hyp establishment '? ?' st.,

Tbe Magazine for the Times! ! mmm magazine Tho Uctan I Chotprst i'l the World for Ladies! This popular monthly Magazine will bo grcat- iy improved for UP. It will contain One Thousand Pages of Reading! Fourteen Splendid, Stool Plates 1 Twelve Colored Fashion Plates 1 Twelve Colored Eerlin Work Patterns! Nine Hundred Wood Cuts! Twenty-Four I'agos of Music! All this will bo given for only TWO DOL- LARS a year, or a dollar luss than Magazines of the class of "Petorson." Its Thrilling Talcs and Novelettes Aro the best published anywhere. All thr most popular writers are employed to write oriyinnlly for 4 Peterson ." In 1863, in addition to its usual quantity of shorter s-torios, FOUR ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTS will bo given, by Ann S. Stephons, L. C. Moulton, Frank Leo Benedict, and the Author of "The .Murder iti tho Glon Ross." It also publishes Fashions Ahead of all Others. Eash number, in addition to tho colored plates, gives Bonnets, Conks and Drosses, engraved on wood. Also, a pattern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dross can bo cut out, with- out the aid of a inantua-maker. Also, several pages of Household and other receipts. It is the Best Lady's Magazine in the | World. TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR. Terms?Ahwtys in Advance: One Copy, Ono Year, $ 2 00 Three Copies, for One Year, 5 00 Five Copies, for Ono Year, 7 50 Eight Copies, for Une Year, 10 00 Bixteen Copies, for Ono Year, 20 00 Premiums for (Jetting up Clubs. Tlireo, Fivo, Eight or moro copies muko aclub To every perspn getting up a club of Throe Five, Eight or Twolv-i copies, an extra copy o, the Magazine for 1863 will bogivon, or our mezzotint for framing, 44 Bunyn Parting from bis Blind Child iu Prison." To ovory person getting up a club of Sixteen, two of either ot the premiums will be sunt. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Che-tnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimens sent gratis, when written for. Nov. 27,' 1362. YOU WANT WHISKERS ? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS '! DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE ? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE BELLINGrHAM'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONGUINT For the Whiskers and Hair. The subscribers take pleasuro in announcing to tho citizens of tho United States, that they bave obtained tho Agency for, and aro now en- abled to offer to tho American public, the abovo justly celebrated and world-ronownod urticlc. The Stimulating Onguent Is proparod hjr Dr. C. ?. Bollingham, an emi- nont physician of London, and iawurruutcd to bring u thick sot of Whiskers or a Mustache In from throe to six weeks. This articlo is the only one of the kind mcd by tho French, and in London and Paris it is in univorsal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating couipouud, acting as if by magic upon tlio roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to tho sculp, it wil cure UALDNK.HS, and causo to spring up in place of tho bald spots a fine growth of new hair.? Applied according to directions, it will turn RED or towy hair DARK, and restore gray hair to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flex- ible. ' Tho "O.vorKtfT" is an indisponsable arti- cle in every gentleman's toilet, anil after one wook's uso they would not fornny consideration be without it. The subscribers are tho only agents for the article in the United States, to whom oTt orders must bo addressed. Price One Dollar a box?forsale by all Drug- gists and Dealers , or a box of tho "Onguent" (warranted to have tho desired ofloct) will bo sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct,) se- curely packod, on receipt of price and postage, $l.lB. Apply to or address HORACE L. HEGEMAN & CO., Druggists, Ac., March 23, 'Cl?ly. 24 William St., N. Yo-ik InsolvenVs t Vofice Michael Nolan, ") ARDEUED, this 20th day vs. > V./ of February 1803, that His Creditors. J Michael Nolan givo notice to his creditors, Endorsers and sureties, that] the 2d Monday of October next is fixed for the said Michael Nolan to appear in tho Circuit Court for Allegany county, to answer such in torrogatories as his creditors, ondorsors and suretios may propose or allege against him : and that a copy of this order ho published in some newspaper printed in tho city of Cum- berland, onco fi week for three successive mouths prior to the said second Monday of Oc- tober next, ns su h notice. Test?ll. RESLEY, Clork. Fob. 20,1803.** William Avery, I No. 112 Insolvencies/ 7 against > 111 the Circuit Court for Allo- His Creditors J gany County. ORDERED, this 27th day of Janunry, 1883, that the first Mouday of May, ISC3, is fixed for tho said Insolvent Petitioner to appear and answor such interrogatories or allegations as his creditors, endorsers or sureties may pro- pose against him, and that tho. said Insolvent Petitioner givo threo months notice thereof to his creditors, endorsers and suroties by publi- cation of this order not. less than three months boforo the said first Monday ot May, 1863, in some nowspapcr published in Cumberland. ? True copy, Tost?ll. IIESLEY, Jan. 20, 1863?3 m* Clerk. Insolvent's Notice. John F. Dawson, ) ARDERED, this 20th day vs. > of February, IBG3, that His Creditors, j John F. Dawson, give no- tice to his creditors, endorsers and sureties, that the 21 Monday of October next is fixed for the said John V. Dawson to appear in the Circuit Court for Allogany county, to answer such interrogatories as his creditors, endorsers and suretios may proposo or allogo against him; 1 and that a copy of this order ho published in some newspaper printed in tho city of Cumber- land, 01100 a WEEK FOR throe successive months prior tojftho said second Monday of October next, as such notice. Test-?II. RESLEY, Clerk. Feb 26, 1863.* Pig Iron For Sale. I HAVE 52 Tons good quality PIG IRON for sale at my Coal Yard in this city, which will be sold at a very low rato. 11. FLUIiY. Cumberland, June 12, IS62?3m. Flour! Flour! A LOT of Family au<l Extra FLOUR justro- < andforea'-J by i S ? M "..BEAU. A CO. Stationery for Schools. 1 INK, Pons, Slates, Pen Holders, Pencils Ac., ! 1 for sale by HAZE SWARTZWELDER, ' Jen. 22. Under Bolvidero Hall, j SCOTCH Ale and Brown Stout, for salo b < Feb. 5. WW. R. fcEALL A CO. j' JUST received a fine aiaoi of Port Mo- i * naiee, liair, Tooth, Kail and Clothe? j c Brushes, at LEFEVRE'S Drug Store. April 30, 1863 1 /rim A LECTURE ! To Young Men. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope: Price six Cents, l LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREAT- IIMENT, AND RADICAL CURE or SI'ER- MATOKIUKEA, or Seminal Weakness, invol- untary emissions, Sexual Debility, and impedi- ments to tnnrringo generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and , Physical rncopacity, resulting from self-abuse, : Ac.?by Koocrt J. Culverwoll, author of the Green Book. Ac. Tho world renowned author, in this ndmira- , bio Lccturo, clearly proves from his own expe- rience that the awful consequon?es of Self-abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, point- ing out a mode of euro at once certain and ef- fectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, iny cure hiuisolf cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will provo a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on tho receipt of six cents, or two post- age stamps, by addressing " Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, Now York. Post Office box 1,580. Fob. 20, 1803?tnl7. Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. New Schedule for Passenger Trains ON AND ALTER FED. 18m, ISG3 TWO THROUGH TRAINS. Mail Train Leaves Baltimore at 5.45 a. in. << 44 44 Cumberland at 0.20 p. m* Arrivos at Wheeling 5.20 a. in. (Daily except Sundays) Express Train Loaves Baltimore at 0.30 p. m 44 41 44 Cumberland at 7.10 a.m. Arrivos at Whoeiing o.oop. ui. (Daily.) Mail Train Leaves Wheeling 8.10 p. ra. *i 14 44 Cumberland 7.30 a. in. Arrives lit Baltimore 4.00p,m. (Daily except Sundays.) Express Train Leaves Wheeling 10.50 a. m. ? 41 44 Cumberland 0.50 p. lU. Arrives at Bakimoro 0.45 a.iu. (Daily.) Through Tickets for all the principal cities North and West of tho Ohio River, maybe pro- cured at this office. L. C. BtEIIM, Agent. Cumberland Station, Feb. 10, 1803. Book, Stationary. Periodical and Notion Store, under BELVIDKRB lIALL, on Baltim Street. Hi., Stock constats in part of Lottor, Cap and Noto Paper, ruled or plain, of all qualities Envelopes, of all sizes and stylos; Steel and Gold Pens; Slate, and Pencils; Writing and Copying Inks; Playing and Printing Curds; Donnct arid Card Hoards; Prayer and Hymn Books; IJilrlos; .Miscellaneous and School Books; Blank Account Books, of nil sizes; Portfolios, Porlmonnios and Purses ; Combs and Brushos; Pen Knives; Photograph Al- bums, eto., etc. Also, all tho NEW PUBLICATIONS received as soon as publishod. Subscriptions roccivod to all Magazines and Newspapers.? Tho highest market price paid for RAGS, in cash or goods. All persons who desire to buy goods in my line, cheap for CASJI , would do well to give lUO a cnll before purchasing else- where, as I am determined to make my psicos to suit tho Wartimes, having bought for Cash. My object will always bo to accommodate, and to soil as low us possible, and to oxocuto all ordors with promptness, and satisfaction to tho purchaser. Come and oxamino my Stock. I charge nothing to show my Goods. HALE SWART'/WELDER, Under Bclvidcro Hall, Bait. St., Cumberland. Jan. 15, 1863?1y. ' " Soldier's Bounty!! Pensions! Prize Money! Back Pay &c., GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. No. 70. W. Fay otto at, (nonr St. Paul st. 0 BALTIMOUR, MD. ITTIDOWS of soldiers who havo died in tho VV service of the United States aro ontitled to a]Pension for life in addition to tho bounty of $lOO. and all arrearages of pay Ac. e Children and heir* of deceased soldiers whore there is no widow living are entitled to bounty Ac., ' Soldier* "who been wounded and disa- bled aro entitled to Pension and (by a recent law of Congress, to a Jlounty oj $lOO c Soldier* who have been Prisoners of War are entitled to C'ommutatiou of Rations. Seamen in tho U. S* Service are entitled to Pri/.o money, Naval Bounties Ac., f Prompt attontion given to till claims against t tho United States. , WM. B. IIILL. Government Claim Oflico, No. 70 W, Fay 1 otto St. Baltimore Md. N. B.No letters will bo answered unless a postage stamp is enclosed. f PHILADELPHIA 1863. TT . (Paper