hungappa term 1 week 5

Hungappa TERM 1 - WEEK 5 - 2012 Made by students, for students. A Rivcoll SRC Publication ©2012 PAJAMA PARTY. ARE. YOU. READY?

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CSU Wagga's Student Publication. - Term 1 Week 5 Edition


Page 1: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

HungappaTERM 1 - WEEK 5 - 2012

Made by students, for students.A Rivcoll SRC Publication ©2012



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@ ECO Garden(behind New Res)

Materials supplied!

Page 3: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

his feels like something I should be say-ing next week, which will be the final week of the term but... wow, has this term gone fast. I can’t believe it’s been over a

month back at uni. It feels like just yesterday I was in class hearing about all the assignments I would be getting and shrugging them off.

Now the time has come where all those assignments are now due. Sad. Face. I have a feeling these next two weeks are going to be absolutely hectic, crazy, and full on, rushing to get things done, followed by the bliss of Easter holidays.

Honestly the thought of having two weeks break from uni is the only thing keeping me going. It’s weird to have your life so planned out and structured in what you have to do then just nothingness, only to be thrown back in the deep end from your short breath of air.

I think I could quite easily write a book on the array of emotions experienced by having a uni life but I fear it would read much like a 16 year old girl’s diary. I say, this got rather drab rather quickly, lets lighten the mood with an interesting fact about myself. I can’t type left handed.

T I’ve actually learned a lot this past week, one is don’t have a single source to wake you up in the morning e.g. your mobile phone, because when it dies you miss class (is that such a bad thing?). Also check the used by date on milk before pouring it into your bowl of Coco Pops, and last but not least make sure someone else isn’t in the shower before you get naked.

That last part was purely for entertainment, I actually always shower fully clothed.

I hope this week never ends so assignments will never be due but having said that, next week is week six and that means it’s the final week of the term which also means it will be the last Hungappa you guys will have a chance to submit stuff to before the break. So if you were thinking about sending something in, do it, don’t think, just do it.

[email protected] <-------------

-Will Whiting -Editor in Chief



al 02


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Term 1 - Week 2

p. 01.

p. 02.

p. 05.

p. 06.

P. 07.

P. 08.

P. 09.

P. 10.

P. 11-12.

P. 13.

P. 14.

P. 15.

P. 16.

P. 17.

- CSU UFC Exec. Profiles

- CSU Basketball Club Report

- Surviving Mosquitos

- Tight & Bright Photos

- Facts For Whatever

- President’s Report

- Editorial

- Student Recipe of the Week

- Unusual Competition


- Opinion

Building 483 - Carpark 8

- Eco Active

- Caption of the Week

- CSU UFC Exec. Profiles

-The Glowing Rectangle

Page 5: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5


Editor in ChiefWilliam Whiting

Graphic DesignMichael Forrest

PhotographerAshley Innes

Advertising Manager“Your Name Here” (We are recruiting)

PrinteryCSU Print

[email protected]

Join The Team!

If you are interested in joining the Hungappa team in any of the above roles, or maybe you are just interested in writing for us, do not hesitate to come and see myself in the Rivcoll office or send me an email to [email protected]!

Hungappa Is a Wiradjuri word meaning -“to spread the word” , “to crow about”

Contact Us: [email protected]

More Information About Us:

Hungappa is a Rivcoll SRC publication and the opi-nions expressed within are not necessarily those of

the editor, staff or student members. Association by person or companies with Hungappa does not necessarily refelct the religious, political, sexual,

or racial beliefs of those parties.

The editor and Rivcoll SRC do not accept respon-sibility for any omission, errors, misconceptions

or the views and opinions contained in any article accepted for publication. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject any articles submitted for



The Hungappa is written BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS! As a Rivcoll SRC Publication you can

get paid for your submissions.

$15 for an article of more than 500 words$5 BONUS Every 3rd Article in a row

$20 for a full page graphic design or creation

$10 for a half page creation or printed poem

More than 1000 words and you may be eligible to have a FEATURE ARTICLE and be on the cover,

worth $30.

