hybrid keyword data driven automation frameworks

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  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 1

    Hybrid Keyword Data DrivenHybrid Keyword Data Driven

    Automation FrameworksAutomation Frameworks

    An Insight to Approaches, Techniques &An Insight to Approaches, Techniques &

    Methodologies.Methodologies.Jonathon Lee WrightJonathon Lee Wright

    [email protected]@iee.org



    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    Hybrid Keyword Data DrivenHybrid Keyword Data Driven

    Automation FrameworksAutomation Frameworks

    What does this mean to you now?What does this mean to you now?

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 1)Frameworks (Sl ide 1) 2nd March 20102nd March 2010


  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 2

    Presentation PlanPresentation Plan


    2nd March 20102nd March 2010


    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 2)Frameworks (Sl ide 2)




    Automation:Failure Rate

    Reasons forPast Failure


    Break EvenPoint

    Where toStart



    Break EvenPoint


    WhichTest Tool

    One DedicatedTeam

    BusinessProcess Testing





    Framework ApproachFramework Approach(Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks)(Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks)

    Buzzword HYBRIDBuzzword HYBRIDIntroduction

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 3)Frameworks (Sl ide 3)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 3

    Moving swiftly past the hypeMoving swiftly past the hype

    Historically Automation is perceived as aHistorically Automation is perceived as aSilver Bullet of the Testing world.Silver Bullet of the Testing world.

    The term has been adopted into a general metaphor, where "silver bullet" refers toThe term has been adopted into a general metaphor, where "silver bullet" refers to

    any straight forward solution perceived to have extreme effectivenessany straight forward solution perceived to have extreme effectiveness. The. The

    phrase typically appears with an expectation that somephrase typically appears with an expectation that some new technology or practicenew technology or practice

    will easily cure a major prevailing problemwill easily cure a major prevailing problem


    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 4)Frameworks (Sl ide 4)


    Product Test AutomationProduct Test Automation

    Historical trends in automation frameworks:Historical trends in automation frameworks:


    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 5)Frameworks (Sl ide 5)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 4

    Learning from past experienceLearning from past experience

    2004 2010 (Estimated)

    Industry: Test Automation (net worth) $1 billion $6.3 billion

    Automation Projects (failure cost) $0.6 billion $3.8 billion


    2nd March 20102nd March 2010


    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 6)Frameworks (Sl ide 6)Source A:ROI on Test Automation - http://www.keane.com

    Source B:HP pay 4.5billion to acquire mercury - http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/ 26/technology/26 hewlett.html

    Reasons for past failureReasons for past failure

    Lack of defined automation methodologyLack of defined automation methodology

    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010



    ATLM Diagram:Automated Software Testing (Du stin Rashka Paul) - ISBN 0-201-43287- 0

    Source:Maximizing ROI and Avoiding the Pitfalls of Test Automation (Bill Ha yduk - RTTS) - http://www.rttsweb.com/research

    Automation is not treated as a legitimateAutomation is not treated as a legitimateproject with the necessary planning /project with the necessary planning /


    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 7)Frameworks (Sl ide 7)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 5

    Reasons for past failureReasons for past failure

    Test Automation is typically performed at the end of the development cycleTest Automation is typically performed at the end of the development cycle



    Global Design

    Detailed Design



    Traditional - Test Automation

    Functional Test Tool Dependences: Application Under Test (AUT) Delivery- Learn Object Repository

    Hybrid - Test Automation

    Business Process Modelling (BPM)- Mapping Business Process

    Business Process Testing (BPT)- Reusable Modules (Jigsaw Pieces)

    Descriptive Programming (DP)- Enables Dynamic Object Repository

    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 8)Frameworks (Sl ide 8)

    Reasons for past failureReasons for past failure

    After the initial success the automation scripts are not maintained for futureAfter the initial success the automation scripts are not maintained for futurebuildsbuilds

    (contributing to a high failure rate of the remaining 32% of working automation projects)(contributing to a high failure rate of the remaining 32% of working automation projects)

