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  • 8/8/2019 HURAIAN SCT5






    Learning O





    1. Microorganism1.1 Understandingthatmicroorganism isaliving thing

    Pupils view video showing various types ofmicroorganism, e.g. bacteria, virus, fungi andprotozoa.Pupils make a qualitative comparison betweenthe size of microorganism andthat of human and conclude thatmicroorganism is very tiny.Pupils discuss that yeast is a fungi, anexample of microorganism.Pupils observe the effect of yeast on doughand infer that microorganism breathes andcauses the dough to rise.Pupils carry out activity and observe the effectwhen a test tube filled with 2teaspoon of dried yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar

    and half test tube of water. Themouth of the test tube is attached to a balloon.Pupils carry out activity by sprinkling a fewdrops of water on a slice of bread.Pupils put the bread in a plastic bag andobserve it for a few days.Pupils observe rotten oranges or mouldy riceusing hand lens or microscope andrecord their observation for a few days.

    Pupils observe and record their findings bydrawing.Pupils view video on the movement ofmicroorganisms in water.Pupils collect samples of water from ponds,rivers or drains and observe themovement of microorganisms under amicroscope.Pupils record their observation.Pupils discuss and state that microorganisms


    ystate types of microorganisms.

    ystate that yeast is an example ofmicroorganism.

    ystate that microorganism breathes.


    state that microorganism grows.

    ystate that microorganism moves.

    yconclude that microorganisms areliving things and most of them cannotbe seen with naked eyes.

    Teacher uses thefollowing recipe tomakedough.


    1 cup of flour cup of warmwater1 teaspoon ofdried yeast1 teaspoon ofsugar


    1.Mix allingredients.

    2.Cover themixture witha damp cloth.3.Leave it for 20minutes.Ensure pupils usemicroscope ormagnifyingglass/hand lens.

    Ensure pupilsclean theirhands afterhandling watersamples.

    yeast- ragiharmful-berbahaya

    magnifying glass-kanta


    uses- kegunaansprinkling merenjis

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    are living things and most of them cannot beseen with nakedeyes.

    1.2 Understandingthatsomemicroorganismsareharmful and someare useful.

    Pupils gather information onthe uses ofmicroorganisms, e.g.a) making bread,b) making tapai,c) making tempe,d) making fertiliser.Pupils gather information on the harmfuleffects of microorganisms, e.g.

    a) causing illness,b) causing food poisoning,c) causing food to turn bad,d) causing tooth decay.Pupils gather information on diseases causedby microorganisms e.g.stomach upset, measles, cough, flu, chickenpox, dengue, conjunctivitis,mumps and AIDS.

    Pupils discuss that diseases caused bymicroorganisms can spread from one personto another.Pupils discuss on how diseases caused bymicroorganisms can be prevented fromspreading,e.g.a) by washing handsbefore handling food,b) by boiling water before drinking,c) by covering mouth and nose when coughingor sneezing,d) by washing hands after using the toilet,e) by putting patients who have chicken pox,conjunctivitis or mumps into quarantine.f) by covering wounds.


    ystate examples of use ofmicroorganisms.

    ystate the harmful effects ofmicroorganisms.

    ydescribe that diseases caused bymicroorganisms can spread from oneperson to another.

    yexplain ways to prevent diseasescaused by microorganisms.

    Pupils need notknow themethods ofmakingbread, tapai,tempe andfertiliser.Teacher just needto

    mention thecommondiseases.


    quarantine diasingkan

    measles- campakchicken pox- cacarstomach upset-

    sakit perut

    cough- batuk

    harm- kesan burukdengue denggisneezing bersinflu - selsemamumps begukconjunctivitis

    sakit mata

    2. Survival of The Species2.1 Understandingthat

    Pupils gather information to find examples ofanimals that take care of their eggs and young,


    ygive examples of animals that take

    Teacher mayexplain that



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    a) by water light and have air spaceb) by wind l ight, have wing-like structure,dry, have fine hairs and smallc) by animals fleshy, brightly coloured,edible, have smells or have hooks.d) explosive mechanism dry when ripe

    chestnut and ocra

    2.3 Realising theimportance ofsurvival of thespecies

    Pupils discuss and predict the consequencesif certain species of animals and plantsbecome extinct, e.g.a) shortage of food resources,b) other species may also face extinction


    ypredict what will happen if somespecies of animals or plants do notsurvive.

    extinction kepupusan

    shortage kekurangan

    3. Food Chain and Food Web3.1 Understandingfoodchains

    Pupils carry out a brainstorming session onanimals and the food they eat.Pupils discuss and classify animals into thefollowing groups according to thefood they eat:a) herbivoreb) carnivorec) omnivorePupils build food chains to show the food

    relationship among organisms.From the food chains pupils identify theproducers and the consumers.

