hyojung k. garland\'s portfolio


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Post on 14-May-2015




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This includes my professional work samples from Torti Gallas and Partner\'s.


  • 1.Image Source: Livable StreetSenSe of CommunitySuStainabilityinfographiC

2. HyoJung Kim garland 1311 East Capitol St, SE Washington DC 20003 (H) 202.560.5844 (C): 202.607.6641 [email protected] Served on the automation committee that instructed staff in various Adobe and 3DProfilegraphic programs; initiated and coordinated firm-wide implementation of innovative Planner/designer with a Master of Landscape Architecture from a department of land-media technologies and procedures including Revit, SketchUp and GIS. scape architecture and regional planning and 8 years of experience in master/community Coordinator for Award Committee. planning and design at the scale from the block to the region. Founder of the firms Trans-national Urbanism Committee to promote new urbanism atthe global scale. Extensive experience in site analysis, code and government regulation analysis, con-ceptual site design, creation of design guidelines, design implementation, and info-SWA LAGUnA BEACh, CA, 2001-2003graphic.Urban Designer Superior research and documentation skills utilizing Google Earth, Windows Live, site Participated in the creation and execution of the urban design concept for a 6,000 acrevisits, and zoning code analysis. ecological new town in a California river delta. Initiated and organized bi-weekly design Skilled graphic designer producing exhibits for client presentations, public/govern-critique presentations discussing individuals portfolios and firm projects. Designed andment meetings, marketing materials and award submissions. Adept at Adobe Photo- prepared bi-annual firm-wide newsletter.shop, illustrator, InDesign, SketchUp, Revit, Google Earth, Windows Live, Microsta-tion, Power Point, and GIS. RoBERT A.M. STERn nEW YoRk, nY, 2000Resume Exceptionally well-organized with an eye for detail that has led to the successful man- landscape Designeragement of projects and development of client relationships.Assisted with private residence garden design (grading, planting design, sectional study, LEED accredited professional with proven experience incorporating strategies to ad- and compilation of image book and detail library).dress storm water management, solar orientation and other sustainability issues. eDUcation Seasoned designer with an understanding of site limitations and potentials, and theability to draw conclusions from the site situation to produce the optimal physicalMASTER oF LAnDSCAPE ARChITECTURE, 2001environment that also honors the inextricable link between architecture and urbanUniversity of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of fine arts, Philadelphia, Padesign.Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional PlanningSusan Coslett Traveling FellowshipemPloymentBAChELoR oF SCIEnCE In hoRTICULTURAL SCIEnCE, 1997 ToRTI GALLAS AnD PARTnERS SILvER SPRInG, MD, 2003-2009Seoul national University, Seoul, South Korea Urban DesignerFinalist in LG Corporation-sponsored interior landscape design competition Responsible for urban design projects from block to town scales in the urban design/plan-Semester abroad in the United States at Pratt Institute and School of visual Art, new ning segment of architecture firm specializing in new Urbanist residential developments.York,nY Developed Master Plan / Design Code for PUD projects seeking rezoning determina-accreDitation, ProfeSSional memberShiPtion. Managed Master Plan design and proposal submission for numerous military privatiza-Accredited for Leadership of Environment and Energy Design (LEED) 2003tion competition entries, including creating the design development plan for militaryAmerican Planning Association memberprivatization project awarded to the firm. 3. MilitaRyFort IrwinSustainabilityStrategies1-2 SleepyHollowNeighborhood3-4 Andrews AirforceCompetition5-6 Implementation7-8 table of contentsPRivate SectoRTemple TerraceConceptDesign9-10 DesignGuidelines11-14 WestrockPDD(PlannedDevelopmentDistrict)Concept15-16 PDD(PlannedDevelopmentDistrict)Implementation17-20 4. Fort Irwin1 : SustainabilityStrategies N Neighborhood CenterSleepy Hollow odCommunityCenterTown Center MilitaryExisting Entry Monument of the Base Sandy Basin I Private SectorSandy Basin IINeighborhood Center Existing Site Condition Sandy Basin III high efficiency insulation efficient appliances greywater reuse for irrigation Cactus Cove local building style and tradition Program data: family housing revitalization 715 new residential units for officer andenlisted families renovation of 664 homes mix of 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom units HyoJung K. Garland handicapped accessible units new community clubhouse sport courts and playing fieldsIllustrative Master PlanCompleted Cactus Cove Street Viewwww.tortigallas.com 5. 