    Testers are typically untrained in test tools and programming techniquesTesters are typically untrained in test tools and programming techniques

    No modularization (No modularization (reusable functionsreusable functions) in automation scripts) in automation scripts

    Automated tests cases are usually designed based on front end functionalityAutomated tests cases are usually designed based on front end functionality((black box testingblack box testing))

    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 9)Frameworks (Sl ide 9)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 6

    Putting the pieces of the puzzle togetherPutting the pieces of the puzzle together



    Real World ExampleReal World Example Simple Login ScreenSimple Login Screen


    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010





    Reset Password

    BlackBlack--Box Activity DiagramBox Activity Diagram

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 10)Frameworks (Sl ide 10)

    Understanding why automation failsUnderstanding why automation fails

    The Mine Sweeper EffectThe Mine Sweeper Effect

    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    Automated testing repeats the same route over andAutomated testing repeats the same route over andover. Initially any defects that are found are whilstover. Initially any defects that are found are whilst

    developing the scripts (i.e. manually)developing the scripts (i.e. manually)

    Subsequent executions will have little chance of everSubsequent executions will have little chance of everfinding further defects unless the flow changesfinding further defects unless the flow changes

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 11)Frameworks (Sl ide 11)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 7

    Record Replay is not your friendRecord Replay is not your friend

    Linear process mapping (AUT)Linear process mapping (AUT)

    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 12)Frameworks (Sl ide 12) Video Source: YouTube -Bugatt i Veyron Lake Crash -http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NJmB1F2mdE

    Breaking Even PointBreaking Even Point

    Preparation (Preparation (VV)) Execution (Execution (DD))ROIROI

    Resource (Resource (RR) for (n) Automated Tests) for (n) Automated Tests

    TestTest ManualManual AutomatedAutomated ManualManual AutomatedAutomated 11 55 1010 2020

    Scenario 1Scenario 1 3030 6060 1111 1.11.1 33 149%149% 77%77% 50%50% 32%32%

    Scenario 2Scenario 2 3030 6060 1111 1.11.1 33 149%149% 77%77% 50%50% 32%32%

    Scenario 3Scenario 3 3030 6060 99 0.90.9 44 156%156% 86%86% 57%57% 37%37%

    Scenario 4Scenario 4 3030 6060 99 0.90.9 44 156%156% 86%86% 57%57% 37%37%Scenario 5Scenario 5 3030 6060 1010 11 44 153%153% 81%81% 54%54% 35%35%

    Scenario 6Scenario 6 3030 6060 1010 11 44 153%153% 81%81% 54%54% 35%35%

    Scenario 7Scenario 7 3030 6060 1515 1.51.5 33 137%137% 64%64% 42%42% 27%27%

    Scenario 8Scenario 8 3030 6060 3030 33 22 105%105% 42%42% 27%27% 19%19%

    Scenario 9Scenario 9 3030 6060 2222 2.22.2 22 120%120% 51%51% 33%33% 22%22%

    Scenario 10Scenario 10 3030 6060 1212 1.21.2 33 146%146% 73%73% 48%48% 31%31%

    TotalsTotals 55 hrshrs 1010 hrshrs 140140 minsmins 1414 minsmins 3.23.2 142%142% 72%72% 47%47% 31%31%

    RRnn = A= Aaa/ A/ Amm = (V= (Vaa ++ nn*D*Daa) / (V) / (Vmm ++ nn*D*Dmm))

    Traditional Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Equation Source:Automated Software Testing (Dust in Rashka Paul) - ISBN 0-201-43287 -0Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 13)Frameworks (Sl ide 13)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 8

    Framework ApproachFramework Approach


    (Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks)(Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks)

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 14)Frameworks (Sl ide 14)


    Automation:Failure Rate

    Reasons forPast Failure


    Break EvenPoint

    Where toStart



    Break EvenPoint


    WhichTest Tool

    One DedicatedTeam

    BusinessProcess Testing





    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    Where to start?Where to start?Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    Under promise,Under promise,Over deliver?Over deliver?