Hangings. J lIOWIS.L & liOMUii;, Cor. Fourth A Market Streets, Philadelphia, have now in stock, a fine variety of W all I'ap ors, got up expressly for their Spring Trado. WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY GRADE, to which they invite tho attention of Storekeep- ers. In their Retail Department, will be found the Choicest Ptyles of the season. Feb. 10, 1863?3 m. insolvent's *Voticc. David Newman ) /~\RDERED, this 3d |vs. iV/day of March, 1863, His Creditors. J that David Newman give notice to his creditors,endorsers and sureties that the 2d Monday of October 1863 is fixed for the said David Ncwuian to appear im the Circuit Court for Allegany county, to anwor luch interrogatories as his creditors, endorsers andsuretioMiiay proposeorallego againsthiui; and that a copy of this order bo published in itomc newspaper printed in the city of Cumber- land,once a week for three successive months prior to the said second Monday of October ' ? ioxt,uB such notice. Test? 11. RESLEY, Clork. March 5, IS6 3?3 m. New Books ! New Books! New Books! Just received at //ale Swartzwoldor's New Book Store, Laltimoro Stroet, under Bclvidcre Hall, Cumberland, Md. My Diary North and South, by William How- ard Russell. Lady Rudley's Sccrot, a liovol.by M. E. Bran- don. No Name, a novel, by Wilkio Collins. Aurora Floyd, a novel, by M. K. Brandon. Cook's Handy Book for U. S. Cavalry. Beadle's Dime Book of Verses, Les Miserable?, by Victor Hugo, five parts | complete in one volume. Results of Emancipation, by Cockin Grave Thoughts of a Country Parson. Last Day of 4ilr Lord's Passion, by ltov. W.I ll.anna. The Poets Journal.by Bayard Taylor. Orlcy Farm, a novel, by Trollopo. Groat Truths, by Great Authors. Tho Adventures of Phillip on his day through tho world, by IV. M. Thackeray. Harper's MugaziiH) for February 1863. Godoy's Lady Book, " " Atlantic Monthly' " " Arthur's Ilomo Magazine,'- '? Tho Knapsack full of Fun, or 1000 Rations of Laughter. Feb. 5. | Cheap Paper ! Cheap Paper !! fUST rocoivod a good quality of White Ruled \u2666J Commonial Note and Lottor p#ptT ot 15; cents per quire. For sale by | HALE GWARTZWELDER, July 22 Under Belvidere Hall WM. R. BEALL & CO., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OK Chewingar.d Smoking Tobacco, I'll'US, SNUFF, MATCHES, Ac., Baltimore Street, noar the Railroad Depot, GUMBE It LA NI), MI). f > 12 T URN tholrthanksforthopatronagchcre. LV' tofoxo oxtended and beg leave to invite the attention of purchasers to their NJ2W STOCK, which is composed of, inpart, as fol- lows, viz: TOBACCO. Payton Gravoly, Lb. I J. Ellis, " 44 J. U. Keen, 44 J Ilarry Hill, "'? W. Barrett, 44 I Clinton, 44 ?' W. Crumpton, 44 | Mountain City, lO 44 Bailie Willie's 44 | McNelly, Twist John Logan, 44 | Trottcn, 44 44 St. Lawrence, 44 WiUiams, 44 JohnGi 1 - 44 j Jewel of Opliir, 44 Leather*vcori j Geo. Cooper, 44 Esmeralda, ? I Continental, 44 Grape Brand, \'< \ Ponoma, 44 W. R. Arrington, 4444 | M. A. Butler, 44 J . F. M r arl, 14 J 4 | W.Crutnptons Pancake Mountain City, 44 | U. L. Jones' 44 Marvin &Co. 44 41 | Scott A Co. 44 SEGARS. La Itcsarito, ' La Alemana, 4< Union I 44 Jenny Lind, y Eamoro, I 44 Principe, 44 A noriean Flag | 44 Plantation 44 Baltiuiorc Club j j 44 Jose Frasquieris, 44 Vigilaucia, j 44 Opera, 44 Los Trcs Ar Igos, | 44 Virginia, 44 FlorScvillano, I 44 Estrolla, 44 Rio Hondo, J 44 Victoria, 44 X'ieko, 1 44 Plat I'rossa 44 Chicken Cock, 1 Also, alargc assortment o fDOMESTIC SE G ARS always on hand. SNUFF, PIPKS, comprising the best Brands of Tohnccoand So gars, and in great variety. They respectfully solicit, a call from dealers in their 1 ino, focling assured of thoir ability to please those who may favor them with a visit. lBOO. Prof. L. Miller's IIAIII IN TIG ORATOR. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its origi nal color without dyoing, and preventing the Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, .and curing it, when thoro is th'e ioast partiolo of vitali- ty or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF and DANDRUFF,and all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, imparting to itanunoqualledglossand brilliancy, making it soft and silky inits texture and causing it to curl readily. The groat celebrity nr.dthc increasing de- mand for this unequalled preparation,convince tho proprietor that one trial is only ne*o*sary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from (laiulruj) and other cutaneous f</*eoae,enufc'e*lhe hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich,oft, glossy and flexible appearance, and tlso where tho hair is loosening and thinning, it will give strength and vigor to tho roots, and rostore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield a fresh cover iny of hair. There aie hundreds of Indies and gentlemen in New York who have hud their hair roatored by the nso of this Invigorator, when all other preparations had failed. L, M. has in his pos- session lottors innumerable testifying to the a- bove facts, from persons of the highest respect- ability. 11 wil 1efloe tual!y pre ven 11 he h air from turning gray until the latest period of life: and in cases where the hair has already changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will with cer- tainty restore it tu its original hue, giving ti a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a llair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having ah agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it ".fiords in dressing the. hair, which, whon moist with tho Invigorator can bo dressed in any required form so ns to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls?- honcc the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought tube without, as the price places it within the reach ONLY 25 CTS., por bottle, to be hadat all rcspoctablodruggists L. Miller would cull the attention <>l Parent? and Guardians to the use of his Invigorntor, in cases where the childrona' Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a joort head oj Hair, as it removes any impurities that may have becomoconnected withthe scalp, I the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance CAUTION. ?None genuine without the facsim- ile LOUTS VIILLEIIbeing on the outer wrap- per; also, L. MILLER'S lI'AIR INVIGOItA- TOH, N. Y., blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 6 Dey St., and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists through - New and Improved Instantaneous Liquid Hair Dye, which after years of scientific experimenting! have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the best article of the kind in existence, PRICE, ONLY 0 CENTS. Depot, 56 Dey Street, New York insolvent's .t oticc. Melvin Duko I AP.DERED, this 23d day of VI V/ March, 1883, that Melvin His Creditors | Duke give notice to his credi- tors, endorser and sureties, that the 2d Monday of October next is fixed for the said Molvin Duke to appear in tlio circuit court for Allegany coun- ty, to answer such interrogatories as his credi- tors, endorsers and suroties may propose or al- lege against him ; and that a copy of this order ho published in nmo newspapor printed in the city of Cumberland, once a week for throe suc- cessive months prior to the second Monday of October ucxt, as such notice. Test?H. RES LEY, J/arch 2fi, IS63?3m. Clerk. For Rent. ? nPIIE subscribers will Rent for a term of one A yearor more, the Farm and Mill property sit- -1 unto in Somerset Co. Pa. formerly owned by Ja- cob Beakley, 5 miles south of Berlin. Tho r Farm contains 108 acres well improved land. ?' The mill is newly built having 2 pairs Burrs i and 2 country stone*. Tho mill has a large Run of 1 country custom. Neighborhood is thickly sot- \u25a0 j tied by wealthy farmers. There is water pow- I er sufficient to run the mill as a general thing, 9 months in the year. There is also u Steam Engine attached to the mill. Possession given on Ist day of APRIL, next. Fob. 19th 1863. J. R. AO. W. BRINnAM. , New Music Books. TIIK Two llundrcdand Fiftieth edition of the < X Golden Wreath?Tho Camp Song Book and Shilling Songster havo just been issued by O. DiTson A Co., 277 Washington St. Boston. As companions to tho soldier they aro invaluable, and tho first mentioned is a welcome visiter to o*i.-y parlor- A catalogue of now music will bo sent to all who desro it- Feb 19?3t. Orilii' ol" Ratification. Geo. P.llinkle and others") ' vs. > No. 1-108 Equity. I Lucy Gepbart and others. J ORDERED that the sales made and j reported by George A. I'carrc, Trustee as J | aforesaid be ratified ami confirmed, unless I 1 cause to the contrary be shown on or before j I the Ist day of June next, provided a copy of j j this order be inserted in some newspaper prin- | j ted in the city of Uuinburlinil once in each j ; o( three successive weeks before the first day 1 of May next. H. RESLEV, Clerk. I True Copy : Test?H. RESLEY, Clerk. j j April2, 1803.?3w. Photograph Albums JUST received a beautiful assortment of ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, very cheap, at prices to suit tbo times. For salo by HALEBWARTZWELDER, Jan. 22. Uudir Bolvidero Hall. STAR handles, juit received and for sale by j Fob, 5. WM. R. BEALL A CO, I sstroy tjy-so. INSURANCE COMPANY OF ALLEGANY COUNTY REMOVED to the room on Liberty street op posite tho Drug Store of J. B. il. Camp I bell, CUMBEIILA NJ), MI). The Board of Directors meet every Tbure laj at 4 o'clock, P. M., to determine on all np plications for insurance. For forms ot applicn tioti. and any other information, npply to the Secretary, or any member ol the Board of" Di- rectors. OFFICE lIS. WTLLI A M R. USA I. L, President JOHN GEPH ART, Secretary. * J. B. H. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. DIRECTORS* William B. Bonll, J? B. II .Campbell, Hopewell Ilebb, H. D. Wineow, William R. McCullcy, 1). Baylor, A. L. Withers, A. M. L. Bush, F. Minke, Thomas Dovccmon. F. M. Gramlich, John Coulehan. Notes offered for Discount will be acted on thorogular meetings of the Board. Dec. 4, 1862.?1y. S. T. LITTLE, DEALER IN WATCHES I JEWIRt, SILVERWARE, &c. ALL the tiino something new fan ho seen t tho Cheap Jewelry Store of S. T. Little in the way of Gold, Silver and Plated Ware; Carbur.oles ; Garnet, Lava, Coral, Comeo, and Jot Sots. WATCHES of all the celebrated makers in 3 tho world. Tho American Watch which for time keeping and durability cannot bo surpas- -3 sod. CLOCKS.?A full assortment of 8 day and j 30 hour Clock* always on hand. SPECTACLES. ?This branch will receive my 0 special attontion, as the sight is of more value y than silver or gA 1. ? Pocket and Table Cutlery of tho best manu- facture, 200 different patterns. AflflT*Watches', Clocks and Jewelry repaired, with neatness and dispatch, ut the .