2 1 3 4 Block FacadeCooling Orientation DesignTower 8 AM10 AM Military North Facade 12 PM2 PMCompleted Cooling Tower in Community Center Private Sector 2 Solar Landscaping XeriscapingSouth [email protected] Cooling Tower MechanismEast West Facade 6. Fort Irwin3 : SleepyHollowNeighborhood ExistingRecreation Center Military Accessible Unit Fence Height Study NeighborhoodCenter Picnic Shelter Private SectorShaded Tot LotEntry Landscape HyoJung K. GarlandN Sleepy Hollow Illustrative PlanProposed Neighborhood Center 7. 4 Military Private [email protected] Proposed Curvilinear Street (Sketchup Model) 8. Andrews Airforce 5 : Competition1 ConnectivityMenoher Drive : No Cul-de-sac ch Ave. o StationB NBelle ChanceBelle Chance A495 Brookey Ave. OShoppingC Center (Upper Section)F St.Colorado Ave.Town Center Arnold Ave.MilitaryAtlanta AvenueAu t h RdTuskeegee Drive .ve.D St.aA bam DAla C(Lower Section) Airfield BaseHospital Arkansas Rd. .e. Ave Avia rndd. lifo or rRncCa337Coete Menoher Dr. rim Pe Tucson Avenue Tuskeegee Dr. W5MWest Perimeter Road inute W GDisconnected NeighborhoodalkPrivate SectorVirginia Ave. Atlanta Ave.opping enter Rd. Tucson Ave.Existing R.V. W PerimeterParking LotWelcome San Antonio Blvd CenterOldSan Antonio Blvd.braalk W nchte inu MAve Day-care 5.Center . Rd E am MARYLAND Yu HAndrews Air Force 5Base Golf Course YouthW Pe / TeenI rim 5 Min Center et erute W Rd . alkKS Perimeter Rd.d. yR KirbJadRoHyoJung K. Garlanda mYu Old Alexandria Ferry Rd.Legend NN ShoppingCenter Renovated Units New Units0 100 200 400 FTIllustrative Master PlanInterconnected Neighborhood Street Torti Gallas and Partners, Inc. | Spring Street, th floor, Silver Spring, MarylandSite Analysis September 12, 2008Illustrative Site Planandrews AFBAMC East Communities, LLCTorti Gallas and Partners 9. 6 2 3 Living Street Tree : Walkability SavingSUFFICIENTPOPULATIONINFORMATIONAPPROPRIATEDESIGN FOR PEOPLE VOLUME &ON FOOT SPEED OF TRAFFICBEAUTY STREETS & DESIGNED FOR INTEREST ALL USESLIVING STREETSMilitary HIGH QUALITYSTREET CONNECTED TOMAINTENANCE THE WIDERCOMMUNITYGOODPLACES FOR ENVIRONMENTSTOPPING &RELAXATION REDUCEDSTREET CRIME Living Streets CriteriaStreet Trees Give Sense of EnclosureTree Saving AssessmentPrivate Sector [email protected] Living Streets Street Parking Slows the TrafficExisting Trees 10. Andrews Airforce7 : Implementation Military Private Sector HyoJung K. Garland Upper Parcel C Layout (Revit Study Model) 11. Lower Parcel E Layout [email protected] Sector Military 12. Temple Terrace9 : ConceptDesign Military Private Sector HyoJung K. Garland Waterfront View 13. 101 Phase 1:Phase 1Phase 3:Phase 2bPhase 4: Phase 3 Phase 5:Phase 4 Phase2:Phase 2a Understanding & and Charrette: Concept Draft Master Plan &Draft Master Plan Review & Charrette:Data Collection Visioning Planning Master Plan Devel- Review and Adoption2 AnalysisDevelopmentImplementation Final Presentation The VisionReviewWorkshopCharretteopment3 4Economicand Market5AnalysisDraftCode6CityTransport- Review of ation Draft Plan AnalysisDraft 7 FinalDraftFinal DraftOpportun- MasterVisioning ProjectCharrettePresenta- Vision RegulatingMasterMaster ities and PlanWorkshop Kick-OfftionPlan Plan8 PlanConstraints ExistingConcepts PhysicalDraft PlanConditions Presenta- Draft9 Analysis tionImplement-Presentation of ation 12 Opportunities andOn-site Design Strategy10ConstraintsStudioStakeholder8 Review of Best InputTechnical Meetings Practices 11 Military Work-in-progressInteractive VisionPresentation Session 12 Mar 16May 15 to 16Jun 15 to 19 Oct 15 Nov 15Jan 15129 Project Schedule1010 12 Private Sector9 1272 11 13 12 8 7 34564 7 5 8912 10 8 [email protected] 1112 120 200 400FT 9 Aerial View of the Overall 3D Model Illustrative Master Plan 10 1012 14. Temple Terrace11 : DesignGuidelinesTYPE OF USE (1) URBAN CORE (T6 ) URBAN CENTER (T5)GENERAL URBAN (T4) DISTRICT (D)CIVIC / OPEN SPACE (C)ASSEMBLYBAR/TAVERN/NIGHT CLUB CUP - on ground oor of mixed use building xCUPxCUP - on ground oor of mixed use buildingCITY HALL/COURT HOUSEPPxxPCOMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITY (INDOOR)CUP (2)CUP (2)xP CUPCOMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITY (OUTDOOR) xxxP CUPCOMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITY (OUTDOOR) xxxP CUPCONFERENCE FACILITY LESS THAN 10,000 SF. CUP (2)CUP (2)xP CUP (as part of other Civic Building)FITNESS/HEALTH/STUDIO FOR ART, DANCE, ETCPPxPxLIBRARY/MUSEUM PPx P P-majority of retail frontage shall be lined iclude retail P-majority of retail frontage shall be lined iclude retail usesTHEATER - MOVIE OR LIVE PERFORMANCE uses as liner box ofce and and entry doors permitted,as liner box ofce and and entry doors permitted, marquisxxxmarquis encouragedencouragedLODGINGBED AND BREAKFAST INNPPP - maximum of 8 rooms per buildingxxHOTELPPxPx RESIDENTIALEMERGENCY SHELTERCUPCUP CUP xxHOME OCCUPATIONPPPxxLIVE/WORK UNIT xPPxxMULTI-FAMILY HOUSING P (2)P (2)PxxRESIDENTIAL IN MIXED USE BUIDING PPP - at corner lots onlyxx P - only as a liner to a larger building intended toSINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLING (TOWNHOUSE) PPxxtransition to an adjoining area of lesser scale RETAILP -Drive through must be in back or along one side only - P -Drive through must be in back or alongDRIVE-THROUGH RETAIL x x xlimited to one drive through retail facility / 700 lf., of frontage one side P - must have pumps and service bay inCUP - must have pumps and service bay in rear yard, retailAUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION x xrear yard, retail frontage standards apply x frontage standards apply to building along thoroughfares to building along thoroughfaresGENERAL RETAIL - 10,000 SF OR LESS PP P - at corner lots only and no more than 5,000 sf PxGENERAL RETAIL - 10,000 - 50,000 SFPPxPxCUP - retail frontages shall be designed in accordance withGENERAL RETAIL - 50,000 SF OR MORE x retail fenestration design standards - may require liner xPx shops or multiple oorsRESTAURANT/CAF/COFFEE SHOPPPPx CUP - as part of a museum or cultural institutionGENERAL RETAIL - 10,000 - 50,000 SFPPP SERVICESADULT DAY CARE - 6 OR FEWER CLIENTSP (2)P (2)PxxADULT DAY CARE - 7 OR MORE CLIENTS CUP (2)CUP (2)xCUPxCHILD DAY CARE - FAMILY DAY CARE IN HOME PPPxxCHILD DAY CARE CENTERCUP (2)CUP (2) CUP CUPxMAINTENANCE SERIVE - APPLIANCE AND SMALL EQUUIPMENT REPAIR xPxPxMEDICAL SERVICES OTHER THAN OFFICES: CLINIC, LAB, URGENT CARExPxPx Military Private Sector HyoJung K. Garland 15. [email protected] 12 Private Sector Military 16. Temple Terrace13 : DesignGuidelines(Continued) Military0 200 400FT Civic Buildings Building Height ParkingProposed Land Use Private Sector HyoJung K. GarlandParking Layer Diagram Example of Fourth and Second Layer Parking 17. 14Focal elements allow forarchitectural emphasis at key location String course to match adjacent faceA variety of roof heightsand pitches shouldbe used to create andidiosyncratic streetscape Focal elements allow for architectural emphasis atMilitarykey location String course to match adjacent faceSix-story height of adjacentbuildings is reflected in the faade composition and building massing of high rise buildings Occasional vertical baysResidential courtyardsare permitted to provide should be composed as a visual interestcomplete ensemblePrivate SectorFormally composedPercentage of ground facades should face major floor faade located on thepublic open spaces SBL as indicated on the Frontage Condition [email protected] of Parts Diagram for a Block Guideline 18. Westrock15 : PDD(PlannedDevelopmentDistrict)Concept Military Existing Boarded Building Private Sector Existing Deteriorated Street Condition HyoJung K. Garland Proposed Rockview GreenExisting Recreation Field . | Kenneth Boroson Architects West Rock Redevelopm Michaels Development Company, L.P. Torti Gallas and partners 19. [email protected] 16 Private Sector Military 20. Westrock17 : PDD(PlannedDevelopmentDistrict)Implementation Military Private Sector HyoJung K. Garland 21. [email protected] 18 Private Sector Military 22. Westrock19 : PDD(PlannedDevelopmentDistrict)Implementation(Continued) Military Private Sector HyoJung K. Garland 23. Streetscape 3Streetscape 2 Streetscape 1 [email protected] 20 Private Sector Military