    First find out Then you can work out

    WhatWhat needsneedsto be tested?to be tested? WhatWhat needsneedsbe automated?be automated?WhatWhat cancanbe tested?be tested? WhatWhat cancanbe automated?be automated?

    WhatWhat couldcouldbe tested?be tested? WhatWhat couldcouldbe automated?be automated?

    Quick winsQuick winsshould beshould beavoidedavoided

    StartStart SMALLSMALLthinkthink BIGBIG

    NEVERNEVER expect toexpect toautomateautomate 100%100%

    RememberRemember to think of each module as a individual Jigsaw piece butto think of each module as a individual Jigsaw piece butkeep in mind what is needed to complete the entire puzzlekeep in mind what is needed to complete the entire puzzle

    Focus on keyFocus on keycriticalcritical businessbusiness


    Keep it simple,Keep it simple,wherever possiblewherever possible

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 15)Frameworks (Sl ide 15)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 9

    Understanding theUnderstanding the full extentfull extent of Application Under Test (AUT):of Application Under Test (AUT):

    GAP AnalysisGAP AnalysisFramework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    NOTE :NOTE : The GAP analysis file can be used toThe GAP analysis file can be used to generategenerate the parameter file which in turn is used to generate the dynamic object repositorythe parameter file which in turn is used to generate the dynamic object repository..



    UsageUsage FeasibilityFeasibility


    GAP analysis = complete application functionalityGAP analysis = complete application functionality actualactual

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 16)Frameworks (Sl ide 16)

    based on sample set of 10 scenariosbased on sample set of 10 scenarios




    Investing the timeInvesting the time

    Allocate realistic time frames & resources to achieve the initial framework:Allocate realistic time frames & resources to achieve the initial framework:

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    Framework = planning + designFramework = planning + design+ development + testing+ development + testing


    20hrs (prep)


    ROI = 2.8

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 17)Frameworks (Sl ide 17)


    5hrs (prep)




    10hrs (prep)


    ROI = 3.2

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 10

    Breaking Even PointBreaking Even Point

    Preparation (Preparation (VV)) Execution (Execution (DD))ROIROI

    Resource (Resource (RR) for (n) Automated Tests) for (n) Automated Tests

    TestTest ManualManual AutomatedAutomated ManualManual AutomatedAutomated 11 55 1010 2020

    Scenario 1Scenario 1 3030 120120 1111 1.11.1 33 295%295% 34%34% 16%16% 11%11%

    Scenario 2Scenario 2 3030 120120 1111 1.11.1 33 295%295% 34%34% 16%16% 11%11%

    Scenario 3Scenario 3 3030 120120 99 0.90.9 33 310%310% 38%38% 17%17% 11%11%

    Scenario 4Scenario 4 3030 120120 99 0.90.9 33 310%310% 38%38% 17%17% 11%11%

    Scenario 5Scenario 5 3030 120120 1010 11 33 302%302% 36%36% 16%16% 11%11%

    Scenario 6Scenario 6 3030 120120 1010 11 33 302%302% 36%36% 16%16% 11%11%

    Scenario 7Scenario 7 3030 120120 1515 1.51.5 33 270%270% 30%30% 15%15% 10%10%

    Scenario 8Scenario 8 3030 120120 3030 33 22 205%205% 21%21% 12%12% 10%10%

    Scenario 9Scenario 9 3030 120120 2222 2.22.2 22 235%235% 25%25% 13%13% 10%10%

    Scenario 10Scenario 10 3030 120120 1212 1.21.2 33 288%288% 33%33% 16%16% 11%11%

    TotalsTotals 55 hrshrs 2020 hrshrs 140140 minsmins 1414 minsmins 2.82.8 281%281% 33%33% 16%16% 11%11%

    RRnn = A= Aaa/ A/ Amm = (V= (Va / na / n ++ nn*D*Daa) / () / (VVmm ++ nn*D*Dmm))

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 18)Frameworks (Sl ide 18)