    Pupilsyidentify animals and the food theyeat.

    yclassify animals into herbivore,carnivore and omnivore.

    yconstruct food chain.

    yidentify producer.

    yidentify consumer.

    Food chains mustbeginwith plants asproducers.

    food chain-rantaimakanan



    3.2 Synthesizingfoodchains toconstructfood web.

    Pupils construct a food web based on foodchains given.Pupils walk around the school compound tostudy food webs in places such asfield, science garden, pond or under flowerpot. Based on the organisms

    identified, pupils construct food chains andthen food webs for the habitats theyhave studied.Pupils discuss and predict what will happen ifthere is a change in the population of a certainspecies in a foodweb.Pupils carry out simulation or play gamesbased on food webs.Pupils view video to study various species that


    yconstruct a food web

    yconstruct food webs of differenthabitats.

    ypredict what will happen if there is achange in population of a certain

    species in a food web.yexplain what will happen to certainspecies of animals ifthey eat only one type of food.

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    are facing extinction because they only eat onetype of food.Pupils conclude that certain species of animalsthat eats one type of food only has difficulty tosurvive because their only source of food mayrun out, e.g.a) panda eats bamboo shoots only,b) koala bear eats eucalyptus leaves only,c) pangolin eats ants only.

    1. Energy1.1 Understandingthe

    uses of energyPupils discuss and conclude that energy isneeded:

    a) by living things to carry out life processessuch as moving, breathingand growing,b) to move, boil, melt or bounce non-livingthings.Pupils gather information and give exampleswhere and when energy is used.Pupils gather information about sources ofenergy,

    e.g.a) sun,b) food,c) wind,d) fuel,e) dry cell/ battery.Pupils discuss that the sun is the main sourceof energy.


    yexplain why energy is needed.

    ygive examples where and whenenergy is used.

    ystate various sources of energy.

    sources-sumberenergy- tenaga

    bounce-melantunfuel-bahan apiboil-mendidih

    1.2 Understandingthatenergy can betransformed fromone form toanother

    Pupils observe various events and identify theform of energy involved, e.g.a) a moving batteryoperatedtoy car,b) a stretched rubber band,c) a burning candle,d) a ringing telephone.Pupils carry out activities to discuss thetransformation of energy e.g.a) switching on the lights: electrical energy_light energy,



    state the various forms of energy.ystate that energy can betransformed.

    ygive examples of appliances thatmake use of energy transformation.

    transform-berubahprinciple-prinsipwhistle- wiselappliances -


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    b) lighting a candle: chemical energy_heatenergy + light energy,c) using a solar powered calculator :solar energy


    electrical energy_

    light energy.Pupils discuss that energy can be transformed.Pupils gather information and identifyappliances that make use of energytransformation and state the form of energyinvolved, e.g.a) electric iron : electrical energy_heat energyb) radio: electrical energy_sound energyc) ceiling fan: electrical energy_kinetic energy

    + sound energy,d) gas stove: chemical energy_heat energy +light energy.

    1.3 Understandingrenewable andnonrenewableenergy

    Pupils discuss that renewable energy is theenergy that can be replenished when used upand non-renewable energyis the energy that cannot be replenished whenused up.Pupils gather information on the following:

    a) renewable energy resources., wind and biomass,b) non-renewable energy resources. e.g.natural gas, petroleum and coal.Pupils discuss and conclude why we need touse energy wisely e.g.a) some energy resources cannot bereplenished when used up,b) to save cost,c) to avoid wastage,

    d) to reduce pollution.Pupils discuss why renewable energy is betterthan non-renewable energy.Pupils carry out brainstorming session onhow to save energy in everyday life.Pupils draw a list of dos and donts on how tosave energy and use it as a guideto carry out daily activities.


    ystate what renewable energy is.

    ystate what nonrenewableenergy is.

    ylist renewable energy resources.

    ylist non-renewable energy resources.

    yexplain why we need to use energywisely.

    yexplain why renewable energy isbetter than non-renewable energy.

    ygive examples on how to saveenergy.

    ypractise saving energy.