-ign of the e Bi Watch. Baltimore Street,near the Railroad, >' Cumberland, Md. Oct. 3, 1801. - THE MAGIC TIME OBSER- -1 VER. e Tlioporfoofioiiof 0 INKING A Hunting and Open Fack, or La- e iJ dy's oh Gkmthkman'b Watch Combined. I, One of tho preltfes, most convenient,and de- cidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for n general and reliable usoi ever offered. It has d within it and connected with its machinery, its r own winding attachment, rendering a key en- i- tircly unnecessary. The oases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one he . ingfltio 16 carat gold. It has tho improved n ruby action lover movement, and is warranted ,1 an accurate tiinepicco. Price, superbly eugra- h ved, per ease half dozen, $204,06, A'ampie Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for those pro- a posing to buy at wholesale, $35, sent by ex express, with bill payabable on delivery.? y Soldicrs'inust remit payment in advance, as . we cannot collect from those in the Army. Ad Iress, r lIUBBARD BIIO.S. .t CO., Sole Impoiiteus, Con. Nassau & John Sts. New-York. Jan. 1, 1863?6 ta. ;; THE GREAT CAUSE OF JIBUTI AY TUUvItV. ' Just Published in a Scaled Enveloped ? i'rice 0 cents : " ffSIMtML \ LECTURE BY dh.culvbr- a *ti~ r rrW ?VBUi,ONTJIKCAVSK.\M> ? \Y ,>y # CI'RE of Spennntorrhfca, Con ' sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Ner- 0' vousmess, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the . Body; Lassitude; Weakness of fho Limbs and the Back; Indisposition, and fncapneity for Study and Lub<>r: Dullness of Apprehension: Loss of Memory: Aversion to Society; Love ol Solitude; Timidity; Self-Distrust; Dizziness; j Headache; Affections of tho Kyes: Pimples on tho Face; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity: the Consequences of Youthful In discretion, Ac.. Ac. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above cuum* rated, often self afflicted, evils maybe removed without medicine and without 1 dangerous surgical operations, and liou'd ho r read by every youth and every man inthe lauCi, r Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain, ) scaled envelope, on tho receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, bv addressing Dr.CIIAS. J.O. KLINE, 17 Bowery New York. Post Office box 4,580. March 10.1 SG 1 ni. WM. R. BEALL & CO, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, LIQUORS, - Queens and Glassware, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, nrES, SNUFF, MATCHES, ETC., Baltimore Street, uoar tho Bailroad Depot, Cumberland, ,Tld. THE two extonsives stores of WM. It. BEALL fc CO., adjoning each other on the side of Baltimore Street, are now stock- ed with a full, Irosh and varied assortment of the above artioies, which thoy will dispose of on reasonable terms, WHOLESALE and RE- TAIL, to their City and Country customers. FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, LIQUORS, otc., constantly on hand. | Dec. 11, 1862?1y. | Vulcanite Teeth?Vulcanite Teeth! j GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR. TUTMMELSIUME, llknti.it, having tho- roughly tested for more than two years the Vulcanite plate in a largo number, and some of the most difficult oases, where gold and other : plates had utterly failed, and being satisfied of its absolute superiority overall other methods, commends it therefore with entire confidence to those desiring full or partial bets of teeth, es- pecially if dissatisfied with those they are now using. This improved system in the art of Dental practice has been adopted by those standing highest iu the profession, north and south. Testimonials will bo given and speci- mens exhibited to those wishing to see them. Gold or any other pinto made, of course, for j such as prefer them. FILLING, CLEANS- j ING, REG PLATING, and all other operations ' gently and thoroughly performed. TEETII 1 EXTRACTED without pain, with ether. 1 Office at his rosidenco, corner BALTIMORE and LIBERTY STREETS, up stairs, over Read fc Brother's Grocery, and immediately opposito Cimpbell's Drug Storo, Cumberland, * Md. Persons in want of Teeth,etc., willfind it to their interest to call on Dr. 11., as he has 1 reduced his prices to half tho usual charges to suit tho times. Nov. 7, 1861. ' *. ! ( Attention Soldiers. ' JITBT received, a fine assortment of Port Fo- f lios, Pocket Ink Stands, Gold Pens, <fce., s for sale very cheap for cash, at t HALE SWAKTZWELDER'B j t Under Belvidero Hall, j r Jan. 22, 1862. j PICK ELS, by the barrel or lluudred for sale by Feb. $. ? WM, R. BEALL A CO ' C TJ JEI L*x> YOUR aauaa BEAUTIFY YOURSELF BY USING Chappell s Hyp erion, For Curling the Hair. By using Cbnppell's Hyperion, Undies nnd Gentlemen con beautify themselves a thousand fold. Chappcll's Hyperion Is tho only article in the World that will Curl straight Hair! Tho only articlo that will Curl tho Ilnir In Glossy Curls, In Sunny Curls, In Silken Curls, In Auburn Curls, In Flaxen Curls, In Flowing Curls, In Waving Curls, In Boautifnl Curls, In Luxuriant Cnrls, In Raven Curls! It makes tho Hair SOFT and GLOSSY : it IN VIOOKATES the Hair; it BE A UTIFIEB tho Hair; it CLEANSES the Hair: it is most DE- LIGHTFUL and EXQUISITELY IH'IKFViTIEH. Tho Hyperion does not in any manner intorfcro with tho Natural Softness of the Hair. It noithor scorches norilrios it; it gives tho Hair a soft, thrifty nppoarnnco ; it PRE VENTS tho Hair from It is tho only articlo ever yet discovered that will Curl Sfrnislil Hair in beautiful curls, without injury to the hair or scalp. The Hyperion has boen bofore the public but about six months, and i in that short period of time it has boon tested by more than One Hundred Thousand Persons! 1 And they all universally testify that the HY- PERION IS THE GREATEST BEAUTIFIEIt EVER offered to the American people, j The llypcriorcan lie so applied as to causo the Hair to Curl for one Day, or for one Week, - or for ono Month, or for any longer period do- sired. , Tho Hyperion istlie only artiele in tho world e but what ean ho counterfeited or imitated by , unprincipled persons. To prevent this, wc do not offer it for salo at any Druggist's in the . United States. Therefore, any Lady or Gen- tleman who dosircs the soft luxuriant Curls, and who desiresto beautify themselves by using the Ilypeiion, must inclose tho Price Ono Dollar - in w letter, nnd address W. CHAPI'EI.r. & <o., Box 54, Parkman, Geauga Co., Ohio, and it will bo carefully sent by return mail. Jan. 211,1362.?1y. WM. R. BEALL & CO., I DEALERS IN ; MIES, LIQUORS, \u25a0 tsStiSl Queens-ware and Glassware WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HAVE now in stoic one of the largest nnd best selected Stocks of ? Queensware and Glassware, over brought to this market. Also, a large lot of FLOUR, BACON, FISH, ' SALT, Ac. LIQUORS, of all kinds. ' Storo on Baltimore Street, near the Depot. r Cumberland, Oct. 3, 1861. j DO YOU WANT TO BUY i A.; Good Watch, Clock, or Jewelry, etc? Y,E S 2 , HELL THEN OO 10 ; S. T. LITTL E' S. HAVE boon often deceived in buying an in ferior article elsewh ro??lfsojgo toS.T LITTLE'S. Are you .-tfrnid it is no uee?? ? Then once more I ray, to S. T. LITTLE'S. Why go to S. T- LITTLE'S? If you will keop it a secret I will toil you. S. T. LITTLE is to Lc relied upon. All goods sold by him are just what lie says tnSJ* are. If it is toft solder plated Jewelry lie will teli yU* If t 1 !" floods are filled he will tell you. If you want to buy a good Watch, you can rel} upon his judgment ns well as his word. If you want a good Clock, he has some of the very best make, especially thosoofKeth Thomas'. The beauty of his busi- ness is, ho sells CHEAP FOR CASH. If you want your Watch or Clock put in good order, go to S. T. LITTLE, as he war- rants nil his work. His place of business is on the West Side of BAIiTOIOItE STREET, JIETtVKKN THE St. Nicholas Hold & llcvcre House, j July 19-tf S. T. LITTLE. A BOOK FOR EVERYBODY. STARTLING DISCLOSURES!!! JHR. TELLER'S " great work for the ? married or thoEC con- ?iNsjla*: templating marriage?- \u25a0l 200 pagcß full of Plat°s, rf j^K i '!s®|7' r ice twenty-five cents BSfifcB|j ?sent to all parts under PgS-|g ; mail, Post Paid. 50,000 copies sold the JkgiJs past year. The single married, nnd the married happy. A lecture on [ Lovx.or bow to choose a partner: a complete | work on midwifery. It contains hundreds ol secrets never beforepublished?warranted to be worth thiee times the amount asked for it, 25 j cents inspecie or postage stamps, enclosed, will ' secure a copy by return mail. Addres J. TELLER, M. D. No. 5 Beaver st., Albany, N. Y. Viohois* Fkmaie Puis, one dollar a box, with full directions. Married ladiesshonld notusethem. Scntbymail. AddressDr.Tel- ler, ns above. y sept 7, 60?ly. Insolvents .Yolice, Geo. M. Blocher, 7 ORDERED, this 25thday vs. !? November, 1802, that His Creditors. J Geo. M. Blocher give no- tice to his creditors and endorsers sureties, that he 2nd Monday of April next is fixed for the said G. M. Blocher to appear in the Circuit - Court for Allegany county to answer sucn in- terrogatories as his creditoas, endorsers and sureties may propose or allege against hint; , and that a copy of this order be publisfhcd in ( some newspaper printed in tho city o Cum- berland, once a week for throe successive - months prior to the said 2nd Monday, of April next, as such notice. , Test?H. RK3LKY, Jan. 8,1863 3m. Clerk. | g AMERICAN WATCHES for sale at Factory V Prices at f NOT. B.] B,T. LITTLE'S I 600,000 MAL Vo* SK."