    Key AdvantagesKey AdvantagesFramework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    MaintainabilityMaintainability significantly reduces the testsignificantly reduces the test maintenancemaintenanceefforteffort

    ReusabilityReusability due todue to modularitymodularityof test cases and library functionsof test cases and library functions

    ManageabilityManageability -- effective test design, execution, and traceabilityeffective test design, execution, and traceability

    AccessibilityAccessibility to design, develop & modify teststo design, develop & modify tests whilst executingwhilst executing

    AvailabilityAvailability scheduled execution can runscheduled execution can run unattendedunattendedon aon a 24/724/7 basisbasis

    ReliabilityReliability due todue to advanced error handlingadvanced error handling andand scenario recoveryscenario recovery

    FlexibilityFlexibility frameworkframework independentindependentof AUT or environmentof AUT or environment

    MeasurabilityMeasurability customisablecustomisable reportingreportingof testof test resultsresultsensure qualityensure quality

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 19)Frameworks (Sl ide 19)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 11


    WhichWhich Automation Tool SuitsAutomation Tool Suits You?You?

    Approach BPT/BPM Keyword Data Modularity Example

    Functional Test ToolFunctional Test Tool QuickTestQuickTestProfessionalProfessional

    Test Management ToolTest Management Tool Quality CenterQuality Center(BPTEE,(BPTEE, BPM)BPM)

    Standalone IDE ToolStandalone IDE Tool VBS (WindowsVBS (Windows

    Scripting Host)Scripting Host)Combination of all the aboveCombination of all the above Hybrid Solution*Hybrid Solution*

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 20)Frameworks (Sl ide 20)

    ** optimised solution with preferred vendorsoptimised solution with preferred vendors

    One dedicated TeamOne dedicated Team




    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    Business Analysts(Functional Specs)(Change Requests)

    Business Analysts(Functional Specs)(Change Requests)BABA

    System Analysts(Business Process Modelling)(Requests for Change)

    System Analysts(Business Process Modelling)(Requests for Change)SASA

    Test Analysts Test Analysts TATA

    Subject Matter Experts- Domain Experts (BA/SA)- Developers

    Subject Matter Experts- Domain Experts (BA/SA)- Developers


    Automation Architects Framework Automation Experts

    Automation Architects Framework Automation Experts


    Test Analysts Test AnalystsTATA

    Subject Matter Experts- Domain Experts (BA/SA)-Developers

    Subject Matter Experts- Domain Experts (BA/SA)-Developers


    Automation Architects Framework Automation Experts

    Automation Architects Framework Automation ExpertsAAAA

    Test Managers Test Managers TMTM

    Project Managers(Dashboard)

    Project Managers(Dashboard) PMPM

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 21)Frameworks (Sl ide 21)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 12


    Subject Matter Experts (SME)Subject Matter Experts (SME)design tests using documentationdesign tests using documentation

    to map logical data flow andto map logical data flow and

    process modellingprocess modelling

    Step 2Step 2 Design Test Case(s)Design Test Case(s)

    Business Process Testing (BPT)Business Process Testing (BPT)



    Input Field Values Screen


    Username 64 Characters TextPassword 12 Characters Hidden

    Login Button Visible

    Subject Matter Experts (SME)Subject Matter Experts (SME)

    System Requirements Specification (SRS)System Requirements Specification (SRS)

    Functional specifications document (FSD)Functional specifications document (FSD)Software design document (SDD)Software design document (SDD)

    Detailed design document (DDD)Detailed design document (DDD)

    Step 1Step 1 Export Core LogicExport Core Logic

    Framework Automation ExpertsFramework Automation Experts

    Step 3Step 3 Code GenerationCode Generation

    Framework Automation Experts transformFramework Automation Experts transform

    designed tests into automationdesigned tests into automationcomponents ready for keyword stagecomponents ready for keyword stage

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 22)Frameworks (Sl ide 22)


    Subject Matter Experts (SME)Subject Matter Experts (SME)

    Step 4Step 4 Create Test Case(s)Create Test Case(s)

