
@HYDE Alumni Updates zach birnbaum Sneaker History World News Movie Review shutter island THE SCOOP Cover By: Owen Jean-Jacques JANUARY ISSUE shenae hu gets real DARKNESS What is anti-government crime? Dinner with Sally Shen This week in Japan Workshop in Bath

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Alumni Updates zach birnbaum




World News

Movie Review shutter island


Cover By: Owen Jean-Jacques JANUARY ISSUE

shenae hu gets realDARKNESSWhat is

anti-government crime?

Dinner withSally Shen

This week inJapan

Workshop in Bath

Page 2: @Hydevol3

The Scoop with.... Mr. Jenkins!

Where did you grow up? Middletown, CT

Can you tell us something most people don’t know about you? I did Kenpo Karate for 12 years and earned my black belt when I was 12

What three words would you use to describe the last three months of your life? Hard work, organized chaos, and laughter

Whats your fondest memory? I think any of the mo-ments I had camping with my father growing up would be some of my fondest

What celebrity do you admire? Hard to say... I am very critical of celebrities, but if I had to pick one it would be Denzel Washington

Whats is your favorite quote? Once you realize life is hard, it gets a lot easier

Which one of your responsibilities do you wish you could get rid of? As much as I love my dog, it is a hassle taking her out with my schedule sometimes

Mr. Wesley Jenkins has been working at Hyde, Woodstock for six years. I asked him a few questions so people could get to know him better.........

By: Megan Belka

Movie Analyzing-shutter Island

Teddy (Leonardo Dicaprio ) is a mad-man , his wife killed their three children because she has been a dysthymic person for a long time. One afternoon he came back home and found the dead bodies of his children then shot his wife, however he couldn’t accept the reality of the situation so he began to live in a fantasy world. He is highly delusional and he wants to escape from reality. He has created a story in which he didn’t kill people, he is a hero, still a U.S. marshal only on the island to solve a case. But in fact, he is the most dangerous pa-tient in the mental hospital. To make him believe the reality, all of the doctors and nurses act a play with him, they acted as the characters in his fake world. They did this to pull him back into the real world and get down to the facts. His partner Chuck is actually his primary psy-chiatrist.

1. When Teddy first went into the hospital, many workers and patients wave and said hi to him like they knew each other before. We can see from his eyes that he is confused, because he is a patient as well.2. When he asked the old lady about Rachel Solando, the old lady sent Chuck for water,while Chuck left, she wrote RUN on Teddy’s note, because she knows that if he stays here, they will give him a lobotomy. When Teddy mentioned Dr. Sheehan she peeped at Chuck which also shows us that Chuck is Dr. Sheehan. When she described the world Rachel was from she is try-ing to arouse Teddy’s thought.3. In the end, after they told Teddy he is Andrew Laeddis, who he thought was the murderer who killed his wife, he suddenly became clear headed. The next morning, when his primary psychia-trist Dr. Sheehan gave him a cigarette, Laeddis called him “Chuck” again, that makes audience think that Laeddis reverted back to the world he made again. So they decided to do the loboto-my to make him forget the past.4.But the truth is he is healing, because in the end he said to Dr. Sheehan: “ You know this place makes me wonder, which would be worse, to live as a monster, or to die as a good man?” Those words proved that he began his recovery.

(by. Naiwen Zhang)

Page 3: @Hydevol3

Dinner With Sally Shen

Sally Shen , a great student who came to Hyde this year. Sally brings a lot of positive energy to our community and she is a helpful and hardworking student. She has also just recently become a wing captain who takes on much responsibility on her wing. Dinner with Sally Shen, revealing more personal information about her unique qualities….

SH: How long have you been in America?SS: 3 years.SH: Do you have any habits?SS: Watching movies at midnight.SH: Why did you come to Hyde?SS: To improve my english skills.SH: How do you like Hyde so far?SS: Not bad.SH: Do you have any goals or dreams for your future?SS: I want to be a successful woman and have a happy family.SH: What is the one thing you consider that Hyde has changed in you?SS: I have become responsible for myself and let my inside become stronger.

SH: What kind of food you like?SS: Fruit and any other healthy food(Mrs. Free-body’s baking!)SH: How would you spend your voca-tion?

SS: I would like to go traveling and read a good bookSH: What is the most different thing between Chinese & American culture?SS: In America people have more freedom and the studying style is more lax. SH: Do you love studying, and deem that is the most important thing in your life?SS: For now, I think studying is the most important thing, but later I think organizing my life and my work will be the most important thing.

