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ORACLE HUMAN RESOURCES Public Service Office. (X C X) 1

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ORACLE HUMAN Click to edit Master subtitle style RESOURCES


Public Service Office. (X C


R12i Navigating Oracle Applications

Course Introduction

ou shou Log on a ld nd Off o f Oracle Applicati Navigati on. ng Orac le Apps Use form s an d m enus on Absence Report s Generati ons on A bsences

After th is cours e,


be able to :


Public Service Office. (X C


Course Overview This course discusses the basic features of

accessing and navigating within Oracle Applications, Release 12i. you will learn to enter data. Retrieve information in the form of a query, maintain data, use flexfields and access online help. standard report submission will be discussed. Human

Additionally, concurrent processing and

This course is intended for all end-users of

Oracle Applications in LASG as a prerequisite to any specific applications course such as Budgeting, Procurement andCAsset 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X 33

Sample Master Oracle Applications Click to edit Flow ofsubtitle style Data Oracle Applications is a tightly integrated suite of application products that share a common look and feel. Using the menus and windows of Oracle Applications, you have access to all the functions that you need to manage business information in 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C LASG.


Logging On and Off of Oracle Applications

Logging On and Off of Oracle Application


Public Service Office. (X C


Lesson ObjectivesAfter this course, you should be able to:Log on to Oracle Applications Choose your responsibility Use the Oracle Applications Navigator Populate data on Absences Form Log Off from Oracle Applications5/2/12

Public Service Office. (X C


Lesson OverviewTo use Oracle Applications productively, you

need to understand the components of a Form, Menu, Paths and Keystrokes necessary to Access and Navigate within the System to perform your Job Tasks


Public Service Office. (X C


Logging On to Oracle Applications


Public Service Office. (X C


The first step in starting Oracle Applications is to

enter the appropriate Uniform Resource Location (URL) the web address of the desire instance of Starting Applications in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Oracle Oracle Applications. e.g ( starting Oracle Applications, the first

Window you see is the Logon Window.

You need an Oracle Applications Username and

Password, also known as an Oracle Applications Username to Log on the Applications (Note: It's case sensitive). It is different from the Username and Password you use to log on to your computer. If you are not sure C your Oracle 99 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X of

Personal Homepage to ApplicationAfter you log on to Oracle Applications, a

Personal Homepage Displaying Responsibilities.


Public Service Office. (X C


Personal Homepage The above form is the welcome page where you WindowOracle depending on the User Navigate intoresponsibility assigned to each officer.This User has two Responsibilities; LASG HRMS SUPER USER (View Only) and LASG HRMS PSO USER. LASG HRMS PSO USER: Have the ability to edit

any venue, including name, address, Grade Level/Steps, Ministries/Agencies, map pin location and tags. They can also suggest duplicate venues to be merged and venues to be deleted.LASG HRMS SUPER USER (View Only): Have the5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C ability to view 1111

Navigator (Peoples Form.)


Public Service Office. (X C


People Information In this section we shall consider activities involving the hiring of an applicant to when he or she becomes an employee. This involves Employees creation, deletion, modification, termination or retirement. Use the link below to log on to LASG Upgrade Instance. - HTML


Public Service Office. (X C


In the Title field, choose from the LOV, the

Gender field is populated automatically Surname

In the Last Name field, enter Applicants In the First Name field, enter applicants first

name.In the Work Phone field, enter a phone number. In the Person Type field, choose Applicant Under the Address Region, type Nigeria in the

Style fieldTab to the Address field, the Personal Address

Information form opens

Fill 5/2/12

in all the required fields. C Public Service Office. (X


Choosing a ResponsibilityEach user has at least one responsibility and several users can share the same responsibility


Public Service Office. (X C



Public Service Office. (X C


Defining Assignment StatusAssignment Statuses mean the various

statuses attached to employees which is use to track an Employees progress through the Organization. There are four defined status in the system, which are Active Assignment, Terminate Assignment, Suspend Assignment, etc. We can add more or modify existing statuses to vividly capture its meaning

Responsibility = LASG HRMS SUPER USER (Navigate)Public ServiceNavigator LASG - In the Office. (X C 5/2/121717


Public Service Office. (X C


Assignment Information Entering Employee Assignment Information Entering Employees Job, Grade, Status and Location Responsibility: LASG HRMS SUPER USERS Navigate: People > Enter & Maintain The Peoples form opens On the Find Person form, query for the Staff using the

Staff Name or Number e.g. % CHRIS% OR 843 Click on the Find button, the Employees record is seen. Click on the Assignment button, and the Assignment

form opens Fill in all the required fields. Save your work and a number is generated for the Applicant


in the Applicant Number field.

Public Service Office. (X C


Choosing a ResponsibilityEach user has at least one responsibility and several users can share the same responsibility


Click on people = Enter and Maintain = Opens people form

Public Service Office. (X C


Date Tracking/Current Date Details


Public Service Office. (X C


Date Tracking is a means of maintaining a

history of changes to employee records. It applies to the following parts of a staff records in Oracle HR: People's form, Assignments Form. Each of the areas that are date tracked within a record are date tracked independently.

