hvac safety program

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Generic HVAC is committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace for its employeesand sub-contractors. Safety and health shall be a primary consideration in the designprocurement installation use and maintenance of all company facilities e!uipment toolssupplies materials processes and operations.

As a condition of employment all personnel are re!uired to comply with company safetyregulations and to act in a safe manner while on the "ob. #mployees are to promptly report

accidents in"uries unsafe acts or unsafe conditions to their supervisor.

All sub-contractors are to utili$e this safety program or submit their own for review bymanagement.

Safety Program Goal

%t is the goal of Generic HVAC to eliminate all preventable accidents and to comply with alllaws regulations and recogni$ed safe practices pertaining to employee safety and health.%t is the intent of this written program to ensure that Generic HVAC meets the goal statedabove.

Management e!pon!i"ility

%t is the responsibility of management to&

'. Support supervisors(foremen through providing safety material and topics to be used atsafety meetings.

). *rovide the resources necessary to maintain and implement safety into the company.

+. #nsure that proper personal protective e!uipment ,**# is available for all employeesand enforce the use of the e!uipment as needed.

. #nsure that proper tools needed to perform the "ob are available.

/. #nsure the supervisors and employees are properly trained in re!uired safety skills.

0. #nsure that all accidents and near-miss incidents are investigated promptly and thatcorrective action is taken to correct any unsafe acts or condition,s .


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Foreman#S$per%i!or e!pon!i"ility

%t is the responsibility of the foreman(supervisor to&'. #nforce all safety and health rules and policies and take corrective action including

discipline as needed.

). Conduct daily "obsite inspections for ha$ards and safety violations and takecorrective action as needed.

+. 1aintain a safe worksite through appropriate and immediate attention to unsafe actsunsafe working conditions and poor housekeeping.

. %nvestigate all reported near misses accidents and unsafe acts in a timely mannerand take appropriate action.

/. Assist management in the safety orientation and training of new employees on therecognition of unsafe conditions and ensure that all employees understand thecontents of the written safety program.

0. Conduct weekly safety meetings to provide continuous training and awareness ofsafety.

2. #nforce the use of all personal protective e!uipment.

3. %nform management in a timely manner of the need for safety e!uipment and **#.

Employee e!pon!i"ility

%t is the responsibility of the employee to&

'. 4ollow all safety rules policies and procedures.

). 5eport all unsafe acts and conditions to the supervisor(foreman immediately.

+. 6tili$e all personal protective e!uipment necessary for duties.. Conduct daily inspections of tools and materials for defect and remove and report

unsafe tools.

/. 5eport accidents and near misses immediately to supervisor or management.

0. Attend and participate in safety meetings.


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2. *rovide insight and ideas regarding safety to management.

3. 7hen using prescription medication during working hours the employee must providethe foreman with a letter from his(her physician verifying the type of medication and thatit will in no way impair the employee8s ability to perform all the tasks associated withhis(her "ob.

Training an& Orientation

'. 9ew employees will be given an orientation during which the company8s safety policyand procedures will be reviewed. :his orientation will occur before any work isperformed. All personal protective e!uipment will be disbursed at this time andinstruction on the proper use and storage of the e!uipment will be covered.

). #mployees will be trained on the recognition of potential ha$ards and safety regulationsregarding the "obs they will perform.

+. All employees will be made aware of the location of emergency telephone numbers andfirst-aid kits the names of employees trained to render first-aid treatment and C*5 andthe names and locations of physicians on the *anel of *hysicians. .

. :raining and orientation of employees will be documented through the use of achecklist employee sign-off sheet or other suitable method. :his record will be storedin the employee8s personnel folder.

'or(!ite )a*ar& Analy!i!

'. A pre-construction inspection will be conducted prior to any "ob by management and(orthe supervisor(foreman to determine potential safety ha$ards.

). A pre-construction safety meeting will be conducted prior to beginning work on any "obto discuss any safety ha$ards that may be encountered. #mployees attending themeeting will be asked to provide insight on any potential ha$ards that may ariseregarding the operations.

+. A brief safety meeting will be conducted at the beginning of each business day to reviewsafety ha$ards pertinent to the duties of the day.

. :he supervisor(foreman will conduct "obsite walk-through inspections daily. All ha$ardsand unsafe conditions detected will be corrected immediately.


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:hese procedures prescribe methods and practices for reporting and investigatingaccidents and incidents at all "obsites of Generic HVAC. :hese procedures provide ameans to deal with "ob site accidents and incidents in a standardi$ed way. %n addition it isthe policy of Generic HVAC to comply with all workers8 compensation laws and regulations.


'. #mployees in"ured on the "ob are to report the in"ury to the "ob site foreman or otherlevel of management as soon as possible after the accident or incident.

). 4irst aid or other appropriate medical treatment shall be provided or obtained for thein"ured employee,s .

+. ;9ear miss< incidents shall be reported to the supervisor(foreman as soon as possibleafter the event so that an investigation can be made before conditions change.

. :he supervisor(foreman shall complete an Accident %nvestigation 5eport after observingthe accident site interviewing the in"ured employee any witnesses and other relevantpeople. :he report should be complete by the end of the workday but not more than )hours after the accident. %f circumstances such as hospitali$ation of the in"uredemployee delay the report a preliminary report must be submitted.

/. :he supervisor(foreman shall immediately notify management by telephone or radio ofserious in"uries ,re!uires more than first aid .

0. Any employee witnessing an accident(incident at a "ob site shall call for emergency helpand provide whatever assistance appears necessary. %n addition the employee is toimmediately report the accident(incident to site supervisor(foreman and take part inanswering !uestions related to the accident.


All employees must reali$e that rules of conduct are necessary for a safe and efficientoperation. :hese rules are established to protect everyone on the site and will be enforcedfairly and impartially.

:he following actions by an employee can result in disciplinary action up to and includingtermination.


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Cla!! A +iolation!

=ne ,' violation of the following type ,not all-inclusive may lead to immediate termination.

>isregard of safety rules and(or other acts that endanger you and(or others.7illfully endangering the lives of others.

Any horseplay.%nsubordination refusal to follow supervisor8s instructions.*roof of fraud ,an intentional act of deceit .4alsifying company records.*ossession of dangerous weapons or illegal drugs on company property vehicles or "obsites.7illful destruction of company e!uipment property or supplies.Consumption of alcoholic beverages on company property vehicles or "ob sites.%nto?ication or under the influence of drugs while on the "ob.

