human system presentation

Human System Presentation Dale Schroll University Of Phoenix Axia College The Nervous System

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A prensentation of the human system of the body


Page 1: Human system presentation

Human System PresentationDale Schroll

University Of Phoenix Axia College

The Nervous System

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The Nervous System

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What is the nervous system?Made up of the brain and the spinal cord it is an enormous network of nerves that thread throughout your body, the control center for your entire body! The brain uses information it receives from your nerves to coordinate all your actions and reactions. Without the nervous system you could not exist.Image from:

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What are these nerves?They are thin threads of nerve cells called neurons that run throughout your body.

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How do nerves pass along messages?It is sort of electricity, neurons are very small and some can be up to three feet long! All of them are shaped somewhat like flat stars which have been pulled and are similar to fingers, where the fingers of one neuron almost reach to the next neuron.Image from:

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It kind of reminds me of…….Falling dominoes the way these neurons pass on the message.Image:

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Peripheral nervous system

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Autonomic Nervous System

Sympathetic division

• (Fight or flight)

Parasympathetic division• (Time to rest)

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Somatic DivisionImage from: This part of the nervous system controls the actions of the body, walking, talking, reaching for a glass of water or any other voluntary movement the body makes!

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References• NA, (2010) “The parts of the nervous system” Erupting mind self improvement tips Retrieved, September 4,2010

• NA, (2010) “The nervous system, your gross body” Discovery, Retrieved September 5, 2010•

NA, (2010) “ Central nervous system”, Retrieved September 3, 2010

NA, (2010) “ Human Nervous system” Human Nervous System. Retrieved September,4 2010

NA, (2010) “ Nervous System” Wikipedia, Retrieved September 4, 2010