* AoE!!is I LLOYD'S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY I COLORED MAP OF THE UNITED | STATES, CANADAS, AND NEW BRUNSWICK. j From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, j 1862; cost $20,000 to engraveit and oneyear's j time. Superior toanyslomap ever made by Col- | ton or Mitchell, and sells at the low price of j fifty-cents; 370,000 namesaroengraved on this map. It is not only a County Map, but it is also a ; COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP j of the United States and Canadas combined in i one, giving EVERY' RAILROAD STATION ' and distance between. Guarantoo any woman or man $3 to $5 per ' day, and will take back all maps that cannot bo sold and refund the money. Sond for $1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvass well fur- ' nished all our agents. Wanted?Wholesale agents for our Maps in ' every "State. California, Canada, Ergland, I France, and Cuba. A fortune may bo made with a few hundred dollars capital. A'o com- petition. J. T. LLOYD, No. 151 Broadway. New-York. The War Department usesfour Map of Virgi- nia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost $10(1,- 000, on which is marked Antietam Creek, Shnrpsburg, Maryland nights, Willintnsport i Ferry, Rhorersville.Noland's Ford, and all otii- i ers on the Potomac, and every other placo in j Maryland, Virginin, and Pennsylvania,or men- ! ey refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY j OHIO, INDIANA,and ILLINOIS, | is the only authority for General Buoll and tiic War Department. Money refunded to any one j finding on error in it. Price 50 cents. From The Tribune, Aug. 2. "LLOYD'S MAP OF VIRGINIA. MARY-! LAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA.?This Map is very large ; its cost is hut 25 conts, and it in the bent which can he pitrehnncrt." LLOYD'S GREAT MAP OF TIIF MISSIS- 1 SIPPI RIV I.lt?l rotn Actual Surveys by Capts j Bart and Win. Bowen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, slo.,shows every inan'splantntion 1 and owner's name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico?l,3so miles?every sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back ' from the river?eoloied in counties and States. Price, $1 in sheets, $2, pocket form, and $2 56 on linen, with rollers. Ready Sept. 20. NA v v DBIMIITMRNT, Washington, Sept. Ig, ISC2. .1. T. T,i.orn?Sir : Send me your Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hundred cop ies. Rear-Admiral Charles II Davis, comman- ding the Mississippi squadron, is authorized to purchase as many nsnre required for use of that squadron. GIDEON WELLES, Get. 2?ft. Secretary of the Navy. Collection of Claims Against the United States. HAVING secured the co-operation ol ef- ficient and very successful Agents, in Washington City, for the adjustment and col- lection of claims against the United Slates Govcrnnicut, whose long experience in ilie offices of the Paymaster General anil Quurtci-- moster Gjr.cral, have them with the proceedings and details of business in the proper Departments, and for whose responsi- bility and promptness I am willingto vouch; and being pro tided with the latest necessary forms and Instructions from the Auditor's Office, I am now prepared lo prosecute and collect, with all possible facility and dispatch, all lawful claims against the Government ol the United States, on th; usual and reasona- ble terms?including For //orses and other property lost or de- stroyed whilst in the service of the Failed Slates; Subsistence, Transportation ; Fx- ] penses incurred in organizing, subsisting and transpurtiny Troops, prior to muster into ser- vice ; Soldiers and Teamsters Fay ; Bounty, Tensions; Balance due to deceased Soldiers I and Bounty /.ami. CHARLES I!. TiII?USToX, Attorney at Law, Cumberland, Md. icr Office on Gailiiaore Street, near the Railroad Depot. June 10, '62?Km. * Imboden's Capture. WM. F. BOOGHBR, 1,1 AS just returned from the Northern -I nnd Eastern Cities with a large assort- ment of Gold and Silvs r American and English m.W S B S3 sz -4lso, New, Rich nnd Hnnd.-omt v 12 nnr 'l2 w n \r- A jM UWI ,M .M X j Embracing the latest and roost desirable pat- terns. 1 Gold Silver and S'lccl .Spectacles, : d-'i-iSS, in great variety ; Silver and Plated Ware. Fine -dmeriean and English Cutlerv. ARMY GOODS I The finest assortment ol the most improved Revolvers, Officer's Haversacks,with a variety of other MILITARY GOODS, Whicli for cheapness arid durabilitycannot be . excelled in the eity. This Stock of New and desirable Goods having heen purchased for Onfli at the Manufacturers, it is with confidence wo can offer them to the public at such prices as will give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. i We sell for Cash Only. | ir.fi. i' aooauEH, At S. T. Link's Balto. St. Cumberland Nov. 20,1862. GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE, ' j BOUNTY OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS !1! ' WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF l/ARRIED I SOLDIERS AND FATHERS MOTHERS: BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF UNMAIUED 1 SOLDIERS WHO HAVE DIED INTHE SKU- I VICE ARE ENTITLED TO THE ABOVE t BOUNTY AND CAN HAVE IT SECURED WITH ALL THEIR BACK PAY BY AP-i PLICATION TO THE UNDERSIGNED. I Also, Pensions, Prize Money, aud other ' claims.against tho United States promptly se-' cured. W. B. HILL, No. 70 WESTFAYTTE STUF.EL, ' NEAR ST. PAUL STREET. BALTIMORE, N. B.?No letters asking information can bb anBwecrd unless a stamp is enclosed for re- ' turn postage. REFERENCES. lION. A' W. BRADFORD, Governor of Md. *' REVERDY JOHNSON. 44 C. L. L. LEART. " E. H. WEBSTER. ARCHIBALD STIRLING, ESQ. BRIG. GEN'L JOHN R. KENLY. COL. N. T.DUBHANE, '? VON KILMAMREGEK, 44 WM. L. SCHLEY, 44 B. L. BEALL, (U. S. A. Mustering Officer, COL. GEO. R. HOWARD Doc. 25, 1802?ly. . LATH- NOVELS ~ 11 Just received at J WM. ANDREWS' f Jan. 29. Under St. Nicholas Hotel. p OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR at the p Book Store under the St.Nicholas Hotel. March 19. WM. BRACE. Catholic Prayer Books ! JUST receivod, an assortment of Catholic f Prayor Books, very cheap for ensh at HALE 1 SWARTZWELDEIVS Baltimoro St. under Bel- u riders Hell. Cumberland, Md. d Feb. 12. Civilian & Telegraph JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Brooks' Block, Bait. St., near the Bridao CUMBERLAND, MD. William Evans Proprietor. j ALT. KINDS OF PLAIN AND OKNAMfiNXAT PHIS TUB Neatly and expeditiously executed; SXJ CK As BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CHECKS, BILL-HEADS PAY-ROLLS,CHECK ROLLS, BUSINESS CARDS BUNK FORMS, I PROGRAMMES, , Manifests, Ball Tickets, Ac | Monro prepared to execute in style uns.s- -jiISMSSB PlffiTM. ! Ilaring recently received from the Type n'l',",".'r '"1 exlcnsiro assortment of FINK LUis. lor the purpose of printing Bill-Heade, 1 if/, . Jhos 7 ant of anything in that war, 'vrLltv** Ti"i C r at "'° "ffic 'o ° f the "Cl- have nfl, TEI.KfiUAPir, 1 ' where they can ' ..' r w< ?rk got ton up in STYLE, and at tho entice? ' V oon, P a, ' e withtlioso of.ny.t | THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND ALWAYS EEADY. ? \u25a0 HOLLOtI AY'S OINTMENT. j I ONiJ MARCHES, sure anil stiff joints, btff. ? I-J to red aud intlamod feet, nil theso the Sol- dier must endure. Mothers, remember llft, 3 jwhen your sons are grasping their muskets la 1 j meet danger; think what relief a single pot , . nf this it/' hriih'iiij and cooliny Salve will give I to the one you love when far away from home - 'anil friends. It hardens and makes tough the foot, so that they can endure great futiga*. . j It soothe* and relieves tho intln.ued and stlff- / ened joints, leuving them supple, stioug *id _ j vigorous, while for ' 3V3 OJCS VN3 SUN3H3T W3UKO3 it so lunequalled, removing and prevent- i'' /' /ery vestige of inflammation, and gently ' r wing tho edges together, it quickly nndf c mpletcly heals tho inst frightful wounds. Wives and Sisters of our Voluntoora. Von cannot put into the Knapsacks of your i Husbands and Brothers, moro valuable *r more ueeessnry gift than a supply of this Extraordinary MilitarySalvo. The lonely sentry walking his rounds n-l , night, exposed to drenching rains and chill night air, is often seized with most oh pn 'it , coujh and Hujfocntiny hour§*nt*a r first . syniqitoiuH of quirk r'umuruption, but if supplied with lIOI.Iit)WAV'S PILLS and IIOI.LO. ' j WAV'S OINTMENT, all danger i> averted, a " few Pills taken night aud morning, aud the I Ointment briskly rubbed twice a day over the I throat and chest w ill remove the pain* and stop the mo.-t distressing or tianytroumi t I rough. Therefore we say to.tho whole Army. | SOLDIERS ATTENTION {! I See to your own health, io not trust t9 the I Army stipplio* although most valuable. Theoe , PILLS and OINTMENT have b en thoroughly' -: tested : tbeyaro tho only reu.edle* used in the j European Camps and Da Tracks. Tor forty 1 years Doctor Ilotloway ha* supplied nil the' Artuic* in Europe, and during the Crimia-n' C'u/npni.jn h" established ft depot nt Balaclava, l for tho exclusive sole of these yrent , Many a time his special Agent there has sold over \u2666ton in weight of the Ointment iu a sin- gle day. These terrible and fatal enernlfg o4 -fie ivl'Htr in coinji t DiairLuea, Dyeentmy, Scuivy, Cores, and Scrofulcttß Eruptions, nil disappear like u charm before these- PILLfl 1 and OINTMENT, and now while the orv ring* ? throughout the laud, . TO ARMS! TO ARMSf Do not let these bravo men perish bv disease, place in their hands thise puciovt remedies, that will enable them to resist the dangerous >exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and t'a I wounds which they cauuot avoid, and what ts more cannot frequently get succor in the mo | incnt of need, whereas if our brove men ban I only to put their hands into their Kuapsaels [and find.there u euro remedy for all tho casual, ties of tho buttle field, how thousands ot lives would thus be saved who would otherwise perish beforo relief could be obtained. I ! ?None are genuine unless the words "lIOLLOWAV, NEW YJRK AKD Loi-- , I>ON,' arc discernable a* a IFafcr uia & ineverjj ? leaf of the book of directions, around each pot I or box ; the same may be plainly seen by hold- j iny the leaf to the liyht, A handsome reward will bo given to any one rendering such infor j motion us may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines ,or vending tho same, knowing tbern to bo spn ! ! rioug. ! *** Sold at the Manufactory of Profeaao \ I HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York and by all respectable Druggists and Dealara V| Medicines throughout the civilized world, 1# pots, at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each. is a considerable saving by taklnj. the larger sizes. N. B.?Directions for the guidance of pai tients, in every disorder, are affixed to eaol box. Jan. 22, 1863?1y. DENTKTRYT DR. L. IHWIMIIiIIB, 1 DENTIST^ RESPECTFULLY informs the Citizen of Cum- berland and the publio generally, that ha has removed his office to hi* residence, on thi corner of Baltimore and Liberty Streets, ovoi Read A Brother'* Storo, and immediately op posite Campbell's" Drug Storo, where he iw pr- pared to attend to thopractice of DENIISTHY in all Its departments. Feb. 7, 1801?y. Bank Notice. VTOTES of the Allognr.y County Back. CUD' IX berland, Md? will be redoomed in BaltiJ more bv the Citizens Bank, at ono hall per ci. discount. P. E. CONKLIX. Sept. I?tt