Absences for three ,+ consecutive workdays and failure to properly notify yourimmediate supervisor.6nauthori$ed removal of company client or their employee8s property from the pro"ect.

Cla!! B +iolation!

:he following actions ,not all-inclusive call for a written reprimand and if repeated mayresult in termination.

>isregard for safety rules and practices.4ailure to report in"uries.5epeated absences or tardiness ,repeated being defined as twice in a week five timesin a month or eight times in a year .@oitering or wasting time during working hours.*oor work performance both in !uality and !uantity.Violation of !uitting time procedure or leaving work area prior to designed time.



Generic HVAC is firmly committed to the health and safety of our employees the !uality ofour products and services the efficient operation of our company and the health and safetyof our customers and the public. :he company considers the influence of drugs andalcohol in the workplace to be detrimental to our employees and to our continued growth


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and future success.

Generic HVAC is committed to maintaining a drug-free and alcohol-free workplace and todoing its part to eradicate substance abuse in our community. %n furtherance of thesecommitments Generic HVAC policy on drugs and alcohol is as follows&

Statement of Policy

Any involvement with illegal or unauthori$ed drugs on company time on company propertyat any time or place during the workday ,including breaks and meal periods whenreporting or returning to work under the influence of drugs or in company vehicle is strictlyprohibited. #mployees who violate this rule will be sub"ect to disciplinary action up to andincluding discharge.

An ;illegal drug< is any drug that is not legally obtainable. An ;unauthori$ed drug< is anydrug other than alcohol which may be legally obtainable but for which the employee has nolegal prescription for is using in a manner other than as prescribed by the employee8sphysician or ,in the case of other medications or substances is using other than inaccordance with applicable directions. :he term ;involvement< means any possession usemanufacture dispensation distribution purchase sale or being under the influence of anyillegal or unauthori$ed drug.

#mployees shall not use alcoholic beverages at any time or place during the workday,including breaks and meal periods or report or return to work under the influence ofalcohol. #mployees who violate this rule will be sub"ect to disciplinary action up to andincluding discharge.

#mployee offices desks lockers personal property of employees ,such as toolbo?escompany vehicles and privately owned vehicles on company property are sub"ect tosearches for drugs and other evidence of violations of company policy. Any employee whorefuses to consent to a search of their person or property will be sub"ect to disciplinaryaction up to and including discharge.

Dr$g an& Alco-ol Te!ting

./ Po!t0Acci&ent#In1$ry Te!ting

#mployees involved in any on-the-"ob accident where the estimated propertydamage e?ceeds 'BB will be sub"ect to testing.

#mployees who are involved in occupational in"uries re!uiring medical treatmentother than first aid for themselves or others will be sub"ect to testing.


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2/ ef$!al of Te!ting

Any employee who refuses to be tested refuses to sign the necessaryacknowledgement and consent forms or who attempts to alter or tamper with asample or any other part of the testing process will be sub"ect to disciplinary actionup to and including discharge.

3/ ea!ona"le Ca$!e

4/ Follo50$p to Employee A!!i!tance Program 6If EAP pro%i&e&7

8/ Te!ting Proce&$re!

A laboratory or health-care provider chosen by the company will perform all testing. All positive screening tests will be sub"ect to confirmation testing.


:his policy is not a contract between the company and any of its employees or an offer tocontract and is sub"ect to change at any time as the company in its discretion deemsappropriate. %n addition the company reserves the right to test employees at times notspecifically delineated in this policy.


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General Safety $le!

:he following general safety rules apply to all persons working on the "ob site. :hese rulesmust be observed at all times.

'. 5eport all unsafe practices conditions e!uipment or tools to you supervisorimmediately.

). All in"uries regardless of how minor must be reported to your foreman immediately.

+. 4amiliari$e yourself with your "ob and its ha$ards prior to beginning work. %n thecase that you are unsure of the ha$ard or how to continue safely re!uest assistancefrom your supervisor.

. #mployees are not permitted to work if under the influence of drugs or alcohol.#mployees must agree to post accident drug and(or alcohol testing.

/. 4ighting horseplay and other inappropriate conduct in the workplace areprohibited .

0. 5oped-off barricaded areas identified as safety ha$ards may be entered only byauthori$ation of supervisor responsible for the work.

2. All chemical containers must be correctly labeled to identify its contents and must beproperly stored.

3. Appropriate personal protective e!uipment must be used when re!uired. ,>ependingon safety ha$ards present this may include safety glasses hard hats gloveshearing protection foot protection respiratory protection and fall protectione!uipment or other protective devices.

. 1achine guards and safety devices must be in place before power tools ande!uipment are operated. :ools and e!uipment will be inspected daily and defectivetools and e!uipment will be taken out of service and tagged ;>o 9ot 6se.<

'B. :ools and e!uipment must be kept clean and in good working condition. :ools ande!uipment will be maintained and used according to manufacturer8srecommendations.


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''. #mployees may not operate e!uipment on which they have not been trained and(or

do not have e?perience'). Always use the right tool for the "ob. %mprovising to save time may prove to be


'+. *ortable ladders in use must be tied blocked or otherwise secured to prevent themfrom movement. All ladders used must be in good condition.

' . 1etal ladders must not be used for electrical work or where they may come incontact with electrical conductors.

'/. Store all materials tools and e!uipment neatly and appropriately.

'0. >o not enter any tank vessel or confined space ,limited access unless properlytrained and authori$ed to do so by your supervisor through a properly completedwritten Confined Space #ntry *ermit.

'2. #mployees are not to ride as passengers on construction e!uipment nor are they toride in the bed of pickups.

'3. 7orkplaces must be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. >uring the course ofconstruction alteration or repairs form and scrap lumber with protruding nails andall other debris shall be kept cleared from work areas passageways and stairs in

and around buildings or other structures. Garbage and other waste shall bedisposed of at fre!uent and regular intervals.

' . Always dress properly and wear clothing that fits properly and is in good condition.Shirts with a collar and at least short sleeves long pants and good work shoes arethe minimum re!uirements.

)B. 7here walking(working surfaces may be slippery or become slippery shoes with slipresistant soles must be worn.