A Recent Photo of Sally

By: Shenae Hu


“We love dessert.”

“Let’s make dessert together!”

“Would you like to have some dessert?”

Cook 25 mins Prep 10 minsNutrition per serving478 kcalories, protein 8.0g, carbohydrate 66.0g, fat 22.0g, saturated fat 2.0g, fibre 2.0g, salt 0.66g Ingredints:175 g self-raising flour 50 g porridge oats 140 g light muscovado sugar 2 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 egg, beaten 150 ml ¼ pint buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla extract 6 tbsp sunflower oil 175 g stoned prunes, chopped 85 g pecans

Method:1.Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6/fan 180C. Butter 6-8 muffin tins or line them with muffin cases. Put the flour, oats, sugar, cinnamon and bicarbonate of soda in a large bowl, then rub everything through your fingers, as if making pastry, to ensure the ingredients are evenly blended.

2.Beat the egg, then stir in the buttermilk, vanilla and oil. Lightly stir the egg mix into the flour.

3.Fold the prunes and nuts into the mixture. 4.Divide between the tins, filling the cases to the brim, then bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and golden. Serve warm or cold.

Feel-good Muffin

by Grace Lin


Page 4: @Hydevol3

Singer Songwriterworkshop

James Howard’14 practicing a new song. Goeun Lee ‘12 listening to her instructor.

By: Megan Belka

Every year since 2004 Hyde School in Bath, Maine hosts the Singer Songwriter workshop. Faculty carefully select talented musicians from both campus’ to work strictly on their musi-cal passion for a week. Two students from our Campus James Howard ‘14 and Goeun Lee ‘12 took the trip. Heres what they had to say about it..... James said “We woke up at 6:30, went to breakfast and then did music all day for four or five hours, it was an amazing experience and I was really inspired by Don Cook.” Goen Lee said “I had alot of fun and learned alot.” Overall every-one was really pleased with their experience.


-MYKONOS.Reason: Even though there are many various types of islands in Greece, Mykonos island’s blue sky, paradise beach, and white houses like those in fairy tales make it one of the most popular holiday resorts. The views made up of countless stores, white churches, and blue skies makes travelers want to come back here again and again.

Best Season to go: All seasons.

Focus: Panagiaportiani. Pelican. Windmill.

*Mykonos town: If you go to Mykonos Island, you must ramble across the streets. Mykonos’ streets are as complex as mazes and every street has its own characteristic. The houses along the street are made from granite or gneiss, walls are painted with white varnish, the floors are gray, windows, door, and stairs are blue. Most houses have small attics. Also the beautiful flowers on display by home-owners make the view even better. If you can catch the morning crowd you will find fresh vegetables and fruit in adbundance.

*White church:

*Pelicans: They are the honorable citizens in the town. Since 1954 the first pelican settled down here, now it’s the third generation. They live together with the people.

Another distinguishable factor is that there are over 300 churches. They are hiding in the narrow streets. The roves of churches are usually colorful or blue or white. The most famous


(By Naiwen Zhang)

one is Panagiaportiani, it contains 5 small churches, and it’s as white as snow. Although it is small and simple, it appears in every Greek picture album.

Page 5: @Hydevol3

Senior Spotlight with...

Gillian Hope Weintraub

Where are you from?Wesport, CT

How is the “senior life”?It’s alright there is alot of pressure that comes along with it. I also feel like I’m expected to be a role model which is a big resposibility.

What advice would you give to upcoming seniors? Start the college process early! Also don’t take comments personally because that will cause you some trouble.

What is your favorite song?The Burrito Song by: Hoku

What is your favorite dining hall meal?Whenever there are chicken pattys- it’s a good day. I also really enjoy when they have bacon at breakfast.

Who is your “go to faculty?”Mr. Rigney because he is understanding, always willing to help and a kind soul.