We can 'date track' by setting an Effective

Date. An effective date of appointment, promotion etc. When you set an effective date for your work, Date-Track ensures that only information effective on that day is used for any processing, validation, enquiries and reporting you carry out. Records are located 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C 2222 on the Oracle database based on the effective

Navigate - People > Enter and Maintain Employee Creation NOTE: Date track to the Effective date the Employee was hired. A Decision box pops up as seen below.Click on the Yes button to Date track OR the No button to use the current date


This enables you to date track or maintain the current date. To maintain current date you choose NO

To date track or change effective date you pick YES and this moves to Alter effective date. 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C


Altering Effective Date

Alter effective date allows you to date track from present date and later it can be returned back to todays date by clicking the Reset button. Cancel button is to erase any date not necessary. OK button = when clicked bring you to the find person form.5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C 2424

The Find Person Form


Public Service Office. (X C


The Find Person Form You can find a person on the system either by using the employees Full Name; not initials. Employee Number. For already existing Staff. Applicant Number. Captured during the interview process. National Identifier. Clear This is to clear a Number if needed or National Identification name not enablederase mistakes.New This is used to request for people form

when uploading a New Entrant who has not been on the system before.Find Is used to search for employees who5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C

have been assigned Oracle Numbers either as


The Toolbar

Using the Toolbar The toolbar is a collection of iconic buttons, where each button performs a specific action when you choose it. Each toolbar button replicates a commonly used menu bar item. Depending on the context of the current field or window, a toolbar button can be enabled or disabled. You can display help or a tool tip for an enabled 5/2/12 toolbar button by holding your mouse over the button. 2727 Public Service Office. (X C

The Address Window


Public Service Office. (X C


Style: Nigerian Style Address: 20 Redemption Street Ijeododo

Lagos Nigeria


Primary Home Country primary effective Date of Address after which the address is no longer valid.

from 05 June - 2009 Date to

Telephone No. Save and move on to the

Assignment form.Defining Assignment Status Assignment Public Service mean the various Statuses Office. (X C 5/2/122929

Defining Assignment Status

Assignment Statuses mean the various statuses attached to employees which is use to track an Employees progress through the Organization. There are four defined status in the system, which are Active Assignment, Terminate Assignment, Suspend Assignment, etc. We can add more or modify existing statuses to vividly capture its meaning This is used to record details of an employees/political Appointees assignment. The form can be used to enter and track the changes in 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X over an 3030 employment information C


Public Service Office. (X C


Assignment Information Assignment Information Entering Employee Assignment


Entering Employees Job, Grade,

Status and Location

Responsibility: LASG HRMS SUPER


Navigate: People > Enter & Maintain5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X The Peoples form opens C 3232

In the Assignment Form fill in the following: 1.In the Organization field, select the Ministry/Agency where the Employee works from the LOV e.g. Public Service Office 2.Tab to the Group field, ASCON form pops up; and fills the appropriate fields: 5/2/12 the Union field; choose theCappropriate Public Service Office. (X In


Still on the Assignment form: In the Job field, select the employees job from the LOVs



In the Grade field, select the employees grade from the LOVs In the Payroll field, choose LASG Monthly Payroll from the

LOVs to add the employee into the LASG Payroll system. the LOVs e.g. LASG

In the Location field, select the Employees office location from The Status field is populated automatically with Active

Assignment meaning the employee is currently on active services 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C


Additional Assignment Window


Public Service Office. (X C


(Navigate) People >Enter and Maintain > Query for a person e.g.843>Click Assignment Button > Click the DFF on Find below the units captured; Assignment Window. The Mug sign on the bottom Section (1). the right. (2). Department (3). the date an employee is deployed (4). Present Salary Unit (5). Date of last promotion 01 JAN 2008 (6). Present Supervisor/H O D of Unit or Dept. (7). Highest Qualification of the employee (8). CTSS Code for those in Cooperative (9). Day untitled for deductions C 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X3636

The Contact Window

Contacts; This keeps the records of the next of Kin or Contact Person. The System provides different types of relationships. Spouse, Child and next of Kin e t c Details of Next of Kin. On the people form you have others. Click on the others button it brings out a list, then you pick the Contact form. 5/2/12 Public Service Office. (X C 3737

Contacts Window

Contacts Address Navigation Path (People Form) Navigate People Enter and Maintain No (NB: At this point, you can either enter the name, Employee number of the Employee/Political Appointee) People Others Contact Address Name of Screen Description Screen Pre-requisites1.


Creation of Employee in Oracle Human Resources Entry of Employee Personal Information Entry of Contact Information Used to Enter & Update Employee Contact Information Public Service Office. (X C



Screen Usage 5/2/12



ENTERING AND UPDATING PAYMENT METHOD INFORMATION Payment Method describes the basis payment details for an

individual included in a payroll run. This includes the Bank details (Bank & Branch name, Bank Code, Account Number and Account Type) for the individual. The entry of payment method information prior to a payroll

run important as the bank details information form a part of the information display on the payslip of all individuals included in a payroll run. The Payment Method Window is used to enter one or more

payment methods, selecting from the list of valid methods defined for LASG employees payroll. receive pay by the default payment method of the payroll they are assigned to.

Employees with no personal payment method on record

The Payment Method Information is entered for employees

created in Oracle Human Resources prior to a payroll run. 5/2/12 update of this information is however depended on 3939 Public Service Office. (X C The

The Payment Method Information


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Click on others on the assignment form to bring you to the payment method.Method of Entering Banking The Direct Deposit, Details InformationThe NAME of the LASG Direct Deposit.


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Public Service Office. (X C