)'. Dewelry especially rings and dangling necklaces can cause serious in"ury if it gets

caught in rotating e!uipment on nails or screws ladder rungs scaffolding or varioustype of building materials therefore rings and dangling "ewelry must be removedprior to working where they can get caught. :his applies especially when working atelevations.

)). 6se proper lifting techni!ues or material handling e!uipment to prevent strain andsprain in"uries. Get help to move heavy or bulky ob"ects.


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)+. All employees e?posed to falling 0-feet or more from an unprotected side or edgeshall select a guardrail system a safety net system or a personal fall arrest system

to prevent falls to a lower level unless otherwise provided for in =SHA regulationsthat apply to residential construction and steel erection.

) . Scaffolds must have guardrails and toe boards installed on all open sides and endsof platforms more than 'B feet above the ground or floor.

)/. >rivers of company vehicles must have a valid operator8s license. All employees willuse seat(shoulder belts when operating or riding in a vehicle being used forcompany business. Vehicles must be operated within posted speed limits andapplicable state vehicle laws.

Fir!t Ai&

'. 6nless '' is available in the work area emergency numbers will be posted at the "obsite in company vehicles in the first aid kits or at all three locations.

). %n the case of an emergency contact your supervisor immediately. %n the case that asupervisor cannot be reached send someone to seek help.

+. A first aid kit will be in all "ob site trailers e!uipment storage rooms and companyvehicles. :he kit will be inspected weekly for usage and replacements will be made asneeded.

. %nured employees e?cept in emergency situations must see one of the companyapproved physicians ,*anel of *hysicians posted at the "ob site in company vehiclesin the first aid kits or at all three locations.

+e-icle Safety

=nly authori$ed trained and licensed personnel are to operate over-the-highway andindustrial motor vehicles. %ndustrial motor vehicles include e!uipment such as& forklifts man-lifts of various types bull do$ers tractors backhoes etc.

+e-icle Operation

'. %t is the responsibility of all vehicle operators to wear their seatbelt and drive accordingto the law.

). Always check the load for stability and security.


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+. 4ire e?tinguishers will be inspected at least monthly and maintained in accordance with

94*A Standards.. 4ire e?tinguishers will be obtained prior to starting welding or open flame operations

and will be kept in the area of such operations.

/. A )B-FC rated fire e?tinguisher will be located within 2/ feet of each fuel tank orflammable li!uid storage area.


)o$!e(eeping'. :he work area shall be kept clean and orderly. All debris including scrap lumber with

protruding nails must be cleared from work areas passageways and stairs in andaround the construction site at all times.

). Combustible scrap and debris must be removed at regular intervals and disposed ofproperly.

+. All work areas are to be cleared at the end of each workday.

. =ily flammable or ha$ardous waste or debris such as paints thinners oily rags etc.will be disposed of in clearly marked containers and disposed of daily.


'. =n all structures two or more floors ,)B feet or over in height stairways ladders orramps must be provided for employees during the construction period.

). All parts of stairways must be free of ha$ardous pro"ections such as nails.

+. >ebris and other loose material must not be allowed on or under stairways.

. Slippery conditions on stairs must be eliminated as soon as possible after they occur.

/. *ermanent steel or other metal stairways and landings with hollow pan-type treads thatare to be filled with concrete or other material must be filled to the nosing with solidmaterial until the actual construction takes place.


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0. 1etal landings must be secure in place before filling.

2. :emporary stairs must have a landing not less than +B inches in the direction of travelat every ') feet of vertical rise.

3. 5ise height and tread width must be uniform throughout any flight of stairs.

. #very flight of stairs having four or more risers must be e!uipped with standard stairrailings or standard handrails. A standard stair railing consists of top rail anintermediate rail posts and has a vertical height of +B-+ inches. A standard handrailis similar but is mounted on a wall or partition and does not include an intermediate rail.%t has a height of +B-+ inches.

Floor an& 'all Opening!'. A floor opening is defined as an opening measuring ) inches or more in its least

diameter in any floor roof or platform through which a person may fall.

). 4loor openings must be guarded on all e?posed sides by a standard top rail mid-railand -inch toe boards or must be closed over with a cover.

+. Hatchways and chute floor openings must be guarded by hinged covers or byremovable standard railings.

. 7henever there is danger of fallings through a skylight opening it must be guarded bya standard railing on all e?posed sides or a cover capable of withstanding a load of atleast )BB pounds applied perpendicularly at any one area on the cover.

/. All covers in walking(working surfaces or roofs shall be color-coded or shall be markedwith the word ;H=@#< or ;C=V#5< to provide warning of the ha$ard.

0. A standard railing with -inch toe boards or a floor hole cover that is secured againstaccidental displacement must guard floor holes.

2. A wall opening is an opening at least +B-inches high and '3-inches wide through whichpersons may fall. 7all openings from which there is a drop of more than -feet must be


3. #very open side floor or platform feet or more above the ad"acent floor or ground levelmust be guarded by a standard top rail and mid-rail or the e!uivalent e?cept wherethere is an entrance to a ramp stairway or fi?ed ladder. :he railing must have a inchtoe board whenever persons can pass beneath the open sides or there is movingmachinery with which falling material could create a ha$ard.


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. 5unways must be guarded by a standard top rail and mid-rail on all open sides feet or more above the floor or ground. 7herever tools machine parts or materials are likely

to be used on the runway a -inch toe board must be provided.


)an& Tool!

'. 7renches including ad"ustable pipe-end and socket wrenches must not be used when "aws are sprung to the point that slippage occurs.

). %mpact tools such as hammers wedges and chisels must be kept free of mushroomedheads.

+. All tools company issued and personal must be inspected daily for splinters cracksand loose "oints. Any tools with defects must be removed from the work site and tagged;>= 9=: 6S#.<

. Always use the proper tool for the "ob.

Po5er Tool!

'. *ower tools are designed to accommodate guardsE they must be e!uipped with suchguards when in use. Felts gears shafts pulleys sprockets drums fly wheels chairsor other reciprocating rotating or moving parts of e!uipment must be guarded.

). All manufacturers8 warnings and safe operating procedures for tools will be followed.

+. :he use of electrical cords for hoisting and(or lowering tools is not permitted.

. #lectric power tools must be industrial or heavy-duty grade with approved doubleinsulated wiring or grounded.