    Subject Matter Experts (SME) create testSubject Matter Experts (SME) create test

    cases using business level keywords storedcases using business level keywords storedwithin the MasterDriver file containing all thewithin the MasterDriver file containing all the

    test scenarios relating to the AUTtest scenarios relating to the AUT

    Action Object Event(Type)

    Activate Login Window

    Set Username Editbox

    Set Password Editbox

    Press Login Button

    Keyword DrivenKeyword Driven

    Generic Reusable Libraries








    Example Runtime Process

    The framework calls the necessaryThe framework calls the necessary

    functions to process each keyword /functions to process each keyword /component and dynamically createscomponent and dynamically creates

    the object repository at runthe object repository at run--timetime

    Log.Framework ObjectRepository.CreateObject.Window ObjectRepository.CreateObject.Button ClearAlerts Log.Events Sync.WinWaitObject.Button Action.Preamble.Check.ButtonState Event.PushDynamic.Button Action.Postamble.Check.ButtonState Action.Reaction.Check

    Popup.Handler Error.Recovery (retry/skip/baseline) Log.Results Log.Reports

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 23)Frameworks (Sl ide 23)

    Driver & Data Repository

    MasterDriver File Parameters File

    The Hybrid Keyword Data DrivenThe Hybrid Keyword Data Driven

    Automation Framework processesAutomation Framework processeseach action/object/eventeach action/object/event

    keyword/component in turnkeyword/component in turn

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    ANZTB 2010 14

    Guidelines behind working smarterGuidelines behind working smarter

    CentralizedCentralized -- creation of the centralizedcreation of the centralized master driver filemaster driver file totoprovideprovide stablestable,, repeatablerepeatablekeyword / data driven test scenarioskeyword / data driven test scenarios

    DynamicDynamic -- runtime generation of theruntime generation of the object repositoryobject repository from thefrom theparameter fileparameter file utilizingutilizing descriptive programmingdescriptive programmingtechniquestechniques

    LegacyLegacy supportsupport -- forfor manualmanualexecution &execution & AUT roll backAUT roll back

    VersionVersion controlledcontrolled -- codecode,, driver filesdriver files&& object repositoriesobject repositories

    UnifiedUnified reportingreporting -- supportingsupporting realreal--timetimetest execution &test execution &

    generic test results output (.xml) to analyze quality of buildsgeneric test results output (.xml) to analyze quality of builds GenericGeneric reusable modules / librariesreusable modules / libraries -- provide reliable processingprovide reliable processing

    ofof preamblepreambleandand postamblepostamble actionsactions

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 26)Frameworks (Sl ide 26)


    Generic Framework ArchitectureGeneric Framework Architecture

    Framework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 27)Frameworks (Sl ide 27)

  • 8/13/2019 Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks


    ANZTB 2010 Conference

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation

    Frameworks by Jonathon Wright

    Tuesday, 2nd March 2010

    SSUMMARYUMMARYFramework Approach

    2nd March 20102nd March 2010

    HybridHybrid utilising the bestutilising the best technologiestechnologiesandand resourcesresources to do the jobto do the job

    KeywordKeyword creating simple &creating simple & robustrobusttest cases written usingtest cases written using businessbusinesslevellevel keywordskeywords combined withcombined with natural languagenatural language

    DataData effective use ofeffective use of business databusiness data to provide as anto provide as an input sourceinput source

    DrivenDriven processes componentprocesses component actionsactions,, objectsobjects && eventsevents seamlesslyseamlessly

    AutomationAutomation that isthat is collaborativecollaborative,, distributeddistributed andand scalablescalable

    FrameworksFrameworks independent ofindependent of applicationapplication oror environmentenvironment under testunder test

    Hybrid Keyword Data Driven AutomationHybrid Keyword Data Driven Automation Frameworks (Slide 28)Frameworks (Sl ide 28)

    Hybrid Keyword Data DrivenHybrid Keyword Data Driven

    Automation FrameworksAutomation FrameworksWhat does it mean to you now?What does it mean to you now?

    Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!