What is your first choice college?As of now, I’m undecided. I applied to many schools and am waiting for the results. By: Megan Belka



By: Owen Jean-jacques

original Release Date: 1988 re-released in: 2001,2007 and 2011 MODEL INFO:

the air jordan 3 was designed by tinker hatfield a world famous sneaker designer in 1988 and was the first shoe of the line he ever designed. It features the (jumpman) logo seen on all further jordan models instead of the original winged basket-ball logo. were midtops as well as having in its design a visible air unit in the heel it also featured a fully leather pattern with elephant print trim (the concrete grey with black lines pattern on the shoe) giving it a luxury look which was a break through in sneaker design for nike. they were said to be michael jordans favorite shoe ever in the line, he wore them during his 1988 dunk championship and many other historical events in his career.


this colorway stands out to many sneaker collectors and enthusiasts due to its unique combination of blue and red ac-cents as well as the elephant print going up on to the lace holes instead of only being around the toe and heel. This a fea-ture many air jordan 3 models do not have on them and thus they have been reproduced or (retroed) several times in 2001 , 2007 and 2011 since its original production. the original 1988 edition of the shoe although most are damaged in the way of the soles cracking and yellowing of whites on the shoes can sell for a price of over $1,000. a huge profit on the original price of a $100 that it could be bought for in 1988 upon its release. the reason for this inflation is because the later (retroed) versions of the shoe do not have the red accent behind the tounge or NIKE AIR logo on the back of the shoe which is re-placed by the (jumpman) with the word air under it which makes this edition very different than the others.


these shoes in the 1988 edition may be sold on websites like ebay and flight club but are very rare and are most likely not in a wearable or brand new condition of durability or look due to the deterioration of the rubber sole from age and yellowing of whites on the shoe. if worn they will most likely crack under the pressure of weight and fall apart. making these shoes more of a very collectible item in this edition than for fashion. the others can sell for prices of up to and above $300 in a brand new or (deadstock) condition.

Page 6: @Hydevol3

Photographer (Cat) : Hye Songback

Description: The first time that arrived in Ireland, my mother and I slept in my Korean guide’s house. There were lots of cats around the town. I heard that Irish people like to have pet cats more than dogs. When I was in Korea, I only saw cats that always avoid people and run away. It was good to see cats this close so I took a picture of a cat that always came to the house I was visiting.

Photo Album

( By Naiwen Zhang )

- Animals.

Photographer(Swan): Hye SongbackDescription:I took this picture when I went to Sligo in Ireland. It is of a park around the Inisfree, where the famous Irish poem writer Yeats spent much of his time. When I gave bread to the swans they all came and ate the bread really fast. It was the first time that I saw swans up close. It reminded me of a childhood story about baby swans. It was a great place because it conjured up memories of childhood.

Page 7: @Hydevol3

Alumni Updates What are you doing now/ what are your plans for the future?I’m a college intern here at Hyde & my plans for the future are to spend four months in Europe and then head off to Hobart in the fall.

What was the last thing that made you smile?When Freebody got the new ipad..

What advice do would you give to seniors here?Get your college work done as soon as pos-sible- because it helps lighten the load of your senior work. && DON’T EVER miss Rigney or Duethorn’s class EVER.

What are you looking forward to?Backpacking through Europe and exploring France, Spain , England and Italy.

What was your favorite 90’s television show?The Rugrats

If you could do high school all over again, would you change anything?No I don’t think I would, because I definitely would not be going to the college of my choice or even college at all if I hadn’t come to Hyde.

Do you like the city or town you live in? Why or why not?I live in New York City and It’s a love hate rela-tionship - I find that when I’m busy I love the city and there is tons of stuff to do- but when I’m bored it moves at a very fast pace which I do not enjoy.

By: Megan Belka

with....... Zach Birnbaum

Zach giving his graduation speech in May, 2011.

On June 3rd,1989 there was a conflict between the Chinese army and Chinese civilians in Tiananmen Square Beijing. The conflict ended with many of the civilians and armed forced dead. It began with hundreds of thousands of Chinese students who were tired of having no voice in their government so they gathered in peaceful protest against their government’s policies in a series of demon-strations calling for democracy. The students had been asking the government for liberty for many years. After all these years the students were upset when Hu Ya Bang died, he was the biggest supporter for the pursuit of liberty and he passed away suddenly. A very large number of students came and stayed in the square for an organized and peaceful movement, and they were ask-ing for “liberty, anti-corruption, and freedom. The leaders of the movement refused to eat until the government would speak with them. Unfortunatly, the Chinese government failed to give in. The Supreme leader Deng Xiaoping gave the order to end the demon-stration and he ordered the infantry and tanks to put a stop to the protest wherever the “anti-government crime” was taking place. The soldiers began shooting anyone who got in their way and the tanks demolished anyone in their path. A well-known picture is of a single man who risked his life to make the tank stop by stand-ing in front of the tank; the picture is known as “Tank Man”. The students fought back with stones and bricks and the hospitals all over the city were flooded with wounded and dead. The hospitals placed lists of the names of the dead each day on a board outside the hospital so that hopefully their relatives would bring them home. Though all records differ in the statistics, an estimated 5,000 people died, and thousands more were injured. The main leaders of the protest were put in prison or escaped to western countries, the most famous leader,named Liu Xiaobo, received the Nobel Peace prize is still in the jail. The topic of Tiananmen Square Massacre is a political taboo in mainland China and it does not get reported or published in any articles or books.