    Provide realobjects orsubstances suchas crudeoil, charcoal, coal,etc for

    pupils to observeanddiscuss.

    renewable energy-tenaga



    yang tidak dapat

    diperbaharuireplenished digantikan

    used up- habisdigunakan

    coal- arang batucharcoal- arangkayu



    2. Electricity

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    2.1 Knowing thesourcesof electricity

    Pupils carry out activity such as lighting up abulb or ringing an electric bell toverify that the following sources produceelectricity e.g.a) dry cell/ battery,b) accumulator,c) dynamo,d) solar cell.


    ystate the sources of electricity. Provide realobjects orsubstances suchas drycell, accumulator,rechargeablebattery,solar cell etc forpupils toobserve anddiscuss.

    dry cell-sel keringhydroelectricpower kuasahidro elektrik

    2.2 Understanding

    aseries circuit andaparallel circuit

    Pupils build as many different electric circuits

    as they can.Pupils are introduced the symbols of thecomponents in an electric circuit, i.ebattery, bulb, connecting wires and switch.Pupils draw circuit diagrams based on thecircuits that they have built.Pupils observe various series circuits andparallel circuits.Based on observation, pupils discuss the

    differences in the arrangement of bulbs inseries and parallel circuits.Pupils draw circuit diagrams of series andparallel circuits and compare the arrangementof the bulbs in these circuits.Pupils are given batteries,bulbs, switches andconnecting wires to buildseries and parallel circuits.Pupils observe and compare

    the brightness of the bulbsin:a) series circuits,b) parallel circuits,c) between series andparallel circuits.Pupils carry out activitiesand compare what happento the bulbs in a series


    yidentify the symbols of variouscomponents in a simple electriccircuit.

    ydraw circuit diagrams.

    yidentify the difference in thearrangement of bulbs in series andparallel circuits.

    ybuild a series circuit.

    ybuild a parallel circuit.

    ycompare the brightness of thebulbs in a series and a parallelcircuit.

    ycompare the effect on the bulbs whenvarious switches in a series circuit anda parallel circuitare off.

    When comparing

    thebrightness of thebulbs inseries or parallelcircuitsthe number ofbatteriesand bulbs must bethe


    series circuit-litar

    bersiriparellel circuit litar selari



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    circuit and a parallel circuitwhen various switches ineach circuit are off.

    2.3 Understandingthesafety precautionstobe taken whenhandling electricalappliances

    Pupils discuss the dangerof mishandling electricalappliances, e.g.a) electric shock,b) fire,c) burn,d) electrocution.Pupils discuss the safetyprecautions to be taken

    when using electricalappliances, e.g.a) do not touch electricalappliances with wethands,b) do not use electricalappliances that arefaulty or having brokeninsulation wires,

    c) do not repair electricalappliances on yourown,d) do not connect toomany electricalappliances to onepower supply.


    ydescribe thedanger ofmishandling electricalappliances.

    yexplain the safetyprecautions to betaken when usingelectrical


    Teacher can alsodiscussother generalsafetyprecautions, e.g.a) do not insertobjectsinto power supply,b) do not touch a

    switchwith wet hands,c) do not touchvictims ofelectric shock.

    electric shock-kejutan



    3. Light3.1 Understandingthatlight travels in astraight line

    Pupils carry out activities toobserve that light travels ina straight line.Pupils gather informationand give examples of eventsor phenomena that showlight travels in straight line.Pupils observe and discussthe formations of shadow toconclude that shadow isformed when light is blocked


    ystate that lighttravels in a straightline.

    ygive examples toverify that light travels in a straightline.

    ydescribe howshadow is formed.

    ydesign a fair test tofind out what cause

    beam- alur cahayatravel- bergerakopaque legap

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    by an opaque or atranslucent object.Pupils carry out activities to

    investigate the factors thatcause the shape and size ofa shadow to change.Pupils observe, discuss andconclude that:a) when the distancebetween an object andits light sourcedecreases, the size of

    the shadow increasesandwhen the distancebetween an object andthe screen decreases thesize of the shadowdecreases.b) the shape of theshadow changes

    according to the position of light source.andthe shape of theshadow changesaccording to theposition of an object.

    the size of ashadow to changeby deciding what to

    keep the same,what to changeand what toobserve.

    ydesign a fair test tofind out whatfactors cause the shape of a shadowto change bydeciding what to

    keep the same,what to changeand what toobserve.