/. All portable power-driven circular saws must be e!uipped with guards above and belowthe base plate or shoe.

a :he upper guard must cover the saw to the depth of the teeth e?cept for theminimum arc re!uired to permit the base to be tilted for level cuts. :he lowerguard must cover the saw to the depth of the teeth e?cept for the minimum arcre!uired to allow proper retraction and contact with the work.


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b 7hen the tool is withdrawn from the work the lower guard must automatically

and instantly return to the covering position.0. All pneumatically driven nailers staplers and other similar e!uipment provide with

automatic fastener feed which operate at more that 'BB psi must have a safety deviceon the mu$$le to prevent the tool from e"ecting fasteners unless the mu$$le is in contactwith the work surface.

2. Compressed air must not be used for cleaning purposes e?cept where reduced to lessthan +B *S% and then only with effective chip guarding and personal protectivee!uipment such as goggles and(or faceshield.

3. All compressed air hoses e?ceeding inch diameter must have a safety device at thesource of supply to reduce pressure in case of hose failure.

Po5&er0Act$ate& Tool!

'. =nly employees who have been trained and received a certificate of operation areallowed to operate powder-actuated tools.

). :he tool must be tested each day before loading to see that safety devices are in proper working condition. :he method of testing must be in accordance with themanufacturer8s recommended procedure.

+. Any tool found not in proper working order or that develops a defect during use mustbe immediately removed from the work site and tagged ;>o 9ot 6se< until properlyrepaired.

. :ools must not be loaded until "ust prior to the intended firing time. 9either loaded norempty tools are to be pointed at any employees. Hands must be kept clear of the openbarrel end.

/. @oaded tools must not be left unattended.

0. 4asteners must not be driven into very hard or brittle materials including but not limitedto cast iron gla$ed tile surface-hardened steel glass block face brick or hollow tile.

2. >riving into material easily penetrated must be avoided unless such material is backedby a substance that will prevent the pin or fastener from passing completely through andcreating a flying missile ha$ard on the other side.

3. :ools must not be used in an e?plosive or flammable atmosphere.


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. All tools must be used with the correct shield guard or attachment recommended by

the manufacturer.'B.:he operator must warn those near his workplace that he is about to discharge the tool.



'. 7hen mechanical handling e!uipment is used sufficient safe clearances shall beallowed for aisles at loading docks through doorways and wherever turns orpassage must be made.

). Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear and in good repair with no obstaclesacross or in aisles that could create a ha$ard.

+. *ermanent aisles and passageways shall have appropriate markings.


'. Storage areas must be kept free from accumulation of materials that constitute ha$ardsfrom tripping fire e?plosion or pest harborage. Vegetation control will be e?ercised

when necessary.). All materials stored in tiers must be stacked racked blocked interlocked or otherwise

secured to prevent sliding falling or collapse.

+. Aisles and passageways must be kept clear to provide for the free and safe movementof material handling e!uipment or employees. Such areas must be kept in good repair.

. 1aterials must not be stored on scaffolds or runways in e?cess of supplies needed forimmediate operations.

3. Structural steel poles pipe bar stock and other cylindrical materials unless rackedmust be stacked and blocked to prevent spreading and(or tilting.

. 1aterials ten ,'B or more feet in length being manually transported re!uire anemployee on each end of the material.


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Material )an&ling E<$ipment

'. Hoists

a 1aterial Hoists

' 5ated load capacities recommended operating speeds and specialha$ard warnings or instructions must be posted on cars and platforms.

) 7ire ropes must be removed from service when they show signs ofdamage or serious wear.

+ %n hoisting ropes if si? randomly distributed broken wires in one rope layor three broken wires in one strand in one rope lay are found the ropeshall be removed from service and tagged ;>o 9ot 6se.<

Hoisting ropes must be installed in accordance with the wire ropemanufacturer8s recommendations.

/ Safe operation of all hoisting e!uipment must be followed at all times.



:he =SHA Ha$ard Communication Standard was promulgated to ensure that all chemicalsare evaluated and that information regarding the ha$ards would be communicated toemployers and employees. :he goal of the standard is to reduce the number of chemicallyrelated occupational illnesses and in"uries.

%n order to comply with the Ha$ard Communication Standard this written program has been

established by Generic HVAC. All divisions and sections of the company are includedwithin this program. Copies of this written program will be available ,for review by anyemployee in the following locations&



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)a*ar& Determination

All ha$ardous chemicals in this facility are purchased materialsE there are no manufacturedor intermediate ha$ardous chemicals. :herefore Generic HVAC shall rely on the ha$arddetermination made by the chemical manufacturer as indicated on the 1aterial Safety >ataSheet ,1S>S .

Ba!ic component! of t-e Program Incl$&e> A. Ha$ardous Chemical %nventory @istF. 1aterial Safety >ata Sheets.C. @abel and other forms of warning>. #mployee information and training#. 9on-routine tasks.

4. 6nlabeled pipes.G. 1ulti-employer workplaces.H. *rogram review.

A/ )a*ar&o$! C-emical In%entory Li!t

A list of all known ha$ardous chemicals(products used at Generic HVAC worksites iscontained in Appendi? A of this written program. :his list will be compiled for each "ob.

B/ Material Safety Data S-eet!>

7hen chemicals are ordered the purchaser shall specify on the purchase order thatchemicals are not to be shipped without corresponding material safety data sheets.

7hen 1S>Ss arrive they will be reviewed for completeness by ,title of person responsiblefor safety . Should any 1S>S be incomplete a letter will be sent immediately to themanufacturer re!uesting the additional information.

A complete file of 1S>Ss for all ha$ardous chemicals to which employees of this companymay be e?posed will be kept in labeled binders in the ,@ocation of binders .

1S>Ss for ha$ardous chemicals used by departments will be kept in labeled binders in

office of the respective departments. 1S>Ss will be available for employees during eachwork shift. Should 1S>Ss be unavailable please contact supervisor immediately.

1S>Ss will be reviewed annually by ,safety person . Should there be any 1S>S that hasnot been updated within the past year a new 1S>S will be re!uested.

After three ,+ documented re!uests for a 1S>S have been unsuccessful the problem willbe reported to the nearest =ccupational Safety and Health =ffice.