When I was fifteen I studied in an international school back in China, in one of my social studies classes my teacher Mr. Bone, from Canada, showed my class a video about the Tiananmen Square Massacre. I did not quite understand what was going on in the video. Until I saw some of the Chinese students were shot by Chinese soldiers and we listened to an interview from a Chinese survivor who was involved in the massacre. I asked one of my classmates and unfortunately, she did not know the whole truth either. All of the people in the newsreel were Chinese and they screamed, shouted or talked in Chinese in the whole process the narrator and the title on the screen was in English. It was extreme-ly ironic and troubling to learn an issue about my own country, in China, in a foreign language. That made me disappointed about the Chinese government would hide this from us and never mention it. I was embarrassed I had never heard Tiananmen Square in the newspapers, Internet or in my textbooks. Half of my classmates who were also Chinese were sleeping during the film, which made me very sad about their lack of concern for their own nation. That sadness quickly turned into anger, to have a foreign teacher inform me of my countries historical issues. I hoped that would never happen again for the rest of my life yet I continue to learn more and more about issues my government has covered up.

Tiananmen Square MassacreThe 1989

Student Democracy Movement Beijing, China

by: Shenae Hu

Page 8: @Hydevol3

China ImpressionThe People’s Republic of China is a country with over 5,000 years of history.

China covers 9,600,000 square kilometers. An estimated 1.3 billion people live and work together in China and 56 nations make up the entire population.

Photoes are from: Beijing · Shanghai · Lijiang · Xi’ an · GuilinBy : Shenae Hu


LEO CAOLeo created a bird sculpture out of paper and cardboard. He has an intuitive sense of aesthetics and attention for detail. Leo used cardboard, a rigid flat material, to create a rounded form of a bird by breaking the object down into smaller symmetrical shapes. Also, the use of the lighter colorful paper for the tail adds some energy and brings the object to life. Leo uses his time wisely and creatively manipulates the materials to reach his vision for his work. He also just completed a crown from wire which demon-strates great craftsmanship. Keep an eye out for future artworks from this new talent-ed artist on campus. Mrs. Felt page by Owen Jean-Jacques

Page 9: @Hydevol3


Chinese Calligraphy

International Corner--Asian Arts and Works



by Grace Lin

Chinese Calligraphy is one of the tradi-tional four arts (calligraphy, painting, a string musical instrument, a strategic board game) which was once an important critical standard in the imperial era and now prevails not only in China but also worldwide as a unique branch of art. Cal-ligraphy is so abstract and sublime that in Chinese culture it is universally regarded to be the most revealing power of a per-son. While one has conformed to the de-fined structure of words, the expression can be displayed with great creativity by individuals. To become an artist or expert in calligraphy, one has to practice word by word until the spirit of the practice gets into one’s mind. Just as Chinese Qi Gong, the Chinese brush calligraphy can temper a person into a state in which one can ap-ply subconsciously from the daily practice to control the concentration of ink and the compatibility of font and size of each piece or word. Calligraphy is considered as an active way of keeping one fit and the prac-tice is either relaxing or self-entertaining. Historically, many calligraphy artists both in China and Japan were well known for their longevity.


On January, 26th, Kyoto news reported the Japanese Ministry of the environment announced the surrounding areas of the first nuclear power station in Tokyo will start decontamination, and plan to complete at the end of 2014.

According to the schedule, except for some districts which can not be recovered, other districts will begin decontamination and the Japanese government has already got the residents’ agreements of decontamination work. The decontamination work of businesses, public facilities, residential road and farm-land will be completed by the end of 2014.

Current Newsfromaround the Globe

Japenese decontamination after anuclear disaster




by Grace Lin