    3.2 Understandingthatlight can bereflected

    Pupils carry out activities toinvestigate reflection of lightusing:a) a mirror,

    b) an aluminium foil.Pupils draw ray diagrams toshow the reflection of light inthe above activities.Pupils gather informationabout the uses of reflectionof light in everyday life, e.g.a) side mirror of a car,b) mirror at the sharp bend


    ystate that light canbe reflected.

    ydraw ray diagramsto show reflectionof light.

    ygive examples ofuses of reflectionof light in everydaylife.


    sharp bend-selekoh tajam

    ray diagram-gambarajah


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    of a road,c) mirror in the barbershop,d) periscope.

    Pupils apply the principle oflight reflection to designdevices, e.g.a) periscopeb) kaleidoscope.

    4. Heat4.1 Understandingthattemperature is an

    indicator of degreeof hotness

    Pupils heat 250ml of waterfor 3 minutes and feel thewater every few seconds

    while heating to feel thechange of temperature.Pupils let the warm watercool down and feel thewater every few seconds.Based on the aboveactivities, pupils discuss andconclude that:a) heat gain causes the

    water to become warmerb) heat loss causes thewater to become cooler.Pupils are guided to use andread thermometer correctly.Pupils gather information onthe metric unit for measuringtemperature.Pupils carry out activity tomeasure temperature, e.g.a) heat up water andrecord the temperatureevery few minutes, b) turn off the Bunsenburner and record thetemperature every fewminutes while the watercools off.Pupils discuss and concludethat the temperature:


    ystate that when asubstance gains

    heat it will becomewarmer.

    ystate that when asubstance losesheat it will becomecooler.

    ymeasuretemperature usingthe correct

    technique.ystate the metricunit fortemperature.

    ystate thattemperature of anobject or materialincreases as itgains heat.


    state thattemperature of anobject or materialdecreases as itloses heat.

    yconclude that thetemperature is anindicator tomeasure hotness

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    a) increases when heat isgained,b) decreases when heat is

    lost.Pupils discuss and concludethat the temperature is anindicator to measurehotness.

    4.2 Understandingtheeffects of heat onmatter.

    Pupils carry out activites toobserve the effects of heaton matter, e.g.a) heating an iron ball and

    inserting it into an ironring,b) cooling the heated ironball and inserting it intothe iron ring,c) heating some colouredwater in a beaker with aglass tube dipped into it and observing thewater

    level in the glass tube,d) putting a dented pingpong ball in hot water,e) cooling some colouredwater in a beaker with aglass tube dipped into itand observing the waterlevel in the glass tube.Pupils discuss theirobservations of the activities

    and conclude that:a) matter expands whenheated,b) matter contracts whencooled.Pupils view video orcomputer simulation on theexpansion and contractionof matter in everyday life,


    ystate that matterexpands whenheated.

    ystate that mattercontracts whencooled.

    ygive examples ofthe application ofthe principle ofexpansion andcontraction ineveryday life.

    dent kemekexpand-mengembang


    snap -putus

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    e.g.a) an electric cable isinstalled loosely to

    prevent it from snappingwhen it contracts in coldweather,b) there are gaps at railwaytracks to allow forexpansion in hot weather,c) a tight bottle cap can beloosened by immersing itin hot water,

    d) concrete slabs onpavements have gaps toallow for expansion.

    1. States of Matter1.1 Understandingthatmatter exist in theform of solid,liquid

    or gas.

    Pupils classify objects andmaterials into solid, liquidand gas. Pupils discuss andgive reasons for theirclassification.