See for the full details on what you could get, or send an email to the editor at

[email protected]


Page 6: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

Hi Everyone!


We have had another busy week in Rivcoll, Wednesday night we went through the applicants and chose our new board members so we have a full board of keen people who are pumped to start getting involved and

helping out.

Our new board members are:

A New WavePresident’s Report

-Jack Barwick.President, Rivcoll [email protected]

Bianca Hyde- 2nd year B. Nursing

Josh Schultz- 3rd year B. Arts/B. Teaching

Frances Dinn- Equine Science (Honours)

Sylvia McGrath- 2nd year Social Work

Jacqui Brandenburg- 2nd year Nutrition and Dietetics

We will appoint positions on the board next Wednesday at our meeting, and also come up with our goals for the semester and what we want to achieve on Rivcoll, so feel free to put forward any issues concerns or ideas you have

to any of your Rivcoll reps.

Page 7: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

06CSU Basketball Club ReportWomens Week 1Town 49 def Self Catered 18(K.Illes 12 pts, L Wonders 10 pts, L.Tobin 10pts.)(G.Nelson 10pts)

Full Board 43 def South 2(J. brandenburg 11pts)

MVPL.Tobin 3M.Benny 3K.Illes 2J.Brandenburg 2E.Whitlaw 1E.McLennan 1

Mens Week 1Celtics 62 Thunder 47C. Talbot 24 pts, C. Scott 8reb, S. Lister 8 reb & 4 astJ. Makeer 16pts, 16 reb, 6 blks, 4 ast, J. Hu 12 pts.Suns 52 Lakers 48A.Barfoot 19pts & 13 reb, R.Ndukwe 18pts & 12 rebL. Harvey 18pts, 11 reb, 7ast & 5stl. M.Beaver 17pts. H.Khan 11 rebWolves 57 Bulls 50K. Adams 22pts. S.Sai-Louie 16pts & 5ast. Z.Khan 12 reb. Z.Noori 5stlH.Denshire 18pts & 11 reb. A.Sawdy 14pts, & 4stl. M.Babbs 13pts, 5stl

Mens Week 2

Clippers 75 def Suns 51(S.Hare 34 pts (wombat record), 17 reb. J.Ravenscroft 10 pts. J.Seaton 9 reb, 6stl. T.Shoard 5ast.(R.Cunningham 20pts, 4 stl. A.Barfoot 15 pts, 18 reb, 4 stl)Bulls 52 def Thunder 42(M.Babbs 17pts, 9 reb. H.Denshire 16pts, 11 rebs, 4blk. R. Barnett 6stl. A.Sawdy 6stl)(J.Makeer 12pts,18 reb, 4blk, 5 stl. J.Hu 11pts, 7 reb)Wolves 56 def Lakers 39(S.Sai-Louie 24pts, 11 stl (wombat record). K.Adams 16pts. Z.Noori 10 reb, 5stl. Z.Khan 10 reb)(L.Harvey 17pts, 9 reb. J.Pendrick 8 reb)

MVP1 Scott Hare 40.012 Josemado Makeer 33.93 Luke Harvey 31.024 Scott Sai-Louie 29.655 Hamish Denshire 29.026 Alex Barfoot 27.47 Jack Seaton 27.018 Mitch Babbs 26.49 Charles Talbot 25.2610 Tim Shoard 22.26 Rookie Of the YearRoland Barnett 11.77Hazza Khan 10.52Gurinder Singh 7.52Nick Howe 5.26Matt Argaet 4.76

TableWolves 6Clippers 4Celtics 3Bulls 3Suns 3

Lakers 1Thunder 0

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The following is a list of the people that know each other. These people play Ultimate Frisbee. They also happen to be the people running the club. Even more coincidentally, they have all hugged a grandma.