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Page 1: Hyp ESTABLISHMENT '? ?' St.,

Tbe Magazine for the Times! !

mmm magazineTho Uctan I Chotprst i'l the World for Ladies!

This popular monthly Magazine will bo grcat-iyimprovedfor UP. It willcontain

One Thousand Pages of Reading!Fourteen Splendid, Stool Plates 1

Twelve Colored Fashion Plates 1Twelve Colored Eerlin Work Patterns!

Nine Hundred Wood Cuts!Twenty-Four I'agos of Music!

Allthis willbo given for only TWO DOL-LARS a year, or a dollar luss than Magazinesof the class of "Petorson." Its

Thrilling Talcs and NovelettesAro the best published anywhere. Allthr most

popular writers are employed to write oriyinnllyfor 4 Peterson ." In 1863, in addition to its usualquantity of shorter s-torios, FOUR ORIGINALCOPYRIGHT NOVELETTS will bo given, byAnn S. Stephons, L. C. Moulton, Frank LeoBenedict, and the Author of "The .Murder ititho Glon Ross." Italso publishes

Fashions Ahead of all Others.Eash number, in addition to tho colored plates,gives Bonnets, Conks and Drosses, engraved onwood. Also, a pattern, from which a Dress,Mantilla, or Child's Dross can bo cut out, with-out the aid of a inantua-maker. Also, severalpages of Household and other receipts.

It is the Best Lady's Magazine in the |World.


Terms?Ahwtys in Advance:One Copy, Ono Year, $ 2 00Three Copies, for One Year, 5 00Five Copies, for Ono Year, 7 50Eight Copies, for Une Year, 10 00Bixteen Copies, for Ono Year, 20 00

Premiums for (Jetting up Clubs.Tlireo, Fivo, Eight or moro copies muko aclubTo every perspn getting up a club of ThroeFive, Eight or Twolv-i copies, an extra copy o,

the Magazine for 1863 will bogivon, or ourmezzotint for framing, 44 Bunyn Parting frombis Blind Child iu Prison." To ovory persongetting up a club of Sixteen, two of either otthe premiums willbe sunt.

Address, post-paid,CHARLES J. PETERSON,

306 Che-tnut Street, Philadelphia.Specimens sent gratis, when written for.Nov. 27,' 1362.






STIMULATING ONGUINTFor the Whiskers and Hair.The subscribers take pleasuro in announcing

to tho citizens of tho United States, that theybave obtained tho Agency for, and aro now en-abled to offer to tho American public, the abovojustly celebrated and world-ronownod urticlc.

The Stimulating OnguentIs proparod hjr Dr. C. ?. Bollingham, an emi-nont physician of London, and iawurruutcd to

bring u thick sot of

Whiskers or a MustacheIn from throe to six weeks. This articlo is theonly one of the kind mcd by tho French, andin London and Paris it is in univorsal use.

It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yetstimulating couipouud, acting as if by magicupon tlio roots, causing a beautiful growth ofluxurianthair. If applied to tho sculp, it wilcure UALDNK.HS, and causo to spring up in placeof tho bald spots a fine growth of new hair.?Applied according to directions, it will turn RED

or towy hair DARK, and restore gray hair to itsoriginal color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flex-ible. ' Tho "O.vorKtfT" is an indisponsable arti-cle in every gentleman's toilet, anil after onewook's uso they would not fornny considerationbe without it.

The subscribers are tho only agents for thearticle in the United States, to whom oTt ordersmust bo addressed.

Price One Dollar a box?forsale by all Drug-gists and Dealers , or a box of tho "Onguent"(warranted to have tho desired ofloct) will bosent toany who desire it, by mail (direct,) se-curely packod, on receipt of price and postage,$l.lB. Apply to or address

HORACE L. HEGEMAN & CO.,Druggists, Ac.,

March 23, 'Cl?ly. 24 William St., N. Yo-ik

InsolvenVs t VoficeMichael Nolan, ") ARDEUED, this 20th day

vs. > V./ of February 1803, thatHis Creditors. J Michael Nolan givo notice

to his creditors, Endorsers and sureties, that]the 2d Monday of October next is fixed for thesaid Michael Nolan to appear in tho CircuitCourt for Allegany county, to answer such intorrogatories as his creditors, ondorsors andsuretios may propose or allege against him :and that a copy of this order ho published insome newspaper printed in tho city of Cum-berland, onco fi week for three successivemouths prior to the said second Monday of Oc-tober next, ns su h notice.

Test?ll. RESLEY, Clork.Fob. 20,1803.**

William Avery, I No. 112 Insolvencies/ 7

against > 111 the Circuit Court for Allo-His Creditors J gany County.

ORDERED, this 27th day of Janunry, 1883,that the first Mouday of May, ISC3, is fixed

for tho said Insolvent Petitioner to appear andanswor such interrogatories or allegations ashis creditors, endorsers or sureties may pro-pose against him, and that tho. said InsolventPetitioner givo threo months notice thereof to

his creditors, endorsers and suroties by publi-cation of this order not. less than three monthsboforo the said first Monday ot May, 1863, insome nowspapcr published in Cumberland. ?

True copy,Tost?ll. IIESLEY,

Jan. 20, 1863?3 m* Clerk.

Insolvent's Notice.John F. Dawson, ) ARDERED, this 20th day

vs. > of February, IBG3, thatHis Creditors, j John F. Dawson, give no-

tice to his creditors, endorsers and sureties,that the 21 Monday of October next is fixedfor the said John V. Dawson to appear in theCircuit Court for Allogany county, to answersuch interrogatories as his creditors, endorsersand suretios may proposo or allogo against him; 1and that a copy of this order ho published insome newspaper printed in tho city of Cumber-land, 01100 a WEEK FOR throe successive monthsprior tojftho said second Monday of Octobernext, as such notice.

Test-?II. RESLEY, Clerk.Feb 26, 1863.*

Pig Iron For Sale.I HAVE 52 Tons good quality PIG IRON for

sale at my Coal Yard in this city, which willbe sold at a very low rato.

11. FLUIiY.Cumberland, June 12, IS62?3m.

Flour! Flour!A LOT of Family au<l Extra FLOUR justro- <andforea'-J by i

S ? M "..BEAU. A CO.

Stationery for Schools. 1INK, Pons, Slates, Pen Holders, Pencils Ac., ! 1for sale by

HAZE SWARTZWELDER, 'Jen. 22. Under Bolvidero Hall, j

SCOTCH Ale and Brown Stout, for salo b <Feb. 5. WW. R. fcEALL A CO. j'JUST received a fine aiaoi of Port Mo- i *naiee, liair, Tooth, Kail and Clothe? jcBrushes, at LEFEVRE'S Drug Store.

April30, 1863 1

/rim A LECTURE !To Young Men.

Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope:Price six Cents,

l LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREAT-IIMENT, AND RADICAL CURE or SI'ER-MATOKIUKEA,or Seminal Weakness, invol-untary emissions, Sexual Debility, and impedi-ments to tnnrringo generally, Nervousness,Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and ,Physical rncopacity, resulting from self-abuse, :Ac.?by Koocrt J. Culverwoll, author of theGreen Book. Ac.

Tho world renowned author, in this ndmira- ,bio Lccturo, clearly proves from his own expe-rience thatthe awful consequon?es of Self-abusemay bo effectually removed without medicine,and without dangerous surgical operations,bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, point-ing out a mode of euro at once certain and ef-fectual, by which every sufferer, no matterwhat his condition may be, iny cure hiuisolfcheaply, privately, and radically.This lecture willprovo a boon to thousands andthousands.

Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to anyaddress, on tho receipt of six cents, or two post-age stamps, by addressing

" Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE,127 Bowery, Now York. Post Office box 1,580.

Fob. 20, 1803?tnl7.

Baltimore and Ohio RailRoad.

New Schedule for Passenger TrainsON AND ALTER FED. 18m, ISG3


Mail Train Leaves Baltimore at 5.45 a. in.<< 44 44 Cumberland at 0.20 p. m*

Arrivos at Wheeling 5.20 a. in.(Daily except Sundays)

Express Train Loaves Baltimore at 0.30 p. m44 41 44 Cumberland at 7.10a.m.

Arrivos at Whoeiing o.oop. ui.(Daily.)

Mail Train Leaves Wheeling 8.10 p. ra.*i 14 44 Cumberland 7.30 a. in.

Arrives lit Baltimore 4.00p,m.(Daily except Sundays.)

Express Train Leaves Wheeling 10.50 a. m.? 41 44 Cumberland 0.50 p. lU.

Arrives at Bakimoro 0.45 a.iu.(Daily.)

Through Tickets for all the principal citiesNorth and West of tho Ohio River, maybe pro-cured at this office.

L. C. BtEIIM, Agent.Cumberland Station, Feb. 10, 1803.

Book, Stationary. Periodical andNotion Store,

under BELVIDKRB lIALL, on BaltimStreet.

Hi., Stock constats in part of Lottor, Cap andNoto Paper, ruled or plain, of all qualitiesEnvelopes, of all sizes and stylos; Steel andGold Pens; Slate, and Pencils; Writing andCopying Inks; Playing and Printing Curds;Donnct arid Card Hoards; Prayer and HymnBooks; IJilrlos; .Miscellaneous and SchoolBooks; Blank Account Books, of nil sizes;Portfolios, Porlmonnios and Purses ; Combsand Brushos; Pen Knives; Photograph Al-bums, eto., etc.

Also, all tho

NEW PUBLICATIONSreceived as soon as publishod. Subscriptionsroccivod to all Magazines and Newspapers.?Tho highest market price paid for RAGS, incash or goods. Allpersons who desire to buygoods in my line, cheap for CASJI, would dowell to give lUO a cnll before purchasing else-where, as I am determined to make my psicosto suit tho Wartimes, having bought for Cash.My object will always bo to accommodate, andto soil as low us possible, and to oxocuto allordors with promptness, and satisfaction to thopurchaser.

Come and oxamino my Stock. I chargenothing to show my Goods.

HALE SWART'/WELDER,Under Bclvidcro Hall, Bait. St., Cumberland.

Jan. 15, 1863?1y. '

" Soldier's Bounty!!Pensions! Prize Money!


No. 70. W. Fay otto at, (nonr St. Paul st.

0 BALTIMOUR, MD.ITTIDOWS of soldiers who havo died in thoVV service of the United States aro ontitled

to a]Pension for life in addition to tho bountyof $lOO. and all arrearages of pay Ac.

e Children and heir* of deceased soldiers whorethere is no widow living are entitled to bountyAc.,

' Soldier* "who been wounded and disa-bled aro entitled to Pension and (by a recentlaw of Congress, to a Jlounty oj $lOO

c Soldier* who have been Prisoners of War areentitled to C'ommutatiou of Rations.

Seamen in tho U. S* Service are entitled toPri/.o money, Naval Bounties Ac.,

f Prompt attontion given to tillclaims againstt tho United States.

, WM. B. IIILL.Government Claim Oflico, No. 70 W, Fay

1 otto St. Baltimore Md.N. B.No letters will bo answered unless a

postage stamp is enclosed.