    Pupils study the properties ofsolid by:a) weighing various kinds ofsolids,b) measuring the volumes ofvarious kinds of solids,c) putting various types ofsolids into containers ofvarious shapes.Pupils discuss and conclude

    the properties of solids, i.e. asolid:a) has mass,b) has fixed volume,c) has fixed shape.Pupils study the properties ofliquids by:a) weighing various kind ofliquids,


    yclassify objectsand materials intothree states ofmatter.

    ystate theproperties of solid.

    ystate theproperties ofliquid.

    ystate that someliquids flow fasterthan others.

    ystate the

    properties of gas.

    Suggested objectsandmaterials forpupils toclassify are:

    Inflatedballoon,deflatedballoon, stone,cookingoil, milk, water,paper,paper clip, ruler,glue andbicycle pump.Examples of

    liquids:a) waterb) milkc) condensed milkd) cooking oile) tomato saucef) cordialg) shampooh) glue

    solid pepejalliquid cecairgas gaswater vapour wap air

    evaporation penyejatancondensation kondensasi

    water cycle kitarair

    interchangeable boleh

    saling bertukar

    syringe - picagari

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    b) measuring the volumes ofliquids,c) pouring liquid into

    containers of various shapes.Pupils discuss and concludethe properties of liquids, i.e.a liquid:a) has mass,b) has fixed volume,c) has no permanent shapebut takes the shape of itscontainer.

    Pupils observe the flow ofdifferent liquids as they are container andobservehow smoke moves from acontainer to anotherinverted container placeddirectly over it,d) feeling the pressure ofgas in a syringe when itsplunges is pushed downwith nozzle closed.Pupils discuss and concludethe properties of gas, i.e. gasa) has mass,b) has no fixed shape buttakes the shape of itscontainer,c) occupies space and hasno fixed volume,

    d) can be compressed.poured into containers.Pupils discuss to concludethat some liquids flow fasterthan others.Pupils study the properties ofgas by:a) balancing two inflatedballoons on a stick and

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    1.3 Understandingthewater cycle

    Pupils view computersimulation to study theformation of clouds and rain.

    Pupils discuss and explainthe changes in the state ofmatter in the water cycle.Pupils view computersimulation on how water iscirculated in theenvironment.Pupils discuss theimportance of water cycle


    ydescribe howclouds are formed.

    ydescribe how rainis formed.

    yexplain how wateris circulated in theenvironment.

    yexplain theimportance ofwater cycle.

    cloud awanwater cycle kitaran air

    1.4 Appreciatingtheimportance ofwater resources

    Pupils view video about:a) the importance of waterfor living things,b) the effects of humanactivities on quality ofwater supply.Pupils gather information onhow to keep our waterresources clean and presentit in the form of folio.Pupils draw posters to showappreciation that water is animportant resource.

    Pupilsygive reasons whywe need to keepour waterresources clean.

    ydescribe ways tokeep our waterresources clean.

    2. Acid and Alkali2.1 Understandingtheproperties ofacidic,alkaline and


    Pupils test substances todetermine whether they areacidic, alkaline or neutralsubstances based on thechange of wet litmus papers

    colour.Pupils determine whetherfood samples are acidic oralkaline by tasting the foodsamples and testing withlitmus paper.Pupils carry out discussionand conclude the propertiesof acidic, alkaline and neutral


    yidentify acidic,alkaline andneutralsubstances using

    litmus paper

    yidentify the tasteof acidic andalkaline food.

    yconclude theproperties ofacidic alkaline andneutralsubstances.

    Pupils shouldtaste thefood samplesprovidedonly and not any


    litmus paper kertas litmus

    sour masambitter pahitneutral neutral

    acidic keasidanalkaline-kealkalianproperty-sifat

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    substances in terms of tasteand colour changes of litmuspaper.

    2. The Earth, The Moon and The Sun2.1 Understandingthemovements of theEarth, the Moonandthe Sun

    Pupils view video, computersimulation or model aboutthe movement of the Earth,the Moon and the Sun.Pupils discuss and explainthe rotation of the Earth andthe Moon and theirmovements around the Sun.

    Pupils observe and recordthe length and position of theshadow of a pole at differenttime of the day (pole as theobject and the Sun as thesource of light).Pupils fix a toothpickvertically on the surface of aglobe. Pupils observe the

    length and position of theshadow formed when theglobe is rotated at its axisover a fixed light source.Pupils build a sundial.Pupils discuss and concludethat the Earth rotates on itsaxis from west to east.


    ystate that the Earthrotates on its axis.

    ystate that the Earthrotates and at thesame time movesround the Sun.

    ystate that the Moon

    rotates on its axis.ystate that the Moonrotates and at thesame time movesround the Earth.

    ystate that the Moonand the Earth moveround the Sun at thesame time.

    ydescribe the changesin length and positionof the shadowthroughout the day

    yconclude that theEarth rotates on itsaxis from west toeast.