President: Seray Goktekin Playing Since: 2011 Dodo Name: Banana Degree: B Pharmacy (3rd year) Bio: Seray played her first tourney at Ultimate Stampede V and was a key part of winning the ‘spirit’ award due to her infectious laughter. Her dangerous throwing technique (mostly hazardous to her own team) earned her a position on the CSU Ultimate squad for Eastern University Games (EUGs) 2011 in Canberra, and the CSU Ultimate squad for Australian University Games (AUGs) 2011 at Gold Coast. Fun Fact: Loves birds (both the film and the animal).

Vice- Pres/Coach: Samuel Lopes Playing Since: 2010 Dodo Name: Sanchez Degree: B Pharmacy (3rd year) Bio: Joined mid way through 2010 to play Ultimate Stampede IV. Played EUGs 2010 at Coffs Harbour before accepting presidency of the club later that year. Formed CSU UFC in 2011 to compete at Ultimate Stampede V, UTS IV, EUGs, AUGs, and WOTDAhuck, whilst also competing at Mixed Regional Championships. Soon to compete at National Championships (Opens) with the team ‘Ultimatum’. Fun Fact: Left ankle is held together by screws.

Secretary: Laura Austin Playing Since: 2011 Dodo Name: Mel Degree: B Medical Imaging (1st year) Bio: Was thrust into the deep end for her first tourney, competing at the 2011 EUGs without any subs – and still managed to defeat some other universities! Laura returned to the field once more to aid CSU Ultimate (Bathurst + Wagga) to a first place victory at the WOTDAhuck tournament in Dubbo. Her dedication in the team has earned her a welcomed place on the exec. Fun Fact: Slightly haphephobic.

Treasurer: Pranibhay Nand

Playing Since: 2010 Dodo Name: Nandos Degree: B Pharmacy (4th year) Bio: Joining in 2010. Pranibhay didn’t decide to get on the field until 2011 for Ultimate Stampede V as Vice Pres of the 2011 CSU UFC. He then featured in the 2011 EUGs line up, battling the wind, rain and sleet to come home empty handed (respect buddy). At the 2011 AUGs he was a common recipient of the spade award, helping him dig deep to aid CSU Ultimate in achieving 7th place. Fun Fact: Can fit inside a bar fridge.













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08Fun Commander: Sergio Gironda Playing Since: 2011 Dodo Name: Lt. Surge Degree: B Graphic Design (1st year) Bio: One of the most out-going, moustache-clad, hat-wearing, easy catch-dropping, excessively-hyphenated people in the CSU UFC. Sergio’s reputation as a receiver (and a Dodo) often precedes him. Scoring off impossible catches in Ultimate Stampede V, 2011 EUGs, AUGs, Mixed Regionals (with Disc Jockeys) and soon 2012 National Championships (with Ultimatum) – he is one to watch in 2012. Fun Fact: Yo puedo hablar español.

Publicity: Myles Kirkland Playing Since: 2011 Dodo Name: Capt. Kirk Degree: B Photography (1st year) Bio: One of a few hockey players who swapped sport during 2011, most likely because he was sick of playing with balls. Was keen to represent on the field, and this saw him compete with the CSU UFC at Ultimate Stampede V; with CSU Ultimate at 2011 EUGs, AUGs and WOTDAhuck; Mixed Regionals with Disc Jockeys, and soon to be on the field wearing the jersey of the Ultimatum (Opens) teams. Fun Fact: Set phasers to troll.

Coach/Captain: Shota Nakamura Playing Since: 2011 Dodo Name: Snak Degree: B Pharmacy (3rd year) Bio: Shota is a prime first cut off the stack, often initiating flow. This, along with his hilariously effective faking technique, has seen him be selected in the 2011 CSU Ultimate EUGs and AUGs squad, whilst also lending a hand in CSU UFC successful bid for spirit award at Ultimate Stampede V. Shota will soon be competing at the National Championships (Opens) with Ultimatum. Fun Fact: Reigning champion of ‘Grab Arse’.

