerning the testing of the effectiveness of antibiotics on ulcers?

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Scientific Journals Versus Other Sources of Information


•What conclusions did you come to after reading this section of the textbook?

Making Sense of a Scientific Study

•What kinds of data can be given to support a study? • How does this apply to the study of ulcers by Dr. Marshall?• What else might a reader look for?

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Historical Focus

“The Syphilis Research Scandal of Tuskegee



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Science and Social Responsibility

• Science has improved our lives.• Science can produce potentially disastrous

technologies.• Technology ?• is the application of scientific knowledge for the

needs of society. – Science does not determine whether a

particular technology is good or bad.– Ethical and moral use of scientific findings is

the social responsibility of all people.– Judgments are subject to change!!!!!

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“QUARANTEENED … Could this happen to you?”

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“End of Chapter Material”• Summarizing the Concepts

• Understanding Key Terms

• Testing Your Knowledge of the Concepts

• Thinking Critically About the Concepts

• Online Learning Center (see inside text cover)

• Used with the PowerPoint Outlines, these can all be helpful BUTBUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• best is “Study Tips/Study Questions” before each chapter in the textbook.