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C/ La"el! an& ot-er form! of 5arning>

:he Ha$ardous Communication Standard re!uires that manufacturers label ha$ardouschemicals. :he label must contain the following&

a Chemical identity.b Appropriate ha$ard warningsc 9ame and address of the chemical manufacturer importer or other responsible

party7hen chemicals are ordered by ,title of person ordering the purchase order will indicatethe need for the above stated information to be included on the labels or the order will notbe accepted.

7hen chemicals are transferred from the manufacturer8s containers to secondarycontainers the supervisor will ensure that the containers are labeled with the identity of thechemicals and appropriate ha$ard warnings.

:he entire labeling procedure will be reviewed annually by ,title of safety person andchanged as necessary.

D/ Employee Information an& Training>

*rior to starting work new employees of Generic HVAC will attend a health and safetyorientation program. :he safety officer is responsible for organi$ing and conducting initialtraining.

:he format for the training program will be oral and written.

:he following topics will be covered&a An overview of the re!uirement of the Ha$ard Communication Standard.b :he labeling system and how to use it.c How to review a 1S>S and where they are kept.d Chemicals present in the work operations.e *hysical and health effects of ha$ardous chemicals.f 1ethods and observation techni!ues used to determine the presence or release of

ha$ardous chemicals in the area.

g *ersonal protective e!uipment and work practices to lessen or prevent e?posure tochemicals.h Steps the company has taken to lessen or prevent e?posure to chemicals.i Safety(emergency procedures to follow if e?posure occurs.

" @ocation and availability of the written program.

4ollowing each training session the employee is re!uired to sign and date the trainingrecord verifying attendance.


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Additional training will be provided with the introduction of each new ha$ard(chemical.

5ecords of this additional training will be maintained.E/ Non0ro$tine Ta!(!>

:he responsible supervisor will identify ha$ardous non-routine tasks at specific "ob sites.

*rior to any employee beginning a ha$ardous non-routine task he(she must report tosupervisor to determine the ha$ards involved and the protective e!uipment re!uired.

F/ ,nla"ele& Pipe!>

7ork activities are often performed in areas where chemicals are transferred through pipes,these pipes are not re!uired to be labeled . However the employee needs to be aware ofpotential ha$ards. *rior to starting work in areas having unlabeled pipes the employeeshall contact the supervisor to determine&

a :he identity of the chemical in the pipes.b *otential ha$ards.c Safety precautions.

G/ M$lti0employer 'or(place!>

=ften one or more contractor works concurrently on-site. %n the case that a Sub-contractor

does not have a written program they will be asked to follow Generic HVAC Ha$ardCommunication *rogram and provide Generic HVAC with the following&a A Ha$ardous Chemical %nventory @ist and applicable 1S>Ss.b %nformation on any precautionary measures that need to be taken to protect

employees.c :he chemical labeling system used.

All sub-contractors will be provided with the above information from Generic HVAC.

%t is the responsibility of the Supervisor to ensure that all 1S>Ss of chemicals that will beused on the "ob site are made available at a central location in the workplace along with the

labeling system used. All sub-contractors will be informed of the availability of thisinformation and its location by letter.

)/ Program e%ie5>

:his written Ha$ard Communication *rogram for Generic HVAC will be reviewed annuallyand updated as necessary.


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Appendi? A

)a*ar&o$! C-emical In%entory Li!t

'. 0.

). 2.

+. 3.

. .

/. 'B.


PPE Program Policy

#mployees using hand and power tools and those who are e?posed to falling flyingabrasive splashing ob"ects dusts fumes mists vapors or gases will be provided with theparticular protective e!uipment and associated training necessary by ,title safety person toprotect them from the ha$ard.

*ersonal protective e!uipment must be used and maintained in a sanitary condition at alltimes. #mployees are to follow the guidelines provided on use and care of all personalprotective e!uipment. %mproper use and care of ppe will not be tolerated. #mployees whoviolate this rule will be sub"ect to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

All employees of Generic HVAC will be instructed on the proper use care and maintenanceof personal protective e!uipment prior to use.

All new employees will be issued a hard hat and safety glasses prior to beginning work withGeneric HVAC. #mployees are re!uired to provide their own safety-toed work boots.

Generic HVAC will provide special needs such as prescription safety glasses or gogglesthat will fit properly over prescription glasses. Special e!uipment such as face shieldsrespirators hearing protection and gloves will be issued on a need basis.

)ea& Protection


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%ssued hard hats meeting A9S% 3 .' standard are re!uired.

All hard hats are to be worn correctly. *ersons wearing hats under their hard hat and(orwearing them backward will be cited for a safety violation.

Hard hats must be inspected daily for damage and weaknesses. :he company safetyofficer will inspect any hard hat that has been involved in an accident before it is usedagain.

Eye an& Face Protection

Approved ,meets A9S% 32.' standard safety glasses are re!uired during& chippingcutting breaking sawing drilling or any activity that poses a ha$ard to the eyes.

4ace shields are re!uired for grinding welding chemical handling and other operationsthat pose a ha$ard to the face and forehead. Safety glasses shall be worn underneath theface shield.

4ace and eye protection e!uipment shall be kept clean and in good repair.

Foot Protection

7here walking(working surfaces may be slippery or become slippery shoes with slipresistant soles must be worn.

Bo&y an& Clot-ing e<$irement!

A regular work shirt or a :-shirt with short sleeves and long pants will be worn at all times.#?cessive "ewelry and loose clothing are not allowed.

)an& Protection

7hile utili$ing tools and handling materials that could cause in"ury to the hand appropriategloves shall be worn.

@eather gloves shall be worn when working with sharp or abrasive material.5ubber gloves shall be worn when working with solvents and(or chemicals.



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Generic HVAC re!uires 'BBI continuous fall protection for all employees. All employees

will be trained on the recognition of fall ha$ards and measures to prevent them prior tobeginning work for Generic HVAC. Generic HVAC will provide all fall arrest systems.

All "obs and duties shall be assessed for fall ha$ards and appropriate measures shall bemade to prevent falls prior to beginning any duties.


'. All ladders must be maintained in good repair. @adders with broken or missing rungs orsteps broken or split side rails or other faulty or defective construction must not beused. Any ladder with a defect must be removed from the worksite and tagged ;>o 9ot6se.<

). *ortable ladder feet must be placed on a firm substantial base.

