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  • 7/30/2019 Hydrogen Vehicle Report


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  • 7/30/2019 Hydrogen Vehicle Report


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    A hydrogen vehicle is avehiclethat useshydrogenas itsonboard fuel for motive power. Hydrogen vehicles includehydrogen fueledspace rockets, as well asautomobilesandother transportation vehicles. The power plants of suchvehicles convert the chemical energy of hydrogen tomechanical energyeither by burning hydrogen in aninternalcombustion engine, or by reacting hydrogen with oxygen in a

    fuel cellto run electric motors. Widespread use of hydrogenfor fueling transportation is a key element of a proposedhydrogen economy.[1]

    Hydrogen fuel does not occur naturally on Earth and thus isnot an energy source, but is an energy carrier. Currently it ismost frequently made from methane or otherfossil fuels.However, it can be produced from a wide range of sources(such as wind, solar, or nuclear) that are intermittent, too

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    diffuse or too cumbersome to directly propel vehicles.Integrated wind-to-hydrogen plants, usingelectrolysis ofwater, are exploring technologies to deliver costs low enough,

    and quantities great enough, to compete with traditionalenergy sources.[2]

    Many companies are working to develop technologies thatmight efficiently exploit the potential of hydrogen energy formobile uses. The attraction of using hydrogen as an energycurrency is that, if hydrogen is prepared without using fossilfuel inputs, vehicle propulsion would not contribute tocarbon

    dioxideemissions. The drawbacks of hydrogen use are lowenergy content per unit volume, high tankage weights, veryhigh storage vessel pressures, the storage, transportation andfilling of gaseous orliquid hydrogenin vehicles, the largeinvestment in infrastructure that would be required to fuelvehicles, and the inefficiency of production processes

    Two main types of hydrogen cars

    1)Cars that use hydrogen in an internalcombustion engine

    2)Cars that use hydrogen to generate electricity ina fuel cell

    When one hears hydrogen car, lately it generally

    refers to the fuel cell version

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    Hydrogen internal combustion enginevehicle

    Hydrogen internal combustion engine cars are different fromhydrogen fuel cell cars. Thehydrogen internal combustion car

    is a slightly modified version of the traditional gasolineinternal combustion enginecar. These hydrogen engines burn

    fuel in the same manner that gasoline engines do

    Francois Isaac de Rivazdesigned in 1807the first hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine[ Paul Dieges patented in1970 a modification to internal combustion engines whichallowed a gasoline-powered engine to run on hydrogenUS3844262.

    Mazda has developedWankel enginesburning hydrogen. Theadvantage of using ICE (internal combustion engine) likeWankel and piston engines is the cost of retooling for

    production is much lower. Existing-technology ICE can still

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    be applied for solving those problems where fuel cells are nota viable solution insofar, for example in cold-weatherapplications.

    HICE forklift truckshave been demonstrated based onconverted diesel internal combustion engines withdirectinjection

    The combustion of hydrogen with oxygen produces water as

    its only product:2H2 + O2 2H2O

    The combustion of hydrogen with air can also produce oxidesof nitrogen. Although it is only produced in small quantities,research has shown that the oxides of nitrogen are about 310times more harmful as a greenhouse gas than carbon

    dioxide.Tuning a hydrogen engine to produce the greatestamount of emissions possible, results in emissions comparablewith consumer operated gasoline engines from 1976

    H2 + O2 + N2 H2O + N2 + NOx

    Adaptation of Existing Engines

    The differences between a hydrogen ICE and a traditionalgasoline engine include hardened valves and valve seats,stronger connecting rods, non-platinum tipped spark plugs, ahigher voltage ignition coil, fuel injectors designed for a gas

    instead of a liquid, larger crankshaft damper, stronger head

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    gasket material, modified (for supercharger) intake manifold,positive pressure supercharger, and a high temperature engineoil. All modifications would amount to about one point five

    times (1.5) the current cost of a gasoline engine.Thesehydrogen engines burn fuel in the same manner that gasolineengines do.

    The power output of a direct injected hydrogen engine vehicleis 20% more than for a gasoline engine vehicle and 42% morethan a hydrogen engine vehicle using acarburetor

    Ways of Getting Hydrogen

    Water is covalently bonded so energy is necessary to breakthis molecule apart into hydrogen and oxygen

    Electrolysis (separating water by using electric currents)H2O + electricity H2 + O2

    ex.) battery, electrical outlet with a source of fossil fuels

    or renewable energy

    Thermolysis (heat used to break up a substance)H2O + heat H2 + O2

    ex.) solar panels

    Other molecules with hydrogen can be broken up into theircomponents with added energy

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    Biological sourcesAlgae deprived of sulfur will produce hydrogen in abioreactor

    HydrocarbonsHydrogen comes from crude oil

    Fuel cellWhile fuel cells themselves are potentially highly energyefficient, and working prototypes were made byFrancisThomas Baconin 1959andRoger E. Billingsin the 1960s, atleast four technical obstacles and other politicalconsiderations exist regarding the development and use of afuel cell-powered hydrogen car: the cost, reliability and

    durability of the fuel cells; storage of hydrogen for use in fuelcells; production of hydrogen; and delivery of hydrogen tovehicles

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    Picture of Modern Day Fuel Cell

    The fuel cell contains an anode and a cathode with anelectrolyte sandwiched between them, separating the two.Hydrogen is supplied into the anode and oxygeninto the cathode. The two gases want to join but are prevented

    from doing so by the electrolyte which causes the hydrogen tosplit into a proton and an electron.

