hyderabad vst.docx

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Post on 28-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 HYDERABAD vst.docx


    HYDERABAD, Nov. 15

    WIPRO Infotech Ltd has announced it has successfu! i"#e"ented $AP R%& ac'oss a

    (( )'anches of *$+ Indust'ies an associate of B'itish A"e'ican +o)acco -BA+. +he

    #'o/ect, i"#e"ented ove' si0 "onths, ent ive in to #hases.

    +he #'o/ect cove'ed inte2'ation ac'oss a'eas incudin2 financia accountin2, 3I$,

    "ate'ias "ana2e"ent, saes and dist'i)ution, #'oduction #annin2, #ant "aintenance

    and 4uait! "ana2e"ent. +he i"#e"entation as )ased on Accee'ated $AP


    +his ente'#'iseide $AP soution as /oint! de#o!ed )! Wi#'o Infotech and NII+,

    he'ein the atte' as invoved in #'ovidin2 the technica in#uts hie the fo'"e' as

    'es#onsi)e fo' i"#e"entation of $AP softa'e as #e' *$+s 'e4ui'e"ent ac'oss the


    Whie the #hase one, cove'in2 finance, cont'o, saes and dist'i)ution and "ate'ias,

    as i"#e"ented in A#'i (66(, the 'est of the "odues e'e cove'ed in the #hase to,

    acco'din2 to a Wi#'o co""uni4u .

    [email protected]


    Case Study

    VST Triumphs with In-House !"# $akes it "ro%ta&le Too

    VST Triumphs with In-House ERP,Makes it Proftable Too

    CIO !! "inner# !atnakar 'emani de(eloped apayroll module which could &e integrated with !"as a part o) his S*" consulting ser(ices &usiness.The company# which has %rst )ocused on &ringing

  • 7/25/2019 HYDERABAD vst.docx


    home its !"# now# o+ers its S*" e,pertise to othercompanies.By CIO Team

    A case study on ERP in Manufacturing

    Dec 9th 2009Vair Sultan To&acco or VST Industries is a /-year-old# Hydera&ad-&asedmanu)acturer o) cigarettes. 0hen the !s 1#1//-crore company took to S*"early in this decade# it %rst decided to outsource the implementation. 2utsoon the idea looked &etter on paper than in reality and !atnakar 'emani#CIO and head-IT "ro3ects 0ing# VST Industries decided to &ring IT &ack in-house.

    Case Study Highlights

    The comany! "hich has first focused on #ringing home its ERP! no" offer it$s %AP

    e&ertise to other comanies'

    Ratna(ar )emani de*e+oed a ayro++ modu+e "hich cou+d #e integrated "ith ERP as a

    art of his %AP consu+ting ser*ices #usiness'

    4(en a)ter gi(ing our outsourced partner su5cient time to pro(ethemsel(es# we got unaccepta&le ser(ice le(els#4 says 'emani.The company# which has %rst )ocused on &ringing home its !"# now o+er it6sS*" e,pertise to other companies. "ayroll was a part o) the outsourcedser(ices deal &ut it stayed out. 2ut when pro&lems o) ser(ice cropped up inthat area too# 'emani decided to &ring it home. He says he simply could not

    a+ord the drop in e5ciency. *nd in any case# his own customers now wantedhim to handle their payroll too. So he de(eloped a payroll module whichcould &e integrated with !" as a part o) his S*" consulting ser(ices&usiness.40ith this shi)t# VST now manages its entire IT setup in house. 0e can nowde(elop skill sets in IT )acilities management and pro(ide these ser(ices tothe local market. In )act# we started selling the payroll product on the 1st o)*pril 7//. 'ow we were a one-stop solution )or S$s. 0e o+er S*" pluspayroll plus 8$ ser(ices#4 says 'emani.To top it all# instead o) dropping his partner# he con(inced them to clear thetransit phase# so that there was no impact on the &usiness. He also hired

    )reshers and trained them to ena&le the takeo(er. 4* detailed re9uest wassent in ad(ance to the company to &ear with us until we took o(ercompletely )rom the partner. *ll our internal customers supported us duringthe transition#4 he says.The mo(e cost him !s 1.7: crore# &ut 'emani has already sa(ed !s :/ lakhsin the %rst year and will sa(e another !s 7/ lakh ne,t year. 4*part )rom thesesa(ings# we are now pro(iding low-cost 8$ ser(ices# which is another

  • 7/25/2019 HYDERABAD vst.docx


    re(enue stream )or the company#4 he says. 0hat a way to %ght theslowdown.