1863. TT .

(Paper Hangings. JlIOWIS.L & liOMUii;,

Cor. Fourth A Market Streets, Philadelphia,have now in stock, a fine variety of

W all I'ap ors,got up expressly for their Spring Trado.

WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY GRADE,to which they invite tho attention of Storekeep-ers. In their Retail Department, will befound the Choicest Ptyles of the season.

Feb. 10, 1863?3 m.insolvent's *Voticc.

David Newman ) /~\RDERED, this 3d|vs. iV/day of March, 1863,

His Creditors. J that David Newman givenotice to his creditors,endorsers and suretiesthat the 2d Monday of October 1863 is fixedfor the said David Ncwuian to appear imtheCircuitCourt for Allegany county, to anworluch interrogatories as his creditors, endorsersandsuretioMiiay proposeorallego againsthiui;and that a copy of this order bo published initomc newspaper printed in the city of Cumber-land,once a week for three successive monthsprior to the said second Monday of October '

? ioxt,uB such notice.Test? 11. RESLEY, Clork.

March 5, IS6 3?3 m.

New Books !

New Books! New Books!Just received at //ale Swartzwoldor's New

Book Store, Laltimoro Stroet, under BclvidcreHall, Cumberland, Md.My Diary North and South, by William How-

ard Russell.Lady Rudley's Sccrot, a liovol.by M. E. Bran-

don.No Name, a novel, by Wilkio Collins.Aurora Floyd, a novel, by M. K. Brandon.Cook's Handy Book for U. S. Cavalry.Beadle's Dime Book of Verses,Les Miserable?, by Victor Hugo, five parts |

complete in one volume.Results of Emancipation, by CockinGrave Thoughts of a Country Parson.Last Day of 4ilrLord's Passion, by ltov. W.I

ll.anna.The Poets Journal.by Bayard Taylor.Orlcy Farm, a novel, by Trollopo.Groat Truths, by Great Authors.Tho Adventures of Phillip on his day through

tho world, by IV. M. Thackeray.Harper's MugaziiH) for February 1863.Godoy's Lady Book, " "

Atlantic Monthly' ""

Arthur's Ilomo Magazine,'- '?

Tho Knapsack full of Fun, or 1000 Rations ofLaughter. Feb. 5. |

Cheap Paper ! Cheap Paper !!

fUST rocoivod a good quality of White Ruled\u2666J Commonial Note and Lottor p#ptT ot 15;cents per quire. For sale by |

HALE GWARTZWELDER,July 22 Under Belvidere Hall


Chewingar.d Smoking Tobacco,I'll'US, SNUFF, MATCHES, Ac.,

Baltimore Street, noar the Railroad Depot,GUMBEItLA NI), MI).

f > 12 T URN tholrthanksforthopatronagchcre.LV' tofoxo oxtended and beg leave to invitethe attention of purchasers to their NJ2WSTOCK, which is composed of, inpart, as fol-lows, viz:

TOBACCO.Payton Gravoly, Lb. I J. Ellis, " 44

J. U. Keen, 44 J Ilarry Hill, "'?

W. Barrett, 44 I Clinton, 44 ?'

W. Crumpton, 44 | Mountain City, lO 44

Bailie Willie's 44| McNelly, Twist

John Logan, 44 | Trottcn, 44 4 4St. Lawrence, 44 WiUiams, 44

JohnGi 1- 44 j Jewel of Opliir, 44

Leather*vcori jGeo. Cooper, 44

Esmeralda, ? I Continental, 44Grape Brand, \'< \ Ponoma, 44

W. R. Arrington, 4444 | M. A. Butler, 44

J . F. Mr arl, 14 J 4 | W.Crutnptons PancakeMountain City, 44 | U. L. Jones' 44

Marvin &Co. 4 4 41 | Scott A Co. 44

SEGARS.La Itcsarito, ' La Alemana,4< Union I 44 Jenny Lind,

y Eamoro, I 44 Principe,44 A noriean Flag | 44 Plantation44 Baltiuiorc Club j j44 Jose Frasquieris,44 Vigilaucia, j 44 Opera,44 Los Trcs Ar Igos, | 44 Virginia,44 FlorScvillano, I 44 Estrolla,44 Rio Hondo, J 44 Victoria,44 X'ieko, 1 44 Plat I'rossa44 Chicken Cock, 1Also, alargc assortment o fDOMESTIC SE

G ARS always on hand.SNUFF, PIPKS,

comprising the best Brands of Tohnccoand Sogars, and in great variety. They respectfullysolicit, a call from dealers in their 1 ino, foclingassured of thoir ability to please those whomay favor them with a visit. lBOO.

Prof. L. Miller's


nal color without dyoing, and preventingthe Hairfrom turning gray.

FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, .and curingit, when thoro is th'e ioast partiolo of vitali-ty or recuperative energy remaining.


all cutaneous affections of the Scalp.FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR,imparting to

itanunoqualledglossand brilliancy, makingitsoft and silky inits texture and causing itto curl readily.The groat celebrity nr.dthc increasing de-

mand for this unequalled preparation,convincetho proprietor that one trial is only ne*o*saryto satisfy a discerning public of its superiorqualities over any other preparation at presentin use. It cleanses the head and scalp from(laiulruj) and other cutaneous f</*eoae,enufc'e*lhehair to grow luxuriantly, and gives ita rich,oft,glossy and flexible appearance, and tlso wheretho hair is loosening and thinning, it willgivestrength and vigor to tho roots, and rostore thegrowth to those parts which have become bald,causing it to yield afresh cover iny of hair.

There aie hundreds of Indies and gentlemenin New York who have hud their hair roatoredby the nso of this Invigorator, when all otherpreparations had failed. L, M. has in his pos-session lottors innumerable testifying to the a-bove facts, from persons of the highest respect-ability. 11 wil 1efloe tual!y pre ven 11 he h air fromturning gray until the latest period of life:andin cases where the hair has already changed itscolor, the use of the Invigorator will with cer-tainty restore it tu its original hue, giving ti adark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for thetoilet and a llair Restorative it is particularlyrecommended, having ah agreeable fragrance;and the great facilities it ".fiords in dressing the.hair, which, whon moist with tho Invigoratorcan bo dressed in any required form so ns topreserve its place, whether plain or in curls?-honcc the great demand for it by the ladies as astandard toilet article which none ought tubewithout, as the price places it within the reach

ONLY 25 CTS.,por bottle, to be hadat allrcspoctablodruggists

L. Miller would cull the attention <>l Parent?and Guardians to the use of his Invigorntor, incases where the childrona' Hair inclines to beweak. The use of it lays the foundation for ajoort head oj Hair, as it removes any impuritiesthat may have becomoconnected withthe scalp,

Ithe removal of which is necessary both for thehealth of the child, and the future appearance

CAUTION. ?None genuine without the facsim-ile LOUTS VIILLEIIbeing on the outer wrap-per; also, L. MILLER'S lI'AIR INVIGOItA-TOH, N. Y., blown in the glass.

Wholesale Depot, 6 Dey St., and sold by allthe principal Merchants and Druggists through -

New and Improved Instantaneous

Liquid Hair Dye,which after years of scientific experimenting!have brought to perfection. It dyes Black orBrown instantly without injury to the Hair orSkin, warranted the best article of the kind inexistence,


Depot, 56 Dey Street, New York

insolvent's .t oticc.Melvin Duko I AP.DERED, this 23d day of

VI V/ March, 1883, that MelvinHis Creditors | Duke give notice to his credi-

tors, endorser and sureties, that the 2d Mondayof October next is fixed for the said Molvin Duketo appear in tlio circuit court for Allegany coun-ty, to answer such interrogatories as his credi-tors, endorsers and suroties may propose or al-lege against him ; and that a copy of this orderho published in nmo newspapor printed in thecity of Cumberland, once a week for throe suc-cessive months prior to the second Monday ofOctober ucxt, as such notice.

Test?H. RES LEY,J/arch 2fi, IS63?3m. Clerk.

For Rent.? nPIIE subscribers will Rent for a term of one

A yearor more, the Farm and Millproperty sit--1 unto in Somerset Co. Pa. formerly owned by Ja-

cob Beakley, 5 miles south of Berlin. Thor Farm contains 108 acres well improved land.

?' The mill is newly built having 2 pairs Burrsi and 2 country stone*. Tho millhas a large Run of

1 country custom. Neighborhood is thickly sot-

\u25a0 j tied by wealthy farmers. There is water pow-

I er sufficient to run the millas a general thing,9 months in the year. There is also u SteamEngine attached to the mill. Possession givenon Ist day of APRIL, next.

Fob. 19th 1863. J. R. AO. W. BRINnAM. ,

New Music Books.TIIKTwo llundrcdand Fiftieth edition of the <X Golden Wreath?Tho Camp Song Book andShilling Songster havo just been issued by O.DiTson A Co., 277 Washington St. Boston. Ascompanions to tho soldier they aro invaluable,and tho first mentioned is a welcome visiter to

o*i.-y parlor- A catalogue of now music willbo sent to all who desro it- Feb 19?3t.

Orilii' ol" Ratification.Geo. P.llinkle and others")

' vs. > No. 1-108 Equity.I Lucy Gepbart and others. JORDERED that the sales made and jreported by George A. I'carrc, Trustee as J

| aforesaid be ratified ami confirmed, unless I1 cause to the contrary be shown on or before jI the Ist day of June next, provided a copy of jj this order be inserted in some newspaper prin- |

j ted in the city of Uuinburlinil once in each j; o( three successive weeks before the first day 1of May next. H. RESLEV, Clerk. I

True Copy : Test?H. RESLEY, Clerk. jj April2, 1803.?3w.

Photograph Albums

JUST received a beautiful assortment of !PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, very cheap, atprices to suit tbo times. For salo by

HALEBWARTZWELDER,Jan. 22. Uudir Bolvidero Hall.

STAR handles, juit received and for sale by jFob, 5. WM. R. BEALL A CO, I

sstroy tjy-so.


ALLEGANY COUNTYREMOVED to the room on Liberty street op

posite tho Drug Store of J. B. il. CampI bell, CUMBEIILANJ), MI).

The Board of Directors meet every Tburelaj at 4 o'clock, P. M., to determine on all npplications for insurance. For forms ot applicntioti. and any other information, npply to theSecretary, or any member ol the Board of" Di-rectors.


JOHN GEPH ART, Secretary. *J. B. H. CAMPBELL, Treasurer.

DIRECTORS*William B. Bonll, J? B. II .Campbell,Hopewell Ilebb, H. D. Wineow,William R. McCullcy, 1). Baylor,

A. L. Withers, A. M. L. Bush,

F. Minke, Thomas Dovccmon.F. M. Gramlich, John Coulehan.

Notes offered for Discount willbe acted onthorogular meetings of the Board.