+. :he area around the top and bottom of the ladder must be kept clear of debris cordswelding leads and other tripping ha$ards.

. *ortable ladders shall be used at such a pitch that the hori$ontal distance from the topsupport to the foot of the ladder is about one-!uarter of the working length of the ladder.

/. @adders are not to be used in a hori$ontal position as platforms walkboards runwaysor scaffolds.

0. @adders must not be placed in passageways doorways driveways or any locationwhere they may be displaced by activities conducted on any other work unlessprotected by barricades or guards.

2. @adder rails must e?tend at least + feet above the upper landing surface to which theladder is used to gain access. %f is necessary to e?tend the ladder less than + feet theladder shall be secured at the top to a rigid support that will not deflect and grab railswhich provide a secure grip for an employee moving to or from the point of access mustbe installed.

3. *ortable ladders in use must be tied blocked or otherwise secured to prevent them from

movement.. *ortable metal ladders must not be used for electrical work or where they may come in

contact with electrical conductors.

'B.*rior to ascending and descending a ladder the employee shall ensure that the ladderis secured against displacement and e?tends at least +0 inches above the landing.


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''. @adders shall not be used to support scaffold boards unless properly designed andconstructed ladder "acks are used and the platform does not e?ceed a height of )B feet.

').Hands must be free from tools and e!uipment when climbing on a ladder.


'. All manufactures directions load capacities and height re!uirement shall be followedwhen scaffolds are used.

). All scaffolds will be inspected before use.

+. :he footing or anchorage for scaffolds must be sound rigid and capable of carrying thema?imum intended load without settling or displacement. 6nstable ob"ects such asbarrels bo?es loose brick or concrete blocks must not be used to support scaffolds orplanks.

. A supervisor ,or other competent person must supervise all scaffolding erectionmovement dismantling or alteration.

/. Guardrails and toe boards must be installed on all open sides and ends of platformsmore than 'B feet above the ground or floor. Scaffolds feet to 'B feet in height havinga minimum hori$ontal dimension in either direction of less than / inches must havestandard guardrails installed on all open sides and ends of the platform.

0. Guardrails must be ) ? inches or the e!uivalent appro?imately ) inches high with amid-rail when re!uired. Supports must be at intervals not to e?ceed 3 feet. :oe boardsmust be a minimum of inches in height.

2. 4all protection will be used in the case that guardrails cannot be properly installed.

3. 7here persons are re!uired to work or pass under the scaffold scaffolds must beprovided with a screen between the toe board and guardrail e?tending along the entireopening consisting of 9o. '3 gauge 6.S. Standard wire inch mesh or the e!uivalent.

. =verhead protection must be provided for workers on scaffolds e?posed to overheadha$ards.

'B.Slippery conditions on scaffolds must be eliminated as soon as possible after theyoccur.

''. 9o welding burning riveting or open flame work must be performed on any stagingsuspended by means of fiber or synthetic rope. =nly treated of protected fiber or


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synthetic ropes must be used for or near any work involving the use of corrosivesubstances or chemicals.

').7ire synthetic or fiber rope used for scaffold suspension must be capable ofsupporting at least 0 times the rated load.

'+.Scaffolds and their components must be capable of supporting without failure at least times the ma?imum intended load.

' .Any scaffold including accessories such as braces brackets trusses screw legsladders etc. damaged or weakened from any cause must be immediately repaired orreplaced.

'/.All scaffolds work platforms must be a minimum '3-inches wide. *latforms shall be fullyplanked between the front uprights and the back guardrail.

'0.All planking or platforms must be overlapped a minimum of ') inches or secured frommovement.

'2.*latform planks must be laid with their edges close together so the platform will be tightwith no spaces through which tools or fragments of material can fall.

'3.#mployees shall not climb scaffold frames or braces.

' .All scaffolds shall be provided with properly secured access ladders.

)B.Scaffold planks must e?tend over their end supports between 0 inches and ') inches.

)'.:he poles legs or uprights of scaffolds must be plumb and securely and rigidly bracedto prevent swaying and displacement.

)).#mployees shall ensure that the wheels on manually propelled mobile scaffolds arelocked.

)+.1anually propelled scaffolds are to be moved only when all employees are off of thescaffold.

) .Scaffolds must be secured against tipping by guying tying bracing or other e!uivalentmeans. 7hen scaffolds over + feet wide e?ceed heights times their width the scaffoldmust be secured beginning at times the width height then at intervals not greater than)0 feet vertically and +B feet hori$ontally. Scaffolds less than + feet wide must besecured beginning at times the width and then secured at )B feet vertical intervals.


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Bo&y )arne!!e! an& Lifeline!

'. 7here employees are e?posed to falling 0-feet or more from an unprotected side oredge Generic HVAC will select either a guardrail system safety net system or personalfall arrest system to protect the worker.

). A personal fall arrest system shall consist of a full body harness a shock-absorbing,deceleration device a lanyard a self-retracting lifeline proper connectors and anade!uate anchorage point.

+. All parts of the fall arrest system will be inspected prior to each use to ensure that noparts is damaged or deteriorated. %n the case that something is damaged it is to beremoved from the worksite and tagged ;>o 9ot 6se.<

. %n the case that a fall arrest system is utili$ed it shall be removed from operationimmediately and a new arrest system is to be issued.

/. 4all protection will be utili$ed to prevent falls from ladders lifts elevated platformsscaffolds vessels or any elevation in which there are no other means of protection fromfalling.

0. @ifelines and lanyards must be secured above the point of operation to an anchoragepoint or structural member capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of / BBBpounds. :he anchorage must be independent of any anchorage being used to supportor suspend platforms.

2. 4all arrest systems must be rigged such that an employee can neither free fall morethan 0 feet or contact any lower level.

3. All body harness and lanyard hardware must be drop forged or pressed steel or madeof e!uivalent materials. Surfaces must be smooth and free of sharp edges and have acorrosion resistant finish.



:his 4all *rotection *lan is specific for the following pro"ect&


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'. %mplement the 4all *rotection *lan.

). Continually perform safety checks of work operations.

+. #nforce the safety policy and procedures.

. Correct any unsafe acts or conditions immediately.

e!pon!i"ilitie! of All Employee!

'. 6nderstand and adhere to the procedures of this plan.

). 4ollow the instructions of the foreman.