    The proton passes freely through theelectrolyte whilst the electron is forced to take adifferent route around it, creating an electric current before re-combining with the proton to make hydrogen again and

    combining with oxygen through a catalyst,creating a molecule of water

    .There are several different types of fuel cellthat work on this principle, each using adifferent material for the electrolyte (alkaline, phosphoric

    acid, molten carbonate,solid oxide and solid polymer orproton exchange membrane). Each operates at

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    different temperature ranges and is suitable for differentapplications withinstationary or portable power, or transport.

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    In the cathode O2 is ionized to O2-.

    In the anode H2 is ionized to 2H+

    2H+ + O2- = H2O

    When these elements combine energy is given off inelectron form and gives off power to run an engine andwater is also produced

    Fuel cell cost

    Currently, hydrogen fuel cells are relatively expensive toproduce and some are fragile. As of October 2009,Fortunemagazine estimated the cost of producing the Honda Clarity at$300,000 per car.Also, many designs require rare substances

    such asplatinumas acatalystin order to work properly.Occasionally, a catalyst can become contaminated byimpurities in the hydrogen supply, rendering the fuel cellinoperable. In 2010, research and design advances developeda newnickel-tinnanometal catalyst which lowers the cost ofcells.

    Fuel cells are generally priced in USD/kW. The U.S.

    Department of Energyestimated that the cost of a fuel cell for

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    an automobile in 2002 was approximately $275/kw, whichtranslated into each vehicle costing more than 1 milliondollars. However, by 2010, the Department of Energy

    estimated that the cost had fallen 80% and that such fuel cellscould be manufactured for $51/kW, assuming high-volumemanufacturing cost savings.Ballard Power Systems alsopublished similar data. Their 2005 figure was $73 USD/kW(based on high volume manufacturing estimates), which theysaid was on track to achieve the U.S. Department of Energy's2012 goal of $30 USD/kW. This would achieve closer parity

    with internal combustion engines for automotive applications,allowing a 100 kW fuel cell to be produced for $3000. 100kW is about 134 hp.

    Service life

    Although service life is coupled to cost, fuel cells have to becompared to existing machines with a service life in excess of5000 hoursor stationary and light-duty. MarinePEMfuelcells reached the target in 2004.Current service lifeis 7,300hours under cycling conditions.Research is going onespecially for heavy duty like in the bus trials which aretargeted up to a service life of 30,000 hours.

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    Hydrogen fuel cells only emit water vapor, no CO2emissions.If hydrogen is obtained through electrolysis byrenewable energy, it is 100% clean.

    Hydrogen weighs less than gasoline (vehicles would not needas much energy to move)

    -Hydrogen can be refueled quickly just like gasoline

    -It is the most abundant element on the planet

    -Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can get up to 480 miles on onetank (the Toyota FCHV). Also the Honda FCX gets 270 mileson one tank.

    -Hydrogen is twice as efficient as gasoline, so even though itcosts $6.98 per kg, its the equivalent to $3.49 per gallon of


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    -There is no hydrogen infrastructure, not enough refueling


    -The vehicles are only available for lease through Honda, butnot purchase through anyone just yet

    -Electrolysis is the least efficient way of obtaining hydrogen

    -Even though its the most abundant element, its alwaysattached to something, example H20.

    Hydrogen, due to its highly flammable nature, will beextremely hard to store in a tank within cars, because anyslight bump may cause the hydrogen to explode.


    Critics claim the time frame for overcoming the technical andeconomic challenges to implementing wide-scale use ofhydrogen cars is likely to last for at least several decades, andhydrogen vehicles may never become broadly available.

    They claim that the focus on the use of the hydrogen car is adangerous detour from more readily available solutions toreducing the use of fossil fuels in vehicles. May 2008,WiredNewsreported that "experts say it will be 40 years or morebefore hydrogen has any meaningful impact on gasolineconsumption or global warming, and we can't afford to waitthat long. In the meantime, fuel cells are diverting resources

    from more immediate solutions

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    The Wall Street Journalreported in 2008 that "Top executivesfrom General Motors Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp. Tuesdayexpressed doubts about the viability of hydrogen fuel cells for

    mass-market production in the near term and suggested theircompanies are now betting that electric cars will prove to be abetter way to reduce fuel consumption and cut tailpipeemissions on a large scale

    The Economistmagazine, in September 2008, quotedRobertZubrin, the author ofEnergy Victory, as saying: "Hydrogen is'just about the worst possible vehicle