Dec. 4, 1862.?1y.



SILVERWARE, &c.ALL the tiino something new fan ho seen t

tho Cheap Jewelry Store of S. T. Little inthe way ofGold, Silver and Plated Ware; Carbur.oles ;

Garnet, Lava, Coral, Comeo, and Jot Sots.WATCHES of all the celebrated makers in

3 tho world. Tho American Watch which fortime keeping and durability cannot bo surpas-

-3 sod.CLOCKS.?A full assortment of 8 day and

j 30 hour Clock* always on hand.SPECTACLES. ?This branch willreceive my

0 special attontion, as the sight is of more valuey than silver or gA 1.? Pocket and Table Cutlery of tho best manu-

facture, 200 different patterns.AflflT*Watches', Clocks and Jewelry repaired,

with neatness and dispatch, ut the .-ign of thee Bi Watch. Baltimore Street,near the Railroad,>' Cumberland, Md. Oct. 3, 1801.

- THE MAGIC TIME OBSER--1 VER.e Tlioporfoofioiiof0 INKING A Hunting and Open Fack, or La-e iJ dy's oh Gkmthkman'b Watch Combined.I, One of tho preltfes, most convenient,and de-

cidedly the best and cheapest timepiece forn general and reliable usoi ever offered. It hasd within it and connected with its machinery, itsr own winding attachment, rendering a key en-i- tircly unnecessary. The oases of this Watch

are composed of two metals, the outer one he. ingfltio 16 carat gold. It has tho improvedn ruby action lover movement, and is warranted,1 an accurate tiinepicco. Price, superbly eugra-

h ved, per ease half dozen, $204,06, A'ampieWatches, in neat morocco boxes, for those pro-

a posing to buy at wholesale, $35, sent by exexpress, with bill payabable on delivery.?

y Soldicrs'inust remit payment in advance, as. we cannot collect from those in the Army.

Ad Iress,r lIUBBARD BIIO.S. .t CO., Sole Impoiiteus,

Con. Nassau & John Sts. New-York.Jan. 1, 1863?6 ta.


' Just Published in a Scaled Enveloped? i'rice 0 cents :

" ffSIMtML \ LECTURE BY dh.culvbr-a *ti~rrrW ?VBUi,ONTJIKCAVSK.\M>

? \Y ,>y # CI'RE of Spennntorrhfca, Con' sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Ner-

0' vousmess, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the. Body; Lassitude; Weakness of fho Limbs and

the Back; Indisposition, and fncapneity forStudy and Lub<>r: Dullness of Apprehension:Loss of Memory: Aversion to Society; Love ol

Solitude; Timidity; Self-Distrust; Dizziness;j Headache; Affections of tho Kyes: Pimples on

tho Face; Involuntary Emissions, and SexualIncapacity: the Consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, Ac.. Ac.

This admirable Lecture clearly proves thatthe above cuum* rated, often self afflicted, evilsmaybe removed without medicine and without

1 dangerous surgical operations, and liou'd hor read by every youth and every man inthe lauCi,r Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain,

) scaled envelope, on tho receipt of six cents, ortwo postage stamps, bv addressing

Dr.CIIAS. J.O. KLINE, 17 Bowery NewYork. Post Office box 4,580.

March 10.1 SG 1 ni.


GROCERIES, LIQUORS,- Queens and Glassware,

Chewing and SmokingTobacco,

nrES, SNUFF, MATCHES, ETC.,Baltimore Street, uoar tho Bailroad Depot,

Cumberland, ,Tld.

THE two extonsives stores of WM. It. BEALLfc CO., adjoning each other on the

side of Baltimore Street, are now stock-ed with a full, Irosh and varied assortment ofthe above artioies, which thoy will dispose ofon reasonable terms, WHOLESALE and RE-TAIL, to their City and Country customers.

FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, LIQUORS,otc., constantly on hand.

| Dec. 11, 1862?1y.

| Vulcanite Teeth?VulcaniteTeeth!


DR. TUTMMELSIUME,llknti.it,having tho-roughly tested for more than two years the

Vulcanite plate in a largo number, and some ofthe most difficult oases, where gold and other

: plates had utterly failed, and being satisfied ofits absolute superiority overall other methods,commends it therefore with entire confidence tothose desiring full or partial bets of teeth, es-pecially if dissatisfied with those they are nowusing. This improved system in the art ofDental practice has been adopted by thosestanding highest iu the profession, north andsouth. Testimonials will bo given and speci-mens exhibited to those wishing to see them.Gold or any other pinto made, of course, for

j such as prefer them. FILLING, CLEANS-j ING, REG PLATING,and all other operations 'gently and thoroughly performed. TEETII 1EXTRACTED without pain, with ether. 1

Office at his rosidenco, corner BALTIMOREand LIBERTY STREETS, up stairs, overRead fc Brother's Grocery, and immediatelyopposito Cimpbell's Drug Storo, Cumberland, *Md.

Persons in want of Teeth,etc., willfindit to their interest to call on Dr. 11., as he has 1reduced his prices to half tho usual charges tosuit tho times. Nov. 7, 1861. '

*. ! (

Attention Soldiers. 'JITBT received, a fine assortment of Port Fo- flios, Pocket Ink Stands, Gold Pens, <fce., s

for sale very cheap for cash, at tHALE SWAKTZWELDER'B j tUnder Belvidero Hall, j r

Jan. 22, 1862. jPICKELS, by the barrel or lluudred for sale

byFeb. $. ? WM, R. BEALL A CO




Chappell s Hyp erion,For Curling the Hair.

By using Cbnppell's Hyperion, Undies nndGentlemen con beautify themselves a thousandfold.

Chappcll's HyperionIs tho only article in the World that willCurl

straight Hair!Tho only articlo that will Curl tho Ilnir

InGlossy Curls,In Sunny Curls,

In Silken Curls,InAuburn Curls,

InFlaxen Curls,In Flowing Curls,

InWaving Curls,In Boautifnl Curls,

In Luxuriant Cnrls,In Raven Curls!

It makes tho Hair SOFT and GLOSSY : it INVIOOKATES the Hair; it BE A UTIFIEB thoHair; it CLEANSES the Hair: it is most DE-LIGHTFUL and EXQUISITELY

IH'IKFViTIEH.Tho Hyperion does not in any manner intorfcro

with tho

Natural Softness of the Hair.Itnoithor scorches norilrios it; it gives thoHair a soft, thrifty nppoarnnco ; it PRE VENTStho Hair from

It is tho only articlo ever yet discovered thatwill

Curl Sfrnislil Hairin beautiful curls, without injury to the hair

or scalp. The Hyperion has boen boforethe public but about six months, and

i in that short period of time ithasboon tested by more than

One Hundred Thousand Persons!1 And they all universally testify that the HY-

PERION IS THE GREATEST BEAUTIFIEItEVER offered to the American people,

j The llypcriorcan lie so applied as to causothe Hair to Curl for one Day, or for one Week,

- or for ono Month, or for any longer period do-sired.

, Tho Hyperion istlie only artiele in tho worlde but what ean ho counterfeited or imitated by

, unprincipled persons. To prevent this, wc donot offer it for salo at any Druggist's in the

. United States. Therefore, any Lady or Gen-tleman who dosircs the soft luxuriant Curls,

and who desiresto beautify themselves by usingthe Ilypeiion, must inclose tho

Price Ono Dollar- in w letter, nnd address

W. CHAPI'EI.r. & <o.,Box 54, Parkman, Geauga Co., Ohio,

and it willbo carefully sent by return mail.Jan. 211,1362.?1y.



\u25a0 tsStiSlQueens-ware and Glassware


HAVE now in stoic one of the largest nndbest selected Stocks of

? Queensware and Glassware,over brought to this market.

Also, a large lot of FLOUR, BACON, FISH,' SALT, Ac. LIQUORS, of all kinds.' Storo on Baltimore Street, near the Depot.

r Cumberland, Oct. 3, 1861.

j DO YOU WANT TO BUYi A.; Good Watch, Clock, or Jewelry, etc?


; S. T. LITTL E' S.

HAVE boon often deceived in buying an inferior article elsewh ro??lfsojgo toS.T

LITTLE'S. Are you .-tfrnid it is no uee??? Then once more I ray, to S. T. LITTLE'S.

Why go to S. T- LITTLE'S? If you willkeopit a secret I willtoil you. S. T. LITTLE is to

Lc relied upon. All goods sold by him are justwhat lie says tnSJ* are. If it is toft solderplated Jewelry lie willteli yU* If t 1!" floodsare filled he willtell you. If you want to buya good Watch, you can rel}upon his judgmentns well as his word. If you want a good Clock,he has some of the very best make, especiallythosoofKeth Thomas'. The beauty of his busi-ness is, ho sells

CHEAP FOR CASH.If you want your Watch or Clock put in

good order, go to S. T. LITTLE, as he war-rants nil his work. His place of business ison the West Side of


St. Nicholas Hold & llcvcre House, jJuly 19-tf S. T. LITTLE.




"great work for the


married or thoEC con-?iNsjla*: templating marriage?-

\u25a0l 200 pagcß full of

Plat°s,rf j^Ki '!s®|7' rice twenty-five centsBSfifcB|j ?sent toall parts underPgS-|g ; mail, Post Paid.

50,000 copies sold theJkgiJs past year. The single

married, nnd the married happy. A lecture on[ Lovx.or bow to choose a partner: a complete| work on midwifery. It contains hundreds olsecrets never beforepublished?warranted to beworth thiee times the amount asked for it, 25 jcents inspecie or postage stamps, enclosed, will 'secure a copy by return mail.

Addres J. TELLER, M. D.No. 5 Beaver st., Albany, N. Y.

Viohois* Fkmaie Puis, one dollar abox, with full directions. Married ladiesshonldnotusethem. Scntbymail. AddressDr.Tel-ler, ns above. y sept 7, 60?ly.

Insolvents .Yolice,Geo. M. Blocher, 7 ORDERED, this 25thday

vs. !? November, 1802, thatHis Creditors. J Geo. M. Blocher give no-

tice to his creditors and endorsers sureties, thathe 2nd Monday of April next is fixed for the

said G. M. Blocher to appear in the Circuit -Court for Allegany county to answer sucn in-terrogatories as his creditoas, endorsers andsureties may propose or allege against hint; ,and that a copy of this order be publisfhcd in (some newspaper printed in tho city o Cum-berland, once a week for throe successive -months prior to the said 2nd Monday, of Aprilnext, as such notice. ,

Test?H. RK3LKY,Jan. 8,1863 3m. Clerk. | g

AMERICAN WATCHES for sale at Factory V

Prices at f NOT. B.] B,T. LITTLE'S I



NEW BRUNSWICK. jFrom recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, j

1862; cost $20,000 to engraveit and oneyear's jtime.