+. 5eport all unsafe ha$ardous conditions or acts.


#ach employee will be trained on the procedures and practices of utili$ing non-conventional fall protection.

All personnel will be informed that the controlled access $ones are off limits to all personnelother than those designated erectors specifically trained to work in that area.

De!ignation of Safety Monitor an& De!ignate& Erector!

Safety Monitor 6i&entifie& "y 5earing an orange %e!t7

De!ignate& Erector! 6i&entifie& "y 5earing a "l$e %e!t7'. .). /.+. 0.

Safety monitor training an& &$tie!>

'. 7arn by voice when approaching the open edge in an unsafe manner.

). 7arn by voice if there is a dangerous situation developing which cannot be seen byanother person involved with product placement such as a member getting out ofcontrol.


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+. 1ake the designated erectors aware they are in a dangerous area.

. Fe competent in recogni$ing fall ha$ards./. 7arn employees when they appear to be unaware of a fall ha$ard or are acting in an

unsafe manner.

0. 5emain on the same walking(working surface as the monitored employees and withinvisual sighting distance of the monitored employees.

2. Fe close enough to communicate orally with the employees.

3. 9ot allow other responsibilities to encumber monitoring.

. %f the safety monitor becomes too encumbered with other responsibilities the monitorshall&

a. Stop the erection processb. :urn over the responsibilities to a designated erector c. :urn over the safety monitoring function to another designated competent


'B.:he ma?imum number of workers to be monitored by one safety monitor is !i:/

De!ignate& Erector!

>esignated erectors are permitted to enter the controlled access $ones and work withoutthe use of conventional fall protection.

All designated erectors under the safety monitoring system shall be trained and instructedin the following areas&

'. 5ecognition of the fall ha$ards in the work area.

). Avoidance of fall ha$ards using established work practices that have been made knownto the employees.

+. 5ecognition of unsafe practices or working conditions that could lead to a fall such aswindy conditions.

. :he function use and operation of safety monitoring systems guardrail systems bodybelt(harness systems control $ones and other protection to be used.

/. :he correct procedure for erecting maintaining disassembling and inspecting the


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system,s to be used.

0. Jnowledge of construction se!uence or the erection plan.

Non0Con%entional Fall Protection

Activities that re!uire non-conventional means of fall protection&

'. Connecting activity ,point of erection

). @eading edge work

+. 6nprotected sides or edge. Grouting

Fall Protection Sy!tem! to Be ,!e& on T-i! Pro1ect

7here conventional fall protection is infeasible or creates a greater ha$ard at the leadingedge and during initial connecting activity we plan to do this work using a safety monitoringsystem.

Safety Monitoring Sy!tem

A safety monitoring system means a fall protection system in which a competent person isresponsible for recogni$ing and warning employees of fall ha$ards.

Limitation! of t-e Safety Monitoring Sy!tem

:he safety monitoring system shall not be used when the wind is strong enough to causeloads with large surface areas to swing out of radius or result in loss of control of the loador when weather conditions cause the walking-working surfaces to become icy or slippery.

Control =one Sy!tem

A controlled access $one means an area designated and clearly marked in which leadingedge work may take place without the use of guardrail safety net or personal fall arrestsystems to protect the employees in the area.

Control *one !y!tem! !-all comply 5it- t-e follo5ing pro%i!ion!>

'. 7hen used to control access to areas where leading edge and other operations aretaking place the controlled access $one shall be defined by a control line or by any


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other means that restricts access.

). 7hen control lines are used they shall be erected not less than 0 feet nor more than 0Bfeet or half the length of the member being erected whichever is less from the leadingedge.

+. :he control line shall e?tend along the entire length of the unprotected or leading edgeand shall be appro?imately parallel to the unprotected or leading edge.

. :he control line shall be connected on each side to a guardrail system or wall.

/. Control lines shall consist of ropes wires tapes or e!uivalent materials and supportingstanchions as follows&

a #ach line shall be flagged or otherwise clearly marked at not more than 0-footintervals with highly-visibility material.

b #ach line shall be rigged and supported in such a way that its lowest point ,includingsag is not less than + inches from the walking(working surface and its highest pointis not more than / inches from the walking(working surface.

c #ach line shall have a minimum breaking strength of )BB pounds.


All openings greater than ')in. K ')in. will have perimeter guarding or clearly markedcovering.

*rior to cutting holes on the "ob proper protection for the hole must be provided to protectthe workers. *erimeter guarding or covers will not be removed without the approval of theerection foreman.


P$rpo!e an& Scope

:he purpose of the energy control program is to ensure that whenever the possibility ofune?pected machine or e!uipment start-up e?ists or when the une?pected release of storedenergy could occur and cause in"ury the e!uipment is isolated from its energy source,sand rendered inoperative prior to servicing or maintenance.


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Sources of energy may be from but not restricted to the following& electrical power sourcehydraulic fluid under pressure compressed air energy stored in springs potential energy

from suspended or elevated parts stored energy in capacitors and gas under pressure.#nergy must be blocked restrained or dissipated by methods such as groundingrepositioning blocking bleeding down pressure opening disconnect switches andremoving fuses.

Energy0I!olating De%ice!

'. %4 :H# #9#5GL-%S=@A:%9G >#V%C# %S @=CJAF@# @=CJS SHA@@ F# 6S#> unlessthe use of tags would provide protection at least as effective as locks and would assure;full employee protection.<

). Safety locks shall be distinctive in color shape or si$e and have only one key. %f key islost lock must be destroyed.

+. :ags are essentially warning devices affi?ed to energy-isolating devices and do notprovide the physical restraint of a lock. :ags may evoke a false sense of security. :heyare only one part of an overall energy control program.

. 7hen a lock or tag is attached to an isolating means it is not to be removed e?cept bythe person who applied it and it is never to be bypassed ignored or otherwisedefeated.

/. :he lockout or tagout device must identify the person applying the device.

0. :ags must be legible and understandable by all employees. :ags must showappropriate warnings such as& >= 9=: =*#5A:# >= 9=: S:A5: >= 9=: =*#9>= 9=: C@=S# >= 9=: #9#5G% #.

2. :ags must be made of material that will withstand the environmental conditionsencountered in the work place. :heir means of attachment shall be of a non-reusabletype attachable by hand self-locking and non-releasable with a minimum breakingstrength of no less than /B pounds ,such as a nylon cable tie .