Coach/Captain: Ryan Alexander Playing Since: 2011 Dodo Name: ARJ Degree: B Pharmacy (3rd year) Bio: ARJ first played at Ultimate Stampede V in 2011. He went on to compete at AUGs 2011 in the Gold Coast before showing his skill in an endurance tourney by competing at the Sydney Gnarley 9’s in 40 degree heat with only one sub. ARJ also plays for the Disc Jockeys and Ultimatum, teams that compete at the Mixed National Championships and Opens National Championships respectively. Fun Fact: Has no knees.

Interested in joining the club? Contact us: CSU UFC or [email protected]













Page 10: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

By Dolly


What attracts mosquitos?

• Perfumes: Floral and fruity scented ones are most attractive.

• Skin temperature: Mosquitos prefer cooler skin.

• High lactic-acid levels: Eating very salty foods and high-potassium foods will increase these levels (such foods include avocados and bananas).

• Dark clothing: Mosquitos identify dark clothing as being foliage.

• Moisture: Mosquitoes are enticed by perspiration because of the chemicals it contains and also because it increases the humidity around your body. Even small amounts of water will draw mosquitoes, as standing water also allows them to reproduce.

• Carbon dioxide: Having a burning candle or other fire going will always attract mosquitos!


What you need to know!

What are some natural mosquito repellents?

m Garlicm Basilm Lemongrass oilm Cinnamon oilm Citronella oilm Peppermint oilm Catnipm Soy oilm Lavender oilm Eucalyptus oilm Tea Tree oil

TOP TIP: To avoid being bitten, try to stay away from still water!

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Simply come up with a caption for the above picture and send it in to [email protected] or write it down at friday unwind when you do a bum.

This Weeks Picture


Last Weeks Winner:

The best one will win a prize.



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Tight & Bright

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Tight & Bright Tight & Bright

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Simply take a picture of someone reading the ‘Hungappa’ (Must be a 2012 Edition & Show the front cover) in the most unusual/extreme

place you could ever think of, and send it in.

Send your photo/s in to [email protected]

The best one will recieve $10

This Weeks Winner:


Page 15: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5


Cooking Time: 25 Min | Serves: 4

Recipe of the week!



1 cup long grain white rice 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 2 bacon rashers, chopped 1 carrot, peeled and grated 2 shallots, trimmed, finely sliced 1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed 1 tablespoon soy sauce, plus extra to serve

1. Cook the rice in a large saucepan of boiling water for 12 minutes or until tender. Drain and leave to cool.

2. Using a whisk, lightly beat eggs in a small bowl. Heat oil in non-stick wok or large frying pan over medium heat.

3. Add eggs. Swirl over base to form an omelette. Cook 2 minutes. Turn over. Cook 2 minutes until set. Transfer to a chopping board. Set aside to cool slightly. Cut into short strips.

4. Add bacon to wok. Cook 4 minutes until light golden. Add carrot. Stir fry 1 minute. Add shallots, peas and rice. Cook, stirring, 3-4 min-utes. Add egg and soy sauce. Stir until heated through. Serve immediately, with extra soy.

Submit your own secret recipe to [email protected] & Get Paid!

Dish: Easy Fried Rice!

Page 16: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

The Oxford on-line dictionary states that the word opinion is a noun which means

1. a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge: that, in my opinion, is right the area’s residents share vociferous opinions about the future• [mass noun] the beliefs or views of a group or majority of people: the changing climate of opinion• an estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something: I had a higher opinion of myself than I deserved

2. a statement of advice by an expert on a professional matter: if in doubt, get a second opinion• Law a barrister’s advice on the merits of a case: the solicitor took counsel’s opinion• Law a formal statement of reasons for a judgement given: a dissenting opinion adjudged that the government had the right to protect ‘the symbolic value of the flag’

Let’s take the first meaning “a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge”.

The fact is that many of us express an opinion and believe that because of our opinion others should fall into line with said opinion. If this is not the case and we do not fall into line with modern or fashionable opinion we, those that don’t agree with the opinions of others, may be labelled as bigots, racists, apolitical, theocratic, homophobic, communist or pick any one of the minority groups in the last 2000 years.