    The Earth rotateson itsaxis from west toeastand completesonerotation every 24hours.

    rotate berputarsundial jammatahari

    axis -paksiwest barateast timurmovement


    position kedudukan

    throughout sepanjang

    shadow bayang-bayang

    2.2 Understanding

    theoccurrence of dayand night

    Pupils view video or

    computer simulation on howdays and nights are formedor carry out a simulation byilluminating a rotating globeto observe the occurrence ofday and night.Based on the above activity,pupils discuss how day andnight occur.Pupils draw diagrams to



    state that it is daytime for the part of theEarth facing the Sun.

    ystate it is night timefor the part of theEarth facing awayfrom the Sun.

    yexplain that day andnight occur due to the


    menyuluhfacing menghadap

    rotating globe glob yang


    day siangnight malamoccurrencekejadian

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    show the occurrence of dayand night. rotation of the earthon its axis.

    2.3 Understanding

    thephases of theMoon

    Pupils view video or

    computer simulation anddiscuss that the Moon doesnot emit light but reflects thesunlight.Pupils view video on thephases of the Moon.Pupils use a ping-pong balland light source to simulatethe following phases of the

    moon:a) new moon,b) crescent,c) half moon,d) full moon.Pupils carry out a project toobserve and record thephases of the Moon for amonth and relate them to thedates of the lunar calendar.


    ystate that the Moondoes not emit light.

    yexplain that the Moonappears bright whenit reflects sunlight.

    ydescribe the phasesof the Moon.

    new moon anak

    bulancrescent - bulan


    half moon -bulansepara

    full moon bulanpurnama

    reflect -memantulkan

    phase -fasalunar calendar Takwim


    emit -memancarkan

    1. Strength and Stability1.1 Knowing theshapesof objects instructures.

    Pupils carry out activity torecognise the shapes ofobjects, i.e.a) cube,b) cuboid,c) sphere,d) cone,e) cylinder,

    f) pyramid,g) hemisphere.Pupils walk around theschool compound andidentify shapes mentionedabove.


    ystate the shapes ofobjects.

    yidentify shapes instructure.

    shape bentukcube - kubuscuboid - kuboidsphere -sferacone - koncylinder -silinderpyramid -piramidhemisphere -

    hemisferastructure -struktur

    1.2 Understandingthestrength and

    Pupils carry out activities toidentify the shapes of objectsthat are stable.


    yidentify shapes ofobjects that are

    Suggestion:use recycledmaterials.

    strength kekuatan /kekukuhan.

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    stabilityof a structure Pupils carry out activities toinvestigate factors that affect

    the stability of a structure,

    e.g.a) pushing a bottle standingupright and a bottlestanding upside down,b) pushing a high chair and alow chair,Pupils discuss and concludethat the stability of an objectis affected by:

    a) base area,b) height.Pupils carry out activity toinvestigate how base areaaffects the stability of anobject, i.e. the bigger thebase area, the more stablethe object is.Pupils carry out activity toinvestigate how heightaffects the stability of anobject, i.e. the higher theobject, the less stable theobject is.Pupils carry out activities tostudy the factors that affectthe strength of a structure,e.g.a) suspend a weight on a

    straw and then on apencil,b) make two bridges, oneusing a piece of flatpaper and the otherusing a folded paper.Then put objects of the same mass on eachbridge.Pupils discuss and conclude


    yidentify the factorsthat affect stability of

    objects.yexplain how basearea affects stability.

    yexplain how heightaffects stability.

    yidentify the factorsthat affect thestrength of astructure.

    ydesign a model thatis strong and stable

    stability kestabilanbase area luas

    tapakaffect -mempengaruhi

    stand at ease senang diri

    stand at attention -bersedia

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    that the strength of astructure is affected by:a) types of materials used,

    b) how the structure isplaced.Pupils design the strongestand most stable structureusing materials of theirchoice.