    The Washington Postasked in November 2009, "But whywould you want to store energy in the form of hydrogen andthen use that hydrogen to produce electricity for a motor,when electrical energy is already waiting to be sucked out ofsockets all over America and stored in auto batteries"? Thepaper concluded that commercializing hydrogen cars is

    "stupendously difficult and probably pointless. That's why, forthe foreseeable future, the hydrogen car will remain a tailpipedream


    Many automobile companies are currently researching thefeasibility of commerciallyproducing hydrogen cars, andsome have introduced demonstration models in limitednumbers (seelist of fuel cell vehicles). At the 2012WorldHydrogen Energy Conference, Daimler AG, Honda, Hyundaiand Toyota all confirmed plans to produce hydrogen fuel cellvehicles for sale by 2015, with some types planned to enter

    the showroom in 2013 AlthoughFord Motor CompanyandFrenchRenault-Nissancancelled their hydrogen car R&D

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    efforts in 2008 and 2009, respectively, they signed a 2009letter of intent with the other manufacturers and Now GMBHin September 2009 supporting the commercial introduction of

    FCVs by 2015 General Motors said it had not abandoned fuel-cell technology and still plans to introduce hydrogen vehicleslike theGM HydroGen4to retail customers by 2015. CharlesFreese, GMs executive director of global powertrainengineering, stated that the company believes that bothfuel-cell vehiclesandbattery electric vehiclesare needed forreduction of greenhouse gases and reliance on oil.[10]

    In 2009,Nissanstarted testing a new FC vehicle in Japan.[11]In 2010,Lotus Carsbegan developing a fleet of hydrogentaxis in London. Some were expected to be in use in time forthe 2012 Olympics.Daimlerhas introduced its B-classdemonstration FC vehicle. In 2011,Hyundaiintroduced itsBlue2 ("Blue Square") fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), andstated that it plans to have FCEVs available for sale by 2014.

    Honda introduced itsFCX Clarityfor limited marketing in2008. Honda stated that it could start mass producing vehiclesbased on the FCX concept by the year 2020 nd reaffirmed, in2009, that it continues to put resources into hydrogen fuel celldevelopment, which it saw as "a better long term bet thanbatteries and plug-in vehicles". In December 2010, however,it introduced aBEVversion of theHonda Fit, using elements

    of its hydrogen engine design, stating that the "industry trendseems to be focused on the battery electric vehicle


    Fuel cell buses (as opposed to hydrogen fueled buses) arebeingtrialedby several manufacturers in different locations.

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    TheFuel Cell Bus Clubis a global fuel cell bus testingcollaboration.

    Hydrogen was first stored in roof mounted tanks, althoughmodels are now incorporating onboard tanks. Some doubledeck models use between floor tanks.


    TheBoeingFuel Cell Demonstrator powered by a hydrogen fuel cell

    Companies such asBoeing,Lange Aviation, and theGermanAerospace Centerpursue hydrogen as fuel for manned andunmanned airplanes. In February 2008 Boeing tested amanned flight of a small aircraft powered by a hydrogen fuelcell. Unmanned hydrogen planes have also been tested.[27]Forlarge passenger airplanes however,The Timesreported that

    "Boeing said that hydrogen fuel cells were unlikely to powerthe engines of large passenger jet airplanes but could be usedas backup or auxiliary power units onboard."[28]

    In July 2010 Boeing unveiled its hydrogen poweredPhantomEyeUAV, powered by two Ford internal combustion enginesthat have been converted to run on hydrogen.[29]

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    In Britain, theReaction Engines A2has been proposed to usethe thermodynamic properties ofliquid hydrogento achievevery high speed, long distance (antipodal) flight by burning it

    in aprecooled


    Many largerocketsuseliquid hydrogenas fuel, withliquidoxygenas an oxidizer. The main advantage of hydrogenrocket fuel is the higheffective exhaust velocitycompared tokerosene/LOXorUDMH/NTOengines. According to the

    Tsiolkovsky rocket equation, a rocket with higher exhaustvelocity needs less propellant mass to achieve a given changeof speed. Before combustion, the hydrogen runs throughcooling pipes around theexhaust nozzleto protect the nozzlefrom damage by the hot exhaust gases

    Common Questions andMisunderstandings

    Hydrogen is not a safe fuel

    Producing hydrogen is not as efficient as producing otherfuels such as gasoline

    Hydrogen cars will never become a reality because fueland car companies alike will not invest in this market

    A new hydrogen fuel infrastructure will take forever to


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    Hydrogens Future

    Main Goal: Both the fuel and car companies need to agree

    to both invest in the hydrogen market

    Hydrogen needs to be made available for purchase

    A new hydrogen fuel infrastructure needs to bedeveloped; more stations need to be built

    Hydrogen storage and production needs to be improved

    Current Cars

    Honda Clarity

    Cadillac Provoq

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    Ford Model U




    n_production_costhttp://planetforlife.com/h2/h2vehicle.htmlhttp://www.mobilemag.com/content/100/354/C6941/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4563676/http://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/photos.html


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