hw420 final project

HW420 FINAL PROJECT Kenneth P. Fogel 04/28/15

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HW420 Final Project

Kenneth P. Fogel


Kenneth Fogel HW420 Final Project

Here I will be explaining the inventory that I have created in order to execute the way that this can be used in order to determine a current state of wellness. By following these questions, one can hope to see and reflect upon these findings as a new set of options and treat themselves and their spiritual form of wellness accordingly. Here I have interviewed someone with these sample questions and I have supplied their answers as well-the answers are not to be taken to heart as they are someone else's point of view-but to be used as a method to study and to help oneself.

As stated in Heath of the Human Spirit, "The following are some of the more common ideas that lend balance to the health of the human spirit. As you read through these ideas, note that each suggestion directly supports the premise of spiritual well-being through relationships, values, and a meaningful purpose in life. A closer look at these ways to enhance the health of the human spirit shows the importance of the muscles of the soul, including, faith, patience, and compassion. No less important than the muscles of the soul for spiritual health are the seasons of the soul: centering, emptying, grounding, and connecting. It is quite easy to first think of spiritual health in the connecting process—the “Disney World” euphoric sensation—yet the human spirit needs as much nurturing in the emptying process. As you read through each idea, first ask yourself how each suggestion supports the model for spiritual well-being, and then ask how you can best incorporate these behaviors, habits, and activities into your life."(Spirit,9)

Question 1. There was a time when Sunday was truly considered a day of rest. With the way technology has grown do you think they should make Sunday a day of rest for everybody? Why or why not?

"I feel that everybody has a choice-those who would rather work on a Sunday and those who would not. The majority of those who would not might fall under the Christian category, under "God's day of rest". The popular opinion that I have heard all of my life is, "Even God had his day of rest on Sunday, you should too." With this day and age of new technological advances, it's hard not to keep up with the rest of the world. I feel like if a person decides to work for a company that doesn't believe in having a Sunday off-then it's their choice, but I do not feel that it's for everybody. If you can work something out with your employer about having Sundays off and working another day in place-it could be a different situation.”

In this answer-the patient has answered in a way that is neither objective or in objective-they are simply being passive about the answer, possibly trying not to offend anyone. I feel like they have given the "popular" answer. The easiest path is to be optimistic about one's opinions as well to try to mold into the popular crowd without alienating oneself.

Question 2. In the world there is much violence and lack of morals, there are plenty of things that we consider sacred and close to our hearts. What are some things that you consider sacred in your life? How do you honor them?

"It seems that there are so many things that we value and things that we take for granted and do not realize the value of them until they are taken from us or gone. Things that I tend to value in my life are the people, places and of course the animals that I share my home with as well. I do not feel that material items are sacred to me-unless they are an heirloom given under special circumstances and unless the object as an important relevance to being in my life. I tend to honor these things by taking time out of my day to either have a silent remembrance, a vocal prayer or simply having a conversation that I would have normally done-even making a dedication or plaque in honor of their memory."

This answer depicts the subject moving away from materialism and discussing a more spiritual aspect of their beliefs.

Question 3. People think that to forgive someone for personal violation is to get walked over twice. Has there been anyone that you have forgiven? If so did you fully forgive them or did you hold a grudge on them for a while and then finally forgave them?

"There are still people that I haven't forgiven, still people that I hold a grudge against and probably will for the rest of my life. I am all about forgiveness, but when there is so much evil in the world and it constantly plays against you; it becomes hard to forgive. Your heart can become black and hardened against certain people that you once gave reverence or a kind thought to. To those that I have forgiven, I have forgiven wholeheartedly, some may have taken a while-but I do tend to eventually forgive and move on. I'm an easy-going person and if I have to hold a grudge-I feel that person does not deserve my forgiveness."

This answer favors strongly of pessimism, memories seem to bring back a certain feeling to words that are built upon these emotions. When it comes to these types of emotion, the stronger feeling usually prevails in these situations.

Question 4. Everyone has a shadow side. Has there been an instance where you have noticed that your inner self has tried to take you on the negative side of life? Why or why not?

"When I was 15, we had to have a mentor to guide us to becoming members of the church-this was also one of the most rebellious times in my life. I listened to no one, I was a nice enough person-but I wanted to do things my own way, decide and shape my own destiny and I was struggling to figure out who I really was and who I was going to become. I was also in Karate at the time and I had joined because I was recently kicked in the face for no reason at all-trying to get an object for the track coach in the boy's training room. No apology, everything started to seem like a joke to me and piece together, my thoughts would get really dark, negative and pessimistic. I still have those times-my mentor helped me to realize a path that I could follow and bring out my inner strength-to realize who I truly was and could be."

It's interesting when a story begins to form when including an answer-it seems that sometimes in order to get to the answer that a memory or explanation of the realization must be told in order to form a conclusion.

Question 5.There are parts of life that we absolutely have no control over. Tell me a time that you have tried to make a positive answer on something but then decided that the correct answer was to walk away?