3. All renovations and(or ma"or repairs will include addition of lockable devices where

previously unavailable.. All new e!uipment shall have lockable devices.

Application of Control! an& Loc(o$t#Tago$t De%ice!

:he e!uipment must be de-energi$ed and locks or tags must be applied to the energy-isolation devices when&


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'. :he employee must either remove or bypass machine guards or other safety devices

resulting in e?posure to ha$ardous conditions.). :he employee is re!uired to place any part of his or her body in contact with the point of

operation of the machine or piece of e!uipment.

+. :he employee is re!uired to place any part of his or her body into a danger $oneassociated with a machine operating cycle.

. 9ormal servicing tasks-such as setting up e!uipment and(or making significantad"ustments to machines.

Proce&$re for &e0energi*ing

'. *repare for shutdown.

). Shut down the machine,s or e!uipment by normal procedures.

+. %solate the machine or e!uipment from the energy source,s by opening disconnectspulling fuses closing valves etc.

. Apply the lockout or tagout device,s to the energy-isolating device,s .

/. Safely release all potentially ha$ardous stored or residual energy.

0. Verify the isolation of the machine,s or e!uipment energy source,s prior to the start ofservice or maintenance work.

2. *erform repair( ad"ustments( maintenance as necessary.

emo%al of Loc(! an& Tag!

'. %nspect the work area to ensure that non-essential items have been removed and that

machine or e!uipment components are intact and capable of operating properly.). Check the area around the machine or e!uipment to ensure that all employees have

been safely positioned or removed.

+. 9otify affected employees immediately after removing locks or tags and before startinge!uipment or machines.


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. 1ake sure that only those employees who attached them remove locks or tags.

Employee Training All employees will be instructed&

'. :o leave alone any lockout or tagout device on a piece of e!uipment or machinery.

). =n the recognition of control procedures.

+. 5egarding the purpose of the procedure and the importance of not attempting to start-up or use the e!uipment that has been locked or tagged out.

Authori$ed employees will be instructed on the&

'. Skills necessary for the safe application use and removal of energy controls.

). #!uipment type,s of energy and ha$ard,s specific to the workplace.

+. >etails about the type and magnitude of the ha$ardous energy sources present in theworkplace.

. :he methods and means necessary to isolate and control energy sources.

5etraining will occur when there is&

'. A "ob change.

). A change in machines.

+. #!uipment or processes that present new ha$ards.

. Change in energy control procedures.

Te!ting or Po!itioning of Mac-ine!

:emporary removal of locks or tags and the re-energi$ation of the machine or e!uipmentare allowed under special conditions. :he re-energi$ation must be conducted inaccordance with the se!uence of steps listed below&

'. Clear the machines or e!uipment of tools and materials.

). 5emove employees from the machines or e!uipment area.


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+. Annual inspection reports shall be filed for not less than three years.


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A&&en&$m A>

General Safety Rules

The following general safety rules apply to all persons working forthe co pany. These rules ust !e o!ser"e# at all ti es.

1. $ ployees ay not operate e%uip ent on which they ha"e not !eentraine# an#&or #o not ha"e e'perience.

2. $ ployees are not per itte# to work if un#er the influence of#rugs or alcohol. $ ployees ust agree to post acci#ent #rugan#&or alcohol testing.

3. (ighting) horseplay) an# other inappropriate con#uct in theworkplace are prohi!ite#.

4. *se proper lifting techni%ues or aterial han#ling e%uip ent topre"ent strain an# sprain in+uries. ,et help to o"e hea"y or!ulky o!+ects.

5. -ppropriate personal protecti"e e%uip ent ust !e use# whenre%uire#. /epen#ing on safety ha ar#s present) this ayinclu#e safety glasses) har# hats) glo"es) hearing protection)foot protection) respiratory protection) an# fall protectione%uip ent or other protecti"e #e"ices.

6. achine guar#s an# safety #e"ices ust !e in place !efore powertools an# e%uip ent are operate#. /efecti"e tools an#e%uip ent ust !e taken out of ser"ice an# tagge# /o ot *se.-lways use the right tool for the +o!.

7. e"er enter any tank) "essel) or confine# space unless properlytraine# an# authori e# !y your super"isor.

8. orkplaces ust !e aintaine# in a neat an# or#erly anner./uring the course of construction) alteration) or repairs) foran# scrap lu !er with protru#ing nails) an# all other #e!risshall !e kept cleare# fro work areas) passageways) an# stairs)in an# aroun# !uil#ings or other structures. ,ar!age an# otherwaste shall !e #ispose# of at fre%uent an# regular inter"als.

9. here walking&working surfaces ay !e slippery or !eco e37

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slippery) shoes with slip resistant soles ust !e worn.

10. orta!le la##ers in use ust !e tie#) !locke# or otherwisesecure# to pre"ent the fro o"e ent. -ll la##ers use# ust!e in goo# con#ition.

11. etal la##ers ust not !e use# for electrical work orwhere they ay co e in contact with electrical con#uctors.

12. -ll e ployees e'pose# to falling 6 feet or ore fro anunprotecte# si#e or e#ge shall select a guar#rail syste ) asafety net syste or a personal fall arrest syste to pre"entfalls to a lower le"el) unless otherwise pro"i#e# for in :;-regulations that apply to resi#ential construction) an# steelerection.

13. :caffol#s ust ha"e guar#rails an# toe !oar#s installe# onall open si#es an# en#s of platfor s ore than 10 feet a!o"ethe groun# or floor.

14. /ri"ers of co pany "ehicles ust ha"e a "ali# operator<slicense. -ll e ployees will use seat&shoul#er !elts whenoperating or ri#ing in a "ehicle !eing use# for co pany!usiness. =ehicles ust !e operate# within poste# spee# li itsan# applica!le state "ehicle laws.

Acknowledgement of receipt of a cop of General Safet!"le#

>) ?????????????????????????) #o here!y affir that > ha"e !eengi"en a copy $ ployee a eof the general safety rules) > ha"e rea# an# un#erstan# the ) an# >agree to follow the . -##itionally)

> agree to post acci#ent #rug an#&or alcohol testing.

??????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????$ ployee a e/ate


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Generic HVAC


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$$%lea#e keep a cop in per#onnel file$$