In the last 2000 years there have been many generations of the human family and with these gene-rations the rise and fall of opinions that have followed the trend of the so called modern day. The modern day being that particular time that a generation feels that it has raised to its optimum heights in what it sees as progress of the human family.

Some see that there opinions are worth fighting for in the most abhorrent of ways. Some will grow to old age having expressed there opinions on rare occasions, which opinions have been seen as the seeds of wisdom and knowledge. The depth of opinion can start to become belief the depths of which are another article for another day.

Opinion and the forcefulness with which it is put forth are often tempered with age. In my own expe-rience I have found that many of my opinions differ from that of the modern tome we now know as the mass on-line media. Frequently opinions are formulated around the great towers of money and wealth. These two items are a necessity of our modern life. However, when the amount and time to which we invest in gaining them comes to a point to which we ourselves are basing our opinions on them, are we not becoming the Babylonians, Romans or even the Nazis of our modern time. To whit these empires all fell due to the opinions that they had formulated about themselves around there money and wealth, as well as opinions about there longevity and conquests over the natural world.

Should we each be individually mindful of our opinions how they are formulated, how and where they are expressed and what they may or may not start in whatsoever forum they are put forth in?

I think we should.

But, that’s just my opinion.


Page 17: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

Where are the Martians?

Have you ever considered the possible reasons as to why we haven’t discovered alien life in the cosmos? Surely we should have found, or heard something out there in deep space. There are roughly 400 hundred billion suns in our galaxy. How many of these suns might have planets orbiting them at appropriate distances for tempera-ture ranges to facilitate origin of life? Surely the correct mix of simple elements like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen exists on planets other than our own. Why does it seem like we are all alone in a deep enveloping cosmic dark? Yes, there are ‘alien conspirators’ and ‘abductions involving anal probing’, but none of these hold any weight at all.

Some have stipulated reasons. “Long distance space travel is ultimately impossible”. I find this very hard to believe. NASA was first founded in 1958, and we have already made great leaps and strides towards space ex-ploration. With man landing on the moon and the International Space Station having been achieved in the last 50 years, within another 150 years we should be able to expect great things. Another reason suggested is that “Somehow Earth is unique or special”. This is certainly a favoured argument by many prominent religions. At the moment it is impossible to know, as we only have good information on the terrain of planets in our solar sys-tem (Thank you Voyager!), and mostly compare readings of other planets to our own solar system. I read reports of Kepler-22b being compared to both Earth and Neptune.

But there is a train of thought which I first heard off a man named Carl Sagan, a very famous exobiologist and cosmologist. “All intelligent civilizations have a propensity to destroy themselves”. Think about that. What if the reason we haven’t made contact with aliens is because in their early development, their society self destructed and had a nuclear (or equivalent) war, eliminating their race? It is a difficult thought experiment, and like the other stipulated reasons it is tricky to test. We can only look at our own society for information. The images that flash through my head are not very nice.

Think about all the wars in history, fought over nearly everything from food to finances, from power to poverty, from religion to royalty. Think about the Holocaust. Think about the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Doomsday Clock that’s currently set at 5 minutes to midnight. Now stop thinking about war, and start think-ing about our environment. The Greenhouse Effect/Global Warming/Climate Change is NOT a new concept. I have an episode of Cosmos from 1979 where Sagan talks about the dangers of excessive Carbon Dioxide in our environment. The world’s fisheries are set to go extinct in 2050. The world is rapidly becoming overpopulated. Problem?

What message does this send to us, the inhabitants of the Earth? It’s quite simple – to be kinder to one another, and to care for the environment as much as is possible. We need to learn to respect each other more than we do, engage in debates not wars, try the hardest we can to prevent climate change and the destruction of our environment, and destroy the stockpiles of nuclear weapons. We need to develop a powerful filter of reason and logic in our minds to get rid of the crap ‘theories’* floating around in society (which almost ALWAYS revolve around an ulterior motive for financial gain, such as Homeopathy and Astrology).