Superior toanyslomap ever made by Col- |ton or Mitchell, and sells at the low price of jfifty-cents; 370,000 namesaroengraved on thismap.

It is not only a County Map, but it is also a ;COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP j

of the United States and Canadas combined in ione, giving

EVERY' RAILROAD STATION 'and distance between.Guarantoo any woman or man $3 to $5 per '

day, and willtake back all maps that cannotbo sold and refund the money.

Sond for $1 worth to try.Printed instructions how to canvass well fur- '

nished all our agents.Wanted?Wholesale agents for our Maps in '

every "State. California, Canada, Ergland, IFrance, and Cuba. A fortune may bo madewith a few hundred dollars capital. A'o com-petition. J. T. LLOYD,

No. 151 Broadway. New-York.The War Department usesfour Map of Virgi-

nia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost $10(1,-000, on which is marked Antietam Creek,Shnrpsburg, Maryland nights, Willintnsport iFerry, Rhorersville.Noland's Ford, and all otii- iers on the Potomac, and every other placo in jMaryland, Virginin, and Pennsylvania,or men- !ey refunded.


OHIO, INDIANA,and ILLINOIS, |is the only authority for General Buoll and tiicWar Department. Money refunded to any one jfinding on error in it. Price 50 cents.

From The Tribune, Aug. 2."LLOYD'S MAP OF VIRGINIA. MARY-!

LAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA.?This Mapis very large ; its cost is hut 25 conts, and it inthe bent which can he pitrehnncrt."

LLOYD'S GREAT MAP OF TIIF MISSIS- 1SIPPI RIV I.lt?l rotn Actual Surveys by Capts jBart and Win. Bowen, Mississippi River Pilots,of St. Louis, slo.,shows every inan'splantntion 1and owner's name from St. Louis to the Gulf ofMexico?l,3so miles?every sand-bar, island,town, landing, and all places 20 miles back 'from the river?eoloied in counties and States.Price, $1 in sheets, $2, pocket form, and $2 56on linen, with rollers. Ready Sept. 20.

NA vv DBIMIITMRNT,Washington, Sept. Ig, ISC2.

.1. T. T,i.orn?Sir : Send me your Map of theMississippi River, with price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles II Davis, comman-ding the Mississippi squadron, is authorized topurchase as many nsnre required for use of thatsquadron. GIDEON WELLES,

Get. 2?ft. Secretary of the Navy.

Collection of ClaimsAgainst the United States.

HAVING secured the co-operation ol ef-ficient and very successful Agents, in

Washington City, for the adjustment and col-lection of claims against the United SlatesGovcrnnicut, whose long experience in ilieoffices of the Paymaster General anil Quurtci--moster Gjr.cral, have them withthe proceedings and details of business in theproper Departments, and for whose responsi-bility and promptness I am willingto vouch;and being pro tided with the latest necessaryforms and Instructions from the Auditor'sOffice, I am now prepared lo prosecute andcollect, with all possible facility and dispatch,all lawful claims against the Government olthe United States, on th; usual and reasona-ble terms?including

For //orses and other property lost or de-stroyed whilst in the service of the FailedSlates; Subsistence, Transportation ; Fx-

] penses incurred in organizing, subsisting andtranspurtiny Troops, prior to muster into ser-vice ; Soldiers and Teamsters Fay ; Bounty,Tensions; Balance due to deceased Soldiers

I and Bounty /.ami.CHARLES I!. TiII?USToX,

Attorney at Law,Cumberland, Md.

icr Office on Gailiiaore Street, near theRailroad Depot.

June 10, '62?Km. *

Imboden's Capture.WM. F. BOOGHBR,1,1 AS just returned from the Northern

-I nnd Eastern Cities with a large assort-

ment of Gold and Silvs r

American and Englishm.W S B S3 sz

-4lso, New, Rich nnd Hnnd.-omtv 12 nnr 'l2 w n \r-A jM UWI ,M .M X j

Embracing the latest and roost desirable pat-terns.

1 Gold Silver and S'lccl .Spectacles,

: d-'i-iSS,in great variety ; Silver and Plated Ware. Fine

-dmeriean and English Cutlerv.

ARMY GOODS IThe finest assortment ol the most improvedRevolvers, Officer's Haversacks,with a varietyof other

MILITARY GOODS,Whicli for cheapness arid durabilitycannot be

. excelled in the eity. This Stock of New anddesirable Goods having heen purchased forOnfli at the Manufacturers, it is with confidencewo can offer them to the public at such pricesas will give satisfaction to all who may favorus with a call. iWe sell for Cash Only. |

ir.fi. i' aooauEH,AtS. T. Link's Balto. St.

Cumberland Nov. 20,1862.


Also, Pensions, Prize Money, aud other 'claims.against tho United States promptly se-'cured.



N. B.?No letters asking information canbb anBwecrd unless a stamp is enclosed for re- 'turn postage.



'? VON KILMAMREGEK,44 WM. L. SCHLEY,44 B. L. BEALL, (U. S. A. Mustering Officer,

COL. GEO. R. HOWARDDoc. 25, 1802?ly. .


11Just received at JWM. ANDREWS' f

Jan. 29. Under St. Nicholas Hotel. p

OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR at the pBook Store under the St.Nicholas Hotel.

March 19. WM. BRACE.

Catholic Prayer Books !

JUST receivod, an assortment of Catholic fPrayor Books, very cheap for ensh at HALE 1SWARTZWELDEIVS Baltimoro St. under Bel- uriders Hell. Cumberland, Md. d

Feb. 12.

Civilian & Telegraph


ESTABLISHMENTBrooks' Block, Bait. St., near the BridaoCUMBERLAND, MD.

William EvansProprietor.


PHIS TUBNeatly and expeditiously executed;




I PROGRAMMES,, Manifests, Ball Tickets, Ac| Monro prepared to execute in style uns.s-

-jiISMSSB PlffiTM.! Ilaring recently received from the Typen'l',",".'r '"1 exlcnsiro assortment of FINKLUis. lor the purpose of printing Bill-Heade,

1if/, .Jhos 7 ant of anything in that war,'vrLltv**Ti"iCr at "'° "ffic 'o ° f the "Cl-have nfl, TEI.KfiUAPir,1 ' where they can

' ..' r w<?rk got ton up in STYLE, and at

tho entice? ' V oon,P a, 'e withtlioso of.ny.t



? \u25a0 HOLLOtI AY'S OINTMENT.j I ONiJ MARCHES, sure anil stiff joints,btff.

? I-J to red aud intlamod feet, nil theso the Sol-dier must endure. Mothers, remember llft,

3 jwhen your sons are grasping their muskets la

1 jmeet danger; think what relief a single pot, . nf this it/' hriih'iiijand cooliny Salve will give

I to the one you love when far away from home- 'anil friends. It hardens and makes tough the

foot, so that they can endure great futiga*.. jIt soothe* and relieves tho intln.ued and stlff-/ ened joints, leuving them supple, stioug *id

_ jvigorous, while for


it so lunequalled, removing and prevent-i'' /' /ery vestige of inflammation, and gently

' r wing tho edges together, it quickly nndfc mpletcly heals tho inst frightful wounds.

Wives and Sisters of our Voluntoora.Von cannot put into the Knapsacks of your

i Husbands and Brothers, moro valuable *rmore ueeessnry gift than a supply of this

Extraordinary MilitarySalvo.

The lonely sentry walking his rounds n-l

, night, exposed to drenching rains and chillnight air, is often seized with most ohpn 'it, coujh and Hujfocntiny hour§*nt*ar first

. syniqitoiuH of quirk r'umuruption, but if suppliedwith lIOI.Iit)WAV'S PILLS and IIOI.LO.

' j WAV'S OINTMENT,all danger i> averted, a" few Pills taken night aud morning, aud the

IOintment briskly rubbed twice a day over theIthroat and chest w illremove the pain*and stop the mo.-t distressing or tianytroumi

t Irough. Therefore we say to.tho whole Army. |SOLDIERS ATTENTION {!

I See to your own health, io not trust t9 theI Army stipplio* although most valuable. Theoe,PILLS and OINTMENT have b en thoroughly'

-: tested : tbeyaro tho only reu.edle* used in thejEuropean Camps and Da Tracks. Tor forty 1years Doctor Ilotloway ha* supplied nil the'Artuic* in Europe, and during the Crimia-n'C'u/npni.jn h" established ft depot nt Balaclava,

l for tho exclusive sole of these yrent, Many a time his special Agent there has sold

over \u2666ton in weight of the Ointment iu a sin-gle day. These terrible and fatal enernlfg o4

-fie ivl'Htrin coinjit

DiairLuea, Dyeentmy, Scuivy, Cores, andScrofulcttß Eruptions,

nil disappear like u charm before these- PILLfl1and OINTMENT, and now while the orv ring*

? throughout the laud, .

TO ARMS! TO ARMSfDo not let these bravo men perish bv disease,place in their hands thise puciovt remedies,that will enable them to resist the dangerous

>exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and t'aIwounds which they cauuot avoid, and what ts

more cannot frequently get succor in the mo| incnt of need, whereas if our brove men banIonly to put their hands into their Kuapsaels[and find.there u euro remedy for all tho casual,

ties of tho buttle field, how thousands ot

lives would thus be saved who would otherwiseperish beforo relief could be obtained.

I ! ?None are genuine unlessthe words "lIOLLOWAV,NEW YJRK AKD Loi--

, I>ON,' arc discernable a* a IFafcr uia & ineverjj? leaf of the book ofdirections, around each potI or box ; the same may be plainly seen by hold-

j inythe leaf to the liyht, A handsome rewardwill bo given to any one rendering such infor

j motion us may lead to the detection of anyparty or parties counterfeiting the medicines

,or vending tho same, knowing tbern to bo spn !! rioug.

! ***Sold at the Manufactory of Profeaao \I HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York andby all respectable Druggists and Dealara V|Medicines throughout the civilized world, 1#pots, at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each.

is a considerable saving by taklnj.the larger sizes.

N. B.?Directions for the guidance of pai

tients, in every disorder, are affixed to eaolbox.

Jan. 22, 1863?1y.


DENTIST^RESPECTFULLY informs the Citizen of Cum-

berland and the publio generally, that hahas removed his office to hi* residence, on thicorner of Baltimore and Liberty Streets, ovoi

Read A Brother'* Storo, and immediately opposite Campbell's" Drug Storo, where he iw pr-pared to attend to thopractice of DENIISTHYin all Its departments.

Feb. 7, 1801?y.

Bank Notice.VTOTES of the Allognr.y County Back. CUD'IX berland, Md? will be redoomed in BaltiJmore bv the Citizens Bank, at ono hall per ci.discount. P. E. CONKLIX.

Sept. I?tt