"There was a time when I was a kid-around 10 years old or so and a friend that I had known most of my life-my neighbor and I were playing at my parents’ house. It was about time for her to leave and I was looking for an item that had belonged to me since I had a nagging feeling that she was going to steal it from me since she kept hinting how jealous she was and how she wanted one of her own. I glanced around before she left and it wasn't anywhere to be found-so I asked to look into her bag-she wouldn't let and me but I saw my item in her bag and told her that it must have fallen in there, even though I knew she was trying to take it. Instead of accusing her- I was trying to make the best of it-since that day we have not spoken to each other and I walked away from that friendship."

The life lesson here is noticing how trust can be broken just by a single act and how sometimes we just need to sever some times and that some bridges were meant to be burned. Not everything can be fixed, even if it can-the soul must be willing as well.

Question 6. In our fast-paced world we tend to jump from one thing to another, for example; Christmas. We tend to jump from one present to the next before we process the last one. Has there been an instance where you have jumped to the next thing before taking a moment and actually honoring the gift that you got?

"I tend to treasure every gift that I have received, I tend to hold on to things dearly and have a hard time letting go. I really can't remember a point in my life where I had skipped one gift for another that I had not honored it properly and acknowledged the person who had given it to me. If I have-I really don't remember."

Here the answer is short and to the point-succinct to say the least.

Question 7. Tell me a time that you were walking someplace and you turned a negative day into a positive day by laughing?

"There were lots of those days-negative days at school, work, family issues-all of these I dealt with by visiting friends and they would either try to cheer me up. Or just walking by and having a memory randomly pop up and I would burst out laughing for no reason. A random good

thought or memory can make your day easier or less stressful and a good laugh definitely helps to ease these things as well."

It seems that with enough willpower-we can help our minds to flush out the bad memories and feelings with good ones, to really help control our emotions by not dwelling on the negatives of life and focusing on the positive things. In one article about pessimism, "Ultimately however, there are few positive things to say about pessimism (yes, pun intended). Pessimists tend to have higher blood pressure, greater difficulty dealing with anxiety and stress and, not surprisingly …being chronic party poopers, more interpersonal difficulties (Chatterjee, 1999).

Question 8. What do you do on a daily basis that helps you be fully conscious of your blissful connection to the divine presence of the universe?

"I have these silent talks with the universe-these pervasive thoughts and soundtrack in the back of my mind that help to spark a quiet-blissful feeling that only the universe can seem to respond to. It's not something one can easily explain, the connection between one's soul and the universe in a one-ness, Yoga is also really helpful with this as it helps to clarify the mind and bring a clear consciousness forward allowing one to fully appreciate why they exist. This, combined with some deep breathing, a cup of tea and a schedule for the day ahead helps me to relax and connect with the universe in a serenity that is unique to only me."

Here is where the conversation got philosophical-the more longer the interview went on-the longer and more personal the answers seemed to get as the atmosphere gained a sense of calmness-it seemed to affect the answers as well. In the book Learned Optimism, "Permanence is about time, Pervasiveness is about space. It comes down to this: People who make universal explanations for their failures give up on everything when a failure strikes in one area. People who make specific explanations may become helpless in that one part of their lives yet march stalwartly on in the others."(Optimism,46)

Question 9. Some Philosophers lay great emphasis on reason and rational living. What is your take in this?

"There is a reason for this, I feel; Reason and Rational Living that is. That everyone has a purpose, or needs one-I feel like some philosophers would like to see this implemented because guidelines are needed in order for the human race to survive and continue. That building blocks need to be placed forth and built upon in order to create a living harmony within ourselves and the environment. Humans need to have a fulfillment and reason for doing and being-which is why these guidelines were made in the first place."

Here the rational reasoning of the brain comes into play-the logical part of the brain takes over and suddenly gains a "creative license" if you will on the ideals of a society that would fit the pre-determined guidelines-at least that's the pessimistic answer to this.

Question 10. Give me a very simple, but very impressive proof for the existence of your soul?

"I'm not sure if this will be impressive, but here it is. The existence of my soul, there must be a purpose, I refuse to believe that there isn't a purpose. Even if there is no other purpose than just existing physically and to create more life-forms-I feel that as a species that is becoming more and more self-aware that we are actively searching for more things to help us feel more alive and certainly not more alone in the universe. Even if we are little more than just evolved bacteria and serve no other purpose than to inhabit the planet that we named Earth-our terra-formed society is constantly growing. I personally feel deep down that my soul has a purpose no matter how big or small-and that it will contribute in some way-influence someone's life that will change the world someday or if I end up changing the world. I feel like our souls develop not only for religious reasons, but for something much deeper, and collective. I'm not sure if it will end after I pass someday, but the memory of my presence will live just like my ancestors before me, I am living proof."

In conclusion, these questions are expressed in the best way possible to understand the spectrum of spirituality and the forms of Psychological Self. Not only will reviewing these behaviors and actions help one to better understand the workings of the working mind better-they may also help you to calm the very same instances found in yourself.

Works Cited:

“Conversations with Marie.” (2015)

Chatterjee, C. (1999). A Healthy Outlook. Psychology Today (439). Retrieved April 13, 2007

Seaward, B. (2001). Health of the human spirit: Spiritual dimensions for personal health. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Seligman, M. (1991). Learned optimism. New York: A.A. Knopf.