I dream of the day humanity can reach the stars. But it won’t happen for at least another 50 years, and that’s be-ing near unrealistic. But unless we are all willing to do our little bit and work towards peaceful world diploma-cy and the promotion of science (and the extermination of pseudoscience!), we will self destruct and never get there. Isn’t it sad that the dreams and hopes of the world could all be destroyed by greed, hate and laziness?

Jervis is taking his canvas bags to the supermarket.

*Layman’s theories, not the scientific definition of theory. -Jervis Tetch


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17 The GlowingRectangle

By C.J. ThatcherA Great shift in human consciousness is occurring due to our embrace of technology and I believe that it needs to be addressed before we loose our sophistication as a species. Our tools we use are more sophisticated and complex but I fear that humans are becoming less so. I would argue that biologically, an ant is more sophisticated in how it communicates with other members of its species than humans are at this current juncture. I believe that we are becoming so reliant on text and the mediums that deliver it, that speech and non verbal communication and accurate interpretation of that communication may atrophy.

Having spent extended periods in high concentration urban areas, I have also noticed a trend in human behaviour that seems to display a certain amount of disengagement with the physical world. People seem to be primarily focused on getting from point A to point B by the path of least resistance. Not physical resistance but conscious resistance. This preference for undisturbed consciousness results in a certain amount of disengagement with the surrounding environment. Wether it be denying the sounds of our environment in favour of a personalised soundtrack or reducing the intensity of the natural light or avoiding eye contact with sunglasses or directing ones gaze at their mobile device. Does this disengagement with reality (i.e. the physical world around us) result in a lack of awareness? And should this concern us as a species?

These two emerging issues I have concerned myself with: 1. the potential loss of our sophistication as a species and 2. Our increasing disengagement with our physical environment needs to be addressed. My working theory is that in order to address these issues, that there needs to be some from of differentiation from that which is mediated (such as communication through tools or devices) and that which is not mediated (such as face to face communication). The two terms I use to differentiate the mediated from the unmediated is ultra reality and pseudo reality.

A pseudo reality would be as follows:

I am connecting with my friends on face book

The ultra reality would be:

I am staring at a screen on my own.

Essentially what I am calling for in this example is momentary denial of the content of what is on the screen. In fact the ‘screen’ could be reduced to such an extent in an ultra real perspective to be described as a glowing rectangle. So from an ultra real perspective we seem to be encapsulated by glowing rectangles. This may seem absurd as one can assume that there is someone on the other end of that glowing rectangle, also engaged in a glowing rectangle and that both parties are conversing. From an ultra real perspective however, there is no evidence that they in fact are engaged with another human being. The sender is therefore in an ultra reality simply staring at a glowing rectangle on their own.

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18What is shown on that screen wether it be a news feed, or message from another person is a pseudo reality. It is simply a collection of 0’s and 1’s converted into pixels which are converted into text, whichis then read and interpreted. I argue that this is a highly mediated and abstracted reality or a pseudo reality. I am not necessarily saying that what is on that screen is or was not real in some place or some time, but in order to truly experience something one must be in the same place and same time to truly experience it. This is why I believe that ultra reality is of great value. Wether it is sharing a pot of tea, playing sport, or watching a sunset, these corporeal experiences are incredibly rich and far more sophisticated events than something produced on a screen. We may ‘share’ a sunset with others on a social networking site but one would agree that it never looks anything like the ‘real thing’ such forms of sharing is in a pseudo reality and not an ultra reality.

It seems to me that the pseudo reality is gaining too much influence in our physical lives to such an extent that our attachments to tools that perpetuate a pseudo reality take precedent over those that we are seeking to communicate to or get ‘in touch’ with. I ask the following: When one uses a social networking site for example, are we maintaining relationships with other people or are we maintaining a relationship with a computer? This may sound like an absurd question, but when one applies an ultra real perspective, the answer is yes we are engaged in a relationship with our computer. The concern should be is when one feels the need to communicate with a friend, what is their initial impulse? Does one pick up the phone, turn on the computer or actually physically visits the person? Is this first point of contact, the machine or the man/woman something that should con-cern us as a species?

