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Infertility and Hydrosalpinx Mr. Moses Batwala ST6 Jessop Women’s Hospital, Sheffield.

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Infertility and Hydrosalpinx

Mr. Moses Batwala


Jessop Women’s Hospital, Sheffield.

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Definition • Hydro- water, salpinx- trumpet.

• A Distally blocked Fallopian Tube filled with serous or clear fluid which may become substantially distended giving the tube a sausage/retort-like shape.

• Can distend several centimeters in diameter and associated with infertility.

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Definitions cont.

• Hematosalpinx- filled with blood

• Pyosalpinx- filled with pus.

• Tubal phimosis- partially occluded tube.

• Commonly bilateral, but can be unilateral.

• Plural- hydrosalpinges

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For Conception to Occur:

• 1: A fertile viable sperm

• 2: Must meet

• 3: A fertile viable ovum (egg)

• 4: And resulting embryo should be transported

• 5: And implanted in a suitable endometrium to develop.

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Causes of Infertility

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Fallopian Tube • Two fine tubes, approximately 10cm long,

leading from the ovaries to the uterus.

• Infundibulum, Ampulla, Isthmus and Intramural

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Transverse Fallopian Tube • 2-3 layers of tight circular and loose spiral

muscle layers.

• Hormone Responsive lumen (Endosalpinx).

• Columnar epithelial cells line the lumen. 80% ciliated.

• 20%:- Peg (secretory) and reserve basal (lymphoid).

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Pathophysiology of Hydrosalpinx:

• Inflammatory process affects the fimbriae.

• Body launches inflammatory response.

• Fibrosis and agglutination causes clubbing and blockage of infundibulum.

• Fluid normally produced by peg cells cannot be expelled into peritoneal cavity.

• Accumulates forming Hydrosalpinx.

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• Approx 90% caused by PID. Mainly chlamydia and gonorrhea. Rarely tuberculosis.

• Endometriosis

• Pelvic Surgery

• Appendicitis

• Pelvic Malignancies.

• NB: Not all PID will lead to Hydrosalpinx, damage may only be at cellular-level.

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Symptoms and Incidence: • Pelvic Pain (acute and chronic)

• PV discharge

• Menstrual disorders

• Asymptomatic

• Miscarriage

• Infertility!

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• 10-13% of IVF patients with tubal factor infertility (1996).

• Extrapolated- 0.16% of population.

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• 1: Hystero-Salpingo-Gram (HSG) Sensitivity 65% and specificity 85%.

• 2: Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

• 3: Hystero-Contrast-Salpingogram (HyCoSy)

• 4: MRI

• 5: Laparoscopy- Gold Standard

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Imaging • HSG USS

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• Antibiotics in acute PID refer to GUM.

• Screening and prophylaxis before instrumentation of uterus.

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• USS or laparoscopic aspiration:- re-accumulation.

• Salpingostomy- tubal reconstructive surgery. Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

• Salpingectomy- tubal excision, mainly laparoscopic.

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Fertility and IVF:

• Hydrosalpinx caused a physical blockage of sperm meeting ovum.

• IVF circumvented this physical blockage.

• But IVF live-birth rates in women with hydrosalpinx were 14% vs 30% without.

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IVF and Hydrosalpinx:

• Fallopian tube not inert-conduit.

• Clinicians speculated that fluid in hydrosalpinx was embryotoxic and leaked into endometrial cavity.

• Suggested salpingectomy may increase IVF success rate.

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Cochrane Review:

• 2002 meta-analysis (RCT’s involving 800 pts) showed salpingectomy, mainly laparoscopic, improved IVF live birth rates to 30%. Johnson et al (Current standard Management)

• Suggested further research on needle aspiration, tubal occlusion and salpingostomy.

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New Developments: • Speculation Salpingectomy may affect ovarian

blood supply and ovarian reserve.

• AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) levels affected?

• Women with severe co-morbidity e.g. COPD, raised BMI, previous extensive pelvic surgery, not be suitable for laparoscopy.

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Laparoscopic Proximal Tubal Occlusion

• Gaining popularity.

• Filshie clip and Diathermy.

• Easier, quicker and cheaper.

• Meta-analysis 2009 (RCT’s involving 650 pts, laparoscopic occlusion techniques just as good as salpingectomy.

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Are we satisfied???

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Hyseteroscopic Tubal Occlusion:

• Developed for Contraception.

• 2 main types in UK.


• Can be inserted under GA, regional, local anaesthetic or mild sedation

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Hyseteroscopic Tubal Occlusion:

• ESSURE: Nickel titanium coil inserted in ostia

• ADIANA: Radiofrequency treatment followed by silicon plug.

• Can be fitted in out-patient setting freeing up theatre time and reducing costs.

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Essure v Adiana

• Essure Adiana

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Case Reports:

• Several case reports on successful IVF following ESSURE, RCT underway in Holland.

• ADIANA newer technique. Jessop wing has 1st case resulting in successful IVF in UK-Dec 2011.

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Still early days:

• Foreign body in uterus with ADIANA.

• Need HSG to confirm.

• 6 month patency with Essure is 0% but Adiana is 6%.

• Doesn’t address chronic pain.

• Not diagnostic.

• Unilateral Tubal disease?

• Need well designed RCT.

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Aim and Result:

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Thank you

• Any Questions?