In this age of connectivity it seems to me that physically we are further apart. Being further apart from each other has been occurring long before the proliferation of the internet. The automobile is probably the first in a long line of commodities that have been introduced and successfully integrated into our capitalist culture and resulted in families and friends living at greater distances from one another. Not only this, our urban and rural landscapes have changed dramatically as a result. New suburbs no longer put in footpaths, corner stores are fewer and further in between… the automobile has become a necessity and it comes at a cost. The internet is also becoming a necessity and despite some claims that the internet is free, it too comes at a cost. We need the computer, the web cam and a half decent connection to use a program such as Skype which is celebrated as being free. The more we use these ‘free’ applications and integrate them into our lives, the more chance there is that our social and physical landscape will be altered in order to make one more reliant on them. So while some claim that this new media heralds an age of true democracy, greater connection and greater delivery of information, I see it partly as an excuse for just another monthly bill.

Finally, consider this: A person stuck in ice is thawed out after 500 years of being frozen and he is revived in this current age. As far as I know, there is little or no evolutionary difference between a human 500 years ago and human today (besides size due to nutrition) but behaviourally we have changed drastically. This person would probably consider it strange to see people holding glowing rectangles to our heads and talking to no-one. We now have these objects and tools that seem to make us laugh and cry, get angry or sad. We maintain relationships and social groups but not actually physically interact with them for extended periods. We are ‘connected’ as never before, but to that person thawed out, how would we look? Perhaps I am that person thawed out from the ice in some ways. Perhaps I should just accept what is happening. But something concerns me and that is;

For every x a real kiss may have been lost.

For every o there might have been a real hug.

-C.J. Thatcher

Page 20: Hungappa Term 1 Week 5

CREATIVE19TONS of submissions to the corner this week. It makes me so happy!!!

The Creative Corner is something I hope to have in every week, as I love art and cre-ations made by you guys, it’s time it got appreciated and time you got paid for your efforts! So submit in any creations you may have laying around the place.

Also every week we are going to be run-ning a theme on top of your every day creations in which the winner will recieve BONUS MONEY for their submission and have it as a half or even full page.

The Creative Corner is all about great creations made by you guys! Be it, comic, drawing, poem, picutre, anything that you use to express yourself we love. Email, fax, scan, copy, hand in, whatever it takes to get to me, don’t hesitate, just do it.

This Weeks Theme: “CSU Parking”

Next Weeks Theme: “South Campus”

This Weeks Winner:

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21 SUPER-DOOPER - - - FUNGAPPA-The most fun you can have, without an internet connection

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THE 4TH YEAR TIPEvery week we ask the most experienced person at this university to give us not so experienced

a pro tip we only wish we had in our previous years. We call it, “The 4th Year Tip”

THIS WEEKS TIP:“Always keep a box of Homebrand Chicken Nuggets in your freezer. They taste

amazing when you come home drunk and hungrybecause the line at JD’s was too long”

Start at 5 Draw to: 53, 52, 51

Move to 19 Draw to 18, 11

Move to 57 Draw to 58, 68

Move to 3 Draw to 52

Move to 8 Draw to 4

Move to 87 Draw to 89

Move to 53 Draw to 55, 56, 57, 13, 11, 10, 9, 8, 24, 21, 19, 44, 42, 41, 21

Move to: 2 Draw to: 4, 6, 7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 26, 31, 34, 33, 36, 37, 32, 29, 30, 48, 51, 81, 74, 72, 71, 106, 105, 104, 103, 101, 97, 90, 89, 65, 59, 66, 88, 87, 79, 68, 66, 67

Move to 81 Draw to 78, 108, 107, 86, 90

Use these directions to complete the ‘connect the dots’

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